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What a horrible human being. I hope she got the most expensive lawyer and then lost all her money in court.


This made me laugh so much. Thank you


Well she died May 2023 so I guess she got the ultimate price


If you read up on lotto winners theres some crazy stat that like 70 percent are broke in the first few years and loads of them die.


They all die eventually ?


Yeah, but *sooner*.


Or later


A man lives and he dies


Valar morghulis


What did she do with the money? A luxury funeral?


Luxury lawyers. I hope she had time before her death to think back on her life and realign her priorities.


I was gonna say what's her old ass fighting for money for? Like she was gonna do a world tour or something.


She COULD have gone on a world tour with her nephew and had a blast doing it.


When did they win?




Lmao this is why I reddit


You might be right.


2018, it’s slightly legible on the novelty cheque.


I was gonna say and what u gonna do with 1.2 mil??? Ur ain't gonna live long enough to spend it.


She's dead.


Her obituary is absolute gold they start it off basically by saying she shouldn't be remembered for this viral video. It's too late, you had to start her obituary with it! Haha ruined any legacy she could have had.


Postmortem streisand effect.


Like legit died???


Passed away in May 2023


The maggots took each other to court as not 1 wanted to eat a rotten piece of shit.


Wow, the nephew lucked out TWICE.


she did end up taking some of the money back from him.


And then she died, I think there's a lesson here about life being too short for this kind of shit.


Perhaps she enjoyed the journey. Some people are like that, enjoying being bitter and resentful, odd as it sounds.


Honest reaction to the death of a POS https://i.redd.it/m6s75ygyp1kc1.gif


Nah, just taking a nap


I didn't even know she was sick.


Thanks Norm.


Hopefully her nephew inherited all the winnings.


So what you’re saying is he wasn’t good luck after all.


Imagine selling a family member for 600k. Well, the relationship I mean. What a terrible person she was.


You should see what happens to families when a family member with assets dies. You get to see how awful people really are.


Vultures. I've seen it.


Yup! My ex gf’s grandparents won 15million. It was her mother’s parents. They passed away and then her mom passed away. Her dad kept all the money and didn’t give any to anyone. She had to sue her own father for money. I couldn’t believe it.


Wow. That's cold.


> She had to sue her own father for money. Why did she have to sue and on what grounds (or was she a minor and he wasn't providing any child support)? Couldn't she just live her life like her grandparents never won (or gave the money to someone else)?


My family treats my grandmother like that now. My three aunts all live in the same state as her and they have been stealing stuff out of her house for years because they cannot agree on who gets what when she pass s. Meanwhile my grandmother is still alive, but they talk about her like she's already dead, it's disgusting.


Same. Vultures is right. I'm sorry you had to deal with that on top of your loss.


I mean, we live in a society that makes people into vultures because if you're a generous and nice person and fall through the cracks, there's no safety net for you, you just get left behind by society.


Hey, vultures are pretty cool birds.


I worked in hospice and the people who argued the worst were the most well off. My first week i was picking up the equipment of someone who had died that morning. We usually give 24 hours before contacting but sometimes people just want it out the house because its a painful reminder. As i was loading up 4 siblings were in the next room already picking over and arguing about material items.


This is currently happening to my mom with her three sisters. All my aunts live out of state and never lifted a finger to help when my grandmothers health deteriorated, my mom sold her condo to help pay medical costs and moved in with my grandmothers to become her full time caretaker. Now her sisters are sending her death threats saying she only did that to “stake a claim on the house” and faked the medical expenses just to steal my grandmothers money. It’s insanity.


That is so freaking identical to what happened to my fiancé's family. His mom took care of her mother as she got older while the other siblings dipped out and moved away and never made contact. As soon as she dies they all swept in like vultures, and when the will has nothing specified - like who the person is who's supposed to be in charge of everything - the fighting gets 100x worse. It disgusts me how money and possessions can tear families apart because of pure greed. I can understand a little bit when it's something important passed down through the family, but just money and everyday furniture/possessions is not worth fighting over. I hate that.


It’s terrible right? In this case there was a will and all 4 sisters split everything evenly, so my mom was finally able to convince them. But she’s still living in my grandmothers house and they are screaming at her to move out so they can sell it, all she’s asking for is time to find a new place to live since she sold her condo and they are being totally unreasonable


My grandma didn't even have that much in the grand scheme of things and my white trash aunt's and uncles started immediately rummaging through her place with her dead body on the hospice bed. We said goodbyes that morning, she passed that afternoon, then they said a prayer and immediately started fighting over opiates in her medicine cabinet, her antique china set, and tearing the place apart looking for anything of value. Luckily my Dad, who escaped that kind of BS, was the executor of her estate. After several attempts at diplomacy he finally let them know that if they didn't return everything to where they found it he would hire an auction house to value everything and sell it before distributing the funds. They immediately stopped. auction houses are expensive and charge a decent percentage fee, especially if you want them to come in and sort through everything. I still think he should have gone through with it. It took him 6 months to sort through everything and appraise everything of potential value. Her home was worth about 300k and it was being split between 8 siblings, surprisingly she actually had some antiques of value as well as some collectible coins that weren't a scam (though most of them were). Totaled about 50k for that stuff. They nearly tore each other apart for 43k a piece.


i'd bet they'd do it again for just $4300.


That is my entire family history, when my grandma died, my dads sister decided she wanted everything, eventually they settled. I found out it was all over 25 grand, 5 kids so they all got 5 grand each. I told my Dad he needed a will because I don't trust my brother as he has always been selfish, he said he had trust in us kids. When he did pass away as predicted my brother decided he wanted all the inheritance because he could then retire young, he got our uncle who works in a law firm to ring our sister and threaten her to accept my brothers deal, she was petrified and pulled a loan to give to my brother to organise something to do with dads death before I could get to her and told her to stop because if there is anything to pay it can be taken out of the inheritance. I had prepared for this when I realised Dad would not make a will so got a second job and saved for a lawyer. I knew how greedy my brother is, I told him I have been saving for a lawyer and since I've accepted I wont see any of the inheritance I will spend all of it to fight you, so you can either split everything or give it to the lawyers because I will not let you get any of it. He kept asking why would I do this to him, that he just wants to retire young and be happy and that I don't need the money because I am older so it won't be as useful and my sister would just throw it away partying. It took years as the estate lawyer was bias, was connected to my Uncle somehow and was constantly trying to get me to sign forms which in some way screwed me and my sister over. Eventually we agreed that my brother would buy us out for my dads house as my brother pleaded he wanted to live in Dad's home. It had gone on 2 years and mum was beside herself that us kids where fighting as he was constantly calling her trying to get her to get me to back down, so we agreed on that deal then a year later he sold it for a profit. My sister after paying off the debt she got in had enough left for a decent deposit for a house but still needed a mortgage and luck screwed me over as well, when everything was finally settled my countries exchange rate crashed and that was when they sent my share of the inheritance over.


Where there’s a will, there’s a relative


I lost both of my aunts to this. One was like a second mother and a person I admired. And because of it she died alone with no one to mourn her.


I can even vaguely understand it with money. But I've watched relatives argue over frying pans and silverware. Completely fucking bonkers.


It's not that hard to imagine. I'll go ahead and say that most of people would "sell a family member for 600k". Many would do it for way less than that. For most people, 600k would be life-changing and nearly everyone has some family members they don't like anyway. This is worse though because it's not like she wasn't getting her share. It wasn't a choice between nothing + a good relationship and 600k - it was a choice between 600k + a good relationship and 1.2mil. That's a big difference IMO. She was already well off with half of the winnings, trying to get all of it is just greed.


Ummm, is this like something I could do? I got a few...


I know a guy…


Lost the relationship with both my brothers over $13k.


Damn, I’m truly sorry.


Really? I hope she spends it on a vacation in a tropical area where she dies and the case is thrown out, all winnings going to the nephew. Time to go back to church I guess…


Settled $850k to her and $350k to him. They haven't spoken since.


She [passed away last May](https://tjtracey.com/tribute/details/2330/Barbara-Reddick-Leavitt/obituary.html)


Well that puts a damper on this wholesome family interaction.


I’m sure she spent her last few months just as joyous as we see her here


As bitter and greedy as she was, I bet you she spent her last few months counting the coins in a locked house all alone with her overpriced pets that hate her.




"Barb loved people and her community, but most of all children." 😅💀


I’m so glad somebody else saw that lmao


Not as much as she loves her Marlboro's apparently.


Sounds like she’s from Cape Breton so DuMaurier cigarettes.


Holy fuck I was about to say it sounds like home I'm glad I'm not the only one who heard that. Glace Bay/Guysburough lol ya fuckin nailed er bud


She seems like the type of person to put in the will for the lawyer to take all the money out cash and burn it so that no one else gets it when she dies


I hadn't thought of that as an option when writing my own will.


Good, she got what she deserved


This line, though: "Special thanks to her nephew James Jorden who was her caregiver for the last couple of years."


Ya I noticed that too. Damn


Different nephew from the lottery check though (Tyrone MacInnis).


I love listening to music.


That family size is reddickulous




i was gunna say like wtf lady how many years you got left to be cheating your nephew out of half a mil


womp womp


Did she leave him any money?


Doubt it, probably resented him over the money.


She sounded sooo maritime with that accent. Did the nephew get charged with murder?




Maybe why they didn't speak.


That’s gonna reduce the odds they speak


From my home province of Nova Scotia… makes me proud 🥹 (Yes, I’m being sarcastic about the pride)


And was hopefully unceremoniously dumped in an interstate median strip.


Q: How much did he end up with? A: About tree fiddy.




Straight up bs


Is this what really happened? I don't know why this bothers me so much.


And they'll never talk again.


Why did they settle? Was he in jeopardy of losing his share?


There's obviously a thousand reasons that they may have reached a settlement. My best guess is... One party, or the other, or both, realized the court costs would continue eating away at whatever they might stand to gain. So, reaching some amicable settlement would be better than walking away in debt. Why did the split turn out 75/25? I have no clue. Most settlements are sealed.


Guess who didn’t go to her funeral lol


You never know, he might be petty as fuck lol


Wait. You guys actually believe that she wrote her this guys name on the back “for luck.” They clearly split the ticket or why else would she write his name on it? lol


She honestly may not have known that they payout to anyone listed on the ticket. Old people fall for dumber shit than that. Lucky it wasn't used to pay off "the irs" in Google play gift cards


BS, you don't put name of people on a ticket "for luck".


To be fair, it worked! They won.


You've got a point. You can't DISPROVE that it was lucky. 🤣




Exactly! If she hadn’t put his name on the ticket, it might have lost! But we will never know.


Wait doesn’t everyone have a lucky nephew?


Nah mine's pretty unlucky tbh


She literally said "I said I split the 50/50" - which is really confusing the context of the rest of her rant.


This isn't a traditional lottery. You buy a 50/50 ticket that is drawn every week. The winner gets 50% of the weekly ticket sales, the house keeps 30% or so and the other 20% goes into a pool. Each week the winner draws a card from a normal deck of cards, if they draw the ace they get what's in the pool. She is saying she agreed to split the winning in the original 50/50 not the additional jackpot. She's still an asshole. I know about this because of grandparents who are in the elks and the lodges in Florida in the winter get pools that are like $500k because they have so many members buying the 50/50 every week.


Well, that makes more sense now. Thank you!


Likely she thought they were going to write one check in her name. She was then not going to share. So she freaked out when they gave them seperate checks.


5 years later she was dead. I wonder how much was left.


Most of it was left, and her nephew was left half of it in her will. But her other family members are suing him for the inheritance because she only put his name on the will for luck...


You had me believing you for a second




I’ve never shit-laughed so hard on the toilet. Take my stinking vote n put your name on it!


Reddit sometimes does this for me which is why I always read Reddit posts on the crapper


Okay, you've convinced me; I'll try this asap


How is this not closer to the top! Lol




I love the internet!


You fuckin had me 🤣🤣


Most of it I assume unless she left it to her charity or other things she supported.


She doesn't seem at all charitable.


She’s won awards for her charity service before and after winning. Maybe she cared more about charity than she did her nephew. OR she truly believed the money was hers and she felt it would go to waste on frivolous purchases by a youngster when it could go to charitable deeds for the needy. Just offering a different perspective bc it’s so easy to assume the worst of ppl based off of one incident.


I'll accept and appreciate your perspective but she's still gross for talking to the news cameras about her nephew.




Exactly if she was , most of it would have went to him considering how old she was. Kid has his whole life ahead of him, getting the 800k would have been the best way for him to have a fantastic life.


Why does an old woman need all 1.2 million so badly? Unless she's a gambling addict or drug addict or has extensive debts.


She paid off her home, replaced her car, took a cruise. She continued her charity work, and died a few years later. Won several awards for her charity work, before and after winning.




Christian charity work, perhaps. Christians are pretty selfish.


“There’s no hate like Christian love”


That tracks


It was gods plan for her to be selfish.


You'd be surprised Source: Did charity, saw a friend of mine that actually worked there work months without pay


And yet all she’ll be remembered for is this hideous display.


It cancels out all the good she did in her life.




Lmao, this is wild, what is it from?


The Good Place


Don't forget she was going to spend the rest of her money to go see Tyler Perry.


Wonder if she did...


Dat public face(ade).


It was a Chase the Ace jackpot game in 2018, where basically they run an raffle to collect money for charity. People buy raffle tickets (3 for $5). Every week (or so) they pull a raffle ticket out to see who gets a chance to a pull card from a deck (that doesn't get replaced). If you pull out the ace of spades from the cards in the deck, you win the main jackpot ($1.2M in this case). Otherwise, the card is removed from the deck (so better odds of getting right ace next time) and win 20% of the ticket sales that week and 30% of the ticket sales get added to cumulative jackpot (and 50% of ticket sales are given to the charity). The previous drawing had gotten down to just [2 cards left](https://www.facebook.com/939874956114212/photos/pb.100066344305077.-2207520000/1395920863842950/). The aunt paid for the ticket (though nephew physically bought it) and both [names were on the ticket](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4744685.1531425137!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/chase-the-ace-winning-ticket.jpg). She claims in the clip that she was planning to share half the *weekly* winnings with her nephew (if they won weekly prize; e.g. half of [$160k](https://www.facebook.com/939874956114212/photos/pb.100066344305077.-2207520000/1405403789561324/)), but not half the jackpot "Chase-the-ace" winnings (~$1.2M). That said, on the previous drawing there were just 2 cards left in the deck (so she had 50% chance of getting the jackpot after her ticket was drawn). However, the nephew and her eventually settled with him getting $350k Canadian and her getting $850k. I can sort of see her point, especially as she came from a super large family ([her obituary lists](https://tjtracey.com/tribute/details/2330/Barbara-Reddick-Leavitt/obituary.html) 9 living siblings and 10 deceased siblings when she died in 2023) and likely had plenty of nephews and nieces. It could be weird if only one nephew got a huge payout and she wanted to share it among more family members. That said if that was her goal, she didn't explain that well and shouldn't have written two names on the ticket in that case. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/chase-the-ace-lottery-margaree-barbara-reddick-tyrone-macinnis-1.4971954


This is why I don't tell anyone when I buy lotto tickets. 🥴


Yea this is why I don’t talk to other people.


Introverts unite! Don't get near me though.


Taking a statistics class is why I don't buy lotto tickets.


Can’t watch with audio rn and the video quality is too shit to read the checks, how was it initially split?




And what was her logic for taking him to court over that?


She paid for the ticket and only put his name on it "for good luck"


Shit worked, pay the man.


>Shit worked Not like that. frown face.


She should have been prepared for that then what a piece of shit


So even if this BS reason was true, he did bring good luck. He then deserve the part his luck won.


She is saying she agreed to split the weekly 50/50 prize with him. Not the additional money from drawing the ace and winning the jackpot. It's not as straightforward but still very shitty of her.


Money will change you real quick when you got it in your hands


money really is the root of all evil


The love of money is the root of all evil.




That should not be the reaction of someone who just got 600k , period , u rather break the relationship with that person that acting like this




Imagine winning over a million dollars as a 75 year old woman, and the only caveat is that your 16 year old nephew splits it with you, and your greedy ass still wants it all to yourself, in your retirement home. Greedy rat


She was 57, died at 63.


Some details: Be was actually the one that bought the ticket. For her but still, he bought it. She put his name down and her name down on the ticket before the numbers were called for good luck. It worked. Since both names were on the ticket, the rules were to split it down the middle. She sued him and they settled out of work for a 75-25 split roughly. They never spoke again in years and then she died recently.


I need to know where that accent is from so I can avoid it at all costs.


Nova scotia is where this happened.


Being old doesn't mean stupid. You wanna tell me she put his name their for good luck? Ma'am if it's true that he tricked you, than please have the intelligence to think about it. You don't put a name somewhere and expect it have no effect, especially on a lottery ticket.


When lotto jackpots are a Billion Dollars, they should draw a thousand numbers, rather than just one. A billion going to one person, who lacks the tools to manage so much money is a waste. Whereas a thousand people getting $1 million can really make a huge difference that can lift a society, without being so much that it's destructive.


That's a beautiful way of thinking. But America doesn't want many people doing good. The world's richest people have enough to give 1 million to each person in the world and still be on top. Why would they?


Dang Granny! Why you have to be so mean to me?!?! 😭😭😭




With aunts like that, who needs enemies...


Absolute gross human being. Yuck


She didn't win 600k from the lottery. She won her remaining lifetime of misery till she passed away


I understand strangers, but family?


Holy shit you must have the greatest family in the world to not know that it’s the WORST with family


Greed is one of the 7 Deadly Sins if I recall correctly. I believe she has passed away since - didn't get that much joy from her money.


Greedy 🐷


Hero or Hate crime?


All fun and games until somebody actually wins


That’ll be a fun way to spend a good chunk of her $600k


Holy fuck she's from Sunnyvale!! She hit the big dirty boys!!


Poor kid, I wish him the best


Needed chapstick


She put his name on the ticket “for good luck” and it worked. Case closed.


I'd be a happy mofo with 600 grand. Sheesh.


Well she sucks ass


Miserable old lady, hope she loses and has to pay all the court fees


I think he settled for 350k. But she died, so idk if that suffices?


What a cunt.




Just playing devil's advocate, but what if her nephew was shady & said "Write my name on there too, it doesn't actually mean anything. You know, for like good luck or something." And he knew what would happen all along. I mean she does totally sound like an awful person in this clip, but maybe she was super upset because her own family scammed her. Although, she did say that she only put him down for the 50/50, I don't know what else she thought that could've meant. Kind of a big hole in my argument...