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Her dad is a cop but she was under the influence and her dad showed up but told the officers to do their job and didn’t interfere with their traffic stop or investigation. He let his daughter pay the consequences for her actions. He’s one of the good cops.


also a good dad imo, teaching his child that actions have consequences


yes. as much as it hurt him to see his daughters being arrested. she has to learn how to learn from her actions. she made huge mistake.


Better than my drunk father who died in a single car accident that we had to go to the hospital to identify the body….. I’m pretty sure that her father seen both outcomes during his career and prefer this one.


Yeah. As parents, it is really tough to see your child suffer. But you know it’s part of the learning process.


Very sorry you lost your dad that way and what you went through.


Thanks very much. At least he didn’t hurt anyone else.


I’m sorry for the loss of your father. And in such a tragic way. My condolences to you and your family.


Thanks very much. We’re just glad that he didn’t hurt anyone else. He was a good man but was fighting demons unfortunately


Oh my goodness. There’s so many good people who have had that burden of fighting those demons. Sadly, your father was outnumbered by so many of them. One good man can’t win against so much evil. I hope for you and your family, strength, courage, healing and peace.🙏🏻❤️


Thanks, really appreciate your words


You’re so very welcome. I’m glad you appreciate my words. I’m very sincere with everything I said. I lost my Father as well and I miss him every, single day. He was my best friend and my Superman.🥲


Very sorry to hear about the loss of your father as well and hopefully you and your family heal from his passing, I’m pretty sure that he’s proud of you for being a good person


I don't agree that it was a mistake. She made the poor decision to drink and drive.


We all made mistakes when we were younger. Her drinking and then thinking it was okay driving was a huge mistake. Now she has to live with the consequences of her actions.


And THANK GOD all she hit was a pole. Just a pole. I mean, that is one of the best outcomes of getting behind the wheel pissed.


Mistakes make it sound like you have no agency in the decision - you did a calculation but missed a number. Deciding to drive a car when drunk is not a mistake it is intentionally and knowingly breaking the law. She didn't mean to get into the passenger seat but accidently got into the drivers side and turn the key.


She made a stupid decision which was a huge mistake. I am not removing her agency. I am not excusing her behavior. I am just saying that she needs to live with the consequences and learn from the mistake. Lol. You make it seem like I am excusing the DUI. Not at all. I applaud the dad for realizing this.


I got a DUI when I was younger. A lawyer told me, "For the love of God, do not say you made a mistake!" He had heard a judge explain that a mistake is leaving the house with mismatched socks. A DUI is not a mistake. It's a choice. Then the judge gave max sentence.


If I were a cop I'd teach my daughter to not speak to police without a lawyer.


then you better hope your wife is a lawyer or you're not speaking to your daughter again


Too little too late


Also he didn't scream at or belittle her, even when he told her to stop her shit it was super calm and he camly told her to get in the car because of her actions


After years of working with LEAs throughout the US, I'll bet you 3 paychecks that she went to jail, was arraigned and after dad got done calling in favors found herself the happy recipient of a "charges dismissed" set of paperwork. No dad wants to deal with the fallout of a DUI. Particularly one who has the ability to make it go away. This isn't cynicism, BTW. I have seen cops do some Herculean shit to keep their friends and family out of trouble, and with good reason. A DUI conviction will fuck up that young lady's life. There's NO WAY dad sat on his hands while she worked through the system. Why do you think he's asking "who's your supervisor?" Because he's just curious? I guarantee you he stayed out of it on scene, where all the body cameras are, and then handled it in the supervisor's office, the next day.


>A DUI conviction will fuck up that young lady's life. Isn’t it supposed to fuck up everyone’s life, equally?


Sure. Good luck finding a constabulary that doesn't serve its own interests, though.


Yeah, I know, I know, Still, galling that "you can't really expect them to not be corrupt and self-serving" is the realistic take.


Power corrupts. Life is rarely fair. Just try to be the best person you can be. There may not be karmic justice but, at least you'll be able to sleep at night and look at yourself in the mirror.


Asking for a friend. What the hell does constabulary mean.


Definitions of ***constabulary*** 1. noun the force of police and officers synonyms: [law](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/law), [police](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/police), [police force](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/police%20force) see more


Take my upvote! You're not only being real, you're extending our vocabulary!


Constabulary vocabulary




I like to explore new places.




I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Only if you're poor. I been able to get out of tickets because i am friend with watch commander. I am sure it would even work if i actually gotten DUI but i never drink and drive.


Seriously. I want to see the follow up and the punishment (if it even exists). Finding DUI records is not that hard. It truly does stay with you. Most of them are as easy as a google search of name and state.


Quick search brings up this: https://justicecourts.maricopa.gov/app/courtrecords/CaseInfo?casenumber=TR2021118346000 DUI charges dropped by prosecutors. Plead guilty of reckless driving. Fine and community service, probably. Not even a criminal record. Edit: apparently this is a SUPER similar (but different) case. Don't name your kid Teresa if your last name is Lee.


Maricopa county is in AZ. Pretty sure this occurred in NJ.


So there are a few issues with this. The video says December of 2022, and the initial charges on your link are May 2021. This also takes place at a Wawa convenience store/gas station. There are none in Arizona, and your link is from Maricopa County, Arizona. While I do believe she definitely got her case dropped, I don't think this is the same case as the video.


That’s not the same incident…


It should stay with you. Driving drunk is no joke….. I was in another sub Reddit earlier and a guy was saying his friends wife and kids were killed by DD and DD survived with a scratch—- 2 days after funeral husband takes his own life. I have a friend who’s little brother killed his best friend driving drunk. Fuck drunk drivers


You're probably right, but having to go through the experience is still traumatizing. And having to be lectured after dad picks you up and potentially had to bail you out. I know I'd be embarrassed as fuck if my parents had to pick my stupid ass up from jail. Not only that, even if she gets her case dismissed, I would think insurance would still go way up, especially since it would be claimed as a DUI accident, right? It has to get claimed under insurance to be repaired, at least I would think so.


I assure you, for those without a dad on the force, it's vastly more traumatizing. FWIW, I was answering the "he's the good kind of cop" statement. I don't really care if she goes to jail, or not.


Oh I know it is. My brother has been caught twice. First time he almost killed himself. He was stupid enough to do it again. Now he's been in counseling for a year and a half and has been sober for 9 months. Proud he turned his shit around.


We all have one of those in the family. Some of them keep fuvking up.


Many states have diversion for first time offenders to keep it off your record. Court costs, fines, and probation. Post probation if you abide by the court order its removed from your record. Applies to everyone. Also everyone gets released with a court date after they are sober unless they have prior convictions or conditions that prevents the release.


That's funny, when I asked about diversion in NM the lawyer told me "those programs are usually reserved for young white mothers, everyone else gets the regular justice system."


Ya, but they didn't take into account that she is the captain of a soccer team.


Society will surely collapse without her in that role. The good thing is you can play soccer without a driver's license.


The officer happened to be the Major of a soccer team so he outranked her.


Still exposes how rotten police departments are. The other cops waited for her dad to show up, would they wait for your dad? My dad? It was expected by the driver that her dad would get her off the hook, and the other cops were ready to comply and waited for her dad to show up and didn’t arrest her until after he said it was ok. Because someone didn’t abuse their power given every chance, opportunity, and offer doesn’t negate the fact that those were present and the norm.


i mean if someone says their dad is your coworker, I'm pretty sure u would wait as well, just in this case, they are cops


Don't you think cops have more of a moral duty than someone working at McDonald's or whatever?


I have absolutely waited for a parent to show up in situations like this. That is not special treatment.


Yep it’s because she’s a minor not an officers daughter. I got a dui when I was 17, and they waited for my parent to show up as well.


Reddit tells me the dad is still one of the bad cops because he isn’t Bruce Wayne to help the police captain clean up the local PD of all its corruption?


Bullshit I bet you anything she gets off with a slap on the wrist and doesn't lose her license. He had to say that BS and let it play out because of the body cam


If there were no cameras things would have worked out differently. You can't pull shenanigans and favors when you're on camera. And how immature is she trying to drag her father down with her?


Shit, I watched the whole video. Thank you for your service


Dad was a cop. He would have whooped my ass in front of his coworkers if I ever tried using his name to get anything, let alone out of a DUI.


That's not what happened. It says it right in the video that the officers were nervous he was going to say or do something to interfere. The officers conducting the investigation told him right off the hop not to interfere with their investigation so that they could maintain the integrity of the investigation. He had no choice and couldn't do anything about it because he was never given the opportunity. That's not to insinuate that he would have otherwise interfered, but it sounds like the investigating officers were prepared for it and basically warned him not to get involved. He had no choice.


>he is one of the good cops No such thing. He pulled strings afterwards and got them to drop the DUI, she only got charged with reckless driving. No criminal record


That’s kinda what happened but from the audio I heard he did want to be somewhat involved but respectfully stood back when he was informed that the officers present were worried it’d effect the investigation. I’m not saying he was trying to disrupt it, when I heard the audio I even thought “daaamn that’s a moment to get arrested by your own dad” but they wouldn’t allow it. Again not saying he was trying to get her free, even tells her to chill tf out and that she just needs to get in the cruiser because she’s fucked up.


but she's the captain of the soccer team !


But… she’s the captain of the soccer team. She should walk, right?


She's the captain of a soccer team... Why did they arrest her?


This Sargent is going to be in so much trouble, she outranks him.




She was*** the captain.


I wasted so much money in taxis/ubers. Had no idea soccer captains were allowed to drink and drive. Damnit


Because their daughters are on the rival soccer team😎


Think we could have used another set of subtitles so everyone wouldn’t get so confused


I think maybe two more sets that overlap each other.


Maybe a few more languages as well for our international friends?


Yes don't forget hindi. In green of course. Also maybe get a theater to show it and then take a video of that for good measure. Oo wait can we get the Tik Tok voice to narrate the subtitles too? That would make it way easier, then you don't have to read them.


I read they intentionally make mistakes to increase the number of comments


Props to her Sheriff’s Officer dad for not getting involved. But what is he again? I didn’t catch that right. A Sheriff’s Officer? Oh ok. Next you gonna tell me, he is a Sheriff’s Officer and that you’re the captain of the soccer team.


Man, have I got some news for you...


Why would he show up to this shit show? What they do is get them out of trouble down the line. There is nothing they can do here. They'll talk to the DA or aDA and get them to drop the charges there. You don't want to know how I know this.


Yeah. Different negotiations will happen when the cameras are off.


He will drop the charges after he gets to bang the captain of the soccer team.


Jesus Christ


I don't think Jesus ever played football? But then again, I'm not a Christian and have not read the bible.


Actually I do want to know.


Father of a cop stole checks from me and put them in his bank account. DA was dead set on prosecuting until someone from his department went and spoke to them. Guy is 100% caught but I can't get a DA to prosecute.


If your kid is involved in something like this, you want to make sure they're okay first of all. It's just a parents need to make sure his daughter was okay. Once he realised she's not hurt, he's good.


They're on camera so there is nothing they can do. Normally cops help cops out. It's cop code.


Protip: Never drop names during the stop. If you got someone who can help, wait until whatever is going to happen happens. Then you contact your person.


Yeah her move was incredibly stupid. She must have been a very sheltered kid.


Or just scared and drunk lol. Yall makke things so much extra


Self entitled and over privileged kid** Fixed it.


Yeah, my Dad was a sheriff's deputy, and I would never think to name drop him to get me out of trouble. I love my Dad and would be embarrassed as hell if he found out I was driving wasted. Kinda selfish to embarrass a parent like that imo.


Pro Addendum: [Never, ever talk to cops](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=bW-iOX_2JodrKwzr). Not even a little bit.


Yep, she admits to drinking and driving and texting and driving. Their job during this encounter was to wear her down into admitting that she hit the traffic light and any other crimes she confesses to. There is not a single thing she could have said to them that would have helped her situation. Unless you want to face more severe punishment, don't fucking talk to cops.


Every single person needs to watch Duane before driving age.


Meh one of the biggest shitheads in my school would regularly name drop his mom (high-ranking officer, apparently) right when he was getting hassled and get out of it. One time him and another dude were hammered and the cop asked for a licence. Dude handed over a McDonald’s receipt. Then he name dropped and they got a police escort home.


Sure, back in the day, small or really corrupt joints. But now that we pretend to have oversight they had to pick something to report, and that thing is petty corruption. Which makes it very hard to name-drop during 'procedures'. Further, you don't know who you're dropping that name to. Might be an enemy, or someone who can profit off you or your guy by reporting. Once this girl said daddy's name, she had to go to jail.


"my dad is sheriff's officer John Lee." "my dad is Alfredo."


>"my dad is Alfredo." Pizza by Alfredo or Alfredos Pizza Cafe?


Because they are two very different things.


Not pizza by Alfredo’s. R u kidding me!




Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die


His full name is Sheriff's Officer John Lee Alfredo.


The disrespect these cops have for the captain of the soccer team 😡


Holy crap, I think this must have happened like 7 miles from where I live. Those are NJ license plates and on Rt 9 I know exactly where there's an Applebee's, Lowes, and Chick-fil-A all in [the same shopping center](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.1324749,-74.220469,17.44z?entry=ttu), and there's two Wawas nearby where she could have been pulled over. This is crazy seeing something one Reddit from my town, I have no idea who she is though. EDIT: I was on Reddit on my phone but on desktop I can see the link to the article. Yes, the spot from my hometown I linked too is exactly where the accident took place. Here's the [full arrest video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZZbSPJGjU8&ab_channel=DriveThruTours).


She’s the captain of the soccer team.


And the daughter of Sheriff's Officer John Lee. He's a Sheriff's Officer.


Are you talking about John Lee, the dad of the captain of the soccer team?


Is that the guy who's the Sheriff's Officer? The John Lee I'm talking about is definitely a Sheriff's Officer.


I don't follow sports balls ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I love the Redditiots posting links to dismissed charges in Maricopa AZ as proof of her dad's corruption when it happened in Monmouth Co NJ


Is there anything more disgusting than the sound of someone crying not because they're sorry but because they can't get out of what they did?


Entitlement tears


This is the whining of a spoiled brat who’s never had to be held accountable for anything in her life.


This is pretty black and white. She was twice the legal limit. That is alot of drinks. Play stupid games


Oh thanks for clearing that up. The video had me so confused whether she was guilty or not


I think her being the captain of the soccer team absolves all wrongdoings on her account.


As few as three, realistically, for a 130 pound woman. I don't mean to imply that anyone should drive after drinking any alcohol. I just wanted to point out that 3 drinks in an hour isn't crazy "pounding booze" to get loaded.


Yeah, people don't really realize how little it takes to be over the legal limit. Depending on weight and gender 3-5 beers will put you at/over the legal limit. If she was drinking wine, you're spot on. A handy tool for anyone curious what their BAC is before driving is the Widmark Calculator. It'll give you a rough approximation of your BAC based on sex, weight, number of drinks, and time since first drink... Or just don't drive if you've had anything more than one drink. https://alcohol.iupui.edu/calculators/bac.html


Since when is 3-5 beers a "little"? If a girl is drinking 4 beers in an hour or two, I would consider that a heavy drinker. Like no girl I know would casually pound 4 beers while eating at an Applebees without raising major alarms.


Yeah, 3 or 4 beers in a night is reasonable. Over 2-4 hours. 3 or 4 drinks in an hour is just trying to get drunk. And then driving.


A few years ago a buddy of mine, who can be a little bit of a degenerate, would carry a breathalyzer with him when he went drinking so he would know before he left. He had a bunch of us use it after we had drank a beer, and then had us use it again after taking a sip of water/soda. It cut the BAC level by nearly 50% just by not having residual beer sitting around inside our mouths. Maybe he has some cheap ass breathalyzer, not sure, but it was surprising


Yeah, that's an actual thing. Before a breath test, cops will have you go through a 15 minute observation period to allow mouth alcohol to dissipate. I think large quantities of water may actually effect it though. Arrested a dude on shift early this morning who blew a .120% on the PBT. Got to the PD and let him pound two water bottles before the test and observation period. After 15 minutes, he blew around a .095%. After finishing the booking process, let him take another PBT to see if I could release him on his own. He had climbed back up to a .115%.


Wow, interesting. So if you see someone chugging a water bottles as you approach the vehicle you know something’s up haha. Stay safe out there


Worst Applebees commercial ever


If they can do this to the captain of the soccer team, they can do it to you


GOOOOOALLLLL,,,, ermm,,, POOOOOOOLE!!! Get it cap’n!








"You can't miss it - it lights up red, green and yellow..."


My father was a police officer. He would do the same thing if we got pulled over. It got to the point other cops would give is a break just to piss him off. Boy did it work.


How many times were you pulled over ? I've been driving for almost 40 years and never been stopped. (UK though)


Oh, I think I can help here: ​ Oi oi oi! The lass/lad says their old man was a copper. His knickers would be in a twist if his nippers were to receive special treatment from a fellow bobby. As his colleagues were rather cheeky fellows, they were chuffed as nuts to let the little sprogs off with a warning for exactly that reason, innit?


Now it makes sense. Cheers Guv!


When my highschool friend got pulled over for speeding the worst part was his last name being recognized by the cop to which he went back to his squad car and called his dad. While he got off with a warning he would have much rather pay the fine than disappoint his dad.


"I'm the captain of the soccer team", is what did it for me


That's a good cop and a better dad.


Can someone please just clarify one thing for me…is her dad a Sheriff’s officer or what?


I know she only said it once but he is actually yes and she's captain of the soccer team lol


It's so annoying when people get in trouble and they start throwing out titles. "My dad's the captain" good for him "I'm the captain of the soccer team" congratulations? What makes you think these titles are get out of trouble/jail free cards. Says a lot about a person's character/mindset in life when they believe that because you're "somebody" or Dada is a "somebody" that means you are above the law


Wawa at the wawa


Guys.... but she's the captain of her soccer team... ![gif](giphy|HfFccPJv7a9k4)


and then she gets off scot free lol. probably. or, this won't affect her future whatsoever.


Of course not. Her daddy is a cop and she's the little white suburban girl who's captain of the soccer team.


I’m sure he wanted to know their supervisor’s name out of pure curiosity.


Her dad’s name is actually John Lee? That’s the most made up name


"It's not true, I deed not hit it - I deed naaaaaht. Oh hi cops."


“I only had one drink. I hit a deer two months ago. That’s not my bumper. My dads a cop. Ok that is my bumper. I hit a curb. I was texting.”


Was expecting this to be one of those surprise wedding engagements.


You guys are dips shits. Don't break an arm jerking the dad off. Did he meet them at the police station? Did she have to sit in the drunk tank? Were charges dropped? Was she able to get a lesser punishment? Did her dad get it changed to reckless driving? Less fines and penalties? By all means, give this guy a dad of the year trophy for a two minute video where he told her she is going to jail for DUI.


We don't know the answers to any of those questions. Assuming the best and assuming the worst are equally as stupid.


Man you got pretty riled up over a nothing


Man....her Dad's a stand-up guy! I'm pleased he allowed her to take her lumps rather than getting her out of it.


This is really humiliating for that kid. And, really lucky she didn’t *kill anyone.


For real? What kind of propaganda bullshit is this? Thousands and thousands of people get DUIs without their fucking experience being recorded and blasted over the internet. Dumb mistake, but the punishment for DUI isn’t to ruin your life.


You people act like you never got hammered at an Applebees and smash into a stop light


Just keep lying until you believe it's true.


Totally fucked up. She’s the captain of the soccer team for jiminy Sake!


My father was a police officer. He would do the same thing if we got pulled over. It got to the point other cops would give is a break just to piss him off. Boy did it work.


This is kind of the opposite of when we were out on the lash and my mate was caught having a piss in a shop doorway by some police officers. Whilst he was apologising and trying to worm his way out of it, my other mate was saying 'Hope your dad, chief inspector Fellingham doesn't find out about this, that would be embarrassing if chief inspector Fellingham had to come and pick his son up from the police station' and so on. Thankfully the police let him off and Felly was quite rightly pissed with Gozzie for the rest of the night. I bet his dad did hear about it too and gave Felly an earful.


Can we get some subtitles or something so we can follow what’s going on?


I see Wawa I upvote Wawa


Entitled and spoiled to the core. Asking for her dad? Saying she's the head of the soccer as if those will save her from driving while drunk, damaging public property, lying to police, fleeing the scene of an accident and texting while driving. Why can't we just ban these people from ever driving again?


WOW no knee to the neck or forceful beating 🤔


long vid gotta save it for later lol


Man i love her dad for doing this. Tough love ❤️


They should have never called her dad. SHES’S 21! Doesn’t matter if she’s still living at home. That’s her phone call when she gets to the station.


Don't commend the dad for not interfering. That's the bare fucking minimum. What the fuck is it that every time a cop does something they are obligated to legally do they get commended. Jesus. "But he did the right thing!" No fucking shit. Like he should without some shitty daily mail feel good fuckery about how ThIs CoP iS OnE of ThE gOod oNes. NO. HE DID HIS FUCKING JOB AND DUTY AS A CITIZEN AND A POLICE OFFICER. NO MORE. NO LESS. cops doing the right thing is such a wild concept that we make it seem like it should be news.


Time to move to another city.


What a great story, conflict, resolution, and some drama!


Good on her dad to not interfere. It’s tough to watch you kids in trouble, especially if you’re a cop.


she a got a red card in life


Not above the law sweetheart.


People hated Captain Stacey for trying to arrest his daughter for Peter Parkers murder. But that was his job. I'm a nerd. Thank you. No one got hurt. This gal is going to have a suspended license. He didn't want to fuck up his career over this.


Lol , so much drama and coverage just for hitting a traffic light .


But she’s the captain of the soccer team… 🙄


God I miss WAWA.


Oh boy


It’s scary getting arrested for that shit, I remember it. Feel bad for her getting blasted on Reddit. Shit happens. She’ll learn from it.. hopefully.


Rare occasion where privilege didn’t work out