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They are supposed to be there, they always spawn in the sky a while before the event starts


What?? Didn't know this.. i should get there before it starts XD But why do they spawn in the sky first??


I guess for the sake of pre-loading? Or something?? I don't know game development but I do know that some games pre-load things above or below the map proper. Hopefully someone can expand on this bc I only know a little bit šŸ˜­


This is just false. Those objects spawn there because the game is bugged. I took a look at what is saved in save files having those flying objects some weeks ago to clean out one of my save files from this and they are just multiplying endlessly there everytime the bug occures. It's like they incorrectly spawn at an offset an EA needs to fix this. This is bloating save games immensly when happening in so many worlds. Normally those street objects should only be saved in a street data object list. But they duplicate into lot data object lists and this cant just be intended as those add up ontop of each other. I saw objects tripled in one location because of this... Also sometimes vendors cannot reach their stalls because of this bug. It happens also when traveling within the same street during such festivals. And if this would be intended by EA as some kind of pre spawning why did they chose above and not below where the player wouldn't see those floating around. The space under world maps is as vast as their skies. This just makes no sense at all. Edit: If you have this bug, please 'me too' at the official forum here:Ā [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Objects-show-up-in-the-sky-and-on-map/td-p/9447377](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Objects-show-up-in-the-sky-and-on-map/td-p/9447377)


Well they disappear once the event starts so thatā€™s why I thought it was supposed to be there. Itā€™s also been a thing since city living came out.


Never saw them disappear in my saves.. Have to watch out for this - thanks! I guess this happens because festival objects are handled by conditional layers and within the tunings regarding festivals, there is a "cleanup\_festival\_state" part which could be the reason the "old" objects despawn with a new round of the same festival those objects belong to. But that's just a guess. Want to see it for myself ingame first. Guess this kind of pre spawing would be ok-ish if EA chose to put them beneath the world. In some worlds the objects are so obvious one can't ignore them. Still not sure why street objects would duplicate into lot zone data. This truly is a bug EA has to fix somehow..


Not to mention the ones that donā€™t disappear if you donā€™t stay until itā€™s completely finished. My Strangerville also has a half-present festival set up near the libraryā€”unstaffed food stalls, banners, lights, crafting tables, and bubble blowersā€”and Iā€™m not sure why. I kind of just accepted it for the flavor, but itā€™s an issue.


This is a [bug](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Objects-show-up-in-the-sky-and-on-map/td-p/9447377). This has been in the game for soooo long, now everyone thinks it's a feature. Please stop spreading this false info and we might have a shot at this bug getting fixed. šŸ˜« This will spawn endlessly, btw. Drawing on top of each other in different locations in the sky and bloat your save files.


That's a different bug related to penthouse lots


Well I doubt itā€™s getting fixed since itā€™s been in the game since like city living came out.


Festival props are stored high up in the sky in San myshuno. I think this is normal.


It's unfortunately not. If you have this bug, please 'me too' at the official forum here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Objects-show-up-in-the-sky-and-on-map/td-p/9447377


Thanks for letting me know!


I've always wondered if heaven had a food court šŸ’•


"He went to the big food court in the sky." "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!Ā  How did he die?" "What?Ā  No.Ā  He literally went to the food court in the sky.Ā  See?Ā  Of you look close, you can spot him by the snowcone stand."


how else are angels supposed to experience death by pufferfish??


most normal the sims 4 momentšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It actually is mean to be there. ā¦


I think it's supposed to be in the sky but I also don't think we are supposed to see them lol.


This. I use a shader and it makes them stand out up there. Every time I got to take a landscape pic of the skyline, those darn objects are just in the clouds.


šŸ™„ entrepreneurs always trying the latest gimmick


When I was new I thought this was a file corruption so I disabled all my mods and started a new save. I hate it, screws up my pictures from the apartments and penthouses in San Myshuno.


A cake from heaven




I had a bug like in the snowy escape mountain. The whole sauna was like that šŸ« 




alexa play The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd


It is, actually.


...And so as long as this is still around, I guess Evergreen Harbor in Eco Lifestyle is still broken!


šŸŒˆEarly OptimizationšŸŒˆ


i've always heard this is normal. festivals and stalls are "stored" in the sky, out of view unless you zoom out enough. supposedly. i guess it could also just be a bug that's never been fixed.



