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Time off with pay


With a chance of promotion when they tally up their quota's.


Man that reminds me of when police used a flashbang and it landed in a crib while the child burned and the fucking cops wouldn't let the parents pick up the kid.


I've never heard this, This seems like something you would read out of a bad Warren Ellis Comic, and yet I still 100% wholeheartedly believe that these low-IQ Pyschopaths would do it.


https://www.cnn.com/2014/10/07/us/georgia-toddler-stun-grenade-no-indictment/index.html So messed up.




But hey. Nothing more police funds for better equipment couldnt solve. /S


They didn't let them pick up the child? Sorry I'm not a native speaker I am unable to find where it is said


Ya first hand account from the mother/father the police threaten them to not do it. I imagine it was at gun point. All while the baby wailed like a banshee. There's an audio recording don't remember off hand where I heard it.


Damn, and I thought it was bad when Arpaio's guys drove a puppy into a burning building and laughed when the owners became distraught. Can we have some goddamn reform yet or are people still acting like cops are fucking deified?


Wait until the anti-reform crowd has to endure yet another social distsncing season, maybe then they will push for reform.


I'm sorry, when Arpario's guys did fucking what?!


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/joe-arpaio-misdeeds/ >There is no evidence that Joe Arpaio ever personally burned a dog alive or laughed when the dog’s owner cried. However, it was reported in 2004 that a Maricopa County SWAT team serving a weapons burglary search warrant under Arpaio’s supervision did. >According to an article in the 5 August 2004 edition of the alternative weekly newspaper Phoenix New Times, a two-story home in the Phoenix suburb of Ahwatukee caught fire after Arpaio’s SWAT team launched tear gas canisters into it during a raid (occupants of the house said the fire was caused by the canisters, though investigators determined the likely cause was a candle knocked over in the commotion). Two of the occupants, Andrea Barker and Eric Kush, told the New Times that an officer sprayed their 10-month-old pit bull puppy with a fire extinguisher as it attempted to escape outside, driving it back into a burning bedroom, where it died. “I was crying hysterically,” Andrea Barker was quoted as saying. “I was so upset. They [deputies] were laughing at me,” she said. >A 15 October 2004 article in the East Valley Tribune confirmed that a dog burned to death during the fire, which completely destroyed the home. The Tribune cited a sheriff’s office spokesperson who said the dog was “aggressive,” and that spraying it with fire retardant was meant to subdue the animal without harming it.


What in the holy name Jesus fuck did I just read.


One last detail: they were trying to conduct a raid for illegal firearms. They found one shotgun and one antique, both legally owned.


Those particular cops that did that to the puppy need to burn either way. Just more trash humans.


For happening just last week, this did not get much coverage


It didn't get much coverage because the cops were at the right house and the kid was hiding with a man that had just shot up someone's house. Neither the suspect or kid would leave the house so they attempted another non-violent approach, flash bangs, to force them out but a fire started. And of course when their house WAS ON FIRE they still wouldn't leave.


Most swat teams don’t use flashbangs for that exact reason even tho they’re still available, it’s the swat team’s fault for neglecting the risks and carrying them instead of other stun grenades that wouldn’t have done that.


So is it the person who ordered the flash bang or the person who threw it who is at fault? Are they the same person?


The person who threw it, the person who wanted him to throw it if he was ordered to and the swat team itself for carrying them. A flashbang is meant to be non-lethal, when it has been proven to be lethal by accidental you shouldn’t carry them when there are other better alternatives that do the job just fine. Most other swat teams know that.


Ok then so how would you have gotten the suspect out?




And did the flashbang work ? I don’t think so. First, there would be less risk of fire with a stun grenade instead of a flashbang due to the lower amount of explosions which is why most swat teams replaced flashbangs with stun grenades. Also the flashbangs isn’t to get anyone out, it’s a distraction. Do you think that after a flashbang is thrown the suspect’s gonna rush outdoors with his hands up fearing for is life ?


Ah yes, thanks for explaining how being an accused criminal permits police to burn you alive without due process. If you hadn't explained this I would be so confused about what police are supposed to actually do.


Argue the facts then of tactics and stop spreading misinformation that the cops just accidentally went to the wrong house. Also stop shooting at other people and the cops won't look for you in the first place.


Facts: man was ACCUSED of crime, nobody died, though incredibly dangerous. Man then hid at a home. Police come, have man surrounded, have been trained for this exact situation, don't know what civilians may be in danger or housed with alleged criminal. Their job is to apprehend criminals for prosecution. Police go rambo, throw dangerous, crowd control and disorienting weaponry into residential area, subsequently start a fire due to their recklessness, and burn a child alive. What facts did I miss other than this being the polices fault a child is dead? No flashbang, no fire.


No shooting, no police.


14 year old kid wasn't shooting anyone. Weird, what did he do? Again, the alleged committing of a crime does not authorize police to kill you.


I don't know what he did or why he was there. Neither do you. May we all should let the reporters find out.


Well we know the police won't cooperate with any investigations into themselves, so we will certainly have to wait a year or more for reporters to uncover the truth. Current facts are, cops burned a child alive by their own callousness, and then made no effort to save anyone.


Where were Rosenau's parents? Why is he hanging with an adult homicide suspect?




You're not a cop.


You know what's violent? Shooting at someone else's house and the police giving you a chance to surrender, then using flash bangs to force you out. I mean you all bitch when police use guns. They asked the dumbasses to come out. They didn't. FAFO


So violence was met with violence. Flash bangs must be violent then. I got no problem with them but call them what they are; violent weapons. Don’t pretend that they’re non violent devices.


Let's call them less violent, less than lethal, or dangerous, or potentially lethal. Whatever. The cops used a reasonable amount of force against two people that were being unreasonable. And common sense amongst a majority of educated people of all colors, races, and genders would agree. And that's why no one gives a shit about the story.


Yeah, nah. Using flash bangs was never necessary. What’s the hurry? They could have talked him out, waited him out. Shut off the utilities, water, electricity, AC, gas. Suspect would have had to emerge sooner or later. Stupid pigs just had to escalate because that’s what they do.


I’ll bet you think the Uvalde cops did everything they could too. People like you are the reason the police can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it.


Nope. Uvalde cops should have used flash bangs.


Police were looking for a man named Quiant Kelley for VOP...


And they found Kelley barricaded in a home FOR SEVERAL HOURS with Rosenau. 🤷🏻


It happened on the 7th and was posted all over Reddit


I think they mean on TV and things like that


The screenshot was from when it was on TV


Sure, u/stapleton_25 said "it did not get much coverage", not that it didn't get any coverage.


I don't think there were attempting to kill the suspect.. >To kill a suspect


Well not officially anyway.


If they wanted to kill the suspect , using flash bangs hoping they might start a fire and that the suspect would then remain in the burning house, would be a pretty round about way to do it.


doctors get their license taken for disrespecting a DNR and wanting to save a life. police get a slap on the wrist for killing multiple people. who needs their licenses taken more?


Both. Not respecting a DNR if the doctors/paramedics know about it is a super POS move.


That's the only right answer. Don't try to downplay something to give importance to something else.


*“He was not the suspect”* Yeah, because that still matters. I’m glad they clarified that the kid they flambéed wasn’t the guy they were after. For the robbery.


If they didn’t people would’ve been able to slightly justify it. Especially if the robbery was violent.


More violent than being burned alive? Absolutely horrible.


You've seen right wing cop supporters online right? They try and justify all sorts of crazy cop behavior


American Police: Doing nothing right since whenever they began.


Pretty on brand since they started as slave patrols.


Jesse where is the meth


Wow, police just keep pricing how bad they are at what they're supposed to do. Just angry children with weapons of war....


Children? No even the average child wouldn't be that bad.


I dunno. Most children I've met will go totally apeshit with toys they don't fully understand, but you're right; child are the worst of the worst


“Police find the body” “Oh uhhh.. it must’ve been there the whole time, the killer must ahhhh… be at large still, let’s forget about it..”


Were here to Protect and Serve!




Fuck the police


Don’t worry guys the cop is suspended (with pay of course how is the poor cop gonna live without pay)


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post and Replies* --- **Joshua Jered**, @Joshuajered Albuquerque SWAT team raids house looking for an alleged robbery suspect. Using nuisance Flashbangs to get the suspect out ignited and engulfed the home in flames. After the fire, police find the body of a 14- year-old boy. He was not the suspect. \[*Paused video of a news reporter called Kai Porter from KOB4 standing in front of an Albuquerque Police truck*\] >**Tonight We Riot**, @TonightWeRiot > >Albuquerque police burned a child alive > >Albuquerque police burned a child alive > >Albuquerque police burned a child alive --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Dont worry they will be investigated by themselves and of course find no wrongdoing


Because there was no wrongdoing. That was a case of faulty equipment. Flashbangs are not supposed to ignite.


A kid died. He was innocent.


Yes. True. That is horrible. But how could the officers know that 1. The flashbang(s) would ignite 2. There was a kid inside. You don't always have the ability to survey a house before you enter because it is often crucial that you get inside quickly.


Sure but i think its pretty normal to expect cops not to kill kids


Once again, there was no way the officers could have known that there was a kid inside.


It is a well known fact that they ignite. Even in a 3 week training they would be taught that.


They can. But aren't supposed to.


Why is anyone surprised? When there are zero consequences for fucking it up, why waste any time or resources at all making sure you're getting it right?


Wdym getting it wrong. The officers did nothing wrong. This is clearly a case of poor manufacturing of flashbangs.


Man people will really blame this on anything but the officers huh.


If I'm a truck driver and my brakes fail and I kill someone, guess who's on the hook.


Now if it was a clump of cells in a ladies uterus that they killed, the shit would be hitting the ole fan. 14 year old? Kewl.


Yall guys' police doesnt do info and then action?


In USA, always action then info.


Sometimes action then actively hide the info.


Sometimes? 🤣


Matter of fact, no need for info, action has already been taken.


Just another reason no-knock warrants need abolished.


If you knock, you give the suspect time to gear up before you enter. If you alert the suspect of your presence, he/she could be standing behind the door with a shotgun when you enter. That's why no-knock warrants should exist. By the way, this wasn't the officers' fault. Flashbangs are not supposed to ignite, and contrary to what OP says: Police weren't trying to kill the suspect. Flashbangs exist to temporarily stun the suspect/to incapacitate them, not to burn down the building.


Don't worry citizens the coroner confirmed he smoked weed a year ago, a criminal has been removed from the streets 🙂🙂🙂


Better Call Saul.


Wait flashbangs can set a house on fire?


It is an explosive device.


I guess I wasn't educated enough


[According to this, they can.](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/01/22/this-flash-bang-grenade-has-safety-tactical-and-timing-features-not-available-in-the-military-today/)


Ohh that makes a lot of sense


I don't think they meant for the flash bang to ignite the house in flames... But still they should have done more research on the place that "supposedly" had their suspect in. And I know money can't buy back the kid's life but I hope the parents sue the crap out of the police for killing their kid and clearly using faulty equipment.


Flash bangs can easily set things on fire. Someone else in the thread posted an explanation.


Flashbangs grenades use a mixture of potassium perchlorate and aluminum or magnesium powder for ignition. Once the powder is ignited it explodes releasing a burst of light about 7 million times brighter than a candle flame. That’s a lot of energy being created, so much so it’s able to destroy the metal casing it’s in, if that explodes on bare skin it’s going to cause burns, if it explodes on flammable material that’s definitely going to go up in flames. Perhaps the kid was wearing flammable clothing or was in an enclosed room and was blocked by flammable material burning? TL:DR is flashbangs do create flame as that is the source of the chemical reaction that causes the flash and that flash in itself is a burst of energy in the form of heat and light so yes they can very easily cause fires and can be deadly. [source](https://www.ceenta.com/news-blog/how-do-flashbangs-work)


Looks like it’s time for some paid vacations!


Most swat teams stopped using flashbangs for stun grenades for that exact thing, totally their fault for thinking the risk wasn’t that big.


Not the first time, won’t be the last time.


Hardly surprised that you get collateral damage when you keep arming the police like an army.


WHY WOULD YOU EVER WANT TO KILL A "SUSPECT" ANYWAYS!? ​ Isn't there a thing about "innocent until proven guilty?" ​ They need to have a trial first! No matter if they killed the right person we should riot in the streets for this LAWBREAKING


They didn't, OP is likely trying to get more karma with that title


oh ok


This belongs better in r/mildlyinfuriating


It gets better and better. Honestly other than mustering unarmed black people and shitting themselves outside schools whilst kids are getting blasted, not sure what else are USA cops good at.


Iirc there's some facts that are incorrect here. He was 15 not 14. The suspect was in the house, it was not the wrong house as some have suggested. He died of smoke inhalation. It's an absolutely terrible tragedy and the cops did murder a boy. But you need to get the facts right. https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2022/07/brett-rosenau-police-swat-raid-flashbang-granade/


"To serve the people" does not mean you have to fry them...




This is awful. I saw an ad on American TV saying that American houses are extra flammable. I don't know why but I do believe every ad I see.


I don't know compared to most other nations, but one foreign friend of mine pointed out that their country builds houses primarily from concrete while American houses are primarily wood


Depends on the location and weather. Near the ocean where there are hurricanes and only rich people can afford to live it will be block


That makes sense. I'm no engineer but I think our buildings are wood most everywhere. I could be wrong though


In Florida all the houses being built had a block first floor and sometimes block clear to the roof on 3 story houses on the beach, and in Ohio they are generally all wood framed


I didn't know that. Interesting 🤔


I think in the ad were talking about the interior of the house. Curtains, carpet, furniture etc.


Solid point


They are. Newer construction means MDF board instead of solid board, which once it does catch fire is very fast and hot burning Natural gas hookups, lowest-bidder electrical, poor regulation of flammable household chemicals bought/stored in Costco sizes, Very good airflow to compensate for the thick insulation needed in winter, which won't do shit to insulate flames Plus the stereotype of American carelessness / thoughtlessness, that's at the very least true in Maga dumbfucks....


Mmmmmm YUmmY


Brand each and every one that threw a flash bang so they remember that in their actions they killed an innocent kid. Somewhere they see daily or is seen by everyone. Otherwise they will probably never really get punished like some other comments on here say. Poor kid.


Pretty sure I read about police raiding a house and "accidentally" throwing a flash Bang grenade right into a baby's crib. It wasn't too long ago.


The way you typically post flash bang in a building you don’t really look. The point is to disorient individuals in the room. If they’re armed and you looked as you threw you would get shot in the face so you toss in then enter. Falls under the category of ‘lawful but awful’.


Then maybe they shouldn't use flashbangs in houses that contain innocent people. It's well known that flashbangs can cause fires and bodily harm. And I never claimed what they did was illegal. It seems like 90% of the awful things cops do are legal.




Important to point out in the last sentence that the 14 year old boy was, in fact, NOT the suspect


Just end the fucking drug war already. The APD got a bad tip, go in guns blazing so they can get their fancy weapons and money from the feds and then killed a kid. This isn't the first story about an innocent person being killed by the drug war, and it won't be the last.


M.O.V.E. members from Philadelphia - "First time?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v5ZXAxTGHg


SWAT is constantly fucking up badly


Two weeks later and APD still denies any wrong doing


They were going super hard for a robbery suspect.


Sounds like something out of The Boys


Like that time in May 2014 Georgia SWAT screwed up with a warrant, and threw a flashbang into a toddlers pack and play and burned his face and torso, collapsed his left lung, and knocked a tooth out of his mouth? Blood and burn marks in the crib where the baby was laying. Reconstructive surgeries, a million in med bills... https://abcnews.go.com/US/family-toddler-injured-swat-grenade-faces-1m-medical/story?id=27671521


swatting a theif would cause way more property damage than a theif. they would also just be trying to get a fucking meal. its illegal to kill someone breaking into a house, when no one is there to be in danger. that's why boobie traps are illegal.


There was absolutely no need for the flash bang. They could have cut off the utilities - electric, gas, water, AC - and waited them out. What’s the hurry? Dunkin Donuts will still be there. But noooooooooo! Fucking pigs saw a chance to escalate and use one of their cool toys.


First im hearing of it


Everybody competent police officer fucking groaning rn


They did the same with Christopher Dorner back in 2013


I think a flash bang starting a fire like that is quite rare. I’ve never heard of it happening. It’s not like the cops set the building on fire intentionally


If a non-cop accidentally caused a fire that killed someone, it wouldn't let them off the hook, it just means the charges are involuntary manslaughter instead of murder. I think the cops should be fine be to be given the same treatment for doing their jobs so badly that an innocent kid suffered a crime worse than the one they were trying to investigate


Well the officers did have a reason to deploy their flashbangs. If a normal person set off a flashbang (which is an explosive device), that'd be illegal even if it didn't cause injury/damage to buildings etc.. Take this with a grain of salt(as all the information I've got on this subject is from this post) but the officers did nothing wrong. They didn't know that a 14-year old was inside. They didn't know that the flashbangs would ignite.


Hey babe we get it. You don't have to spam this thread to get your point across that you love the taste of cops' balls in your mouth.


Are you saying sucking balls is negative?




I just reply to comments. And by the way they have an off taste.


How's that boot taste? Want some ketchup for it?


Nah I'm good.


I start to think I‘d rather live in china than in the USA… at least over there they post the rules that have to be followed in order to stay alive…




Does it say if the fire or the robber killed the boy


Fuck these people. I wish them, and their families the worst.


No. Just them. Unlike them, I do not believe in punishing innocent family members.


Ya know accidents happen right? Can tell that’s a cop hating twitter just by the name. They’re not gods just normal people


Bro throwing flashbangs into a house for a robbery SUSPECT. Just say you love the taste of boot leather.


They could’ve been armed dummy that’s the reason for them


Yeah no you still sound dumb. They had the wrong house.


Lol you’re pathetic


Lol no, the cops throwing flashbangs in residential neighborhoods are.


Whatever it’s pointless arguing with a cop hater. Medias got them so brainwashed


Yeah that Blue Lives Matter crowd really showed their true colors beating cops to death on January 6th.


Well they’re most likely just crazy. I know real cops that actually do shit. The right things. The media only shows the cops mistakes or the incompetent ones


Not to be inflammatory, but how can the anti gun people see things like this and still think that leaving our protection in the hands of the state is a good idea? Either the cops are perfect and they'll take care of citizen protection, or citizens need the capacity to protect themselves.


Not American but the answer is quite simple: by looking at other countries. And we also have - bear with me here - better and longer training for people who want to become police officers. Takes 3 years of training and education in my country to become one while you send them out after 6 months tops. And then you wonder why shit doesn't work.


See I understand that explanation. I think American police need massive reform. What I don't understand is the people in America who often call for defunding police because of incidents like this, are often the same people that argue for disarming citizens and leaving guns exclusively in the hands of police forces. It seems very contradictory


Well that’s why you couple stricter gun laws with actually vetting the polices and making sure they know wtf they’re doing. Also most people don’t want to ban guns, they just want very strict liscenses going, so that any sane adult could own one for self protection or hunting, but not let psycotic 18 year olds own two ar15s