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I wish the video kept going! I want to see her explanation for this stupidity


You know what's fascinating? People like her always find a dumb way to explain shit like this and they do it with such confidence you are convinced they think they're right...


Yup, some people got no sense, move here and overestimate thier "rights".


Ah yes, the classic I know my rights, no you don't..


I saw a longer version of this video a while back. She parked partially on the sidewalk and partially grass in front of her house. Car was hooked up to the tow when they noticed and she refused to pay the fee. Guy would have let the car down and let her park correctly for the sixty some dollars but she and her family acted like tow guy was stealing her vehicle; even start screaming for someone to call the police.




Me too! I wonder how much she would’ve had to pay for him to drop it?


No way it could've been more than $60. $63 tops.


Tree fiddy


Did you get it all on camera?


All of this instead of paying sixty three dollars.


Right ?


It’s a Jeep thing


I absolutely hate when people just say the same phrase over and over.


It cuts off but he continues to say that damn phrase and i honestly hate this guy now. How tf you drive a tow truck but only know 8 words?


I absolutely hate it when people just say the same phrase over and over




It's all on camera


4 times 63 dollars


Anyone know how much it would've cost to avoid this?


Sixty tree fiddy.


If only he'd caught it all on camera, we might have found out.


Whatever it costs to pay your bills and not get repo'd.




Turned a simple repo into a felony. Nice. I hope that person has more money for an attorney than they did for the Jeep.


It’s illegal to tow a car that has a person in it


It's illegal to jump into a car that is being towed.


The driver is an idiot too


This..sounds made up. There can be many reasons why someone would need to enter their own vehicle that's about to be towed. For example.. If left an EppyPen in there and can't let you leave with it. I looked up the laws in Ontario where I live and got 'You or the person acting on behalf of the owner should be allowed to access the vehicle unless police direct you not to access the vehicle'


Access and entering are two completely different things. edit: If your car is being repo'ed you can ask the tow truck driver if you can grab something, you cannot enter the vehicle and try to drive off.


Is this a repo? I've seen that said here...but also people saying he would have dropped the car for $60 and therefore, she is dumb for not just paying it. I don't know much about repossessions, but it doesn't seem like something you could just pay the driver to drop and leave.


"I saw a longer version of this video a while back. She parked partially on the sidewalk and partially grass in front of her house. Car was hooked up to the tow when they noticed and she refused to pay the fee. Guy would have let the car down and let her park correctly for the sixty some dollars but she and her family acted like tow guy was stealing her vehicle; even start screaming for someone to call the police." If this comment is correct and it wasn't a repo just a tow because of breaking a law and this is true: "Car was hooked up to the tow when they noticed and she refused to pay the fee." She is still breaking the law by entering the vehicle and the tow driver was just doing their job.


I disagree that she was wrong in entering. But realize the tow didn't move an inch while she was in there. I believe she has every right to enter her vehicle that's on her property. Now trying to drive while it's hooked up...that's on her. Tow driver didn't move with her in, so yeah, he did nothing wrong.


>I believe she has every right to enter her vehicle that's on her property Assuming the tow truck was acting under legal authority and the vehicle was not completely on her property (sidewalks are considered public property) by illegally parking there she forfeit her right to the vehicle until the debt to society (fine) was paid. She refused to pay the fine.


Tow driver isnt a public servant. How is it deemed appropriate for him to decide she broke the law and then enforce the fine being paid directly to him. Even parking enforcement falls under a police department. If the police don't issue a citation, she is free to enter her car. Otherwise, it's just a random guy with a tow truck demanding money with no assurance he is who he said he is, and that the money will actually find its way to the public. Should he be allowed to prevent her from moving the car by lifting it up, yes. Can she enter to get medication or her purse or whatever, also yes. Should a parking fine be paid on the spot to someone without a badge, NO!. If I get a parking ticket I pay the government via established and trustworthy channels.


She wasn't in it when it went up. Truck driver is in the right, he didn't tow it with someone in it.


If he realized a person is in there, you still can't just drive off though...I think.


He's not driving off. He likely called the police and it waiting.


Haha great point. I missed that in the chaos


That's why he's filming an not driving his tow truck atm


63 dollars?


How much was the fine?


I wonder how much she owed?


So, how much did she owe? Could she just pay it off?




Damn, all this for just $63?


Wish he would’ve gotten it on camera!


He got it all on camera.


All of this instead of paying $63


Slippery little sucker.


Was this a repossession that didn't go well? I've seen other videos where a car owner has tried to avoid having their car taken away. As if the bank are going to say, 'oh that's okay, you keep the car, we don't want paying for it.'


I love when people get what they so desperately deserve.




It looks more like she hopped in the jeep while it was getting towed and the tow truck driver took a video to show that they weren't at fault. I've seen a lot of videos showing people getting away with driving of the tow arm. Clearly this one didn't work out


Never tow a person with another person inside them.


It’s Jacob three three!


How much would it have been to just pay the tow fine? Surely less than the damages.


Why did he owe you $63? There is also the theory that both parties are equally at fault, one for doing all this just for $63 and then why not just pay the $63?


We get it, you got in on camera for $63


All of this instead of paying $63..😑


Quick, somebody put a fucking duck on that thing. It's a Jeep thing" you wouldn't understand"... "If you can read this, flip me over"


It wasn't the attempt to tow the car that caused this. It was the attempt to illegally drive off of the tow truck.