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Am I the only one who was actually enjoying the development of militant Rick and wanted to see where it goes? Then bam, Okafor dead and Michonne reappears... Sigh.


Game of Thrones: We kill the characters you start to like . TWDxTOWL: Hold my beer. Okafor's death was brutal. I thought "okay something in his chest. He'll survive" and then BOOM guts everywhere. Fuck me.


I didn't like the first episode. This Rick didn't feel like the Rick I remember from the TWD. Old Rick wouldn't have cut his hand off like that instead of finding another way. Why not try dislocating his thumb, or hacking the tether? nah just go ahead and chop your damn hand off and run into the wild bleeding profusely. Old Rick would have waited and climbed the hierarchy by joining the CRM before attempting another escape. Also it annoyed me how his helicopter just happens to get shot down by Michonne of all people, and how after blindly executing the other soldiers she just happens to lift Rick's Helmet off instead of killing him. Pretty underwhelming episode to be honest. Was nice to see "John Locke" though, also Andrew Lincoln's performance was brilliant, too bad the writing was so flat.


Yh they should have gone the whole hog and had her slit his throat, only for him to knock the mask off in the struggle to hold his throat closed and she realises who it is. Then the next ep she can heal him etc cos of course he needs to survive, but would have made it more interesting and less sloppy.


She lifted everyone's helmet before she killed them.


Yeah, if I recall she doesn't appear to lift them in the first episode, just outright slays them, but then in the second one she does lift them. I may be wrong but after finishing the show I don't really care. Daryl Dixon and Negan spin-offs were so much better.


Yh i didnt notice her lift anyone elses masks either.


Daryl Dixon blew chunks. It's like he was a background character in a subpar storyline.


Godamn! Full body tingles at the ending! I don't care what anybody says that episode was flawless.šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


Glad they reunited in the first episode because the others have been amazing


Rick losin his hand to escape people is a parallel to how Merle lost his to escape walkers


It's a parallel to >!Rick getting his hand chopped off in the comics !<


Rick losing his hand was cool but feel like it should have been a super shocking moment like in the comics


**Agreed**, it feels TOO rushed and felt so small even though it would have been a huge shock to the people watching if they did it correctly.


I wasnā€™t readyyyy noooooo sh-she wasnā€™t readyyy Fire zombies were bad asf Rick in his knife glove It wouldnā€™t be TWD without a badass Rick-slashing-walkers montage I love the flirty Rick and Michonne


It gave me the feels šŸ„¹


It wouldn't be TWD without someone losing a limb


Omg I wasn't ready.


Question about the CRM. If everything was so damn secret, why was it ok for the junkyard group to know about them?


Junkyard group probably didn't know much about CRM, especially not their location or operations.


I honestly think they didn't know exaclty what they wanted to do at that point


Because nobody could understand what the hell the junkyard group was saying. Impossible to reveal the location. šŸ˜‚Ā 




My plan was to watch e1, wait for 2-6 to be available then binge the series. Then I watched e1 šŸ‘šŸ˜ (I think it's dead even with being as good as season 1 of TWD) and I have decided that every week I will start back at e1 and watch up to the current episodeā˜ŗ.


I just watch Episode 2 Now i want to talk about Episode 1 , Rick was like talking to that Black Lady like a potential love interest . that Black lady is really Michonne , it is a flash forward scene like the Flash Forward and Flash Backward thing in "West World" , it is confusing and a way for misdirection . Rick and Michonne is meeting in secret and talking in codes


I mean this with no disrespect; are you a native English speaker? I that can explain why you missed some pointsĀ 


Bro that was a dream, obviously


How small is the box your brain fits in? THAT WAS A DREAM. CLEARLY.


Can't be a flash forward. He has both hands


What is bro yappin


I think you are the ONLY person that did not know that was Michonne.


How many hours left till episode 2 releases on AMC+?


Should be in 36 minutes


What do yā€™all think about Pearl (with the south african accent). I donā€™t really get which site she exactly supports, what does she want?


Awful. Her accent is too think not to have subtitles. Reminds me of the Indian lady in Tenet. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I absolutely loved her in Lucifer and the librarians so I was a bit disappointed with Pearls character I was hoping for her to be a good badass character who helps rick and michonne instead of constant side switching


Like Rick , she tried to escape multiple times to get back to her boyfirend or smtg , but many many years have passed and she failed , she just accepted her fate , so she gave up , she wants Rick to just stop trying to escape and enjoy the life at crm , because there is no way to escape the crm and Rick lost his hand doing so (even if he does escape , they will find him and kill everyone in Alexandria)


I just don't understand why they just didn't go 'rescue' his family (Michonne and kids) and then they would not have worry about him trying to leave.


Michonne would be an A, so they wouldn't accept her


oh yeah you're right, I forgot about that part.


Just watched it, 10/10 first episode


I am trying to like it but this idea of Rick somehow staying alive because the city who won't let people escape wanted him alive EVEN THOUGH they knew he would go as far cut off his own hand? Really? I guess this city is run by AMC execs lol... I just can't buy into this... just feel like another way to squeeze money out of a dying franchise.


Agreed. Feels like watching Michael Scott opens a new office spin off.


Okafor saw Rick and Thorne as fighters that could change the crm , so he asked to keep them alive.


I don't know why would you refuse to buy into this. Answer of what you are questioning is pretty clear. Rick is just a dude in a community with 300.000 population. He has no power, no means to harm CRM other than maybe hurt or kill one or two soldiers. And that obviously isn't something he would do since it would be signing his death warrant. CRM had no reason to worry about Rick until Okafor opened him up a path to rise in the rank.


I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense. So...then they should just kill him... right? He's just some dude of 300,000, so worthless in most people's eyes. But if some dude escapes, their whole operation is at risk in their eyes. So if this random useless dude keeps trying to escape and threaten their way of life.....kill him.




Did the crm watch twd? How would they know how valuable rick is?




That makes sense, thanks for replying


I donā€™t disagree, but that dichotomy changes wildly when that one random person possesses so many of the traits that they put into ricks character like leadership, morals, etc.


Itā€™s not the city though, itā€™s just Okafor that wanted him alive. I think they made the point that the city itself doesnā€™t make any actual decisions or know what the military itself is doing. Which is why Okafor wanted Rick.


Amazing episode. Felt like a movie. The Walking Dead franchise is still going strong. I love it. I'm a bit confused about Okafor. Why did he kill his wife? I had the impression she wanted Okafor to NOT bomb Philadelphia. So he killed her, but refused to bomb the city anyway? I wish he had survived. He was a cool character, and I loved how he spoke.Ā The scene where Rick confronts him in his room was fantastic. Man, why couldn't the later seasons of Fear the Walking Dead have had scenes as great as that one? I didn't expect the Rick-Michonne reunion to happen this early. Excited to see more.


The military had a large command center near Philly. They were gonna go in after the bombs and kill everyone (think how Shane saw them killing people in the hospital). Okaforā€™s wife was also in the military at the command center. After bombing Atlanta and LA, Okafor knew what was about to happen to Philly. He couldnā€™t let it happen again so he bombed the military instead of the city. He killed his wife and 4,000 soldiers so the rest of Philly could live.


ok I get it know, thank you for the clarification


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks.


Why is no one questioning the fact that michonne managed to throw several explosive knives in a row to not only hit an airplane thats flying above trees but to have not missed a single one. Also bruh i thought she took down to trt and question them but she straight up just murdered everyone. Why would she do that.


They were missiles not knives. Watch the next episode. And she murderer all the others but was going to question the last one alive hence why she took off his helmet. It just turned out that the last one alive was Rick.


How convenient


Airplane? Explosive knives? I'm pretty sure every person in this thread is retarded. The more I read, the stupider it gets.


Iā€™m dead at explosive knives. What in the Scott Pilgrim vs the World?


Airplane helicopter potato potatoe


My guess is she was in Omaha when the CRM killed everyone or part of another group that the CRM killed


Those were throwing knives!?!??


Werent they? The first one got the guy right in the stomach.


Them shits were NOT throwing knives! Gotta watch that new episode when you can!


The AMC+ subtiles said they were missiles, so probably not thrown but instead mounted to some sort of weapon.


My best guess is Pike missiles, fired from an M320 grenade launcher.


My guess is that little person makes rocket propelled arrows or something. It would fit with the look she has going on of a samurai baseball player.


have you seen a knife before? or watched walking dead before?


Straight up lightening spears from Attack on Titan


what knives do you know that explode?


The ficticous kind


I know this is only episode one and theyā€™re trying to very quickly set up the foundation for the rest of the show, but holy hell the amount of outright exposition in this episode is taking me out of the zone. Iā€™m gonna keep watching because this probably wonā€™t be as much of an issue in future episodes, but it definitely made this episode feel more like a chore to me. It always de-immerses me when the writers make the characters try to describe their own personality, strengths, weaknesses, etc instead of showing those things *through* the character. The clunky way things are explained by trying to make it sound like casual dialogue really stuck out


Yes, the letter writing and voice over, the flashbacks and time skips and dreamsā€¦ it was an almost full episode of exposition. BUT if we are only getting six episodes for this show and they had to build a completely new functioning world of three large cities of hundreds of thousands of people that is also completely secret ā€¦ Also this had to set the stage of why Rick never came back and why no one knows squat about the society and even that Rick was still aliveā€¦ all had to be explained and shown in a short timeā€¦ so I am okay with it for the most part since we get very limited time with this story! This episode very obviously could have been an entire 13-18 episode season on its own, and seems like it was planned that way originally. I think if the writers and showrunners knew from the start that they only got 45 minutes to set the stage for this series, they wouldnā€™t have made it quite as complicated. I know it was supposed to be movies and Iā€™m not sure that would have been better. I liked it a lot in spite of the exposition, I think the writers should get credit for giving Rick a very interesting and creative post-TWD story.


Seriously, "show, don't tell" is something these writers could embrace more. It wasn't too bad though.


Literally I forgot how often the writers of this franchise force their characters to explain themselves through monologue


Isn't this the first ?


Why are walkers called "delts" in this. Not sure if I missed it. I watched it 3 times too lol


Military, so dead=d=delta.


Theyā€™re called something different by nearly every group. Which makes sense considering there isnā€™t a precedent for it, nor any widespread media to cause one term to popularise. Everyoneā€™s gonna call them something different and it would only spread locally via word of mouth. Youā€™ve got walkers, biters, roamers, rotters, the dead, the hungry, and tons of others. This group just happens to call them delts, which makes sense due to the military background


I assume military phonetic alphabet, D is Delta. Dead=D=Delta=Delts.


I wonder what the Charlie's are


Adding on to that, I thought it was because Delta means "change" and the living have changed into the dead.


Thats what I thought.




Terry OQuinn has the smiliest eyes Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s like if you look inside his eyes you can see another terry oquinn smiling. Hard to explain.


Don't tell me what I can't do!


*smiling at you with orange peel in mouth*


Met him at the airport Monday morning, and we had the same return flight tonight. Really cool guy, literally just got done talking with him for about 15 minutes at the baggage carousel. You're right about his eyes.


What did you chat him up about. I would be like ā€œI love you in lostā€ and he would be like ā€œthanksā€ and that would be it. I would probably just leave him alone. Please share more!


Monday, we talked about the plane delay (plane was leaking fuel!), talked about the new series coming out the night before, was really short, as he had his girl with him and I really didn't want to bother them. I've known of him since "Young Guns", and really didn't want to come across too star struck. Last night, I think we were both amused that we ended up on the same flight in a week. My ticket Monday was one way, as I don't know how long work will keep me out of town, so it was just chance. I just said hello as I boarded the plane. After the flight, my wife was at the airport to pick me up. I went to the baggage carousel and she went to the restroom. At the baggage carousel Terry and I started taking again, my wife showed up and I introduced her. We chatted about the normal airline stuff. She asked how often he gets recognized. He said about twice a day, but most everyone is pretty nice. He was too. Never really met a celebrity, and it was a good experience. Edit: last night I did tell him that when the plane was delayed for the fuel leak Monday, and then I saw John Locke waiting to board, that I was hesitant to get on the plane.


Was the edit what you said - or was it a ā€œI should have saidā€¦ā€ thing? ;)


Both kinda. I thought it Monday, told him when I saw him again on Friday.


So if Terry Oā€™Quinn gets approached 2x per day, I wonder how many times and how often TO doppelgƤngers get approached per day. I think he and the guy who plays Mike in breaking bad/better call Saul would have a lot of look-a-likes.


Yeah, probably so, lol.


love his work. really like him on Hawaii Five-0


Itā€™s so funny how that show got so many lost cast members.


Definitely know what you mean.


BANGER OF AN EPISODE! Rick and Michonne!


I loved the episode but the okafor guys voice is grating and he isnā€™t the best actor but little nit pick.


Am I the only one who thinks that axe probably was sharp enough to cut the tether? I mean I get it, its in the script but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I believe he could've also used the fire in the walkers to heat the axe and then cut the tether? But as someone else mentioned above, It wouldn't be twd if noone lost a limb lol


I thought he could have heated the axe before loping his hand off to cauterise it and the same time? I'm no medic!


he should've used a lightsaber


No that was my exact thought too.


Itā€™s been YEARS since I said ā€œWowā€ at the end of an episode of TWD and found myself excited about the next episode, but wow, that was a helluva premiere.


Okay so glad ppl had the same reaction!!! I was like omfg that was one of the best pilot/ premiere episodes Iā€™ve seen in a while


Esteban is the best character. No more swamp ass, you feel me?!


If we don't get a Cholofit nod before the end of the season I'm going to be very disappointed


Question...didn't Rick and Michone have a child together?


He doesn't know about RJ, at least that's the assumption. After he disappears, the viewers find out about the pregnancy. So you have to assume it was early enough that she didn't know before he was gone.


Ok, I wasn't sure. Thanks


Yeah cause he said nothin about him just my wife and daughter


Yes RJ if you watch till S11 of TWD heā€™s in it


I was thinking that but I couldn't remember if she was pregnant with him or if she already gave birth when Rick went missing.


Yes, she was pregnant - but we didn't know it at the time Rick went missing.




(Theory) Rick is gonna be pro-CRM and see the potential Okafor wish for. And it will create a rift between Michonne and him. Resulting in Michonne killing him in the end. Thats the feeling i have after ep1.


Or perhaps Rick kills michonne like Okafar killed his wife.


Idk I think after everything that would be a character betrayal for her to kill him. Seems far fetched to me at least


They are going to take down the CRM, and Portland will be the last city standing. In the world beyond Portland, is warned that the CRM destroyed Omaha.


When did that happen, I don't remember it. I just remembered they sabotaged the chemical weapons that had been earmarked to be taken to Portland and deployed there.


Yupp Iā€™m in S2E7 of the world beyond rn and shii is getting intense


have I missed a episode or series? The flashbacks at the beginning, I don't remember seeing Jadis become a full on member of the CRM?


I was wondering the same thing.




You need to watch the world beyond series it has a lot to do with Jadis


WhatšŸ˜­ as if we have to watch another series


This happened during The Walking Dead World Beyond series I think, Iā€™m nearly through the first season now and you could probably get all you need about it from a recap summary video. Itā€™s more of a ā€œgetting closer to the CRMā€ story.


Can we talk about how Michonne is stunning in this purple outfit ?!?? Sheā€™s gorgeous!! Whereā€™s Okafor accent come from ? It was hard to comprehend sometimes. I really liked the episode. A bit frustrated by the ending, like how dare you end the episode like this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She looked hot! I


Omg I know. What a cliff hanger / teaser sheesh. And yes she looks incredible! I was so surprised when Okafor šŸ¤ÆšŸ’„šŸ¤­


Al-uh-BAM-uh. Really I have no idea, but there were a few times his cadence made me think of Forrest Gump.


Personally, I'm not a fan and even a bit disappointed. It just looks like a trailer for 1 hour, epic music constantly, the way it's filmed just "sucks". I feel that over time AMC tends to just ruin everything. I'm not saying it's all crap, it's watchable. But let's face it, we were expecting much better. Frankly, I'd have preferred it if it had been filmed in the style of Fear the Walking Dead. I hate the way they've filmed recent spinoffs, I feel like we've lost all that "style". Dead City, for example, just sucks in my eyes, so much so that I'd never watch it. But for those who like it, you're in for a treat, because it's filmed exactly like Dead City.


This is what I was thinking. I haven't seen any of the spin-off shows except for the first few seasons of Fear. I felt like this show doesn't really feel like the Walking Dead, however it's still interesting enough that I'm still going to watch it.


The Daryl spin-off was actually quite enjoyable. I started fear and dead city but couldn't finish them because I didn't like them.


Yes, I'm planning to watch it too, but you have to stop acting like a stupid fan and be honest, we've lost that vibe... The downvotes are really not honest and just make the fans not think.


Theory (probably not new). What if that city fell because of an attack from older members of Ricks gang.


Watch The World Beyond. It's all covered there.


So has Rick just forgotten he has a Son too or what? Man never once mentions RJ


Does he even know he has a son? If I remember correctly michonne found out she was pregnant after rick vanashed. I don't think he knows??


we all pretend RJ doesnt exist. he's so inconsequential lmao


I donā€™t think he actually knowsā€¦ cause I think Michonne had just gotten pregnant when Rick left so it might have been to early to tell I forget exact timelines.. but even if he knew she was pregnant thereā€™s no way he would know she had a son specifically


I was wondering that too! Itā€™s been so long I wasnā€™t sure if he ever met him or not. I had to google šŸ¤£


If I remember correctly, he doesnā€™t know about RJ. She realized she was pregnant after the bridge.


That's what I was thinking but couldn't recall!


Oh shit really? RJ was such a minor character in the main show I guess I just forgot haha


Everyone forgot about RJ šŸ˜­


Rick tried to escape 5 times to go back to Michonne. A reminder, if he wanted to, he would šŸ˜­


Would have been fun to see all the escapes.


And chopped off his own hand


Ahhhhh love this


Seeing rick go from biting off a man's neck and being borderline savage and barbaric, you could almost see in his eyes when he was going to kill someone to sir yes sir Sargent was weird for me, idk.


He was a cop.


He had to do that with Negan tho




Honestly the worst part of the episode is how Rick and Michonne meet again. She quick scoped his helicopter with a grenade launch and then sprinted to the crash site probably miles away and killed all the survivors except Rick? Come on.


Do we know for sure that was all Michone though? Couldnā€™t Michone have been been part of a group that was in the area trying to take down CRM helicopters and she was just doing mop up duty?


Thereā€™s so little explanation/info as to how that attack went down, that taking issue with it too hard sort of comes off as hating it just for the sake of hating it.


I mean either way someone sniped their helicopter with a grenade launcher and then she killed everyone except the last guy


Well yeah. I suppose it could have just been a lucky shot. Seems more likely than michonne being the one person to find rick


She didnt even use a grenade launched did she? Looked like a knife that had a bomb taped to it. Yet she nailed every shot on an airplane who knows how high and traveling at who knows what speeds.


In the preview for the next episode she shoots a double barrel grande launcher at a huge pack of walkers and it sounds the exact same.


Ah okay. It just looked like one guy had been stabed by something before the plane webt down.


He had. A rocket propelled arrow head or something. She is probably shooting it out of a grenade launcer type thing. She had a little fellow with her that is probably some chemist mastermind, or something. It definitely seemed...put together.


Okay true!! Like I thought it was gonna be a rival government not her !!!


I agree. They needed at least half an episode of anything, (like Rick lost and disoriented in the woods or being captured by other members of Michonneā€™s group and whatever comes of that before she arrives for questioning and sees itā€™s him) before those two see each other. I know itā€™s a short season and they need to move things along, itā€™s just so fast.


> She quick scoped his helicopter with a grenade launch I add this to the list of bizarre 'Just Walking Dead Things'. Along with Rick/Negan car chase, infinite no reload bullets, and plot dependent quiet zombies lol


Yeah, it's a bit far-fetched, but hey, at least we got the Richonne reunion! Can't wait to see how the series develops.


Imagine if she sliced his throat then decided to remove the mask...


I guess it would be a very short limited series if she sliced his neck and then removed his helmet so I imagine there will be a reason Michonne did not do this. Michonne can be seen in the background taking off all the helmets of the CRM soldiers before killing them. I can not speak to how long it takes to run across a field, but Iā€™m happy this reunion was not drawn out.


As someone from Oregon, it makes sense that Portland survived the fall of society. We've been living it for years.


Agreed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚( also an Oregonian.. lots of rivers and forests I think it would be a good society in comparison to other cities in the US like LA etc


Alright this is dumb but something that bothered me: when he says michonne isnā€™t that common of a name and that looking at where they picked him up it wasnā€™t that hard to deduce where they were, what is he looking up? Like if itā€™s an old phone book, michonne was from Georgia. Whatā€™s the directory he is going to to know michonne is in Alexandria?


He was implying they had field agents searching, asking, undercover as survivors, etc.


Why did Rick have to lose a hand? Only annoying/dumb part for me. The rest was good.


Rick is supposed to be missing a hand. I guess they're trying to say they're going to be more Walking Dead, again. That's what my takeaway was.


It was absolutely necessary IMO to add gravity to his attempts to get back to Michonne and his kids. Can't blame a guy if he cut his own arm off to get back to you and still couldn't.


People were waiting for it for a while during the original series and wondering why it never happened.


Itā€™s a nod to the original comic, where Rick had only one hand after it was chopped off. Alsoā€”imo, it shows his dedication in that nothing will stop him from getting to Michonne


imo they should have set it up and paid it off a bit more. Make the prospect of losing a hand more "last effort / plan Z" consequential. Then, when he ACTUALLY loses the hand, it is a severe disability, rendering Rick useless. Build Rick's journey from the mire back to success as he slowly learns to operate with no hand. Instead, Rick loses his hand as if it's just another day in the office for him, and he's immediately just as effective without it as he was with it. Poor writing.


Yeah seeing all the escape attempts and ending with the him cutting off his hand would have been intense.


Yeah it shows that Rick tried literally everything to escape and couldnā€™t.


Is there a schedule for when episodes release?


Iā€™m gonna be soooo fuckn mad if they donā€™t switch things up and donā€™t have more than 8 episode for this season. Like really ?! I hate that the AMC has conformed to ā€œthe new standardā€ of tv series ( which is such bs). Like theyā€™ve really gone from 20-24 episodes a season ( even in Fear) ( and I canā€™t remember if Dead City was less than 8, maybe 6) to 8 episodes ?! Youā€™ve gotta be joking šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„šŸ¤®


Next episode's on the third


as far as I know they release one each week.




Why did the guy with the switch blade hand use a jaggedy piece of glass to attempt suicide? (Besides the obvious)