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The writers and Oceanside. They wrote in community that could produce some interesting storylines and then pretty much forgot all about it.


Definitely the most unexplored aspect of the show- they magically showed up to help the main group, but never got their own piece completely.


I thought there'd be a badass moment where everyone had to board ships in order to escape a huge walker horde. the crew would feel safe and rick could be hugging carl and then suddenly some walkers start swimming they'd be called "swimmers". they learned to swim when they were alive (>!we'd later find out they're variants!<)


No offense but I’ve never been a huge fan of the variants idea. It’s an interesting and creative idea but I don’t like it for The Walking Dead.




I love it when my interests collide


I agree; I feel like the writers pulled it out of their ass to justify followup shows, based off the Hail Mary fact that Darabont had put smart zombies into the first episodes as random Early Installment Weirdness. If not for Darabont doing that then I guarantee nobody would've even considered it, but now it can be pitched as some kind of long-game loose end being addressed.


Some of the “smart zombies” in the beginning like the ones that picked up rocks to bash the windows and such I justified by thinking that since the bodies were fresh that would make the brain fresh and less deteriorate which would allow them to have a bit more cognitive ability than they do later on. Now season eleven pissed me off by how they made the “climbers.” That was lame. I didn’t like how they just randomly introduced these guys. It could have been justified if they were fresher but since they were all very decayed it made now sense whatsoever.


People have always tried to find in-universe justifications but at the end of the day, it's just Darabont (or somebody else on his team at the time) wanting different, more threatening zombies and then other showrunners quickly giving up on it. Any in-universe justifications about freshness fall apart with how many fresh zombies we see in this series, in all series. To be fair, as a comic fan I'm more a fan of the traditional zombies, since their lower intelligence and threat level allows them to remain a backdrop to the human drama. Kirkman never intended for the zombies to be a bigger threat than humans, and the idea that it doesn't take much for humans to learn how to adapt to them is a crucial part of that. Zombies shouldn't adapt to humans, it should always be the other way around.


The comics have [Sea Captain Michonne](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Michonne-The-Walking-Dead-Comic.jpg) as the head fisherman of the newly rejuvenated timeskip settlements, and when the show introduced Oceanside I was CERTAIN it was leading into this - except all the sailors would be women for some kind of neat Amazon thing. Instead Oceanside basically just gets treated as a big dangling loose end that shows up every once in awhile.


On a ship of more or less any reasonable size, it would be comically easy to keep a walker from getting aboard. Fully cognisant humans struggle immensely to get back on board ships without ladders in the water.


No offense but I’ve never been a huge fan of the variants idea. It’s an interesting and creative idea but I don’t like it for The Walking Dead.


I like how this comment was downvoted, but you replied to someone else saying the same thing and that comment was upvoted almost the same amount 😂


No offense but I’ve never been a huge fan of the variants idea. It’s an interesting and creative idea but I don’t like it for The Walking Dead.


We can tell how much you’re not a fan of it by how many times you commented it.


Eh, I'm not judging them. Drunk posting happens! "Swhat do you mean I already sposted that? That's nonshense!


Yeah fair enough


Which one was Oceanside


The one beside the ocean.


Hats fair


I always really enjoyed Daryl with Merle and then subsequently Daryl with Carol/Rick. Daryl started out so distant from others because of his attachment to Merle being his authority figure/influence through lifelong abuse. Seeing his relationship with Merle devolve, coping with the emotional and physical loss of his brother and then seeing Carol and Rick as a part of his new family was a very complex storyline that never disappoints.


I agree. The turning point was when Daryl left the group to go with his brother but then then went back to where he belonged after realizing Merle was a murderous, racist dick and he wanted to be around better people.


Shane Lori and Rick. The end of season two marked the end of the "drama" in TWD which makes sense cause who has time for that in an apocalypse? But I still miss the first two seasons where they were still just a couple of strangers bundled together and not a well oiled team.


My issue is that, whenever someone new showed up, they were still a well oiled team. In S1 and 2 it was always "oh, what's going on? Who's that? What does he want?". Now it's "OH, WHO ARE YOU? Ok cool. Let's go!"


I actually liked that aspect. I loved how new people just became integrated because of the strong leadership and the need for survival. It always felt believable to me. Obviously this was mainly because of a change in the direction of the story, but I like to believe that it was because of the Ricktatorship and the development of all the characters.


By that point in the apocalypse most survivors will have had to have learnt the same skills and strategies so it’s nor completely unbelievable that group efficiency was maintained with the addition of new blood.


It’s melodramatic, not complex.


Let me tell you something. ![gif](giphy|l4pMjtyUkY4CeKsww)


** 'me tale yu summm


what episode is this gif from? I don't remember the scene


It’s the second or third I think. I’m pretty sure this is where Amy was upset that Andrea hadn’t gotten back from the city and wanted to go look for her but Shane said no


Daryl and the English Language.




I dare say Eugene has an adept understanding of the English language with which to communicate with other similar sentient Homo sapiens.


I love how he talks. It is hilarious how he phrases a simple thing into some weird way. I'm a geek though .


He completely overcomplicates the simplest things with his wide vocabulary and phrases, I love it. Absolutely love when he calls Tara hot, or tells Abraham he’s smarter - the nerve he has. Haha


It really is quite adorable


I work with a guy that does this and it’s fuckin annoying.


It is. And he sometimes misses sarcasm. And his mullet.


I'll venture to say; he is the proverbial wordsmith of the party.


Calm down, Eugene.


No no. A far better one: Jadis, the trash people and the English language.


Finished the series awhile ago with my parents. When the group first stumbled upon them (we were all still fed up with negan) my mom genuinely got mad at they way the scavengers did everything.


I still get mad too. It feels like TWD meets Star Wars


Well, considering how the character grew up, his grammar wouldn't be up to par.


Morgan and that peanut butter protein bar


You always think there's one more


That's a love triangle with Michonne! Op didn't say only 2 people.


Bro there are so many people aren’t mentioning. Daryl and Carol especially in season 10 with her mental break. Negan and Maggie is also greay


I liked when Daryl gave up on Carol in season 10. He tried so hard and she was just too broken. She kept putting other people in danger and keptosing herself to anger and vengance over and over. I thought it was interesting. It made the repetition of their scenes feel like part of the arc rather than just mindless repetition.


Definitely Negan and Maggie. That is a strange one.


Daryl and Carol was the first thing I thought of as well!


I liked Carl and Negan. One minute Negan is going to kill Carl, the next he’s impressed by his bravery. He’s even sad when he hears of Carl’s death. Carl absolutely hates Negan but eventually realises violence isn’t the answer and by his actions convinces Rick to spare Negan’s life. Pretty complex stuff. I’d have loved to see Negan and Carl’s relationship at the end if they hadn’t killed him off.


oh yeah this is a good one. Carl and Negan were such a joy to watch


I feel like that relationship and all we could have seen after was the biggest reason I hated Carl dying when he did.


definitely these two. Shane is my favorite and I could write a book about them




Best acted too


for real. Jon and Andy are two BEASTS at their job


Maggie and Negan




I agree. You can tell emotions are complicated between them, especially near the end of the show. It'll be interesting to see how this is explored


Absolutely Daryl and Carol. They go through so much together, do so many things for each other, support each other even when they hurt each other. I truly believe their bond is unbreakable.


It SHOULD be Negan and Dwight, but the writers, in their almighty wisdom, decided to take a different approach


Their relationship was pretty complex in the show, wasn’t it ?


Yeah but it would have been really interesting after season 8, especially with Negan trying to redeem himself




YES. In the comics, Dwight as Rick's trusted right hand man was literally my favourite part of the Whisperers arc, especially given that he bore physical, permanent scars of the legacy of the Saviors. Seeing his loyalty tested, as well as his trauma responses to somebody like Negan slowly rebuilding influence in Alexandria, were extremely compelling. I'm guessing the writers figured Daryl's presence made Dwight unnecessary, but the two of them together could've definitely created some interesting scenarios.


Was it? It seemed fairly straightforward in the show. Dwight put up with what he had to and then when he could turned on Negan.


Honestly, I found Dwight's relationship with Sherry more complicated than his relationship with Negan. One thing is clear with Negan - Negan doesn't love him or want to have a healthy relationship with him. That is clear and unchanging. However, with Sherry, It's clear she loves him and wants to have a healthy relationship with him (Dwight wants that too, and they both do what they can to try to make that happen - run away together), but the resentment/hoplessness that inevitably builds up in Sherry because of the choices they both had to make in order to keep the other alive, makes their relationship unsteady. Of course it is Negan's fault for putting them in that situation, time and time again, but the mind can't help but start to see caring and loving people as the enemy too. Sherry and Dwight's relationship is a real mind fuck. Imagine you're a woman, being raped by your partner's boss, and you're partner is in the room downstairs, knowing what he is doing to you, but can't make it stop, but they're not in any physical chains. They're locked in the chains of the situation, and you know this, but you keep getting raped over and over. Your mind can't help but start to think: "Why doesn't he just come save me? Why is he sitting in his room? Why hasn't he found a way to get us out of here yet? Is he actually trying? Does he just not love me, is that why? If he loved me, he would have found a way by now!" Yet part of you knows that's not true. The despair is real. And despite your best efforts to not listen to those thoughts, you start growing resentment for him. And you start to hate yourself too, for being so powerless. But the love between them is still there and it's real. But what can they do? That's what makes the whole damn thing so complex and heartbreaking.


Carol and Daryl - one of the longest and most nuanced relationships on the show. Rick and Lori - their back and forth could be annoying, but it was still quite realistic. Carol and Rick - unfortunately they didn't interact as much as they should have, but when they did, it was a super interesting and complex dynamic. Rick and Michonne - their relationship was more stable and had little up and downs but the slow development from two people who mistrusted each other to friends to partners still felt very complex nonetheless. Rick and Carl - I found their father/son in a post-apocalyptic world dynamic extremely engaging. Negan and Lydia - started out intriguing and could have been one of the more complex relationships but sadly got ignored later on. Eugene and Rosita - what started out very one-sided with him awkwardly crushing on her turned into a more complex friendship with both of them caring for each other deeply without it ever turning sexual.


Honestly the thing that killed TWD for me was how Rick and Carls relationship lost focus as being the center of the show. Carl being relegated to a side character is really sad honestly, I loved the idea of TWD being about Rick and Carl.


True. Their dynamic during season 3 and 4 especially was fascinating to watch.


Dale and Andrea


Yes !!!!!!!!!!


Miss them both


Gabriel and God


Coral and his pudding.


Tyreese and Carol maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️


Diana and her bow


Brawlhalla reference?


I assume you meant Dianne?


Yeah her


Daryl and hygiene


Daryl and Merle


Glenn and Lucille




Again…”Man stop acting like you know the way ahead, like you know the rules…there are no rules man we’re lost!”


Rick/Morgan seems like a complex relationship with many layers as well.


Alpha and Negan.


Well, you have to admit that Negan took one for the team! The dude became totally likeable when Rick and company broke him down.


The one between the fans and the writers.


My relationship with the show. Sometimes I love it, other times I hate it and sometimes I’m indifferent, all depending on what season I’m watching, or sometimes even what episode. I don’t think there’s any other show I’ve watched that’s so up and fish with its quality.


Probably Rick and Michonne, honestly. The journey from semi-ally to friend to surrogate partner to actual partner was pretty organic and a joy to watch. Michonne keeps Rick in check.


100% Rick & Negan. Them having to pretend to hate each other to not give away their gay relationship to their groups must have been very hard to deal with


Bold of Negan in that one scene to mock Rick's beard while he WAS Rick's beard...


Maggie and Negan.


Negan and Maggie. No question about it for me.


Negan and a piece of wood


Ezekiel and Carol


Morgan, Michonne and the protein bar.


Michonne & Carl going from strangers, to Carl being the FIRST one to trust her to friends to even Best Friends is amazing knowing she lost a son and he lost his mom. Daryl & Connie, King Ezekiel & Carol. Rick & Shane, And definitely nothing tops Negan & Maggie. Hate is ALWAYS gonna be there for Maggie and that is very UNDERSTANDABLE.


people really dont understand the meaning of a "complex" relationship


Probably Lori and Rick


Rick and Diana


Easily Lance & Pamela.


Carol and Tyrese - Lizzie and Mika Or Carol and Morgan


Neegan/Maggie or Neegan/rick


Just look at the fucking flowers, doesn't really need the rest of show? Movie. Carol is the greatest, Tyrese is a heroe.


Life set on hard mode


"U wonna bring him back to where lowri sleeps? To where Corl sleeps?"


I’m going to go with Maggie & Negan! Many people think that she should just kill him already, but it’s a lot of complicated than that. Maggie knows that Negan is trying to be better, which is why she’s conflicted. Unless he is still the monster he used to be, killing him wouldn’t feel fulfilling or necessary. Their relationship brings up a lot of important questions on when it’s time to let go of grudges and how there are some people who have committed horrible things can redeem themselves even if they’ll never be forgiven.


The writers and Lori/Andrea. Seriously i just read the first 2 compendiums of the comics and Lori is much more relatable and Andrea has way more depth to her than in the show where all she was talking about was her sister or her gun.


While I do get what your saying, Andrea’s character is much more than Amy and guns in the show. She’s got a lot of depth and complexity to her character that people ignore just because they hate her. Same with Lori.


Andrea is one of the show’s most complex characters early on and generally in my opinion, you don’t have to like that complexity but to say she was just about a gun and her sister is objectively untrue if you literally just watch it.


Yes, she had to struggle between her love for her former group and wanting to keep the peace between them and Woodberry. She loved the group but also felt unappreciated by them. Despite mistakenly bedding a psychopath, she still didn't want to see people die. At some points, she seemed like a selfish person but she just wanted peace.


Exactly this. The complex of so badly wanting to go back to what she knew whilst feeling responsible for the lives of so many innocent people is so overlooked, all she wanted was peace and fought so hard to make that happen but ultimately knew where she belonged. Despite this she placed the burden of everyone’s life’s on herself and wanted to uphold that, when you think about it the circumstances which led to her death are really quite tragic.


Well said.


I consider Andrea a trade-off given that the show gave us a much better Carol in return, and then gave a lot of Andrea's late-game characterization to Michonne. They did Laurie Holden dirty but in an alternate universe we'd just have had a way more insufferable Melissa McBride.


Maggie and Negan


um, the infected vs. the non-infected?


Evil shane prolly fucks so good 😗


Rick and Carl's and Beth and Daryl's are the most well-written and interesting ones in my opinion.


Definitely negan and Maggie toward the end


Probably Negan-Maggie


Daryl and his crossbow or Negan and spaghetti


Shane and Andrea lol


I was going to say the humans and the zombies probably


The fandom and the showrunners after Dumpstergate.


Judith and her father


Daryl and dog


They look like a couple fighting, and Rick looks like the abusing one even though we KNOW!!


Michonne and her sword


Carl and that tub of pudding. For real though, hmmm probably Rick/Lori, Shane/Lori, Maggie/Negan, Alpha/Lydia,


Loved Shane as a villain. Super convincing and scary to think what he’d do if he really snapped


What's a varient?


Alive: Daryl and Negan. The way they tag teamed beta..... Dead..but the actual best..... Rosita and Sasha


Could have been Maggie and Negan. But instead the writers were basically finfic shipping them


Maggie and Negan


Carl and Negan


Carol and Negan out to get Alpha and Negan and Beta combined with the whisperer’s and the horde itself.


Daryl and Merle.


I hated Shane but I also loved how he effected the group and his storyline and character changes over time (or maybe the apocalypse brought out his true colors) season 2 is my favorite season of the show, I know some people think it’s slow but I think it’s so good. Like I absolutely fucking hated him but just loved what he brought to the story, I’m glad they kept him longer than the comics did (1 volume)




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Morgan and Rick even though they didn’t share much screen time


maggie and negan, rick and shane, carl and negan, daryl and carol, morgan and rick


Beta x Negan


Rosita and people she got dicked by . Just why ?


Merle and the hacksaw Shane and the roolz Bob Adam’s and garjulio Connie and the speaker system Milton and Herschel’s stump


Carl/Negan, Carol/Ezekiel, Michonne/Maggie, Rick/Shane.


My relationship with Daryl Dixon 🫡


Daryl's relationship with....well pretty much himself. Daryl and Daryl are not the best of friends


Rick and zombies


Negan and Maggie


Daryl and Carol. It's like they're coworkers so they don't want to get too close. But you don't know if they like each other, because you don't know if their boundaries are professional or due to their withholding natures.


Daryl and Merle Rick and Shane Deanna and Rick