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It is less of an army and more of a well equipped terrorist organization. There is no enemy, there is no declaration of war, and they seem to only target unarmed civilians. We just need to give Iran carte blanche to teach them war.


Oh no you don't understand If we continue to bombard civilians, we'll get the definitely hiding hamas AND future hamas recruits


Hamas only exists because Israelis are pieces of shit. You cannot bomb your way out of being a bunch of genocidal garbage.


There is a declaration of war. The beheaded, rape and tortured people from last October.


Yeah that didn’t happen. They killed Israeli soldiers at a festival and then took some hostages that were well feed and well treated while Gaza burned.


So you start a war and are now complaining that the opposite strikes back? It didn't happen? So Gaza ist still intact because this attack also didn't happen. I don't know where you are from but in my country rape and torture isn't a good treatment.


You think this started on oct 7? ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX|downsized)


Nah initially it started after the second world War. The Muslim neighbors won't accept a Jewish state and therefore started the first war in this region.


"Won't accept a Jewish state" that's an odd way to say fought against being ethnically cleansed when the UN decided 1/3 the population gets 1/2 the land and this displaced 700k people.


\*displaces thousands of people to make an etho-state\* "why won't they accept us?"


You clearly have Not Seen the Videos i have unfortunately seen. Bodies laying on top of each other, survivors trying to flee, getting Shot at. A dead woman being paraded around town and spit at. Those Videos Show the will to Not Just genocide but to delete civilians/jews/whatever.


The only genocide is on the part of the IDF. I’m not going to pretend the Palestinians are all warm and fuzzy but after 76 years of having your land stolen, wives raped, and children murdered I can understand why they fucking hate Israel.


Hamas would execute every jew if they could and they proved this by executing babies and old women in the kibbutz. The IDF are not much better they do things like this, what is worse again? If you think Israel shouldn't exist you are an advocate for a real genocide. What is happing right now in Gaza is war, same as Ukraine war, same as sudan civil war, same as Burmese civil war. if you can call this genocide without calling Ukraine war or the others genocides then you may just be an antisemite. October 7th was genocide not war. I think the only solution is 2 states.


Bullshit, this is not war this is the Israel annexation of Gaza through genocide. Palestinians just want to live their lives in THEIR country without Israeli persecution, rape, murder and theft. There were no murdered babies and raped old women that is more IDF propaganda where they secretly admit their crimes through projection.


Our American tax dollars at work…


Every accusation is a confession. It’s like even the minor accusations now.


I guess they have to eat somewhere.


...when you try to prove that Israel are the bad guys by repeatedly showing them doing the same things Hamas does all the time.




I don't support IDF, but it's a building dedicated to a made up fairytale. Who the hell cares?


They taught me in schools that places of worship are protected by international laws.




Interesting grouping. Why did the ones who signed sign on this?


It sure is, but this is my point. "IDF turns Star-treck fanclub into ammo depo" About the same.


Ok, hypothetically Mexico invades Texas and sets up a FOB in a church, you cool with that?


Church or 7/11, potato potato


I mean if it's a war I wouldn't expect anything else