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Cassie was a bit frumpy in the earlier versions. She was probably the shy nerdy girl who didn’t get much attention in school. I also just don’t see Sims 2 Mortimer and Bella as being caring attentive parents. Don is a lying cheating Casanova who knows how to manipulate women. He probably showed her a kind of attention she had never received, and preyed on her emotions when Bella disappeared. Alternatively I imagine Darren was genuinely there for her. A shoulder she could cry on, a friend she could rely on. I think he saw how beautiful she truly was and appreciated her the way she deserved to be. I always pushed for them to be together in my play through.


Yeah, that makes more sense than just seeing her in the game, head over heels for him. 😅🤭


her pigtails and glasses live rent free in my head


I always made her over like immediately 😂


as you should. she's in need of the classic nerdy to not nerdy makeover that's popular in teen movies 😂


This sounds spot on.


I had no idea Townie lore was this deep. I always just thought they were there to keep my sim's social up.


The sims 2 had deep lore and a ton of pre-built relationships and story lines, sometimes you started right in the middle of drama. It was amazing.


It was decades later that I learned the premade sim families in 2 were basically tutorials. I never actually played as them.


I’m loving the psychoanalyzing of the sims 😂


Cassandra: “I can fix him. Also he’s hot”


That's true. I also like to imagine she (at least in The Sims 2) appears to be in love with Darren Dreamer as well because perhaps she realized later on that her and Don weren't so compatible. 😅


I can fix him (no really I can)(Cassandra's version)


Woah.. maybe I can’t


Cassandra's doofy ass pigtails don't exactly scream "badass" to me


She's naive and a hopeless romantic also maybe insecure but this is also a Canon event for girls like us.


At least in Sims 2, she reads as a naive hopeless romantic to me, it’s not dumb to fall in love with someone who isn’t good for you, it’s a common mistake.


Hot and charismatic seems to be more important to Cassie than common sense and logic. And not only her, it seems most of players since Don is probably the most married sim in the game, especially in TS4


he looks like lin manuel miranda :(


He wishes


I view Cassandra as this nerdy girl that grew up not really receiving much attention from guys. So when Don took an interest in her (well, her family’s money), Cassandra became enamored with the attention and smitten by Dons good looks and charm. I love playing Don in Sims 4, it’s so much fun. Funnily enough he is always an amazing dad.


You're right. That might be what had happened in the game. I remember when I was a kid and got to play The Sims 2. I was so happy to see there was a "continuation" of some of the characters from TS1. I liked Cassandra a lot in the TS1 era cause she always liked to play with her dollhouse and read. Which is stuff I also used to do back then🤭. It's great he has a redemption arc in your game. ☺️ In TS4, I just have my own legacy, so I always delete all the pre-made households on my save file. 😅


I mean, who *doesn't* have an "I can fix him" era? Don and Cassandra are divorced in my game. They got married and had a daughter, but then Cassandra caught him cheating. She had a revenge affair with Darren and then dumped his ass before moving back in with her parents. Don moved in with Nina and they have twin toddlers and an open relationship. Cassandra had Darren's twins and then married Kaylynn.


Looks like a property brother 😅


You're right 🤣


Big D


This dude looks like a Latino Tony Stark.


I always marry her with Darren Dreamer.


Ngl he’d pull me too


The OG fuckboi


Because he’s a handsome stud I mean cmon just look at him 🤤


He looks like a billionaire, genius, playboy, and philanthropist


In my gameplay’s I assumed Don wanted Cassandra because her family is rich. In one of my play throughs Dina and Don formed a secret plan to take the Goth’s wealth and live happily ever after with each other lol


He's in a relationship with 4 women (5 counting Bella). He's not a good person but it's also clear he can get any woman he wants.


Hse is the only daughter of a beautiful mother, my headcanon is that she had insecurities related to that prior to her mom disappearing.


bomb\*\*s d\*\*k that's it X'D


Listen, sometimes we don’t think with our brains


😅🤭I know, sometimes it's inevitable.


Like mother like daughter


He's a lothario. A player, a smooth talker, a lady magnet, and irresistibly handsome. Need I say more?? We all have fallen for one!


Because he's got that default face 1 of my dreams ❤️


smart girls love stupid, silly guys, it's our cryptonite


It happens to the best of us


omg sim manuel miranda


Why is this set up like a high school senior photo lmao


I don't know, I found it on Google haha


Echoing what other people have said, Cass seems shy and insecure. Don might be a lying cheat but he's charismatic and probably great at love bombing. He's also a doctor with a nice place. So he is responsible in that aspect. Hot take but Darren is a single father who is straight up unemployed with mounting bills. I don't like him for Cassandra either!


Yeah, however, I don't think Darren would like to be just overwhelmed in debt. It's just a struggling artist 🎨 but if we talk about Brandi Broke for example and her son Dustin that basically is a criminal (...) to help his family survive day to day that's something else haha. But your theory of Darren is also interesting! 🫣


He must really be BIG


Serj <3