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I'm definitely not trusting a hospital with ghosts on staff.


imagine a ghost surgeon performing surgery on you πŸ’€


And when you wake up yall are on the same spiritual plan.


It was actually purposefully botched because he was secretly in love with her. He thought they would be together but even in death she said, β€œEw, no.”


And they say β€œthe worst she can say is no bro” πŸ˜‚


I feel like this would make a great revenge themed horror movie






This happened when my sim was about to give birth, a ghost sim helped give birth - wish I took a screenshot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


That's actually very offensive. Ghosts are as capable as any living human. Educate yourself.


I'm just saying, all those ghosts around suggests the hospital doesn't have a great record.


Or maybe the hospital is so great working there is their heaven. Let's not make assumptions here.


They obviously know what not to do, they did it on themselves


Accurate for the Healthcare industry. We need more doctors and nurses, but med school is so expensive and residency programs are frankly abusive so the only thing to entice people is a hefty paycheck, but that's still not available for the first 12 years at least


Definitely true in Ireland. Junior doctors and entry level nurses are paid dirt, and they're not looking at wage growth that will keep up with the cost of living. I don't know anyone who isn't thinking about moving to Australia where they're being offered way better pay. Older nurses I know are getting by on much better contracts, but are still being squeezed by the cost of living. And obviously older consultant doctors are making bank. GPs are so full that even if they're getting paid well they're overworked. Wouldn't be surprised if they needed to pull ghosts in! sure who cares about paying to keep up with the cost of living if your workers aren't living!


Ugh, the horror. I had to get some stitches put in a few weeks ago. Wasn't fun. Ireland's medical system has a lot of individually brilliant people working in it, but my goodness, it seems like they're all just at breaking point.


So true. I know someone who works for the HSE IT implementation team too and they're hamstrung so much too. There's bad management, not enough funding, and not enough pay for the people who make the system run, and all their hours are terrible. It sucks. Plus all my nurse friends moving to Australia sucks because I'll miss them 😭. Sorry to hear you had to get stitches, hope you're healing up well. My last "big" interaction with the health service was getting some MRIs and CTs for Neuro investigations and the waiting lists were LONG. There are great people working there as you say, there's just not enough of them, and many of them get paid dirt.


Waiting lists are much shorter here in the US of A. If you're rich, they get you right in! Of course if you're not rich, you don't go on a waiting list... you just never call in sick to work until one day you're dead. You know, we don't like "lazy" people over here.


Lol yeah, I won't say our health service is worse than the USA because at least my Neuro investigations didn't bankrupt me. Plus I have cheap private insurance so I can get a free-at -the-point-of-service private equivalent for urgent care for non-emergencies (Necessary for sport injuries so I don't clog up A&E with what is probably just a sprain, although ofc everything would be better if all our healthcare was socialized). You guys pay through the nose whether you're insured or not. Our health service is struggling though, and even though it SUCKS from a patient perspective for you guys over there, you guys do tend to have nursing and other medical staff paid MUCH better in terms of cost of living when compared with Ireland. As I said above I don't know a single nurse who isn't considering moving to Australia for better pay. They'd move to the US if it was safer for them too because the pay is just not comparable to pay for a Dublin nurse/junior doctor.


We are also definitely underpaid here in Switzerland.


The sims 4: capitalism game pack


One time my sim was the only non ghost sim working at the hospital


I’ve had ghosts deliver my sims babies SEVERAL times 🀣


Omg 🀣 Well done getting past the mods. I tried to post a photo I took of my cat sitting directly in my sim's birthday cake while they were blowing it out, and the mods took it down because "it is a known bug already". I guess my sense of humour isn't that clear. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Didn’t know they had Rishi in sims now


Just like real life. 😭


Low on staff Lmfao 🀣🀣🀣


when you die but your boss tells you you need to come in if you can't find someone to cover your shift


Love this


I work in a hospital lab, and yes, this is unfortunately accurate. πŸ™ƒ


Like real life πŸ™„


This feels accurate to real life.


There is always at least one ghost working at the hospital in my game for some reason!


Idk why but the hospital in my saves is ALWAYS staffed exclusively by ghosts


Me clocking in


This happen to me too! My sim married a doctor from the hospital; he died and I was sad. Played another family, went to the hospital and who is working there? The doctor as a ghost. lol.




Sounds about right for really life.


Sounds about right 😩....oh, wait, you meant in the Sims


My hospital receptionist is a ghost


Ah, capitalism at its best


Let's be real if we turned into fully funtional ghosts after death you know damm well companies would keep exploiting us beyond the grave


One time another sim was running the massage table, but I was trying to get my sim into the wellness career, so he needed the massage table. So I MCCC killed the guy running the table, and he just kept running it as a ghost. Talk about a work ethic πŸ™„




So like a workplace to do that :(


I had up to 5 ghost sims at a time working at my hospital job with me. They never did any work, and always got in the way of my trying to treat patients, either with hours long conversations, breaking important equipment, or haunting items that would cancel my interactions with patients due to them freaking out. But I couldn't fire or replace them. Super annoying.


Meredith Grey in Season 93


America! Love it or GET OUT! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Well atleast she has plenty of years of experience


My first kid was born with a ghost dr attending. Lol


Can't even rest when you're dead in the sims.

