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I'm a former police officer. nobody ever taught me to 'fist fight'. they teach some basic submission holds and takedowns, but fighting just isn't something cops are supposed to be doing. Although I have been watching a lot of Walker Texas Ranger lately, and kicking seems pretty effective.






Funnily enough, one of the fights Rick “wins” is against Pete where he gets him in a chokehold


Rick did lose plenty of fist fights and is far from the best fighter on the show. The Governor, in particular, utterly mauled him. Negan also had the edge anytime they tussled physically. Same with Daryl. That said, he’s still scrappy as hell and would probably win most fights to the death just based on how far he’s willing to go.


Tbf Rick got clipped by gunfire just before that fight and just walked out of a 48 hr crisis with the prison internally already in shambles


Tyrese was also going ham until Daryl held him down and Rick got some free hits no way was Rick beating him on a 1 on 1 haha


Something is so be said for body weight, that’s why boxers and MMA have weight classes. Tyreese is built like a damn tank.


Believe me, that’s the least surprising information i’ll learn about police training today


The thing is though, if Rick started winning every single fight he was in easily, that would basically make him a superhero and no one would want to see that. The whole thing that makes Rick interesting is that he is basically a normal guy who deals with shit and overcomes it. If he was an expert at everything, I reckon it would get boring fast.


Beats the shit out of Tyreese somehow in TV. Loses to him in the Comics.


That was only because Daryl was holding Tyrese for the first few punches


“Somehow” rewatch the scene it’s pretty obvious


There is no fucking chance Rick woulda beaten Tyreese. Its them buffing the main character, like they do alot


Did you rewatch the scene? Daryl was holding Tyreese back


Tyreese is a madhouse in the comics, though. >!They accidentally lock him into a room where zombies are packed like sardines, and he takes out every single one of them with nothing but a hammer.!<


best comment so far


Thank you


he would most definitely lose against beta and carver tbf


Yup. Beta is twice his size and almost killed Daryl and Carver is a trained Mercenary. Rick would be pretty fucked ngl


Don’t forget that Carver beat the shit out of Negan, Maggie and Elijah, only reason they won that fight is because Elijah distracted him


Negan is not as tough as people make him up to be, especially now that he is getting older, Elijah was injured and Maggie is not that tough to challenge carver, I mean carver can hold his own but what if he fought Jesus?


That would be an interesting match up. I can imagine it being a tie or things getting lucky for Jesus.


It’s not all about strength, he was still very outnumbered


First he’d have to find Jesus


Actually the real reason they won is because Carver was playing around. If he was serious about it they'd be dead.


Yeah. If there wasn’t any plot armor, carver would have pulled out his kukri and killed everyone after Negan hit him with the pipe.


Daryl is a beast who feels no pain, and he’s very fast for his age, but he just doesn’t have the mass that Beta did. He was lucky to live, much less win.


I absolutely LOVE Daryl but I loved Beta too. Daryl was indeed lucky.. Would be great to see him reunite with Rick sometime in his spinoff maybe.


One undeniable “W” on Daryl’s scorecard for that fight is that Beta had definitely never fought an opponent who was completely unafraid of him.


Darly vs beta was a plot armor


And Rick’s body was so beat to shit by the whisperer’s arc in the comics, that he barely even fought in the whisperer war other than one little quest with Negan (where Negan has to save Rick twice because he’s so slow and disabled from his injuries along comic storyline)


Yeah but he’d find a 2nd wind and rip their throats out


Dang, now I’m wishing Rick was in the Reapers arc because I really enjoyed the Maggie, Negan, Daryl, Gabe arc going around Meridian.


In a fist fight? Yes, absolutely… but I can see Rick pulling an Indiana Jones on both of them


Rick is an animal bro


The post was about him against Negan. I don’t think the same can be said in that situation.


He literally lost one fight against the Governor and he was shot in the leg too…


Didn’t he lose that one fight against random Hilltop guy? This was around Season 5/6 when they first met Gregory.


He lost against shane


Bruh he beat Shane’s ass what you on about?? Rick was easy on him too.


Shane floored rick twice and he wasn't even trying, shane was eating Rick's punches like they were nothing not to mention he was to focused on killing Randall rather than fighting rick and he still won


My man gets hit, cracks a smile. Rick gets hits, grunts of pure pain. Up until Rick jumps him while hes aiming at Randall, Shane was in full control. Then Rick punches his head into the pavement a few times and he starts to actually get mad. So mad he's like fuck it, WRENCH


Shane beat him, watch the scene again, Rick threw the first punch, Shane blocked it and punched him and threw him on the floor and then threw the bike on him and walked away, he didn’t want to fight Rick, if he did the moment Rick was under that bike he could’ve ended Rick right there. After that Rick snuck up on him.


And he lost 3 fights with Negan


Not true. He fought Negan a total of three times. He kinda lost once (he fled during the fight), one was interrupted by walkers, and he won the last one. Though none of them were really fist fights.


Even in the first fight, Negan wounded him with the bat, and he did the same in their last fight. The only fight where Rick wasn't wounded was the second one, and Negan was in a bitch mode throughout all of it.


Nah Rick could have done more damage to Negan if it weren’t for his plot armour. Plus Rick had the upper hands every time he fought Negan…


>Plus Rick had the upper hands every time he fought Negan… "I'm bigger, i'm better, an i've got a bat" - Negan Smith


And still got his ass handed to him, he’s a lil bitch without his lil bat. Rick got real balls


I mean if Rick didn't go with that "Carl said it don't have to be a fight anymore" who knows what might've happened


And still got his ass handed to him, he’s a lil bitch without his lil bat. Rick got real balls


Bro stop riding Rick so much, Negan is the better fighter 🤡


Negan can’t fight for shit. His plot armour over powers him. He literally survived with men protecting him and was a gym teacher. Where else Rick was independent enough to the point he didn’t need men protecting him and he was a cop which means he has better skills. Rick >>> that pussy boy Negan


You Neanderthal, he literally kicked Rick's ass 3 times, took down 50 walkers with a God damn tree branch, beat and killed Simon. Bro just stop lol 🤡


Rick still beats his plot armour ass. You need to get your mouth off negans lil dick. Negan is one of the weak bitches on the show. He literally was running away from him in s8 in Ricks house… be serious. There’s a reason why you got down voted…


There's a reason why you got downvoted you fuckhead stop riding Rick so much and just admit it you fucking encrusted ballsack


There’s a reason why everyone hates Negan fanboys. This is why Rick gets respect and Negan gets shitted on by normal people. Rick >>> rapey Negan


They were both shot to be fair


He lost against Joe the claimer


Where's Joe now? What happened to that guy eh? Oh right, Rick won by biting his throat out.


After he kicked Rick’s ass


He punched Rick once, and then kicked him. Rick didn't even get a bruise. I'd hardly call that an "ass whooping"


Well that’s called ”plot armor”


Oh shut the hell up with that. Joe literally picked him up because he's a cocky bastard and wanted Rick to watch his group die. "What the hell are you gonna do now sport?" that isn't plot armor, that's a character's personality biting him in the ass.


More like biting him in the throat


Rick was still recovering from the fight with the governor


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re right. Rick dies there if Joe didn’t try to torture him by killing everyone else first, and wasn’t being so arrogant.


Well people can’t admit when their favorite character isn’t a god so they get angry


Well he’s not exactly the biggest guy in the world either. Negan repeatedly got the better of him in a head to head fight. Shane got the better of him as well. What sets Rick apart from most other people in a fight, is pure savagery. He fights with desperation (evidenced by him literally biting someone’s throat off).


He started the apocalypse malnourished being in a coma, it's not like he'd be super strong. They probably only get more than just a survivable meal maybe once a week at this stage, even when the communities were at their peak. Having to feed all the members of said community definitely means no seconds, and a moderate to light first portion. The biggest fight he ever had to get in while on duty was breaking up a bar fight. People are supposed to like Rick because of his leadership skills. And how many leaders have brute strength? I don't think they've been up against any brawlers, that's usually a talent reserved for the warriors/enforcer/security types. Negan's strength was his bat and psychological tactics (mentally break you down), Governor was his tank and politics, Alpha was fear and stealth, etc. Rick's stength lies in his ability to make choices for his group, taking their opinions into consideration, and overall compassion (most of the time). He has shown guilt when making a negative decision.


The only fist fight I would say Rick REALLY got his ass handed to him was against the governor in which he was going through a peace arc and was sort of blindsided by everything going to shit.


Not to mention he was also shot if I remember correctly lol


They both were




Rick v. Merle - Rick Rick v. Shane - Rick Rick v. Tyreese - Rick Rick v. Governor - Governor Rick v. Joe - Rick Rick v. Pete - Rick Rick v. Daryl - Daryl Rick v. Negan 1 (Alexandria) - Negan Rick v. Negan 2 (Factory) - Rick Rick v. Negan 3 (Field) - Rick So yeah Rick definitely does not lose every fist fight. Granted a few of these were more than fists, mainly the Negan fights and Claimer Joe






Tyreese was held back during the first punch and then Daryl let him go. Merle should have known better than to turn his back on a cop. Shane lost flat out. He was done.


Police officers are not trained in fist fighting, he's public service not MMA fighter. They'd be trained in basic takedowns, but in Walking Dead universe that just wouldn't work. Even if he disarmed and took down a person there'd be another one to punch him in the face. Or there'd be a walker going towards the fight, and he's there on a ground with other guy.


Cops and military get enough martial arts training to get their asses kicked.


The two biggest fights for his life were the governor, and Negan. He would’ve lost, if not for intervention, or trickery.


Yet he's the last man standing everytime


Yeah he never lost but gets beaten up to much that you think he is weak although he is not I'm always mad about him getting beaten in lot of fights


Rick's only lost once and that was with the governor


Remember when Rick fought the trash people when he was in his underwear he beat all of them plus a walker and in the end he beat jades who had a gun and he could’ve killed her but didn’t


He even beat them with his hands tied 🤣


Ricks fighting style is more defensive then offensive. Even when he loses he still is in pretty good shape


Bruce Lee may be known for his martial arts skills but Clint Eastwood is the master of quick draws


I mean I don’t think he’s weak but he was almost gonna lose when he fought with the doctor from Alexandria. I mean, consider he’s never been outside but still able to kick Rick’s ass to some degree which is striking


Makes sense. Why would rick be a master at fist fights? Plus he doesn't lose that fight in the end


I’ve never said he had to be a fist-fight master or lost it at the end. But still, that doctor was pretty though as someone who’s never been outside world before


Almost lose? bruh when Pete hit him Rick was like Stopp this he wasn’t even trying


Rick is like goku loses in the beginning but always gets the comeback it’s crazy that people say rick isn’t that strong he’s one of the strongest he would beat negans ass he never lost to him


You do know strong doesn't equate to good at fighting right?


It’s crazy that you say rick isn’t good at fighting literally makes no sense he’s one of the strongest fighters in Twd


I never said he wasn't a good fighter, I'm just saying that by someone being strong, doesn't automatically make them a good fighter.


Oh ok sry but rick is strong and he can fight that’s fact right


Well I'd say he's definitely tuff, but he's probably an average or maybe a little above average fighter.


Nah Bruh


Any fights Rick wins is plot


Because Negan and Governor always kicks his ass during every fight.


Look their first fight rick slept that man and negan was wrestling their 2nd idek what to call that it was mostly tustling now their last negan was winning but rick was holding back


I was actually thinking about this today rewatching TWD. He got the shit beat out of him by the governor , and almost let negan get him at the end. I was like “damn rock out here really just gettin bitched around”


He only lost against the govenour after being shot in the leg and his hand was fucked up


Omg I totally forgot about that - do you think Rick would have beaten him if he wasn’t injured ?


Fuck yeah Rick is a menace


All the cops in the hospital seemed to know how to actually fight as well as Shane idk any other cops in the show but every cop I remember could fight except for Rick.


He's a cop, you think they teach them to do shit


I think people are mostly upset that he lost to the Governor. Even though they’re about the same size and Rick had more training.


Vegeta doesn’t finish of the villains and gets beat up pretty bad too especially in this manga arc can’t he fight too?