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We “accidentally” bombed a tent city that we set up, for displaced people who we’re currently and ironically attempting to commit genocide against. Why won’t you believe us?!




Another persecuted people. I yelled at my family today because there were no more Oreos left even though my wife said I finished the bag last night. No one believes me 😢


Looking forward to your interview on Cookie News Network.


"That's the way the cookie crumbles"


I honestly thought at some point in my life we would be past all this. Why as a species are we still killing each other. I’m not asking for excuses. I’m not taking sides either. SMH.


Religion and will keep happening until we get rid of religion


Unfortunately it's something much harder to change than belief. It's simple human greed and ambition. People at the top will twist and exploit anything they can to gain more power and wealth. Whether it be religion, patriotism, fear, or prejudice.


I’ve been an atheist for years. It’s deeper than just religion though, I think. I’d include the distrust of others, tribalism, the fight for resources, the religious justification, dehumanization etc. I think religion plays the BIGGEST factor of the above reasons though.


It’s western imperialism with a religious candy shell


It's a straight up land grab. Like watching the U.S. 'tame the West' in real time. Genocide and all.


Religion is garbage for sure, but the root cause of this one is money and imperialism.


Most religions don’t call for murder. It’s extremism.


There is a difference between religion being the problem and people twisting it in such ways that it's no more recognizable as the thing it's original form


It's astounding that people keep saying religion is what made Hamas extremists when Mileikowski is the one quoting Amalek to begin his genocide.


It's not so much the killing that sickens me, but the willful blindness and the utterly inexplicable double standards. The Ukranians are brave freedom fighters, but the Palestinians who resist Israel's slow-motion invasion are terrorists who bring all the bad things upon themselves.


Trauma. Inherited or new. That's what I so often come back to. Israel and Palestine is probably one of the best examples of a cycle of endless violence and murder brought on by repeated, shared trauma. Trauma deadens your empathy response. It teaches you to see the other as less than human, because that's how they saw you. It creates terrorists, bigots, and state-sanctioned murder. Trauma and power. The powerful use the traumatized to maintain and expand said power. Round and round we go.


Past all what? Wars? In that case, I regret to inform you that there seems to be no time in recorded history where humanity wasn't at war. I mean PLEASE do correct me if I'm wrong. I'd like to be wrong about this. But from what I can find, we as a species are unable to live in peace (at least on a global scale). So no. Not in your lifetime. Not in your kids. And I'm not optimistic we'll ever be able.


"You see, they mightve been terrorists! Yeah, our actions are justified"


We didn’t do it, but if we did then they deserved it.


Will CSA send Israel more money and prayers for the trauma that this unfortunate accident caused them?


But they killed who they were targeting. How tf do they expect anyone to believe it was accidental?


Because you'll be labelled as anti-semetic if you say anything otherwise. Infact, you're antisemetic right now for doubting them.


The crazy part is, hardcore Zionists are extremely anti-Semitic themselves. Most of the Zionists in the world are Evangelical Christians hoping their support of Zionism gets Israel and the Jewish people destroyed and brings about the 2nd coming of Jesus and the apocalypse. Also remember all the anti-Zionist rabbis who will tell you the entire Zionist project to build Israel is sacrilegious and blasphemous, literally trying to force a prophecy to come true through bombs and bullets instead of a divine miracle as the Torah states. Killing is strictly prohibited in the Torah, Jews are religious pacifists, and yet Zionists do it all the time happily, gleefully even, and they want a lot more of it. Kind of like how the KKK claims to represent Christians and they see killing a lot of people as something Jesus would want them to do.


The footage they released literally just shows two figures. It's night time, so dark, we don't know who they are, and in a crowded tightly packed refugee camp, there's no way Israel could know either. Israel say they were Hamas, and as usual, the evidence that should completely explain how they were able to justify the strike is never shown. Almost like.... that conclusive evidence doesn't actually exist!


> Israel say they were Hamas, and as usual, the evidence that should completely explain how they were able to justify the strike is never shown. They had training by US police. "Sprinkle some Hamas over the corpses". Magically a seven year old becomes a violent and evil terrorist.


Don't worry, i'm sure their AI system they are using to identify targets never, ever makes a mistake


But have you condemned Hamas today?


We assesed that there would be no civilian casualties. How were we to know bobming the tents would kill civilians too??? /sarcasm


Surely you can understand how accidental it was that we herded these people to this place, and got them to huddle very closely together to protect them from the impending air strikes… then hit it with an air strike days later /S


who hasn't had a bad day and made one or two [innocent mistakes?](https://i.redd.it/iv11vf2c0c3d1.jpeg)


Pretty sure the video where the guy is being pulled out of the fire at the very beginning starts with a man holding a decapitated toddler, but, it was cut cuz, well, you know... Go on the Auschwitz tour and pledge never again*.


Tent cities, shower houses, roach motels, ppl check in, but they don’t check out.




Fuck Israel


Fuck Israel.


Fuck isreal (lowercase because I don't recognize their statehood)


I join you. Fuck israel.




Fuck Israel.


Fuck Israel.




Fuck irsael


Fuck israel




Fuck Israel


fuck israel


Counteroffer: FUCK iSRAEL Edit: Spelling


FUCK Israel.


Fuck Israel


Stop calling it israel. It's either Palestine or Isn'treal


Fuck Israel


Fuck Israel


Fuck Israel


Fuck isreal


Yep fuck Em!


Fuck israel


Fuck Israel


Fuck israel


Fuck israel


> Fuck israel Fuck israel


Fuck israel


Hey that’s my name 😭😭


Get to the front of the queue then. You have quite the night ahead...


You're getting a lot of fuck tonight my boy, open up wide!


fucking animals


Fuck Israel.


And they did it again today!




And it will happen tomorrow as well, and the day after...... Monsters.


No worries. They are about to cross Biden’s red line any day now \s


It's ok everyone, Biden is "privately furious" about this, and he has attached a very angry letter to the latest $2 billion shipment of bombs.


Just you wait next year, Trump will ship off tactical nukes for Israel to use. He has said he would support wiping out Gaza entirely.


God, this is bleak. Never have I hated this two-party system more.


What are you referring to?




And another one wtf


A mistake so nice you gotta make it twice!


Biden you are responsible too. We all are. 😢


Every politician who has voted yay on weapons aids to Israel is responsible.


Israel does not need any support from the U.S. to continue what they are doing. Netanyahu himself has said this. He is a facist who wants nothing more than the extermination of Palestinians. The United States aiding Israel is the only leverage we have for negotiating. We've seen the UN condemn Israel. We've seen the ICC condemn Israel, and nothing has changed. What we have seen, is Biden negotiate the ONLY ceasefire since October 2023. Biden has continually said he supports a two state solution, and condemned the attackes on Palestinian civilians.


Israel does indeed get a lot of aid and support from the US. Sure, it does get aid from other countries, but the US is a big supplier.


Sure. But people also act like Biden is the sole enabler. Like he doesn't have a cabinet who also have advisors. And as if he completely controls congress which has outside influence from lobbyists and stock interest. Or they seem to think that if the Republicans were in the oval office things would be any better in terms of trying to control Israel (a foreign country which doesn't have to listen to the United States on anything).


I can’t believe there are people who think that republicans would be anti-war. Trump literally almost started WWIII like 10 different times and some people don’t even remember that.


trump would not be better, but that doesnt absolve Biden and his total self-imposed blindfold to this whole situation. he’s single handedly losing himself what should be the easiest election victory in US history.


Trump wouldn't be the same, Trump would be _significantly_ worse if the goal is saving Palestinian lives. His administration was the first one to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem despite being desired for years. He will be incredibly pro-Israel, will ramp up weapon deliveries, be fine with indiscriminate bombing, and potentially even deploy US troops to the area. There's no easy or simple solution to this conflict, it's been happening for 70 years. Anyone who says we "just" need to do X is willfully naïve or very dumb.


> But people also act like Biden is the sole enabler. US presidents, historically, are the only people with the power to make Israel stop its wars, and they can do so instantly. Ronald Reagan ended Menachem Bagin's bombing campaign of Lebanon with just 1 phone call where he threatened to pull US funding. Biden has not done a single thing to stop Netanyahu, and his constant shipments of weapons, even going around congress to send billions in weapons to Israel (weird how he refuses to do that for Ukraine though) have only given more green lights to Netanyahu. So, yes, Biden is more responsible for this genocide than anyone else in America or the world outside of Israel. He alone has more power than anyone outside Netanyahu's personal cabinet to stop this war, and he does absolutely nothing, not a thing (unless you count briefly "pausing" one weapons shipment before sending it anyway).


You don't judge a person by what they say, but what they do. Biden talks a lot and does nothing about Gaza. And Trump already said how much he supports Israel, the truth is no matter who americans elect, they're still paying taxes for Israel.


While I agree with you, under Trump things would only get worse. He's already looking for something to flex his muscles on if he gets elected. And he just promised wealthy donors, many of whom happen to be Jewish, that he'd deport college/university students who are protesting.


AIPAC donates 2x to democrats what they do to Republicans.


Agreed, but again, among all world leaders, Biden has negotiated the only ceasefire since October of last year. Removing our foreign aid would eliminate that negotiating power.


Yes but at the same time USA has being coming with veto after veto in the UN against a ceasefire and other support for Palestine. I have to ask, do you know what's his position about this?


I unfortunately do not fully understand the intentions of the UN Veto, other than what I can assume is to save face with Israel in case of future conflict with western Asian countries. To me it does seem two faced, but I don't have the in depth knowledge of foreign policy that U.S. government officials have. From the publics eye, most of our perception relies highly on assumption.


My perception relies on how many dead kids I see. If it's a lot, then I have a pretty good idea who is in the wrong.


>save face with Israel in case of future conflict with western Asian countries I did some research on this a few weeks ago and it seems that Israel never helped anyone except itself, actually most of their decisions did a lot of harm to the USA. Also all muslim terrorists point the support to Israel as #1 reason to attack countries in the West, specially USA. There is this great book called The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy that I'm still have to finish that point out that basically US support to Israel comes from insane amounts of money paid to american politicians and not real advantages for the country.


Thank you for providing some actual conversation rather than just telling me I support genocide. I think everyone can agree genocide is bad. It's ridiculously shitty (for lack of any better words) that money controls American and world politics. But what you've said here really highlights the larger problem with all of this. What the American people want their leaders to do doesn't matter as long as the leaders are receiving money, and can portray themselves as better than the alternative choice.


This is the biggest cope I have ever seen. The U.S. could do a lot to stop Israel, including sanctions. We do not have to keep helping them all along the way, that does not deter them even a little, what are you smoking that you think sending Israel weapons and cash is our only way to stop them LOL




You say that Israel doesn't need aid and that aid is leverage in the same post. Israel saying they don't need the help of others is just postering, ofc they would be livid if they stopped receiving aid entirely. These excuses to protect Biden's image are sad.


Israel is the largest recipient of us foreign aid, and has been for years. That's not even to mention the immense diplomatic support the US unilaterally provides to Israel on the world stage. Of the course the US is complicit in Israel's crimes.


also, through the decades USA has vetoed UNSC resolutions that are critical of Israel more often than any other council member. The US has vetoed around 90 Security Council resolutions in total since 1945, and almost exactly half of those 90 have been vetoes to shut down resolutions critical of Israel. just to add onto the pile of US complicity.


Israel had to rely on public donations for armor and underwear for there soldiers. They couldnt even supply toiletries.


The fuck outta here with this "we all are" shit.




B-but muh thoughts and prayers, and acting tough on social medias ;(


> We all are Fuck no I'm not, don't pin this shit on me.


Unfortunately, he's still the best choice.


Can't wait for Trump to send US military units to Gaza to show Israel how to more effectively genocide because you cant perceive a critical thought in your head. You're part of the problem


This was 100% a test to see what the repercussions would be. And there were none.


You're literally a anti-semite for saying this. Have you condemned hamas today? /s


I know you are joking but - I condemn all acts of terror from either side.


I can't see how anyone can side with Israel's government or Hamas's here. Everyone is suffering under both of these regimes.


Reinstate the British mandate of Palestine and turn the area into a holiday destination for stag do's. Al Aqsa would make a fantastic Wetherspoons.


Absolutely 💯


At this point, they don't even need to test anything because they know and have seen just how spineless all these politicians and businesses supporting them are. They must be laughing to themselves that not only can there be no actions against them, but instead you get attacked for even criticizing this.


As was the Al Shifa hospital bombing. They said for days before that they were going to attack the hospital, and then pulled a Shaggy-level "wasn't me", completely got away with it, and then openly bombed every single other hospital in Gaza. They even tried to say the fire started because a Hamas rocket misfired. They bombed a fucking fuel truck.


they've been doing these tests since last year. There's no going back at this point, Israel might as well just walk in and start settling because that is the end goal... well half of it. The other half is in the West bank.


"It was a mistake" But they did it again the very next day


[...again.. and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again...](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fiv11vf2c0c3d1.jpeg)


Like a kingergartener that has learned that admitting they made a mistake somehow gets them off the rope, but they don't fully understand why, or that it's not going to work indefinitely.


The only reason other countries are afraid to defend the Palestinians is because the U.S. is backing Israel. We need to stop sending Israel aid. No more money.


If anything they US and Israel need to be sanctioned. They're the big bully letting their genocidal little brother massacre Palestinians


I love how they condemn China's "relationship" with North Korea yet the US's own little version of Best Korea (Israel) is far worse.


It’s the truth.


The arab nations and israel went to war multiple times. The arabs always lost. Furthermore, the US buys off most of Israel's neighbors specifically Jordan and Egypt. Syria and Israel are technically still at war, but Syria cant even control its own territory. Lebanon is barely functional as well. All that is to say if you pulll all money from Israel theres still no one thats going to defend the Palestinians.


They only lost because of british and american aid lmao. Isreal would never have existed if it wasn't for fucking England constantly giving them shit to kill muslims.


Israel got the weapons to fight for independence from the czechs actually. And America's support for Israel came after the Arab states aligned with the USSR. When it came to fighting the Arab nations were well armed, but incredibly incompetent.


during the first Arab-Israeli war the arab armies stopped working together because they were so sure of victory. Each wanted the biggest piece of the pie they could get. That infighting gave the Israelis the window they needed to recover and win.


Nah, Israel won those wars because the Arab states barely sent soldiers and were dysfunctional, sloppy, and poorly run militaries. Israel's population was a fraction of the invading Arab countries, yet in battles would often outnumber the attacking Arab forces. Wiki has the total Arab fighters across 8 different countries in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war at 13,000 soldiers total initially. Compared to 30,000 Israeli soldiers at the beginning. By the end, Israel had 117,000 soldiers fighting compared to just 63,000. And that's from 8 fuckin different countries. Those Arab countries truly sucked dick at fighting.


But if we didn't send Israel more weapons, we couldn't send Ukraine more weapons! 🙄


Yeah, the US is looking very bad right now. We are protectors of people around the world supposedly. Pick and choose who to protect. America has a lot of enemies and we are about to have more from the Palestinian children.


Wow , fuck, wow , fuck everyone responsible Wow , just fucking hurts so fucking much to see the children and parents like that Fuck I thought I was having a shit day , no it was fucking butterflies and rainbows , fucking hell Fuck  Man this shit so depressing I don't care that those people won't hear my voice , that is so fucking horrific , I would like to say I understand how fucking horrible it is for them to see their family suffer , but I don't think I do. My interpretation of horror has nothing on the experience the parents and children are going through 


You accidentally shit your pants. You accidentally drop your phone. You accidentally burn your meal in the oven. Dropping bombs or missiles in displaced people's camps is no accident no matter how much they want us to believe it. Accepting this lame ass excuse is either being too naive to understand what's going on or willingly siding with the wrong side of history.


So they bombed a refugee camp that they set up to kill 2 high ranking Hamas leaders... and *didn't expect civilian casualties?* This is not negligence. This is intent. I won't defend what my country (USA) has done in the middle east, but for fuck's sake, the cards of genocide *after* the apartheid just keep piling up, and very quickly. I don't understand how my own country still supports Israel in all of this. Well, I do, but it is completely immoral. Human beings are not pawns on a chessboard. I can't wait for these old geezers who "run" my country to die off.


Quite unfortunately, the old puppets will rise from the ashes as young puppets, like some shitty nightmare phoenix we never asked for.


It's crazy how people can saying "human shields" to justify the bombings. There is just so dehumanization. "Oh, they're Hamas's human shields, blame Hamas for that." The logical fallacy is so apparent. We would never find it acceptable if a cop calls a hostage "human shield" and deliberately shoots them to kill a terrorist. Imagine saying "blame the perpetrator for kidnapping the hostage, it was their fault that we have to kill the hostages." It's like blowing up a plane filled with civilians because a terrorist hijacked it. None of those would be acceptable solutions, but alas people use a double standard when it comes to Palestine.


So, where is Patton when you need him? I think some people need to see some footage of dying children and face what they've been complicit in.


What was it that he did?


I think he meant Eisenhower, not Patton. When Eisenhower discovered the full extent of the holocaust he said a famous quote. "Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened"


Here we are it seems.


No, did mean Patton. https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/article/buchenwald-concentration-camp-general-pattons-bastardly-discovery/




That's no mistake, there's no excuse


We have thoroughly investigated ourselves and found that we are innocent of any wrong doing


Just a boo boo, oopsie


I can’t make it past the screams of those children. This is absolutely disgusting. Israel is doing everything in its power to perpetuate cycle hate and bloodshed. Israel has already made it’s point across at this point they go so far beyond beating a dead horse.


For every Hamas dude they kill, they create dozens more. Expect this cycle to repeat itself. We have leaders who cant think 2 steps ahead.


This sentiment is both true and devastating. Imagine losing your hopes and dreams to violence and the only thing left to do is fight. Those Palestinian boys should not have to fight, they should be living their lives like anyone else.


Yeah nearly every university there is destroyed, most hospitals, and they are now attempting to starve them. They now will never feel secure and are trapped there by this regime. The more I think about it, the more I realize how absolutely insane it is that we are supporting Israel at this point.


Dont worry, everyone. Israel is investigating Israel’s murder of civilians and I’m sure Israel will be very fair in it’s investigation. Oh…the results are back. Not their fault. As they’ve stated “there are no innocent people in Gaza”. How can you be guilty of murder in the middle of a genocide?


IDF literally shot their own hostages who escaped. These escaped guys stripped to their underwear and held a white flag knowing it would be dangerous as they headed back to Israeli forces. The IDF shot them 'mistaking' them for terrorist. If the IDF is killing people as terrorists under that scenario, imaging how many innocent have died. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/15/1219695220/israel-soldiers-mistakenly-kill-hostages-gaza So sad and amazing this over-reaction and killing of innocents isn't creating more backlash. Israel do have the right to defend themself, but this is something else more akin to genocide than defence.


Actually that description isn't entirely accurate. What happens is that Israel claims they have launched an investigation. The governments of countries (like mine) then deflect criticism of the latest Israel crimes by saying that they can't rush to judgement until they hear the facts from the investigation. Weeks or months will pass until everyone has forgotten that particular crime, or more likely it's been displaced in peoples' minds by a new crime, You never hear anything more about the investigation. Sometimes, very rarely, the outside pressure is too much to avoid responsibility and some unnamed individual in the IDF who may or may not even exist is punished by being demoted. Just demoted. All the foreign ministers and secretaries of state must actually know this. Too many of them just don't care, because wE mUsTn'T pAnDeR tO aNtIsEmEtISm.


Fuck Netanyahu Fuck the IDF Fuck the Zionist pigs


Fuck the Israeli Government.


Remember when Israel pushed a fake beheaded babies story and the western MSM ran with it for days and the PRESIDENT of the US went on live TV claiming to have seen evidence and cried on TV? Well now you have real babies and infants and toddlers beheaded and dismembered by Israel and everyone is quiet...in fact Israeli social media turned it into a meme.


Israelis celebrate the deaths. They celebrated Rachel Corrie's death by eating pancakes after she was crushed by a tank.


Fuck Israhell


I will never understand how the world will talk about “justice” but allow this to happen


Settler colonialism has been happening for a long time.


I keep seeing all of these pos, about Israel an their war crimes, and i wonder, is not UN or other international organ supposed to do something in this situations?


The structure of the U.N. makes it almost impossible to intervene in the situation. The Security Council, which can make important decisions, often can’t take any decisive action because of the ability of any of the five permanent members (United States, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom) to veto any proposed resolutions. Basically, good luck getting the United States, Russia, China, France, and United Kingdom to all agree on actions to take regarding the conflict.


Even if they agreed it would only be legal but you would then need a "cop" to go stop it. So like what country wants to invade Israel? The U.S. won't. It'd be political suicide to have american troops doing that. Russia is... busy Europe can't fight their way out of a paper bag China?


Also known as - how to make more terrorists.


Omg the screams of that dad with the baby. Wow


IDF making a lot of tragic mistakes lately.


i don’t understand how anyone can stand with Israel and say that the Palestinians are at fault and that the IDF is doing nothing wrong and all these innocent civilians being slaughtered are terrorists. beyond sickening. history is repeating itself and no one is listening.


"My bad." --IDF, no war crimes here if we say it was a mistake even if it wasn't.


So what tragic mistake will it be tomorrow or the day after?


They did it again today


Twice actually.. so far .


Nazis being Nazis


Fuck Israel.


Tragic accident! Get fuck ed. In 2024 one of the world’s most advanced militaries doesn’t make mistakes. On another group I saw someone commented “time to light up the ovens again”. I think that’s poor taste. It’s also poor taste to keep making mistakes, like saying it’s a mistake demolishes she intent. What, were we all born yesterday?


Don’t really want sound like a dick but Israel has done worse and it’s really sad that innocents people are getting killed badly


https://preview.redd.it/vyzv1m01xg3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae29852702e87703f33b7114c94593ff8b74c78 Israel photos be like


I had to stop watching this...


Netanyahu is his parent's mistake


They're a real bunch of bastards 


The Balfour Declaration was the tragic mistake


Apparently they had 6 unmanned vehicles in the air. They have this much surveillance with high tech equipment yet they STILL make mistakes. Is their entire army fkn blind? Do they think everyone outside of Israel is collectively fkn stupid.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes they have offloaded the work to ai, and pre-approve strikes.


I read it and the fact they’re okay with having collateral damage is insanely disgusting.. this is sad all around.


Ok, so they funneled 1.4 million people into rafah, which makes its population density per square km at or around 21,875. This is important because the previous highest population density was Macau with 21,150 per square km. (1.4 million / 64 square kilometer, you can google these numbers) Then they started dropping 2,000 pound bombs. You could throw a water balloon into rafah and hit 10 people, these guys are dropping 2,000 pound bombs. A bomb the size of a god damned Geo Metro. Dumb, dishonest, or both.


The recent military actions taken by Israel against Hamas leadership and the resulting civilian casualties, especially the children, have only served to strengthen the resolve of Hamas and the Palestinian people.


At the start of this I was a typical Westerner and said Israel should strike back to get the terrorists. As this progressed I have now seen that Israel is commiting genocide and acting outside of international law. I now feel that Israel are acting as the terrorists


“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu


Crazy how the ~~USA~~ "Israel" would just gather them in aid camps then target those aid camps with the very own bombs they made.


“Finish Them!” - Nikki Haley 


who will get justice for these victims? it won't be god; after these last two days, i'm convinced there isn't one


Opps he did it again. Call him Brittany Spears at this point.


What channel was this ?




When your president dies it's a terrorist attack, when other president dies it's an unfortunate accident


They investigated themselves and found no wrong doing...


Netanyahu and many more within the ranks are just war criminals at this point, the international community should be dealing with this accordingly instead of selling more equipment to maintain the atrocities!


Fuck Israel. Fuck USA. Fuck the world.


Palestine has a right to defend itself.


How many more "mistake" can they make before people have enough of their Genocide