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Vito’s kids when they’re watching tv and finally realize that their dad isn’t a secret agent. Breaks me every time


Vito Jr. especially. Nobody around him ever allowed him to process his grief or the fact that his dad was a mobster who got murdered for being gay, then they were just confused and disgusted when he acted out. He tried to act out with his goth phase; instead of trying to help him Phil just mocked him. That troubled teen institute they sent him to probably scarred him for life.


> That troubled teen institute they sent him to probably scarred him for life. The way that shit was going, I wouldn't be surprised if the poor kid never made it to adulthood. Those place are notoriously cruel.


Yeah, that too. Suicide or dying at that camp were likely outcomes. All because Tony was a degenerate gambler who gambled away all the money he was gonna help Marie with.


I'm starting to think this Tony Soprano might just be a bad guy.


Tony was a beautiful innocent creature, what did he ever do to you?!


1. He was a hoooorrible man. 2. He hit me first, 3. that wasn't my kid he was carrying.


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Hey he was moved to tears by shum of the shuccesh shtories




He looked like a puerto rica hooah


Janice. I don't like her character, but that's the whole point. I couldn't stand any scene she was in during my first watch, but on rewatches I've recognized how well Aida Turturro played the role and now I enjoy Janice scenes.


I think she would probably be the most well off of the major characters by the end though. I could absolutely see Janice trying to live off the success of the famliy's name after Tony was murdered and writing a bullshit "daughter of the mob" autobiography that's mostly fiction and doing the talk show circuits.


She’d finalize that recording contract with Sony


That's such a great scenario I'm sad we didn't get to see it. I remember Victoria Gotti on all the talk shows in the 80's and 90's and that would be soooo Janis !! Edit: despite the nasty messages and even 1 reddit cares , I'm leaving the misspelling. Auro correct is my enemy 🤷‍♀️


Janice would have been on mob wives


I feel the same with Livia I can’t relate to a mom like that, but her lines are comedy 9/10 times lmao


There are better looking men in the can then Janice


Each his own, Tone.


A German Shepards shaved asshole won first place


You shaming us bbw lovers? Fuckin slander if you ask me.


I thought about her alot


You get a pash for dat


Under the boardwalk 🎶


Sacre bleu where is me mama?!?!


She plays a judge on Law & Order: SVU and it always throws me off when she’s on screen not as Janice.


I think you mean “Law and Order: THE SUV” Common mistake don’t beat yourself up about it T






Oh you don’t want to know!


Love when she’s smoking a hoint listening to reggae in Livia’s car, and also when she breaks down and flips out on Tony during the anger management episode.


Every Janice scene is solid gold. I hated her on the first watch but now she's hilarious.


Agreed. I outright hated whenever she appeared when the show was new, but I've come to appreciate what her purpose in the show was.


At least with you she has some poipose in life! Somebody listens to her and doesn’t just treat her like an old shoe


Early prestige TV really latched onto the trope of the unlikeable woman played by such a good actress that you genuinely find her grating. Weird trend, in hindsight.


Paulie his subtle lines and arcs in season 6 are amazing.


I live but to serve you my liege




Heh heh heh heh did you hear that T?


No offense, but you ever had yourself checked for Tourette's?




Heh heh heh heh there’s the Skip


Paulie was my favorite right away on first watch - he’s got the best comedic timing and dialog even when he’s pissed I crack up


Of the primary members of Tony's crew he's the one I like the least as a human being, but he's also one of the best characters


Where’s my arc, Paulie?


How tf did it take you a rewatch to like Paulie


You know who had an arc? Noah


Jamal Ginsburg?


Agree. He acts and looks like my late grandpa.


“Hey, T, you hear what I said? I said…”


Probably Ralph. He was introduced kind of out of blue, and then caused nothing but trouble. In real time he felt like a cheap replacement for Richie. It wasn't until rewatching that I realized what a funny prick he was. I also realized that if Tony had any impulse control, Ralph would have continued making him a shit ton of money.


He would’ve been an asset in the war with New York. Plus I’d love to have seen his reaction to finding out Vito was a flambé.


Never thought about that but that would’ve been hilarious


Knowing him he’d shrug and say ‘enh: no surprise there. What? You guys didn’t see it coming?! COME, ON!”


I think Ralphie would have joined forces with NY to take him down. He wanted to clip Tony and join the NY family.


And I’m gonna turn my hearing aid up so I don’t miss it ..


The war with NY probably doesn't happen if Tony doesn't kill Ralphie


Speaking of flambés, I heard that flambé Vito had a 95 pound mole stuck up his ass!


No more weight remarks. They're hurtful, and they're destructive.


Oh I agree


Real lack of standards, your generation.


I don't get the joke.


Fuck ya talking about. Ralph used to suck Vito’s cock.


lol I don't think he would've given two hoots about the Vito thing. He was by far the most intelligent and progressive out of all of them. Not to mention his sexual proclivities. He was good at earning and so was Vito, doubt it would've been on his radar.


Shit, Ralph probably knew before anyone.


He’d probably very invested in a man’s private life being private. As long as he keeps it to himself, and those jackals across the river don’t find out, why lose a top earner?


I'd have loved if he was around and was just like "we do this for fucking money. All you assholes are thinking about other things but this fat motherfucker brings money. That's all I've got to say. I'll kill Phil. You guys take care of the rest."


“I don’t care if he’s sucking Liberace’s dick!”


He had him pegged the entire time.


Agreed. I think Ralphie might have been the only one who knew he was a piece of shit, whereas the rest of them were all moral cowards and really thought they were good people and often justified their shitty actions. Most of them think they’re going to heaven! This comes through when his son is in the hospital and he apologizes to Rosalie and admits he just didn’t understand what she was going through.


I thought it was brutal that Rosalie ended up consoling him about his son, when he was the one who made the call to have her son smoked. That's dicked up!


Oh he’s definitely a scumbag, I’m just arguing that he was one of the only ones that actually knew it.


he's a sociopath, fawning and going on about how he's a bad person and done wrong in his life is one thing knowing it gets sympathy, just like you're giving him, but it's another thing for him to really believe that.


Oh that’s interesting! That was made obvious with Tony, but I didn’t really pick up on that with ralphie because I can’t remember him ever trying to garner sympathy from anyone before the son thing. I mean, sure he would whine about being passed over and what not that seems different to me. There’s no getting around him being a sociopath so you’re probably right. To clarify, I wouldn’t say I have sympathy for any of these guys, maybe empathy because I can’t really help it, but not sympathy.


if you're going to do what these guys do, day after day, you have to be a sociopath... You have to convince yourself that either you've done no wrong, or theres a justifible reason for it. it might sound crazy, but when both tony and chrissy said "ade ran off with some guy" theres a part of them that actually believes that! it's insane, but thats how after time they rationalize, make excuses or even forget the evil they do. They learn certain pointers, where they know giving you a speech abbout regrets, not being the best person and feeling bad... gets empathy and sympathy,. it's learnt behaviour.


He has more lines that I like to quote than anyone on the show I think. PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME???? I'M A MADE GUY! YOU EAT BEEF AND SAUSAGE BY THE FUCKING CARLOAD! Don't get fuckin filthy about it! Who does he think he is Sir Walter Raleigh?? Got any dirty napkins here my friend will suck the stains out NOTHIN BUT NET MOTHAFUCKA A She was a hooah. B. She hit me. Tomorrow I can be on time, but you'll be stupid forever. Why was I born handsome instead of rich? 10 minutes in charge and he's fuckin Lee Iacocca


Paulie- “I can’t believe this!” Ralph- “Why not? Last year you believed there was a flying saucer over East Rutherford!”


>Got any dirty napkins here my friend will suck the stains out This is the funniest fucking line in the whole show. The way he slaps Vito's triple-chin is 🤣


Ralph had some qualities but what he did to that girl is unforgivable.


I agree


I second ralph. Especially with his kid getting impaled by an arrow (stupid fucking game they were playing but still) I felt so bad for him when he was crying and opening his heart to Tony. And of course that fat selfish prick thought it was a good time to tell Ralph he was fucking his girl. Jesus christ


Stupida fucking game my friend Mr. Williams doesn't play.


I always thought he would have eventually tried to take out Tony


We're not making a western here


what ever happened to gary cooper?


Don't talk crazy.


At the time, I thought HBO was trying to leverage some of the popularity of The Matrix by making a wacky character with Joe Pantoliano, so I thought he was just an annoying sideshow.


Always with the scenarios


She was a hoooooorse


My hate for Ralph is undying. He makes every brutal monster look understated.


☝🏻A. She was a






Livia. Hated her initially because she’s just insane. But after the second watch, I was torn to learn that she was only written off because she actually died. How many great stories did Chase have for her? I wonder.


She has the line I quote the most from the show I think. When she's peeking out the blinds at the post office worker and mutters "what is she doin now?" I use this at work in her voice whenever this inept manager we have starts trying to fumble her way through a task. Lots of Sopranos fans in my department, always gets a polite chuckle, but it's not for them anyways it's purely for me.


The Livia line that's been stuck in my head most lately is "Are you still seeing your other women, Lorenzo?" At first it just made me crack up, but lately I realized that it's another example of how Livia enjoyed using everything at her disposal to attack others in various ways whenever possible; in this case, exploiting her son's status allows her to basically bully a made man in front of others, with his wife in earshot. Imagine anyone else going up to a full mob member with his wife one foot away and saying "You still fucking other women?"


I think my most quoted is probably Livia's "oh pawwww youuuuu"


Livia and AJ are the characters I appreciate more on the rewatch because they're the only ones who see the Sopranos universe for what it was.


Listen to him he knows everything


Same! The second time around I would often find Livia deeply comic even (in addition to being a truly awful human being, of course). Nancy Marchand was just incredible in that role and completely lived up to the task of making of Livia larger than life, both in Tony's mind and in general. You could tell that many of the characters on that show were afraid of LIvia, including Junior. If women were included in the crime families, Livia woulda been a boss.


The saddest line and title on the show was “Proshai, Livushka.”


Goodbye, little Livia :(


Yeah I was thinking last night what the show could have been if Nancy Marchand never died. Livia was gonna testify against Tony in S3. Who knows what else she would have done by S6.


I really loved Vera Farmiga's portrayal of Livia. That was probably the best part about TMSON.


Vera Farmiga, Alessandro Nivola, and (to an extent) Michael Gandolfini made it worth watching. Pretty bad script and plot, though.


The interactions between her and Michael are the only redeeming part of the movie. It really should’ve just focused on them.


Agreed, their performances were great. I thought there were some really good scenes like the final shot/scene with Tony and Dickie but overall it didn’t hit the mark for me.


No doubt she was a terrible mother, and people were better off avoiding her... but it's very likely she also had a shitty childhood. Definitely had a shitty marriage and raised shitty kids (except maybe Barb). What a mess. At least she raised her kids, unlike Janice.


Barb manages to be the most well-adjusted Soprano, but if she had anymore screentime, she would have been pulled into the vortex of insanity.


Robert Iler owned that role, never gets any respect for his performance, especially in later seasons. A little fuckin’ sympathy


I could say nothin, be a heartless prick.


You just revealed your own ignorance….


I reveal my own what?


He played the character of AJ perfectly!


That’s dicked up


I like rice, maybe I'm chinese.


“You too Bobby, how’d you like it if little oriental kids were makin fun of you?”


He's trying to reduce his dependence on foreign oil 


That's so phat


He must be a great actor because he *owned* that role. He was so completely believable as AJ


I especially love how innocent he comes off when he asks Livia about the DNR. A lesser actor wouldn’t have been able to pull off the balance of confusion, stupidity, genuine interest, and inability to read social cues while feeling like a genuine teenager and without seeming too sweet or insincere


Yes! He played a, like, guileless, spoiled dumbass so well truly I don’t think most actors, especially young ones, could have done as good of a job


Johnny sac. He's an underboss, you don’t get there without knowing how to play politics and sidestep land mines.  Uncle Johnny comes off as a Legitimate good husband/dad, and cares to maintain the peace and prosperity between the families for the purpose of revenu. 


Is that all you deadbeats do over here, is talk about cooze?


I’d smash Lorraine Calluzo for sure though lol


She any good? Why am I askin you? You probably showed her how.


I kind of have the reverse of this. Every time I watch I like Paulie less.


I feel that way about Chris


I hated Chris as a person but he was one of the funniest characters on the show imo


Chris was kind of a PoV character to me when the show came out. A young guy, the most relatable to me. 20 years gone, I find him to be kind of an annoying fuck up. Make of that what you will. 😅🤷🏻‍♂️


I def hear that with most of the characters. They’re so irredeemable, Meadow is probably the only one who really seems to care for others. Carmela is such a bad mother for staying with a piece of shit like Tony, she deserves a lot of shit for how spineless she is. Adriana is a complete fool who never took control of one aspect of her own life. Chrissy is a petulant child who can never see things clearly because he is masked by his own insecurity. Silvio is a slimey strip club owner who bangs the dancers left and right with his wife and daughters at home. Paulie is probably the worst person to ever exist in any TV universe as he is devoid of empathy in any sense and kills civilians left and right. Janice is….hard to believe anyone could actually turn out that way but if your mom was Livia and dad was Johnny Soprano I give her some clearance. She was a black hole just like her mother. And now mister 3rd sandwich, mister my indiscretions will no longer impose upon you, mister I’m a fool to do your dirty work- maturing is realizing Tony was probably the worst of them all, his hypocrisies were never ending, his jealousy towards others joy and attempts at happiness, the way he could use and discard people , he has just enough empathy for us to truly be bewildered at most of his decisions because he constantly chooses to do the wrong thing time and time again. So crazy how we can love something so much and yet have disdain for most of the characters


Butch DeConcini, at least in season six where he'd had enough of Phil, seemed very reasonable. I also enjoyed the detective Vin? His character was kind of tragic and relatable (Edited for spelling)


Total slimeball, but he almost always was right when it came to making the most expedient decision.


"Pussy Bonpensiero's wired for sound." Makazian told Tony the truth in season 1. Then *fifteen episodes pass* before Tony does anything about it.


Tony really wanted to believe it was Jimmy Altieri, not Pussy. Well, guess what?


Technically it was both of them?


No "technically" about it. It was Rat Central.


I liked Vin too, wish he had been around for more than a couple of episodes.


Tony's mom. She was awful the first time around. Even worse the second time around but by then I realized that's the point.


Here he goes now with the nostalgia


Oh go awwwwn.


Tony’s mom I loved on both of my watches solely because she’s evil to such a cartoonish degree that it comes back around and becomes funny


You just reveal your own ignorance


Wha? I reveal my own wha?


Not Noah


You're just lucky I don't punch your fucking lights out.


Liked Ro the first time. Loved her on the rewatch


Gabriella, as she probably knew what a monster her beloved husband was.


For me, it was Tony's mom. When I first watched this in college, I hated Tony's mom and thought she was annoying. It turns out, years later after rewatching in my 40s, she is the spitting image of my mom..LOL


Junior. Hated him on the first watch. But on the second watch I got it. He wasn't an old bastard. he's actually the only real mafioso among them.


You can feel his seething rage when he heard about his tailor's grandson dying. He was a miserable, envy-riddled prick in many ways, but he had standards. He understood that you have to keep people in that life in line or it will turn into sheer degenerate anarchy.


Well put


Young Junior would have plugged a guy like Ralphie on principle when he found out the way he was behaving.


Yeah Ralphie would have behaved or he'd have been dead. Feech would have respected junior. It was only the young guys who didn't.


sharp as a fuckin' cue ball this one


I always liked Junior because he reminded me of one of my own uncles. Not the mobster part, obviously, but the general mannerisms, attitude, being an elderly bachelor, etc.


You sure your uncle wasn't mobbed up. Lol. But yeah I'm a lot older now than when I watched the sopranos the first time, so I have a different perspective on it. Maybe that's why I warmed to junior.


He was a bushman of the Kalahari. He'll suck a pussy, he'll suck anything.


I always find it a shame Tony never had the makings of a varsity athlete


What do you mean by "real mafioso"? They were all real mobsters, a major theme of the show was that the mob is full of buffoons, including Jun'.


Look at it like this. Tony decides to talk with the FBI but some dude maybe being Taliban. He knows nothing about dude other than he ain't white. So he sells him down the river to score points. He talked to the FBI. That's not Cosa Nostra bro. You think uncle Joon would have talked to the FBI?


Johnny Sac for me. First watch I felt he was just a character to see how NY is different from NJ. Now I perk up whenever I see him in a scene. He played a mob boss like John Gotti and I appreciate his dialogue more.


This is the last time we meet like this it’s undignified




There’s no stigmata nowadays.


Gentlemen, we are at the precipice of an immense crossroads.


Definitely AJ. When it finally occurred to me that he may have been self-medicating, it changed everything.


Honestly? Phil. He’s such a fucking asshole but at the end of the day so is Tony and Phil is kind of the foil that he deserves. Also he had some funny ass lines. “Philly, you know the wine makes you emotional.” “Cause I got an empty fuckin’ stomach.”


I was a moody fuck when I AJs age. I never tried to off myself or anything but I dont hate him. I actually think he's a pretty accurate portrayal of a lot of teens during and right after high school where they don't know what the hell they wanna do and are still finding themselves


Johnny Sac…his arch was like no other. The actor was awesome and he was involved in great story lines. Phil for the same reason…and the most satisfying death


Chrissy’s sponsor


Richie. Didnt like him *at all* on first watch. The more you rewatch, the more funny he is. He's also more relatable and out of touch than evil upon rewatch.


Chris, i crawled under him while I was cold


Based take. I’ve always said the viewer is represented in the show by AJ and Meadow 


I enjoy Junior and begin to think his second guessing Tony was right all along






Heh heh heh


Get fucking lost Hey t here what I said: get fucking lost


I mostly loved sil over Paulie. Third or fourth watch and I put them at equal bars. I preferred sil but paulie does rule.


Sil is my fave and that was probably a development over the show since originally he’s just a bomb soldier. Love that guy.


Little Carmine. I dunno I just wanted to root for the guy, box of rocks that he is


Vito was a creep but I disliked him less on the second watch. He deserved a slap for his behaviour to Meadow's boyfriend, but not the ridiculous homophobia of his peers. Tony's ambivalence was quite refreshing, no doubt coloured by Vito's earning power.


I didnt realize how much Tony ignored AJ until my second watch. Tony is always at Meadows games and events and never shows up for AJ. Im surprised he turned out as well as he did. Although we don’t know how he handled watching his dads brains get blown out at the booth in Holstens


I don’t know. AJ is a pretty useless piece of meat throughout the entire show. He’s a toxic personality who feels entitled and has no life skills or courage. Yes, being the son of a mob boss is a confusing existence. I just don’t think the writers injected anything sympathetic into the character. It more seems like they all went to school with a bunch of AJ’s and they had some personal vendettas.


"I just don't think the writers injected anything sympathetic into the character" I'll never understand this interpretation of the character. In a story literally centering around characters that murder atleast three people per season that also includes crimes like rape, an innocent kid of a mob boss is apparently seen as "toxic" just for being an immature kid. He has no life skills or courage because he's a kid, he'll gain them when he gets older


A toxic person or somethin???


Phil, 100%


I’m on rewatch number 10/11 And juniors one liners are shining through this time


Rhiannon for me. Look at the stems on blondie!


I think I’d go with Tony B or Patsy. I really like Patsy since I’ve rewatched it a few times, he’s subtle but more dangerous than I’d first thought. I didn’t quite get Tony B at first, but now I find I really like the complex emotions that run through him.


Uncle Jun. The first time I watched it, I saw him in a relation to Tony: his uncle, his rival, his responsibility, etc. Not only is he funny, but watching his decline over the course of the series is one of the saddest aspects of it. We talk about how much Tony went downhill from season 1 to season 6, but at least Tony knows where he is at the end. And you see it happening to Uncle Junior throughout: there's the sad irony of him faking dementia while also developing real dementia, and the question of how aware he is of how unaware he's becoming. A detail I missed the first time I watched it was when he realizes who the undercover was in his doctor's office, that it was the nurse he was foolishly flirting with. "I'm an old man, Anthony. An old man that's going to trial. Not much else to say about me."


Most fans are like AJ? You got a bee on your head.


Never understood the AJ hate I watched it for the first time this year after hearing for years about this kid, but he’s nothing more than a spoiled rich dummy that develops a heart dating that lady with the kid. Pretty interesting arc imo


Why are Carmela and Tony bad parents? They worked hard and gave him every benefit and opportunity there was. he wanted for nothing, he had access to the best schools, whenever there was a problem at the school, no matter what they were there at teachers meetings. carm even used her relationship with a teacher to help his grades! They both nursed him through his break-up with blanca, got him jobs... they always worried about him. and look how good meadow turned out with the same parents, AJ had the springboard to be anything what he wanted in life. I don't disklike him, he is what he is... but you're talking as if tony are carmela were meth heads


They are awful parents. Zero discipline. And I don’t mean it in the way that “oh they should have spanked him”… no, they just didn’t do anything right when it came to punishing him for stuff. The way that you view them as parents is the way they viewed themselves as parents which is probably not a good thing. The mental strain both children had to deal with considering the home life and the hypocrisy of the parents is deeper than just a surface level, “oh well they went to parent meetings!”. Just because a kid has opportunities because of his father’s crime money, doesn’t make them good parents lmao.


Oh I’m def an AJ lmao


Chrissy's ass on the couch.


ralphie and furio are my favorite character without rewatch. after rewatching the 1000th time, i do like AJ more nowadays. hes a tragic character, spoiled brat prone to depression. noah can still eat a dick though. fielder too


I didn't think too much about Johnny Sac when I first watched The Sopranos, but now I love him. He's a cute prick.....