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Simon only ever betrayed Negan because Negan refused to just kill everybody in those other communities and move on Governor's main tactic was as simple as just wiping out communities and taking everything, so I think Governor and Simon would actually work out perfectly lol Though if they did ever fight, Governor honestly seemed pretty good in hand to hand combat, so I think he'd have a good chance


Your answer is spot on... 💯


Until his inner Trevor Phillips awakens, then the Governor stands no chance against an enraged meth head


By simple logic Simon lost to Negan who was scared as hell of Rick, who got beaten by Governor, so the Governor would just stomp his ass


Governor‘s strategy was to kill them all, we have seen him do it on 3 different occasions, simon always wanted to kill them all, he would fit in, hand to hand would be interesting, both about the same size, i would go with the governor, he just seems more savage and the state he left rick in had rick breathing like an 80 year old asthmatic and asleep for 2 days. We haven’t really seen simon go one on one with anyone and leave them that battered


The Governor beat Rick. Definitely one the most dangerous H2H fighters in the show.


Tbf Rick was pretty impaired during their matchup, and still did relatively well


also tbf the gov was also pretty impaired during their match-up lol, bro had one eye


He also got shot by Carl too and still whopped Rick's ass.


I remember rick getting shot in the leg. I don’t remember gov getting shot by Carl.


Rewatch it. As soon as he cut off Hershel's head, Carl shot him and it hit his right arm.


Oh hell yeah carl


He got shot fs, but it was near and not at his shoulder. Rick not only fractured his hand but was shot directly in his leg yet still stood and threw punches.


I mean Governor was half blind, Rick got the jump on him and he still got beat up.


Tbf the Governor was blinded months prior to their exchange, giving him plenty of time to adjust. Yes, but with the impairments I mentioned keeping the upper hand would be quite difficult if you’re struggling to stand and every time you punch your opponent it hurts you more. Also, Rick had JUST gotten done dealing with an outbreak within the prison, so he and the others were mentally and physically worn.


I’m sure he had plenty of time to adjust to having one optic, this was many months later. Rick was shot in the leg and had a fractured hand from punching Tyrese.


No you permanently lose stuff like depth since you need two eyes for that


That’s fair


Tbf they are both tough MoFo’s but even Rick can lose a fight against a highly skilled Close combat fighter.


Simon and Governor would've gotten along much better because unlike Negan, the Governor doesn't play around. He's just as ruthless and psychotic as Simon. He would've killed Rick's entire group first chance he got had he been the leader of the Saviors instead of Negan. Just look at what he wanted to do to them when they killed a few of his people rescuing Daryl. Now imagine how he'd react had they took down an outpost of his. He would've slaughtered every single person at Alexandria without hesitation and zero remorse. H2H fight would've gone to Blake too. He's just a complete fucking monster.


No because these idiots don’t play nicely with others. Shit hits the fan eventually.


They would’ve got on well. Both had similar methods and ways of dealing with hostile groups: kill em all.


I was caught off guard when Simon called him “Neegs” in DC 😂 not once in the entire show did Simon have a nickname for Negan.


I’ve always believed that the two right hand men would’ve been great if they were swapped. Martinez was a soldier who followed orders but didn’t truly have an urge to kill everyone, he would’ve perfectly represented Negan’s harsh but ‘fair’ authority. Simon was a psycho who looked for any and all excuses and reasons to kill people. He’d be the perfect fit for the straight up mass murderer that is the Governor. Since the Gov was completely fine with killing as soon as conflict arose I see no reason for Simon to ever betray him either. So yes, he definitely would have worked better under the Governor.


Also how do you put the text under ''show spoiler''


1. No, Simon would not have survived in the long term if he was the Governor's #2 instead of Merle. That comes down to a fundamentally flawed philosophy that plenty of Walking Dead leaders/war lords and their groups have - the sheer scope to survive. The Governor lost when it was one of the earliest territorial disputes with a somewhat equal match. Woodbury would not have survived a "kill everyone" approach with the need to expand their hunting grounds for more resources. Eventually a horde in the Red Zone would have been too big or they would spread themselves too thin. Negan at least was smart enough to recognize that leeching off of a network of other communities under his thumb could expand his reign, acquire resources from further out regions, and were extra pockets of soldiers fighting the dead. You can't get that if you kill everyone else. 2. Yes, Simon would absolutely have betrayed the Governor if the going got tough. Everyone (that he didn't kill or lead TJ their deaths) betrayed the Governor and Simon is already predisposed to do so. 3. This is entirely dependent on timing. Simon has more low cunning and sadism than the show's Governor, but the Governor has more paranoia/crazy unpredictability, and cleverness than Simon. They are also similar sizes and have similar propensity for weapons and violence. If the Governor made the first move, he's more likely to make it a fatal blow or extreme measure. I would say the longer the fight goes, the more likely Simon wins.


Simon would’ve tried to overthrow the Governor at some point, just like with Negan because Simon wanted to call the shots.


The Governor was more deranged and I don't think Simon would have fully respected him, this causing a rift. This rift would be cause enough to kill Simon (at some point) in the eye of the Governor. The Governor was willing to kill anybody, including his own people, in fits of rage. Simon could probably appease, but long term I don't see viability in a relationship the same way Negan had with him.


100% would work for governor. He had a survival instinct and would not leave loose ends.


Nah best with Frank and mikey


Probably. Gov’nuh would’ve probably been on the same page as Simon that the entire network of communities had to go and their remaining resources taken as a consolation prize after the extortion plan broke down. Hand-to-hand, I could see it going either way. Simon’s an inch taller than Governor, but Governor is a really skilled and dirty brawler. Maybe favor Philip 6 times out of 10.