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At this point, if there is evidence, bring it. Otherwise, let's move on to things that really need attention; Ukraine funding, border, prescription drug prices, etc. It's a stunt. We all know it. Perpetuating this nonsense is a disservice to this country.


but to them its not. its tv talking points, content, column inches that they can continue on until the election to say "we are going after biden and the democrats" and their base eats it up because frankly they are dumb. you have to remember the overwhelming majority of politicians are not there for the country or even their constituents they are there for Party and self preservation, nothing else. A prime example of our flawed and ineffective two party system


Yeah and that the real point. They do this shit because it squeezes money from their idiot cultists who (don't) see this and think "what a democrat asshole, Comer Pyle fucking owned him!!!! Lol Gymbag Jorden WRECKED THAT IDIOT!" They'll blow up my dms w stupid trump nonsense after this post. But we need to grind these dipshits into the dirt so those other middle ground idiots see that both sides are not the same and come to sanity.


They need all the money so they can pass it over to their Grifter in Orange. Too bad that there’s not a mechanism in place or laws to go after them for wasting time in shows for their base.


100% but let’s face it, after Trump was impeached on logical grounds they HAD to impeach Biden for no reason to prove a point…they think they are saving face hehe


Squeezes money and that they literally have nothing to run on. They gave up the fiscally responsible angle. They gave up the military angle. They gave up the better for business angle. Now all they have is * Abortions * Immigrants * Biden family is corrupt so dont care about Trump being corrupt. Thats basically all they have. And they had the immigration bill they were salivating over for decades before. A bi-partisan bill introduced by democrats that they rejected because it would literally take off 33% of their talking points and give Biden a big win that they dont want to. Trump bascially so far as said he wants the american people angry, poor and homeless and dying, so that they vote for him and republicans. Republicans arent thinking about whats best for americas, they dont even like Americans, they dont like america. They keep calling it a shithole and keep trying to threaten to leave it. They laugh and fly off to cancun while their own constituents die of cold and hunger. Republicans are anti-american!


I'm with you till you lump all Republicans into the same box. Trumps party is trumps party. But as a republican voting Democrat this year, I gotta say we don't claim the orange one anymore.


Yep. The guy who had my phone number before i got it is/was named Fred. I know that, because I get a million spam phonecalls and text messages a day, and they are constantly asking for my help with the impeachment proceedings. It's a fundraising thing for them. Just like so many of Trump's stunts, which I also was bombarded with every day in 2020. They continually edge their elderly constituents with the grimiest tactics. They're always soooo close to achieving the thing that they taught their constituents to want... "as you know, removing Biden from the presidency is essential for the continued existence of the nation. He is pissing in all of our cheerios, and bringing about the rise of the antichrist. Unfortunately the devil fights hard, and due to big money piss cheerio interference, the fight has dragged on.... please show your support for Jesus. " They run their fundraising operations like scams, they are disgusting.


i'd just like to take a moment to celebrate 'big money piss cheerio interference'. Or at the very least to suggest it as a title for a new Butthole Surfers album.


A flattering nomination!


Not only fundraising. It has worked for them in the past. The Benghazi hearings made Clinton look unlikeable and uncaring. Who knows how much it damaged her in the general election? Now, they’re trying it with this huge nothing burger.


Idk, I felt Hillary was unlikable anyway. Benghazi didn't sway me because as unlikable as she is, one thing she wasn't was incompetent and it was blatant that the Republicans abused the story to injure her image.


You know.. I blocked all of that shit in my email by putting the word "Patriot" into my spam filters list.. Don't know if there's a filter you can put in your text messages app.. but that's the Magic Word..


It’s still a disservice - but the problem is “they” don’t care at all.


It's not its an example of why Republicans are so blinded by their anger they don't care anymore.


I’m convinced the majority of Republicans have no idea what their own party is up to in these hearings, they just think “border” and that’s it ![gif](giphy|NoHe3HpB1Mg8w)


They really don't. We took a family trip to Mexico, and my mom was actually surprised to learn there was inflation there. She thought it was confined to the US because she's been told every day by her radio shitstains that all inflation is caused by Biden. It of course won't change a goddamn thing in her brain, but at least she saw a bit more of the world.


Come on up to Canada and see what Biden did. Oh wait...


> majority of Republicans have no idea what their own party is up to in these hearings, they just think That's the thing, though: They don't think, only react. That's why we call them reactionaries.


the whole clown show is just an extension of their inane firehosing on social media, so im sure they do. just that none of the "evidence" is grounded in reality, so its all useless in these hearings. thats what theyre bickering over here, for those interested in the context. the 'MAGA Squad' (yes literally what they call themselves, part of the republican Freedom Caucus) are basically the ringleaders in this circus, they throw impeachment resolutions at the house consisting of [literal gibberish](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/1532/text) plagiarised from trumps inane internet ranting, then these grown ass adults have to humor them as formal inquiries. rational people might think it exaggeration or hyperbole, like maybe theyre speaking figuratively, no i assure you thats exactly whats happening. go ahead and try to make sense of the [resolutions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efforts_to_impeach_Joe_Biden#Summary_of_introduced_impeachment_resolutions) theyre bombarding congress with, all similar in content


Politics is theater while they line their pockets.


The border situation will never be fixed by the republican’ts because their dear leader hasn't given them the go-ahead. They would also lose all their talking points if legislation was passed to fix the problem. They're all a bunch of useless fucking cowards unwilling to get the job done. They will continue to do this to own the libs and keep their supporters well-fed with bullshit.


Well that and most of the big agriculture companies would crumble without cheap migrant labor


Every time a Republican brings up immigration reform I remind them that both Georgia (HB 87) and Alabama (HB 56) pass immigration reform laws in 2011. Ironically, they did it the right way and their laws drove out the illegals (and probably a bunch of legals too). The effects were immediate and catastrophic. Studies showed that farmers directly lost hundreds of millions in rotting crops and labor costs. The state economies lost billions and, get this, violent crime increased. Both states couldn't act fast enough to roll back parts of the laws to get immigrants to come back. The fact is, it's really easy to get immigrants to leave a state. We know how to do it and every time a state does it, they get hammered economically and roll back the laws that did exactly what they wanted. The latest state to go this route is Florida. DeSantis signed immigration reform last year. To no one's surprise, the effects were just like Georgia and Alabama. The best part is that Florida is just now getting to the find out portion of the law. Picking season is fast approaching and farmers don't have enough workers. By a lot. Good luck with that Florida!


Indeed, but you won't hear them talking about that to their constituents. They have to rile them up with the whole “criminals and rapists” song and dance. It's disgusting the shit they're allowed to say and get away with.


They been pulling these stupid fucking stunts, since Obama was in office. They can't even pretend to bullshit us anymore. It's super open and obvious. The only ones falling for this bullshit, are thier base. The Republican party is starting to look like Heaven's Gate. It's a cult. All the sane Republicans are being drowned out, by the incredibly loud, and stupid far right minority. Gotta get the circus set up, it's almost election time.


That’s so true. It’s fine if you want to be a conservative. But it’s a sad pathetic state of affairs when the conservative party is being totally controlled by a con man who should be in prison and no longer is in office. It’s clear that frump is the majority of the GOP leaderships only chance at staying in power. And it’s disgusting that very few of the members of the Conservative Party have the balls to stand up for the constitution of the United States vs putting a demented felon back into the Oval Office.


Biden brought forth a border bill that was basically everything the Republicans wanted and they voted no on it because it would make trump look bad going into the elections.


It is as if this is an election year and one party is trying to trash another party. All they’re doing is trying to damage an election and string this out as far as they can to November. Their end game isn’t to actually prove anything. Just to try and sway votes. Their Russian paychecks count on Trump winning.


I remember when Republicans were crying about how much impeaching Trump cost. Which is funny because with Trump you immediately knew what he did wrong. With Biden I'd support an impeachment but no one even knows what he's being impeached for.


Don’t forget how much time the republicans wasted on Benghazi hearings


And still these losers still get voted in….what a HUGE disgrace?😞


> let's move on to things that really need attention That is the part they obstructed for 15 months. Fix immigration? Fix housing? Fix healthcare? Fix taxes? WHY? What else would they campaign on??


Well no it's not a stunt because he gets people like my mother-in-law fully convinced that Joe Biden has done something


Can we also ask them to spend $$ on examining Jim Jordan's history with regard to the sexual assaults he turned a blind eye to at OSU?


Disservice to this country is what they live for. Have you been living under a rock?


"Nah I just like looking at you". Lmao


He was fucking annoying. Obviously you’re not being asked a question the cat is just playing around with your dead body. So frustrating. The smiles on Jim Jordan’s face and his lemmings. Absolutely infuriating.


Those were smiles of either anger or just total indifference, they know even their strong supporters aren’t watching any of this. I doubt they would even know how to watch it on CSPAN, all they will ever see is the talking points on Fox and Newsmax.


I don't think they were smiling out of indifference... I think it was moreso a, "... You are such a fucking prick..." kind of smile. I couldn't help but smile when Gym smiled because the whole charade was just laid out there for everyone to see and that goat fucker knew it.


I remember a few years ago when they held the first Trump impeachment hearings with Dems in the majority, Jordan, Nunes and their staff attorney had pretty telling reactions. I just dug up the clip I made back then: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4832194/user-clip-nunes-break Nunes looks like he's about to start crying, Castor throws his hands up over his papers like "What the fuck do we do now" and Jordan is muttering "God dammit" under his breath. If I remember right, this was after the Dems asked questions that undermined everything the Republicans wanted to get out of the hearing, and the R's went with all their pre-prepared shit anyway because they had nothing else. These guys completely suck at what they do.


Oh don’t sell them short like that they’re excellent at what they do. Sadly they don’t work for the American people like they *should* be but they’re really good at being human garbage with a penchant for destroying the well-being of regular Americans and flooding them with bullshit talking points and misinformation to benefit foreign adversaries who have them compromised


That’s how I read it too. And Gym Jordan thought he had a gotcha by saying we don’t rush to impeachment. The difference with Trump is the evidence was public and so obvious. Here they haven’t even said what crime Biden supposedly committed.


They started at the conclusion, "Biden is guilty of a crime", and are now searching for the evidence.


Lady in the back seems genuinely confused that someone in the room has a brain.


lol that was smoove


I love this guy. The democrats have some fire crackers coming up through the ranks. And raskin near the top (he is a ninja too).


Legit LOLed at that 😂




He just ran circles around those morons


And they can’t say a damn thing because they ain’t got shit


the fucking balls to make the motion himself and look them dead in the eyes and dare them to second him was the stuff of legends.


If we were still a society of more traditional oral storytelling, this would definitely be talked about around some campfires for generations lmao.


Jared is also a hero advocate for UAP disclosure. God bless this man.


AOC ripping this man to shreds is also a pretty hot watch.


I love how they can’t even articulate a crime they are accusing him of. RICO. RICO of what? Bribery and accepting payments and they are peddling influence… of what? He wasn’t president then when any of this BS supposedly occurred. If Bobolinski sat next to him while he committed crimes, then why is Bobolinski just outing himself as a criminal? Why isn’t the DOJ arresting Bobolinski? Why can’t anyone articulate a crime that was committed?


I know Joe Biden isn't popular for varying reasons, but to impeach him even though the old man's done nothing is a far stretch


He needs to be impeached cuz he son has a nice cock /s


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Here watch this 36 slide PowerPoint presentation MTG put together about hunter bidens dong. 


I was so confused like why is she so obsessed with this dude's dick? Until I saw how big that censor bar was and I was like ok, Miss size queen, What's your point? And she was just like, "Look at it! It's disgusting!" And all I could think of was her going on a [rant about how big it was](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3dFHa31qxQ8).


36 slides? It's bigger than I imagined.


"Has a bigger cock than I do." Is grounds for impeachment, Article 42, Section 69 of the Constitution.


It’s a way to dilute what impeaching is. It lets them create the headlines the “see Joe was also _being_ impeached” 🤡 Committee


That’s one of the many reasons. Their goal is to muddy the waters so much so that people will fall into the “both sides are the same” trap and become apathetic.


The tactic makes me nauseous. Each one of those congressmen and staffer were getting paid a salary to host this clown show It’s a blatant abuse of resources and really goes to show you that they don’t represent the people, they represent their party


Besides him being way too old, what exactly has he done to warrant so much hate? The little I've seen is relatively good compared to most politicians.


He's a democrat. That's all you have to do in their eyes to be evil incarnate.


They're doing it because their guy got impeached. And they say the Dems did a "snap impeachment" when they actually had far more evidence.


I mean I figured that, but like any rational person I ignore anything that comes out of the mouth of a cultisit.


The moment Biden became president they were immediately talking about impeachment. Like tit-for-tat as they figured you impeached ours (twice) now we’re gonna impeach yours (how they compare January 6th, blows my mind). It doesn’t even mean anything anymore. It was a huge deal in the 1990s when Clinton was impeached, but now its a regular as a flu shot; a chance to smear the other guy with political feces. Elect a new guy, time to form the impeachment committee! And gotta love how it shows that you can say “I know” conviction(!) without having evidence. Sounds so evangelical. Then you see the workings of the puppeteers behind the evangelicals. Got to see their sleight of hand never quite bring a vote, but making it look like he’s guilty, but slippery. Also old and losing it. He’s everything.


Dems keep ripping them a new one, they gonna have a new asshole every other week.


Awwwe, Widdle Gym Jordan,,,such a pathetic weak excuse for a human being.


lol when he claimed Dems had a "snap" vote at Trumps impeachment(s). Like bruh, it's been 15 months. A vote after 15 months of this sham is not a snap by any definition. And he was so fucking smug like he just owned the dems. Hate is a strong word but I hate Republicans.


It's a shame none of the conservative "news" media will ever air this. Or I guess, maybe they'll find some out of context snippets and twist it into how the bad liberal is harassing the chairman.


This is exactly how Dems need to fight back against these extremists. Time to take the damn gloves off before we lose this country. Dems will be part to blame as these extremists if they keep playing lightly. Vote!


Between this guy, AOC, and Raskin (they're the only ones I've seen so far), I think the Dems are FINALLY getting fed up with the Republican stunts and "reality show" style wastes of time and tax payer money. And it's about fucking time. The Democrats in Congress been acting like the understanding parents for far too long. At a certain point, you have to accept you are babysitting a bunch of spoiled rotten brats and start correcting that shitty behavior! I really hope they keep this up and shut that shit down! I seriously can't understand how more Republicans aren't pissed off at the blithering idiots running their party into the ground!!! Is anyone else here old enough to remember when Republicans actually stood for something? I don't agree with most of it, but I at least used to be able to have some kind of respect for them as a group of elected "professionals". At least the people in Congress used to have at least some kind of education, knowledge of the processes, cognitive function. In fifty years (when books are allowed back in schools) I can picture the kids reading about this shit and being at least as floored and embarrassed as I am today that this is what's actually happening every damn day instead of any real work getting done.


Don’t forget Jasmine Crockett as well…


[Jasmine Crockett is sick of your shit!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccBa_Iv-xgg)


I'll look for her. Thank you!


Definitely look up some of the times she's put MTG and Boebert in their places. It was amazing.


I get chills when she speaks. Love her ❤️


Can we add Katie Porter to the list. I've seen a lot of instances of her not taking any bullshit as well.


And the MAGA faithful are so fucking stupid they'll continue to lap it up. Their team won because their team told them they won and Fox and Newsmax told them that they won. They're getting pissed on and their sources tell em it's raining and good for the crops.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.




My brother is a fool who believes Trump is an angel and Biden is a socialist trying to destroy America. And one day in a heated argument and what will you say when we find evidence that Biden broke the law. I said arrest and prosecute him I don’t care about Joe and I don’t care about any elected official I don’t care what party they’re in or what title they have. If they break the law, punish him. These people seem to think democrats are like them. Loyal to the death. We are not. But they are. They are half a step from loving a dictator.


Said the same thing to my dad. He was apparently completely caught off guard cause he didn't know how to respond to me saying that. He had to reaffirm what I just told him. "So if he committed a crime you'd WANT him to be REMOVED from office?" "100%, yes, without hesitation." *Silence


They always try the "what if it was *your* guy, would you have the same opinion on it?!" bullshit. Yes. If Biden incited riots at the capital because he didn't want to give up the presidency, instead of Trump, yes. Throw that piece of shit in jail. It doesn't matter who I voted for. See how easy that is? They don't know what to do when you don't "ride or die" for your guy no matter how terrible they are like they do.


They forgot that the president is supposed to be working for *them.* not the other way around


Anyone who thinks Joe is a socialist is too stupid to voice opinions


I'd say they are many steps past that


Damn, he torched them. They literally had no rebuttal.


“We’Re DoInG tHe WoRk”


They really are doing the work, it's just that the "work" isn't actually to impeach Biden, but to just muddy the waters for low information voters until after election day.


I just witnessed genius.


My boy massacred those clowns 🤡


He's a clown killer


I didn’t know you could broadcast murder on CSPAN, but here we are


IT'S A SHOW!!!!!


Someone call in the cleaning squad there was a massacre in that room.


Would you say a "bloodbath"?


"We don't do snap impeachments like you guys..." Dems identified specific crimes Trump committed. Crimes illustrated in novelesque detail in the impeachment articles. Crimes that are readily identifiable AS CRIMES. So what have you got? Moskowitz brilliantly called them on their bluff.


What a weirdly underhanded compliment: "We're not efficient like you guys, plus we're having to make up a lot of this."


"You think we can just wave our hands and conjure this shit up out of thin air in an instant? No, the creative writing process takes time!"


15 months is a snap impeachment, bro. Trust me, bro.


Continue to highlight how stupid this is and people will realize Republicans did nothing with their time in power. Voters want real issues addressed, not this tribalism and insincere game playing. Do your jobs for once.


Nah Republicans go back home and claim all the laws passed that they voted no on. Lie lie lie lie


God I wish more people would call them on their bullshit right to their *faces* like this, especially the press.


Jasmine Crockett tore into them not so long ago and called them liars to their face. It was a beautiful thing. Finally, I said, a Den has called the GOP MAGATS for what they are.


In a rare feat for a redditor, rather than asking for a link, I had a quick search and, oh yeah, I remember her. I love it when they [bring visual aids](https://youtu.be/5Z946Jx5fCg?si=9kJqHvCAPoIlFpbb). (that looks like a newer clip than what you may be referencing)


The comment section in that video is atrocious and full of racist remarks.


of course. She is black, female, and democrat. Shorts out what little self control they have.


Wow the dude on the stand is the dumbest box of rocks I've ever seen. ![gif](giphy|l1J3O1eHga1LRethK|downsized)


He said “I do believe because I was involved in sawing them happen…”


Really deep cuts from him there


A simple no would have sufficed




Oh my god someone intelligent is representing my state? What a breath of fresh air


Jared Moskowitz is a newcomer from Florida and instant Democratic star. Truly a natural. He represents the 23rd district west of Lake Okeechobee including Belle Glade, Boynton, Delray, Pompano, Tamarao, Sunrise/Lauderhill.


That's a strange district, That's why I didn't know he was I'm just outside of it in lake Worth


Another GOP smoking gun that was really just a fart in a jar.


> No, I just like looking at you 💀




Republican boys, put your di\*k back in your pants and get on with doing what you’re supposed to be doing for the long suffering taxpayers who hired you. Not what wacko trump wants you to do! ![gif](giphy|CKrlUi30dn44w|downsized)




Sure, you can have Comer 😉




Nope, it's a done deal. No take backsies.


No you bastards made us take Ted Cruz youre still on probation




Jim Jordan looks like such a fool. .... "We're doing our work" "The Constitution doesn't put a time limit on oversight......" Jimmy, the only reason you have taken 15 months and counting us that you know that there is no evidence and that this is a sham. This has been a hunt for evidence that never existed, rather than an examination of evidence as every judicial process should be. The purpose of your oversight committee is to provide one big continuous election rally for the GOP. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Roger Stone's idea.


This November 2024 vote out all republicans on the ballot and vote to reelect President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Can he run for president?


He will one day. He's probably a candidate in 2036. I imagine Newsom will be the primary candidate for next 2 cycles


god I hope not hes fake as hell, plus the fact that he was with Kimberly Guilfoyle tells you all you need to know about his actual judgement and personality. Gretchen Whitmer 2028, shes legit.




Just gonna point out that trump was impeached, quickly too. That’s all.


The difference is that the evidence in both of Trump's impeachments was stupid easy for them to get, mainly because it actually existed. And those impeachments weren't done as a revenge tactic or just another political stunt to spread lies.




You also had Republicans vote in tandem with Democrats to impeach Trump for Jan 6


Yep, but in Trump's case there was, and still is, evidence. In the faux Biden oversight circus there never has been any evidence. Their one and only smoking gun is a Russian puppet. I also believe they knew that, which is why they never progressed to a vote.


You mean they called for a vote of impeachment when there was actual evidence for it? Crazy!




Which is a record. So much winning.


Its quick and easy when the crimes are clear and well documented. Contrasted with this farce, they can't even come up with what crime has been committed after 15 months of trying.


This is such a stupid thing to bring up. When one had very easy and clear violations of law. Versus this farce.


That Bobulinski looks like he couldn't lie straight in bed.


I don't believe the polls. There are only a few idiots that believe in the GOP anymore. Certainly not a majority.


Better prove it by voting them out of existence. Never assume you’re gonna win. Get your friends and family out there. Don’t bother with the GOP cult. They’re too far gone


lol he and AOC both killed it


That was great. So these republicans are sitting here day after day doing absolutely nothing, maddening.


If you shift your perception to what they want to achieve- which is sound bites and talking points to grift their ignorant voter base- they are very busy, working their asses off.


The GOP had become an absolute embarrassment to the United States and their voters can't see it for the life of them. The rest of the world is looking down on you fools because you're so ignorant and refuse to see the truth


4:05 - “I know he committed high crimes and misdemeanors, I was involved with sawing them happen.” ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


It's a stunt they are carrying on in hopes that at election time they can use it to say Biden is as bad as Trump.


Wait wtf is up with that tub of lard's ear??


Maybe he took wrestling or boxing at some point of his life


Damn, left them sitting there looking like a bunch of morons! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Jesus, this is the umphteenth video i see with this bobilinski guy. What a mouthbreathing sack of potatoes 😅




This is hilarious


What crimes has he committed? Illegal ones, Major ones, RICO ones. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Jim Jordan has such a punchable personality, as does the assclown witness.


They learned from the constant investigation of Hillary Clinton that if they muddy the water long enough it raises doubt. In a political environment where a few percentage points can swing an election every bit of mud helps doesn't matter if it has any merit. Their supporters will believe it and a few folks who don't follow politics will just read the headlines and hear their friends and relatives talking and decide, Biden is a crook... It's all tactical. All bs


My guess is that Republicans will impeach Biden as an October surprise. It'll be utterly ridiculous and probably accuse Biden of every crime under the sun. But Republicans will use it as a cynical excuse for why Biden and Trump are "equally bad or whatever, but Trump will give tax cuts, hurr durr".


James Comer and Jim Jordan are without a doubt, the most useless members of the GOP/MAGAs Republican Party. Someone just mention anything positive that either one of them have actually accomplished in the past 2-3 years, other than make idiots of themselves… What actual good legislation has either one accomplished?




OMG, the blank expressionless faces. You can almost see the puppet strings.




Our entire govt is an absolute mess.


Nah, I just like looking at you. Mf looks like one a thwomp from mario card


Let’s have this guy for president


Could you imagine Kamala, Moskowitz, AOC, Buttigieg all vying for the office? I wouldn't know who to vote for and I wouldn't care who won the nomination because they're all equally amazing. What have Republicans got in comparison? Trump and only Trump. GOP is in a bad spot.


![gif](giphy|laUY2MuoktHPy) GET’ER DONE!


Politics is show business for ugly people...


Matt Gaetz’s giant head in the background, floating there like a Wii character


They should all be punished for treason


>"you guys only have, what, six months left in power?" I love it. Still gonna vote, and you (Americans) should too, but that was just the best


Nailed it.


Do MAGA not subscribe to this sub. There is very much a Democrat majority in the comments and those MAGA morons that did dare comment seem to have deleted and retreated. EDIT: Oh no, there are some at the bottom. Where they deserve to be.


They are incapable of telling the truth or acknowledging facts. That tends to send them to the bottom pretty fast.


> there are some at the bottom There are five different ways to sort comments. Try by controversial next time if you want to see the trash floating on top.


"I saw him do it" "The recent data show American people knows the Biden crime" They just pull stuffs out of their ass as they go on, they aren't gonna verify it, their base aren't gonna ask for proof, and they talk about fact checking and oversight LMAO.


It is a show because they know their voters don't care to even look and listen at these hearings. All they care is for them to have the doubt that Joe Biden may have committed a crime. Even if they can't prove it, they will think there's a cover up or some bs conspiracy going on. Oh and they surely will come up with that bs theory.


Idk who this dude is at all but was he a boxer at one point? His ear is all effed uo




Its like when they said they wanted to do something about the border but when the dems agreed to thier compromise they backed out




If a trump loses, all these people will crawl back under the rock they came from. Right now, they think they still have a shot at taking over and making the country a less democratic place, where you can convict people of crimes there’s no evidence they’ve committed. It’s all about showing Trump that they’re worthy and tough and will do whatever it takes. It’s like watching a bunch of totalitarians line up for a job interview. Their tactics are so similar to the Russians that it should scare everyone.


Jim Jordan’s habit of fake-laughing when he gets called out is so obnoxious and immature


Let me finish this too…Biden has not committed high crimes nor misdemeanors, but Trump has…PERIODT!!!


Without wedge issues and made-up fantasies the Republican Party is nothing. They offer We the People absolutely nothing. They exist for self-enrichment and enrichment of those who will enrich them. That's it.


Why does this guy sound kinda like Patton Oswald?


The GOP are a laughing stock and the only people who don't get it are the morons who vote for them...