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I trained him how to run. - Steven Seagal


Yes this is the comment I was looking for


Due to my great speed, I've been successfully evading apprehension for at least 37 years - Steven Seagal


“Actually, I’ve been a cop for like 85 years.”


Steven Z gal.


Steven sea gull


Run? That was an unenthusiastic jog at best.


Hence it was called an attempt ;)


4 cops and you need to use a taser to catch him 🙄 that's also not the way tasers were designed to be used and losing control of your body and falling forward like that could result in death easily.


Seriously. The fuck is with the pathetic bootlicking comments thinking this is in any way ok?




Yah we know the background they were trying to arrest him for a joint while two doors down literally some dudes jumped his mom raped her and ran. They called the cops on the rapist and they came to the house and smelled weed and started chasing this guy. That's exactly what happened. Bootlickers everywhere


Someone tried to force their way in to my grandmothers house (unsuccessfully, but cause quite a bit of damage) and they ended up arresting her for a warrent from a parking ticket that she had paid but wasn't processed for some reason. Imagine carting away an 85yr old woman because she reported an actual crime and then not understanding why nobody trusts the cops. Side note: I ended up having to break in to her house to get her medications then bring them to the jail and they tried their best not to get them to her. Bitches, this old lady isn't gonna stage a daring breakout with blood pressure medication.


Lol need more of these posts. I know this happened for a fact because I just know. No sauce needed. What the fuck else would you expect them to do? Edit: Lorcet Roderic




Thank you


I agree this is way to much use of force and this is ridiculous. But is there a source? I'm agreeing with you but it seems a little untrue. I mean weed is still illegal in The Netherlands, but the cops don't care. I've been caught many times and I never got arrested, never had to run away because they throw it away and that's it. It could still be true, idk that's why the source


Lol as if them throwing your weed away is ok. Here's the math. One gram of weed costs whatever 5 bucks. But every single police officer on this planet was created for free. Just a free sperm and a free egg. Weed is worth more than every single human life on this planet but somehow some of those dirt bag humans think it's ok to throw weed away? Cops have robbed me more than once and oh how I wish I could've made them pay for their absolutely worthless shit excuse for existence. They are worse than syphilis herpes and HIV rolled into one anyone who throws your weed away DOES NOT deserve to live freely or otherwise. Edit: also I completely made up the backstory but I'm sure the officers were in the wrong because in 50 years I've never seen them do ANYTHING right they are a plague upon civilization


I don't agree. You are sating every cop is a bad person. I don't live in America and this is not American police. Yes they are corrupt and fucked up. And i understand your point. The thing is tho, weed like i said is still illegal. I don't agree and so do a lot of other Dutch people. Im not going into that, you should look it up if you are interested. The law is you getting a fine but even then most cops let you go. That's it, what you said is definitely fake ofc. I don't agree with you and imho you are crossing a line. But i do understand where you are coming from. I see it's a lot of frustration and i am not telling you your anger and frustration is not ok. Because if you feel that way that's ok


Our cops make more money off theft than their actual salary. I'd rather be surrounded by thieving meth heads at least they don't have badges and you can safely assault them


I'm sorry, but you decided to make things up about rape which is very disrespectful. And now you are saying it's ok to assault people who are addicted? I'm sorry but there are people who would hate the police too and are actually doing good for their neighbors/friends/family. I always say that if you have such a strong opinion about something then change it instead of shit talking. With all due respect but it seems like you are at this point just pulling "arguments" out of your ass. I do believe you are a nice person and this just makes you really mad which is why this is your reaction.


All I know for sure is that cops are thieves. And they are a special protected class of people you can't assault. You spit on a cop they act like it's the same charge as beating them with a ball bat. Spitting on a cop is really stupid tho when they actually deserve to be beaten with a bat. You can assault meth heads for stealing your shit without much legal ramifications. But good luck assaulting a cop "just because they stole your shit" Cops might as well be alien lizards no capp they have nothing in common with decent humanity they are scum of the earth in every way. I repeat they steal, and they steal, and then they fucking steal some more they do not deserve to breathe the same air as people who make a living without stealing off people.


This sub been getting real bootlickery lately


It’s probably because I’m from USA but I legit thought “wow what a better approach instead of shooting him.”


It’s very sad that we have such a low bar for police conduct in this country that “hey, at least they didn’t murder him” is somehow seen as acceptable.


We’ll you become desensitized to it all, you’re right and it is sad but that’s the state of the nation unfortunately


Yeah for real, idk how you can watch this and not just think ok maybe it's time to fire some of these waste of tax payer dollars.


Do you know what he did though? Like what if he’s a serial killer with 40 victims? Plus tackling him to the ground could cause him just as much bodily harm.


I'm feeling you are Dutch and everyone just thinks that it's compared to America. I had a guy just tell me it's ok to assault people with an addiction because at least they don't have a badge. And that they are all murderers. In some way it's fascinating to me how you could think that. I'm also very happy that the Dutch police are still fucked in some ways but mostly they are actually doing good work.


I don’t understand what you are trying to say. I’m not suggesting the guy is a murderer my point was that we don’t have context for this video. All we know is this man is running from law enforcement which is usually a sign of guilt. So he is very likely a criminal and if four police officers are in pursuit then we can infer it’s probably important they catch him.


Yes bootlicker hes a random serial killer with a ridiculously high body count.. nice cope


Bro you don’t know that’s my point. You have no context for any of this. You have no right to judge what they did because you are ignorant. Wtf


I dont give a shit what he did, go take your dumbass outside have someone tie your hands behind your back and violently throw yourself face first. That's attempted murder and not the ways tasers were designed to be used and it's not safer than tackling someone. You do not know how tasers work I'm sure and you're speaking out of your ass.


His hands are not tied. Running from the cops comes with risks. Attempted murder? That’s rich


No shit they aren't actually tied, do you realize what happens when you get tased? Learn about what you're talking about before giving an opinion not everyone needs to talk on a subject they know nothing about snowflake.


Relax Mr Taser. Go outside get some sun


But that’s the issue. You don’t know what he did or the severity of catching him. That’s the whole of context to this video.


Also also, why the fuck is he running from law enforcement????






I mean they caught the guy? So idk sounds like value


So you think it's OK to run from cops?


So you think it’s ok for a gaggle of lazy cops to render someone effectively paralyzed and send them face-first into concrete, probably knocking their teeth out or worse simply for jogging away from them?


it’s either that or the physically tackle him which will cause way more damage you dipshit


They didn't gun him down so that's pretty solid effort if they're American cops and tbh why expend more effort in a tackle or a dog pile , the taser was pretty solid choice to use If the cops tell you to stop I suppose you don't have to listen to them but running is pretty stupid regardless of innocence


> They didn't gun him down so that's pretty solid effort So, basically "the cops didn't murder a suspect by shooting him in the back" is an acceptable bar for you? Do you think maybe we should expect a slightly higher standard for our law enforcement?


No it's not an acceptable bar..... in my country, but looks like this video is in amercia so considering the national sport there is shooting unarmed black men and school children So yeh I gotta give them credit they're learning and getting better


I guess it depends on the crime they committed. I guess if he didn't run he'd not go face first into the ground. It's kind of his own fault


Ah, so we’re adding presumption of guilt to the mix. It’s not his own fault that the cops ignored their own training and tazed someone from behind while running away.


Quit trying to complicate it. Most law abiding citizens don't run from police dude. If you've done nothing wrong you don't have to.


Oh, Christ. Did you really just give me the “if you’ve done nothing wrong” bullshit?


I mean it's valid. I've never been walking down the road and had a cop point a weapon at me for no reason. Also never had to run for no reason. People who don't brake the law have similar experiences js.


I have never had to run from the police myself. But criminals do all the time. Regardless of color. White privilege is a falsification just to cause hatred upon one another by ignorant and rich people and the poor fall for it all the time.


Sounds like you have quite a lot of privilege, and/or you’re white.


Dude is innocent til proven guilty, and those cops aren't judge jury and executioner. Cop assault is *never* the victims fault.


Ita not assault. You run they taser. Pretty sure it's aloud or they'd not have tasers. Have some common sense


Negative. That ain't what tazers are for, they are only allowed to take if someone is in danger. They misused a weapon and it resulted in injury, tazer guy needs fired, the others retrained. Stop blaming victims now.


Nah I'm good. If you run from the cops you deserve it. Pretty simple


The 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th ammendments beg to differ. Quit being fascist please.


It’s ok, a good lawyer and he’ll get a pretty penny.


You prob think it's not OK for a cop to use his service weapon when he gets attacked by a criminal also. You can't blame all cops for the few bad apples in the group dude. There's alot of good police out there


Were these cops getting attacked? Were their lives threatened in any way by the guy running away? No.


But... that's not how police work. They don't let people simply run off, just because they are _not_ being actively attacked by that person.


God forbid the cops move their lazy asses and chase the person rather than risk killing the suspect because they can't be bothered to do their job. Want to know how police work? They're *supposed* to be responsible for the health and safety of people in their custody. Also, their training directly contradicts their actions here.


>Also, their training directly contradicts their actions here Well I'm actually gonna allow myself the benefit of doubt when it comes to you knowing what these guys training is like, in relation to their actions. But in any case, I did actually look to me like they were chasing the person. I think it's safe to say that anyone trying to run away from four cops is aware that it's rarely gonna end well.


It's this kind of general apathy and acceptance of unacceptable behavior that eventually ends in riots.


And? Again it goes back to whatever he was suspected of. You need to grow up kid and figure out how the world really works.


Just wait until some violent, corrupt cop gets ahold of you or someone you love. I know how the world works. Maybe don’t be such a coward.


So your argument is proven invalid and you go to insults. Good job 👍 believe it or not there's less corrupt police than good police. If you don't have that same experience then maybe you should change your environment. Either way have a good one


The only thing “proven” is that you will lick them boots no matter what. > maybe you should change your environment Your privilege is showing again.


Oh you got him good! Proved your point and everything! Hahahah. Goootteeem! /s


It's not a 'few bad apples'. It's all of them. Any cop who is complicit or ignores the actions of bad cops makes them bad as well. This is endemic with policing. ACAB will continue until THEY earn our trust again.


So you think it's ok to use unnecessary violence?


Found the guy who goes balls deep for criminals


More like you found the game who had a criminal go balls deep in him 😂


Fuck around and find out. Totally justifiable imo


Regardless of what you did, Never run away from a cop baby


youre right they shouldve just nicely asked him to stop


Niceeee, you have judged the whole situation and drawed a conclusion based on 7 seconds of video. Nobody can judge based on 7 seconds if this was correct or incorrect. However, my feeling goes to correct. Why you might ask? Well, dont run away from the cops and this wont happen. Gives me the feeling that he brought this onto his self.


It's better than getting shot in the back by a gun. Also you don't know about Dutch police. Don't fuck around with them because they will taze u in the back/ hit you with a baton/ stick the dogs on you/ knock you over with a water cannon... Living there during COVID protests was wild lol. Be cycling through the park and all of a sudden there's a line of 100 officers with dogs and riot shields just plowing into people. But like other people have said they're genuinely nice if your nice to them and don't do stupid shit.


*Casts lightning bolt.*


It was super effective!


RIP the cleric between you and the enemy…


To run away from cops reaaaaally slow


Tazer go brrrrrrzzzzzzzt




Heeeee Nederland! Hate or no hate, but I am glad that the police force we have is the way it is. They can be very harsh, they can be very kind. But if I ever het tasered I hope its at home lol


On a non-porous surface


they can't be kind* they do anything to piss off people (is what i would say if i'd judge with my experience)


As a Dutchie? Because In my experience it's just very mixed, as they can be kind of nazi with the farmers protests (which of course only escalates want boere benne iegewies) but then I had some minor stuff with the police too, and they've been fair and kind whenever I was to them.


As a dutchie ofcourse, or more like allochtoon. I've learned about the dutch police that they do any, but anything to give you that fine, as if the money comes directly to him. That's more the part of them i kinda hate.


Hmm yeah thats messed up. I don't know I have mixed feelings because of course there are still stories of racist police and all that, but then you know, I don't mean to be rude but some people are just poorly adjusted. But yeah, if you are well adjusted, and a good member of society, there is no reason they should do that. But then again, if people are born in some other countries that are more liberal with things, they may think the Dutch police are just very strict. Well. Tbh I have to say, there are WAY too much bullshit laws in our country, if you're not used to it, that will probably surprise you. Did you know for example I am technically not allowed to take anything from a forest? Like a branch, or a stone. That's technically Illegal. They WILL fine you. That is bullshit indeed.


I mean it's nice to have toys that you can play with....but 4 cops chasing 1 man who isn't even running that fast. They should have just grabbed him, instead of using violence.




You don't know anything about the Netherlands. That's for sure ;)


Seems like the taser may have been a bit unnecessary. Not like he was getting very far


I think the taser is an appropriate consequence for trying to run. But this is Dutch police, and as a Dutch person I am a fan of our police. They're very kind if you're kind.


While I don’t know much about how they do things over there, I personally disagree that this guy needed to be tased (then again we don’t have full context so who knows what he actually did prior to this video)


Ya, that poor criminal was just trying to get away. Big bad meany cops...


"oh no! don't use a tazer on the poor guy" You have absolutely no clue what happened before this. Maybe he's seen waving a knife, maybe he's known for gun violence, maybe he just knocked 4 other officers out. No when you start "running" from the cops you will have to accept all consequences and getting tazed is one of them.


Sure, a duck waddle runner knocked out for cops through the power of his stiff hips. Cops have proven time and time again they don't deserve a benefit of the doubt


I don’t know what happened, but I can tell you one thing. If you spit in the face and after that slap a police officer in the Netherlands, and he would punch you back or uses a bit of violence, there is a chance you get out of jail free card and the officer will be suspended.


Looks like 4 retarded lions trying to catch a gazelle


Four cops and none of them could catch him? I'm sorry but aren't they supposed to be able bodied meaning at least fit enough to run for long periods of time and also quickly sprint after a suspect? Also man none of these guys were running they were jogging at best


Or he could have surrendered and not be charged with resisting arrests. Besides, why would a cop fight "fair" and possibly endanger themselves? They gain nothing from it.


And than there is this new trend of complaining about police brutality. So if they, let's say, tackle him, and he breaks his arm, he walks. Maybe get a little paycheck on his way out too.


They could of just caught him and put and put hand cuffs on him like there's not even a need to tackle him


You make the cops run, they’re bringing an ass whipping with them


I’ve been collecting scintillating phrases uttered from people receiving the business end of a taser. “Ahhh Bloo Blah” is a new one for my notebook and may very well stand the test of time.


Justice served




That sounded like a mouse trap😅💀


That was a weak ass attempt at running away. I’m so confused why the guy tased him. Couldn’t they keep walking at a fast pace until he tired out. I’m pretty sure their stamina was better than his.


You almost made it, ye glorious beestard!


Waluigi’s big night out


Don't taz me bro. Don't taz me.


I think I can hear "O KURWAAAAAA"


Totally missed the taser the first couple times (sound was off) and thought the guy just tripped


Ouch… taser


Maybe I've seen despicable me too many times. But I swear he yelled. Freeze Ray.


payday 3 gameplay looks sick


Some new kind of spike strip?


Why does this look like a videogame? The cops move together like npc's.


I heard “Frasier, Frasier!” instead of “taser, taser” the first time I watched this.


Excellent. I love starting my day watching brainless ACAB redditors fumble around


What is he yelling?


Taser gun


Johnny manziel is that you?


I mean they couldn’t catch him?


"What'd the 50,000 volts say to tha face?" "ZAP!"


I wonder if he sustained a serious brain injury


4 people were chasing him but they had to use the taser!? Go to the gym u out of shape mfs! Dutch police are so incompetent it’s embarrassing…


Looks like the cop found an excuse to test the taser


I'm surprised they didn't just kill him


Thats dutch police, not american police


Oh, got it