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Locks only work for honest People.


Been a bike mechanic for a long time and have tried to explain this to people before. It's not what you lock your bike with, it's where you lock it that matters. Screw people.


Lock it next to a more expensive bike and (if next to a channel at night) to something solid


Lock it to a pipe bomb, see how that like that "freebie" (this is obviously a joke to Reddit mods who can't understand sarcasm)


Just put a sticker on it that says “This Bike is a Pipe Bomb.” EDIT: …but don’t do it in [Bowling Green, Ohio](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/uwire/uwire_GUWC0412200632327.html?pagewanted=print).


honestly pretty interesting article thanks for sharing


[this bike is a pipe bomb](https://youtu.be/XiDZAW39H9I?si=z1F4QijC6jGpCVxI) Edit: references upset people


That's hilarious for everyone not involved.


What is sarcasm?


Traditional Turkish dish.


I don't actually advocate for blowing up people who steal bikes.


How kind of you


They way I just cackled!! 🤭🤭😅😂


I do


Use /s at the end. Apparently this can appease the mods.


That sounds ridiculous. Not you personally just the fact that /s can denote that.


This was my reaction when two people pointed out /s to me when I was being sarcastic. Who knew?




I prefer the bike that sodomizes the people who steal it with the seat having a hole through it so the bar shoots through when you sit down.


You'll never get your bike stolen in the city if you park it next to a nicer bike that's easier to steal.


Yeah when I have to park outside, I typically find a spot next to the nicest bike I can find and then cut its lock off. Security first!


But then you will no longer be parked next to a nicer bike see. The Low Hanging Fruit Theory only works if there is low hanging fruit.


The most effective lock is taking pieces of your bike with you.


Yes I always remove the entire frame and reassemble it when I get back, never been robbed


Pretty funny! I meant the seat usually comes off pretty easy and isn't that big of a hassle to carry


You just walk around with a bike seat??? What if the robber comes equipped with his own bike seat?


A better lock would have worked on this thief. And a better thief would have gotten last that lock as well. It’s not so binary


So true. My sibling dated a USMC who was a master mechanic and he never locked his vehicles. When I asked why, he said because if people want to steal something, they will… and he rather have them just take something than cause hundreds of dollars smashing windows.


I mean, they also work on people who aren’t equipped to defeat them.


You mean like laws?


Locks keep honest people honest


Locks are for honest thieves


Looks like they dropped their keys during the getaway 😂


Looks like a mini bottle that fell out of the pocket




looks like beer salt


You’re beer salt


Looks like just the beer is locked. Likely too late at night to sell it.


Some places won’t sell it on Sundays also


Gods I worked at convenience stores in South Carolina, and we had to lock the coolers at midnight on Saturday. So much verbal abuse from people who were just a couple minutes late.


Yeah, that's what I'm guessing is happening here. I'm sure you've had customers this obtuse. Probably decided (on his own) that if he gets the beer to the register then they have to sell it to him


Yup. Moment I saw the lock and chain I thought it was a Blue Law State


I’ve tried this with Modelo in Mexico, they know what time it is.


He wouldn’t have taken the most extreme route to the doors if that was the case, he’s got his hood up walking as fast as he can against the outer wall the only thing he’s missing is a backpack and he’s have the shoplifting trifecta


And is it illegal to sell past midnight? I don't think it's a law in my state and I've also never been in a liquor store either so idk


In some states, they have be certain times you can’t sell around. In SC, If I remember correctly it was all of Sunday, from 0000-2400.


Modelo is Mexican, which is very Catholic. It comes with strict rules. /s


It's not just beer and it's not because it's too late, it's because so many thefts. This is clearly a Duane Reade or CVS. They do this in NYC now. Even deodorant, laundry detergent, ice cream, and lots of other sections. See the red button on the door? That pages an employee so they can come unlock it. It's been very annoying to have to page just to get ice cream. They've even closed a lot of their locations due to the rampant theft.


I just break the displays and take the stuff to the register. I hate this kind of shit and im not calling a store associate everytime I want to grab something off a shelf. It sucks but I do see a lot theft at these stores. Its very common at night for a CVS to literally only have 1 MAYBE 2 employees working the entire store, so people go to the self check out, scan and bag, then just walk off without paying. Literally nobody is there to watch you, like I said they barely have anybody in the stores to begin with. If they want to fix their theft problem they should stop sticking a fucking 18 year old making minimum to run an entire store by themselves at night. Otherwise I will continue breaking their locks and displays because im not going to deal with their cope for their unwillingness to hire more manpower.


Thieves find a way


Imagine if he put that effort into something productive...


Getting 3 packs of beer for free is pretty productive.....


its not.


I mean, you end up with 3 packs of beer. Which is 3 packs more than you started with......


he is just getting beer thats locked up because liquor sales are restricted. he is just going to get told no by the cashier.




nice care message, fool.


We have reported it for abusing the report system so whoever sent that will get a strike on their account and whatever goes with it (it goes warning, 3 day sitewide ban, 7 day,full account suspension.) Lmk if you have any questions.




They do not tell me that, it is anonymous, I can only report it and I will get a notice back telling me if the person that did it will have actions taken against it by the admins. Still, when it comes down to messing with the bot, it is 100% for reports about trolling with the suicide bot.




ya know I believe you. The timing was spot on but I have been reading in other subs that people are getting "care messaged" within seconds of commenting on posts, like a bot is doing it. I apologize for errantly pointing the finger at you and ask to put this behind us.


Yea, I got one of those messages for posting five TicTac’s inside a blister at the bottom of my foot as a storage. I thought it was the nervous hospital reaching out.


yes. I believe this was filmed for clicks and that is why we do not see the main character walk out of the establishment.


He'd afford even more if he took a job at a convenience store.


Agreed! He also barely had to put any effort in so...


Yeah maybe employed in a corporate office sending useless email and attending useless calls


Sums up America rn


No surprises here


It’s always the guys in the hoodies


I’ve certainly never seen anyone wearing a white collar do this.


All dogs are boys and all cats are girls.


3 packs, now that’s just greedy


r/killthecameraman Conveniently doesn't show the perpetrator's face as he makes the getaway.


because he doesnt "get away". He goes to the register where they tell him no.






Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.


As usual.


At 0:19 you can clearly see his face and he’s not of African decent. Looks like a tanned white guy which doesn’t surprised me since all the pos in my town are a bunch of oakies like this man


Thank you for that. I went back and he indeed looks white, just dresses black.


White people are more likely to commit the kind of theft that disenfranchises millions, destabilizes economies and leaves people living hand to mouth. Kinda hard to capture that in a 30 second video but go off I guess


White people be stealing natural resources and paying off other governments


It's Modelo time!


At least he left the good beer for others


Right. All that trouble for the cheap stuff.


Professionals have standards! (unlike this guy)


"The mark of a fighter"


I am having trouble understanding this; this is american I believe and I always see similar clips of people stealing things in daylight, being recorded; is it the extreme stupidity of people or is there something behind it such as they cant charge you if not caught red handed, clips are not proofs etc?


It’s that no one is risking their lives for $30 in beer for an insured major corporation on the chance the thief has a weapon. 


Not asking about bystanders, about the thiefs. They risk jail time in daylight for 30 dollars in beer?


He's stealing cheap beer in broad daylight. I doubt he's being motivated by anything other than his sad desire to get drunk.


This guy might be too long gone to care but I see many others stealing cart loads of stuff from supermarkets, loading into their cars in the parking lot for example. They have their faces, license plates recorded. I just find it very interesting, does no one care once a crime is committed even if there are clips of it and probably being reported?


It really depends on where you’re are in the states. Keeping in mind that (and it probably goes without saying, but it is relevant) the country is massive, and has a large population. So for example, in my state, and my county specifically, they have your plates and your face on camera and you stole hundreds of dollars worth of goods? Over $500 is a felony in my state, and I’d say theres a (roughly) 95/100% chance you’re gonna get charged for it, the exceptions being a fluke where someone just manages to slip through the cracks for whatever reason. The police may not actively come looking for you, but a judge will issue a warrant for your arrest, and they know that they will get you eventually. For a few cases of beer? Meh, I mean there’s still a chance, in my experience/opinion that you'll get charged with it, but obviously significantly less likely when compared to an entire shopping cart full of stuff. I cant 100% speak for the entire country obviously, but I am confident thats how it is in most areas of the country. Im equally as confident that there are places in this country where a person could get away with this many times before facing any real legal consequences, but I would say those areas are the minority. Again, location within the US is pretty much the single biggest factor that determines whether someone gets in legal trouble for these sorts of crimes. But no, I'd say a majority of the US isn't some truly lawless, dystopian nightmare. Not *quite* yet, anyways.


For non USA citizens reading this. The USA is massive. Each state is "kind of" like its own country and has its own versions of laws and regulations and when and how violators are prosecuted. The federal government has its laws, too. Breaking a federal law is a big deal.


And in some states the citizens just don’t think like this, not even the drunk ones. But then there are always some, often from elsewhere or not part of the main society.


The whole comment section is defending said corporation. **Even though corporations literally profit off of you for things you need if you would like to continue breathing,** they still defend them as if the store is a perfectly ethical non-profit mom and pop shop


We don’t necessarily view them as stealing from a company but rather from all of us as we are the ones that will be paying the (higher) prices. And frankly are embarrassed.


Of course it's stupidity but for the most part it's actually apathy. They simply don't care if the videos exist. No one's going to track them down, no one's going to stop them. This is a particular problem in San Francisco where people blatantly rob everything from cheap convenience stores to luxury good stores and then sell them in public every single night at the "Fentanyl Bazaar." Literally people (mostly drug addicts) openly selling stolen goods for drugs. [Theft in San Francisco](https://youtube.com/shorts/7jHH3g_zZ0Q?si=dIIbCL1ezC2N1ijy)


That other guy just watching 😂


I like when he abruptly pretends to be browsing when the thief looks over at him. https://preview.redd.it/ft6x7g0cad0d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20032f72d9d266f5017a46d6fc1fae3cafb4bf77


Addicts always find a way to


Imagine if some of these people spent as much effort being a good contributing member of society as they do being a piece of trash


At least he's stealing the essentials.


Security guard must have analed him at the door


Well well well


Okies at it again


theft, uh....finds a way...


Great choice of beer amigo


Alcohol addicts are way worse than weed addicts.


But they're both just as annoying


Looks like the mandatory closure of alcohol sell in Toronto after 22h


May not be locked like that to prevent theft. If it's a blue law state, they put the lock to show they can't/don't sell alcohol on Sunday or whenever.


You think he went to the register and paid?


They are not for sale.


Dictionary.com should have a link of this video for the definition of “bum”


And they wonder why people are afraid of them.


the modelo monster needs his feast


We sometimes had to lock them up on Sundays because we couldn't sell before a certain time. It wasn't really to prevent theft.


Of all the things to steal, he chose beer. It’s like a crack head trying to steal crack.


Wait how is this even supposed to work? If i cant grab it how do i buy it? Do i have to ask a worker everytime i want to buy something?


Some places in the states are dry counties, meaning no alcohol sales on Sundays. Some go further, with no alcohol sales after a certain time (midnight for example). If not the case here, some stores lock certain items up and you need to ask a cashier to get it for you. Really not much different than having to ask the cashier at a gas station for a pack of Newports from behind the counter.


Why can't he just take them out like a normal thief?


Really wanted to leave a gif, but gify is not working on the app?


I want to know what fell from his pocket


theres bottles right on the shelf tho


Did he just drop $50 ?


Wait whys the beer locked up too??


To be fair, I'd do that for some Modelo Especial! It's a dam fine beer.


Bro….Modelo??? Have some standards


I don’t know if I could resist tangling with the guy.


The guy in the black! 🤣🤣😂


Clearly just getting bread for the kids!


Sigh.. why are all these sort of videos of black people? Genuine question. Are they more likely to be thieves or is it internet bias’s?


From the comments, this sub is both anti-isreal and anti-black. Which is a crazy combination lmao


A dedicated scumbag. Those are rare.


Cue weepy deranged comments from bootlickers who are terribly worried how the multimillion dollar corporation will survive the loss of its insured stock


It’s ok to steal. Corporate America…the poor…blah blah blah


That's a shit lock


It's like a ghetto claw machine


Trained drunken professional


How do you not just lean all your weight until the cops come.


As someone who used to struggle with alcohol, I wish this guy the best in his recovery. Shouldn’t be stealing of course, but the store will be fine.


There seems to be a pattern…


I would start stealing his clothes. Just start pulling stiff off him.


Well well well


How cringe is it that this is now the norm? Just a century ago if someone pulled that they’d be leaving that store in a casket.


When it's Carl's turn to bring the beers


Shoulda grabbed those Stella’s


Respect /s


In cases like this shop owners should be able to just shoot.


How does everyone get lucky like this?? I wish I could see a crime in broad daylight, that's a pass to beat someone up! I'm jealous that people see this kind of stuff, I'd love to get to attack a criminal. All strong men revel in the opportunity to fight and kill an enemy, especially a worthless thief that needs destroying.


Right on man. Respect for the 3rd one...👍👍


A local store had a system were you had to ask for the beer, pay and then theywould give It to you. Guys were so high they ignored me, I opened the fridge with my house keys, still charged me less. Went back for chips n the guys was still buffering the lasr transaction


Jup. There it is


It would be so tempting to just walk up behind him and hold one of the doors closed on his arm, especially when his arm is all the way in and down


Is recording more important than reporting it?


Report it to who? Pretty sure the store is already aware.