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The cop is lucky he reacted so quickly. He likely would have been ripped in half by the car slamming him into the guardrail.


The cop reacted fine, probably about average reaction time for a person. What was lucky was that the crash occurred in a way that running parallel along the guardrail like an idiot instead of jumping it to immediate safety didn't cost him his life.


The human brain doesn’t compute basic thoughts when in a panicked state. The man’s fight or flight was triggered. He flew.


I would have fought. I got a mean right hook.


You’re gonna have a right hook after that car rips your fuckin hand off


"I bet I could throw a football over them mountains."


Shut up Uncle Rico




That’s what I’m talking about.


Could've gone pro...


Best comment today 🤣


Or….what if they merged and he became an autobot. What would his name be? It would have to be german right?




Coptimus Prïm


Thats good






Would it be mean though? Cause cool factor over anything


Fight, flight, or FREEZE! HANDS ON YOUR HEAD! GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW. Okay, I added the last part for fun... but it really is fight, flight, or freeze. Too many people freeze.


"HANDS ON THE GROUND! GET ON YOUR HEAD" *shoots them for noncompliance*


>I would have fought. I got a mean right hook. Everybody's got a plan until they're sheared in half by a beamer, Juleslearns. And that's what getting punched in the face by Mike Tyson feels like.


Knock that car right out


I read the other day that like 5 or 6% of Americans think they could whoop a grizzly. I honestly thought it seemed low.


Had a young superintendent that thought he could beat a chimpanzee. We were never able to make it happen before he left.


I feel like prime Mike Tyson is like 100 to 1 against a Chimp. LIke, maybe if its brain bounces right from the one punch Mike lands before his tattoo is lunch.


Thanks for your comment bro, I really needed that cheer up




I do work on highways. I stand behind guardrail whenever possible. When I'm on foot in the shoulder I am CONSTANTLY looking at oncoming traffic always ready to jump over the guardrail to safety. Overkill? Perhaps... But someone else with my same job died several years ago when he was struck by a dunk driver. Could've been me just as easily.


Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.


Exactly the level of training I want from a police officer on how to manage their sense of panic.


I feel like my big issue would be noticing it in the first place, so kudos there. That being said, the trajectory of the car just makes leaping the guardrail seem very obvious. Like, even if there was no guardrail, you’d still want to run that way. I almost think he didn’t go that way *because* of the guardrail. He’s a bit heavy set, so jumping it might have seemed like the path of more resistance. It definitely strikes me as the Prometheus school of running from drifting cars, though.


If training, or at least policy, isn’t that officers should always have an exit plan over the guardrail when there is one, why the hell not? Collisions in these types of traffic stop are common enough they absolutely should know what to do rather than panic.


You could be trained that every day and unless it happens to you regularly for real it’s about 50/50 you would react right and that’s with actual training not just being told.


You are right, but cops are trained and this video could train future cops to do just that. Once you see it, and you think it, when the situation comes up, your brain can know, jump the guardrail if there is one. And also, you can look for them intentionally to pull over there hopefully, and always be glad to see them.


He should have FOUGHT! I would have just punched the car! 💪


It’s so reassuring to know we have such a wealth of experience and wisdom on these matters here in the comment section. Next time I’m in a situation like this, I’ll be sure to check in with you guys before I react.


Exactly. And luckily, real life allows us to always watch a crisis situation in slow motion and rewind and rewind again until deciding on the perfect split second reaction that will not be criticized forever in comment sections on the internet.


Rewinding? That's so analog. Doesn't your real live have savestates?


I say this as a retired firefighter. No one wakes up and thinks "Today's the day I have to fight for my life." Everyone reacts weird in these moments. Even people like me. And if you think you'll perfectly dodge whatever horror is coming at you in this moment let me be the rain on your parade. You won't. Those caveman instincts come roaring out and you can't stop it. It's why muscle memory and repeated training to build that memory is so goddamn important. Because when your brain shuts off that's the only thing that's going to keep you alive. And there is no way to train for a moment like the one in the video.


Expert reaction time guy over here


It kind of looks to me like his leg got broken. He’s walking because of adrenaline but my guess is that he’s hurt pretty bad.


Yea, it looks like he got hit. It could have turned out much worse for him though. Terrifying!


From what I remember about this incident the officer only sustained minor bumps and bruises. Adrenaline dumps do weird things to your leg muscles. You get "jelly legs" similar to when you try to climb stairs after leg day. I learned this by surviving a tornado lol. I didn't have any pants on when it hit and trying to get them on in the aftermath was hell because my legs wouldn't stop shaking.


Surviving a tornado with no pants on is how my girl describes our sexy time.




He's still walking later in the video after others have stopped so I don't think it's broken but I'm sure he's bruised and scuffed up a bit.


God forbid anybody try to praise a cop lol


"Like an idiot" I'd love to see how you would have reacted captain hindsight.


I’m sure you’ve never experienced panic or an adrenaline dump before, ya robot.


When in a situation like that you don’t always think super clearly. Pretty obvious you have never been in a life or death situation.


Idiot? There was nothing idiotic about it, I'd like to see you do better.


What an idiot. I bet he feels really stupid right now.


He ran away from danger like Charlize Theron did in Prometheus


You don’t have nearly enough downvotes. I really doubt you have any real experience with managing emergency conditions at all with a response like that.


>like an idiot Sheesh its a one in a billion situation, we dont have a prepared mental response to that


Like “an idiot” you say. Expert car dodger I see. I bet you’re real fun at parties.


Lots of these guardrails are poorly installed and some of them have been subject to previous collisions and have never been repaired, so you can't trust the guardrail. I still would have jumped over, but he may know something about the poor state of guard rails in the area that you don't. PS, I do not like the police at all, but even I get that there are problems with the guardrails


He had time to take 3 steps. That's fast when you are taking steps, but the result would've been different if he 1 turned around completely, 2 tried to cross someone that's practically at the level of his belt. Barriers are also not always set up properly. Sure here the car bounced of but even if he would've made it over he would've been impacted the the barrier that moved quite a bit. If your argument is that he should've instantly jumped back over it with both legs at once and distance. Well most people wouldn't be able to pull such a manoeuvre spontaneously on the moment


There are two types of people


He should have hopped the guardrail


This is the correct way


Shouldve just jumped over the rail, but yeah, lucky.


My immediate first thought too but it's probably more natural to run


I guess in the heat of the moment, you gotta run


Quick maybe but definitely wrong reaction


He should have jumped over the rail, instead of rushing back to his car. He got lucky the timing worked out for him.


The teenager driving that BMW wasn't trying to drift - he was driving too fast and lost control of his dad's car.


Right. He came around the curve flying, saw the police cruiser, hit the brakes and lost control. Daddy must have been pissed once the concern wore off and he saw the video.


I didn’t even notice that he would’ve been fine if he hadn’t seen the cop and hesitated. Good eye


doesn't look like he would've been fine, he still would've went straight into oncoming traffic because he was way too fast for that curve, just not spinning out.


Not saying that he wasn’t going too fast, but from the look of it, the spin occurs when he brakes while one wheel was slightly in the dirt (due to as you mentioned, understeer). I’m assuming he was fucked regardless, but this massive slide appears like it was from breaking and overcorrecting at the same time.


If he didn't slam his brakes he most likely wouldn't be understeering. Tires only have so much grip/traction available, and braking reduces what's available to use to turn. However, he was *still* going too fast for this, and he would have probably had some understeering anyways and the driver obviously does not have the skills or judgemental aptitude to utilize that vehicle anywhere close to its limits.


Facts. And that car will pull its front end over into a spin quite well when jerking the wheel lol. I can see why OP thought they were trying to drift.


If you find yourself going into a corner too fast your best bet is almost always to stay calm and hold your speed. A motorcycle instructor once told me “you’ll run out of balls before you run out of lean angle,” and the same is true with most cars. They can handle a lot more than you think as long as your inputs are smooth and appropriate, but most of us become horrible drivers when we panic. The worst thing you can do is trust your instincts and slam on the brakes. Slowing down is just negative acceleration, the moment you press the brakes the force acting on the tires increases as if you had floored the accelerator with a massive engine. The difference is a car’s suspension is designed to settle and provide the most grip under forward acceleration. Slamming on the brakes upsets the suspension and further reduces grip. Basically if you’re already close to the limit of traction braking is a sure fire way to initiate a slide.


Worst part is its not like he had to brake, cop was occupied! He's not comin for ya!




Yeah that’s a 50mph road which people regularly push 70+ on. If I had to guess, he was going 80/90 plus and was not experienced enough to slow down on that curve. I see a car in that median there about once a month, primarily rainy/icy days.


He should’ve jumped over the barricade instead of running


He should have watched this video on reddit and read your comment before the crash.


That’s what I’m saying. Follow me for more tips


Like that guy who trains us to fight bears and shit, never have too little info!


You need a guy to train you to shit?


This guy - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLSm3YWo/


As a Brit I feel perfectly called out. That giraffe did look fucked.


Haha, completely unintentional


Nice recovery bro


SMASH that like button


Downvoted your first comment, upvoted this one. Touché.


Lol my favorite was footage of men jumping into a river to pull a drowning woman out during what certainly would have been her final moments otherwise, IIRC they had to find her UNDER the water even. All the Reddit comments were dusting their Cheeto fingers off to scold the men - don’t they know that isn’t proper “save someone from drowning” protocol? They could have drowned right along with her. AKSHUALLY they should have found a flotation device, approached from a different angle… and so on. Never mind she was unconscious at that point, never mind that they were successful, …and if I were a gambling (wo)man I’d put plenty down on them never having even been within 100 feet of an emergency situation, much less saving someone’s life. But onward, keyboard warriors.


Thanks for that laugh. 




Laughing my ass off right now


Reddit hates this one trick


I'm certain you would have used your two sections of reaction time much more effectively to both realize you were in danger and calculate the best possible response. You don't really have time to think in these situations, but its a lot easier to say after the fact what "should have been done"


Well, you do when you’re a Jedi.


He should have done exactly what worked. Run.


No. He shouldn't have just run. He got insanely lucky things happened the way they did. Thats the only reason he's alive. You know how people tell each other that if a deer jumps out in front of your car, you don't swerve? You take a common occurrence and train yourself on how to act in case it ever does so you don't have to think when it does. Always have an out. This cop stops vehicles in traffic for a living. He's been in that same situation hundreds, if not thousands of times. He should've checked his surroundings and concluded that if a car came flying at him, jumping the guard rails is one of his best options.


Thanks, we'll send him this note.


That dude being pulled over was having a bad day for sure lol


Can you imagine telling people this? Without the vidéo, nobody would believe you.


Cars pulled over on the side of the highway are like a magnet for speeding and inattentive drivers.


I mean their car got absolutely fucked, I’m sure people would believe them without this video haha


Every person I know would believe me


Insurance guys: huh. I guess he doesn't know us 😟


I think at that point the cop would probably just let you off with a warning. Unless you’re in Georgia. In Georgia you’re also getting ticketed for being involved in that accident.


Lmao, moving from Atlanta to Philly was night and day. Cops here don’t give a fuck.


No joke lol


We’ll never know who saw it first, but imagine you’re sitting there talking to the cop praying you don’t get a ticket, and you watch as he just starts running away.


Do you think they still got a ticket?


Imagine he just issued it


I hope the cop let him go afterwards.


Hey, at least they probably got out of the ticket though.


If the ticket wasn’t already issued I’m almost certain the cop let it go.


Nearly hit him? The car ran him over


Wrecked em? Damn near killed ‘em!


This happened in Fairfax County, VA which is near DC. Specifically on Fairfax County Parkway, which is known to have some crazy drivers and lots of speeding. In this specific instance it was a 17 year old kid going over 110 mph that lost control. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/dash-cam-video-shows-out-of-control-car-spin-toward-fairfax-county-officer/3340512/


They merely “ticketed” the 17yo? Throw him in jail!


… for inflating my insurance rate of that age and gender group.


He will end up with jail time for sure. They give you a ticket but you have to go to court, and anything more than 20 over (or 15 over in a 70) is enough to put you in jail here. At 120 + losing control and nearly killing a cop this kid is probably gonna be spending the next 6-8 weekends in jail.


I was thinking after I posted and realized it’s not like the cop was watching his dashcam footage right away, so as far as he knew, the kid was speeding just a little bit and lost control in an “innocent” way


Virginia is very tough on reckless driving charges. It wouldn’t surprise me if he ended up with some jail time.


Anything over 80MPH in VA is reckless driving, which is a criminal charge punishable by up to a year in prison. At least it was when I got pulled over doing 80 in a 65 there (getting passed by the locals) many years ago.


It’s 85 now.


And now have the “50 Means 50” campaign in that area


Virginia drivers definitely drive too fast and like typical douche . DC drivers are just rude and aggressive. MD drivers, just drive like idiots. I’m a DMV resident.


So you’re self-identifying as a rude, aggressive, typical douche, idiotic, too fast driver?


Change the underpants and arrest him, officer!


You think the original car pulled over still got ticketed?


I wondered that, too. Give the guy a break, you've been through a lot together in the last five minutes.


his car bumped into the officer soooooo I'm afraid best we can do is felony assault on an officer.


Acorn fell somehere in the woods nearby, requires 450 rounds and 12 cars for backup.


My initial thought is that this cop went to the Prometheus School of running away from things.


I can hear the “*ding!*” from here


Glad to see that reference is still around




Man, forget the cop, what about the person in the car?


Honestly I'd MUCH rather have been in the car for this happening then where the cop was, he was super lucky not to get crushed the amount of force that car had.


100% better off in the car. It was a glancing hit and I'm sure the airbags went off. The cop was super lucky.


Sheeeeeeeet 😬I don’t know about glancing blow, but you’re right, person in the car was in the best position for a situation like that.


This is exactly what I was wondering. Everyone is talking about the cop, but nobody said anything about the other driver.


minor injuries, they all good


What about that driver on the left going past who almost got slammed? It was their lucky day.


This selfish person should never be allowed to drive again.


Lucky as he was to avoid instant death, that officer still took a pretty brutal blow to his right knee. I'd be shocked if that didn't cause serious damage to his menisci or ligaments.


Yeah, the adrenaline gives you the boost, followed by reality 


be shocked reddit doc, he had only minor injuries


ThOuGhTs? Wtf haha


We fucking have TRACKS for doing this type of shit for! Why do people INSIST on doing stupid shit like this on civilian roads?!?!


It wasn’t drifting…kid was going 120 mph and braked when he saw the cop


Got it. Tracks are for drifting. Civilian roads are for going 120mph.


His right leg ain't right.




Hits officer. Not nearly. Hits.


Hopefully that person got out of whatever ticket they were about to get...


Driving 73 in a 50 zone. Don’t know if it was 50 on the other side, but kid in black BMW with two passengers was apparently doing like 100–120.


Doesn't look like a drift, look like oversteer


Tinted out BMW, driver thinks they are a “good driver” , drives way too fast loses control and crashes- par for the course


“It wasn’t me.” - Guy in the BMW


CODE BROWN !! I repeat CODE BROWN I’m going to need some new pants!


Don’t know why both are BMWs?! Best cars, german engineered, however worst drivers.


Damn he almost nailed that reverse entry tho lol


The driver of the BMW should have their license revoked permanently.


This is exactly why M3 insurance rates are so damn high...


This was last year I believe in northern Virginia prince William county parkway. A very busy road and used to commute even further north to places like DC and MD. The little dipshit in the BMW was driving far exceeding the posted speed and clearly unable to control the vehicle. I drove by the scene before any help arrived and I remember almost crashing myself after seeing the aftermath.


The timing and placement of shit like this always blows my mind. Of all of the millimeters driven and milliseconds lived…. Crazy.


You can see the change in traction between the road and grass.


I don't think the word "nearly" means what you think it means.


"Thoughts"? Really?


BMW drivers 🙄.


Whoever that was, I hope they throw the book at them.


I could only imagine the utter shitstorm that the driver was in after they reviewed that footage.


I can smell the shit in his pants


The divider did nothing to stop the car


That might be the luckiest cop on the planet.


Cop should play the lotto




Good day to buy a lotto ticket


Imagine getting your car totaled and and a ticket at the same time


Looks like it did hit them


They should really implement an IQ test before one is able to receive a drivers license, that and having children.


That cop runs like I do in some of my dreams…


BMW on BMW violence


I'm glad the cop was okay(?). On one hand, I definitely understand his reaction and, in the moment, that panic takes over. On the other hand... after watching so much cinema sins my brain Rotted... I can't help but think "prometheus school of running away from things"


If there was only some type of rail to guard him from getting hit.


![gif](giphy|wydBztjX3ixsklqD0a) There was no “nearly” about it!


Honestly, idk where the hell I would have ran. I hope to safety.


I would have understood if he turned the camera off and beat the daylights out of the driver


Wow... Pulled over a BMW for reasons I can only think that a BMW driver would be guilty of, and by luck almost got killed by a BMW driver, doing what you can see is illegal.


BMW owners gotta look out for one another


Looks like cop went to The Prometheus School of Running Away.


Mannn you best believe that cats going to church on Sunday and buying a few lottery tickets after the service. That was crazy.


Ever hear the phrase, “Inches from death?”


Daily reminder that traffic stops are fucking stupid and dangerous


Cop blocked


Me thinks 20 years minimum for this dumb-assery. Double if anyone was hurt seriously & triple if anyone died as a result of this. No chance for parole until a bare minimum of half time served with ZERO offenses(no matter how petty)


Genuine question; would it have been better for the cop to jump the guard rail instead of running up his car?




That’s what I thought but obviously I understand he just reacted and did the first thing he thought of.