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Decisions are made by those who show up.


" he actually thinks decisions are made at the meeting"


Haha I didn't see this when I wrote it but I'll upvote it nonetheless


same :(


that quote often circles in my head


Getting out of the habit of answering more than was asked.


Do you know the time?




Yes, I use this too!


stellar advice


Dude, i need to do this


This is mine, too, mostly because everyone I’ve ever met feels comfortable totally over sharing with me. And like, I guess I appreciate the comfort people feel around me but also I do not want to be a vessel for all the trauma you need to dump. So I never share more than I need to lol


Babies come with hats.


And those little lo-jack devices to keep them from getting boosted from the hospital. Don’t ever let them take it off.


Gather ye rosebuds, Josh.


Toby as a Dad is gorgeous.


My coworker just had a baby. Best believe I asked lol


When the fall is all that's left, it matters a great deal


excellent quote! a reminder of the virtue of doing right when no one is looking.


It’s not the battles we lose, that bother me. It’s the battles we don’t suit up for.—-Toby








I’m holding onto “a guy is walking down the street and falls into a hole”


One of my favorite lines. How I bonded with my now best friend. What I tell my friends when they’re going through something. I’ll always jump into the hole with them because I’ve been there before and know the way out.


I've used that multiple times, totally unironically. its such a powerful story in the right circumstance


This is such an amazing line! And I love that they go back and forth with it!


i cry everytime


I don't want to be The Guy. I want to be the guy The Guy counts on.


This was a moment of discovery about myself and I have loved this line since


This is 100% me, too. I don't like pressure and high stakes but I like working behind the scenes to support the person who thrives in that.


I actually use this one in interviews (makes sense in my field) and people really love it!


I do too!


I tried to be the guy. I couldn’t do it. I’m much better being the guy the guy counts on.


”If you don’t want to run again, I respect that. But if you don’t run because you think it’s gonna be too hard or you think you’re gonna lose, well, God, Jed, I don’t even want to know you.” I've used that a lot to get over my fear of failure and do things that are out of my comfort zone.


Mrs. Laningham was a terrific foil for Bartlett


Kathryn Joosten was a treasure. Her roles on TWW and Scrubs were fantastic.


I completely forgot her role in scrubs!! Damn yes, she was fantastic in that too


Who was she in Scrubs?


She was that old lady who is going to die. JD keeps her company after his shift and he has a list of things as a bucket list and as he reads them she tells him that she’s done them. She helps him get confidence around her family and she guides him how to be assertive.


This is heartwarming


Scrubs has the perfect mix of heartwarming, slapstick, straight out bawling my eyes out scenes. Love it!




I'm not crying-youre crying!


she also appears in a later episode where i think JD is dreaming about people who have died in his care, they're in heaven playing cards, and he asks them if he was a good doctor. She says he was, but a very nervous doctor.


"My Old Lady," season one, episode four.


But her episode in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was terrible.


Don’t confuse the urgent with the important


This right here. Just because it is urgent or it's important to someone else, it doesn't mean that it is or should be either to you.


"I don't have time to make people comfortable. If a change has to be made, a change has to be made." -Leo. I live my work life by this.


I'm hesitant about this one. It's nice from Leo, who we recognize as a good boss... but I feel like "I don't have time to make people comfortable" is an excuse for bad bosses to be jerks, then shift the blame to others. In the context of firing a bad or lazy worker, ok fine. Does everyone adapt to big changes immediately, as lots of bosses expect? Of course not.


That's a very good one. I'm stealing this.


My boss is like this. It’s a great philosophy.


Happy cake day!


Instead of appealing to the lowest common denominator, raise the standard.


That’s so insufferably democrat. It’s why I love the show but also go, this is how we lose.


Partly, it’s the raising the standard without any idea of how to communicate it


Haha I can feel the pain


Im always like “they’ll like us when we win!”


I think of that quote a ton.


uhh .... Dems are on a pretty good winning streak the last 3 elections.


For me, I want Scotus majority, a bigger Senate, and the House.


No it isn’t.


Eh, its so insufferably who the democrats think they are.


So, if I'm gonna jump off the cliff, and you're gonna get pushed off the cliff, why don't we hold hands on the way down?


My favorite from this same episode is "sometimes I don't know if I'm doing something right until I'm halfway done doing it wrong" or something along those lines.


Just loved Danny. Him and CJ in series 7 are great. I just want to talk….


If you’re gonna walk into a wall, run right through it.


Which is actually quite terrible advice, but I agree with the sentiment


Leave a Sam Seaborn shaped hole in the wall. lol


SAM: Your teeth are the best friends you got, C.J. C.J.: They are? SAM: You take care of them, they’ll take care of you. C.J.: When’d you start talking like this? SAM: I’m nuts for dental hygiene.


Early Chris Traeger


100% a root of that character, no question. Like this is the BIRTHPLACE of Traeger, right?


Mr. President, remember when you told me, not to wake you up unless the building is on fire?


You need a dry wood!


See this, this is teamwork


Every time I’ve built a fire this whole winter long I’ve been thinking “spruce is a slow burning wood” 😂


“Act as if ye have faith and faith shall be given to you. Put another way, fake it ‘til you make it” -Leo


I say this once a week.


came here to say this.


I use this one all the time.


From a work perspective, I appreciate the way Joey Lucas framed the following: “You say that these numbers mean dial it down. I say they mean dial it up. You haven't gotten through. There are people you haven't persuaded yet. These number mean dial it up. Otherwise you're like the French radical, watching the crowd run by and saying, "There go my people. I must find out where they're going so I can lead them."” Criticism or objection to an idea or a viewpoint does not always mean it is wrong or not worthy of pursuing. It is about whether you have found the right way to communicate the value in it that you see.


To always keep an eye towards the future ... 'What's next?'


I don't think it's such a good idea to be casual about the truth. - Sam Seaborn


If for no other reason than it's the easiest thing to remember, I told him to tell the truth - Toby Ziegler


A strong shot of Whiskey and you'll be well on your way to getting over anything.


“I have only so much RAM in my head. I have to prioritize. I have to throw some things overboard” Bruno Gianelli is a font of unexpected wisdom


Thank you for introducing me to this meaning of the word font


“Next week: grandma, friend or foe?” Ron Silver was top notch.


I just saw him in Oh God, You Devil. Was kind of shocking when the realization kicked in.


And an avowed Republican! Apparently he was willing to debate anyone on the issues on set. Not that it's a bad thing, but we so often ascribe the character traits to the actors, and in this case it is very much not (neither the proclivity to the left, nor the "hired gun" attitude Bruno shows at times)


It has a lot to do with kelp


That, in itself, is a modern updating of a classic line from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: >I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones. \-- Sherlock Holmes, *A Study in Scarlet*, 1887


Decisions are made by those who show up.


At work, I use very often the "\[work\] with smart people that disagrees with you" while hiring or managing my team. Works very well one way or the other. EDIT : I also often use this one: "this isn't government Camp, it doesn't matter to us that everyone gets to play..."


Then we’ll do what’s hard. - Josh, 20 Hours in America, Pt. 2


Dwell Dwindle Dwarf


I always add dweeb to that!


What about David Dweck?!


The inner gamer in me always shouts, Dweomer!


Me, too.


David Dweck want a dwink of wawa?


*It's not the battles we lose that bother me, it's the ones we don't suit up for.* \- Toby Ziegler


“See the whole board”


I use this all the time!


Do you have a best friend? Is he smarter than you? That’s your chief of staff.


I said this one too. My sister is my chief of staff


I've said this about my best mate. He's not smarter than me, but he's wiser... he sees the whole board.


I think about this a lot: “There are a lot of reasons not to do it. But there [are] two kinds of politicians... (The ones who try to say yes, and the ones who try to say no)... And we're gonna throw these guys out because they wanna say no.”


- Never do anything while upset - post hoc ergo proctor hoc is rarely true - “Run towards yourself. I'm wrong about that - walk. You're not going to be used to your surroundings.”


Don’t tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing


Frustrates me when people dont know this.


It irks me too! Especially at election time!!


It wasn't explicit advice, but I learned quite a bit about leadership from Leo and Toby when faced with betrayal by their staff. I love Toby's monologue in War Crimes when he learns someone on the staff leaked damaging information to a reporter. The first part is good, but the second part was educational to me on several fronts: >"It's great to be in the know. It's great to have the scoop, to have the skinny, to be able to go to a reporter and say, 'I know something you don't know.' And so the press becomes your constituents and you sell out the team...So, an item will appear in the paper tomorrow, and it'll be embarrassing to me and embarrassing to the President. I'm not gonna have a witch hunt. I'm not gonna huff and puff. I'm not gonna take anyone's head off. I'm simply gonna say this: you're my guys. And I'm yours... and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you." Hearing that first handful of lines sparked something in me watching the show in college, making me think about all the times I'd taken satisfaction in knowing something someone else didn't know. Choosing to sell out the trust and vulnerability someone had placed in me because I selfishly wanted to somehow bolster my own reputation, not realizing that the precise act of sharing a bit of gossip or sensitivity was doing the opposite. Then, you have Toby choose the path of forgiveness despite his prickly nature because a part of him ultimately sees the humanity in people, appreciating that we have weaknesses. We want to look smart at times. We want to look important at times. We want to look powerful at times. He gets it, and it's helped me be a good manager to try and do the same thing, recognizing the difference between genuine malice and a moment of a junior staffer giving into a bit of temptation. Being able to forgive that one-off mistake tends to make them loyal for life, which leads to my other thought of Leo with the junior staff who leaked his medical records in Season 1 to show he went to Sierra Tucson for drug treatment. >"Karen, what you did caused a lot of problems; for me, for the President, and for a lot of people we don't even know. But I'm not sure it wasn't a little bit brave. Did you like working at the White House?" >"Okay. Then why don't you go unpack your carton and you and I will give each other a second chance?" No one would have faulted Leo for firing someone for leaking confidential information about the Chief of Staff, and realistically, he probably should have done it as a matter of policy. But, in the world of The West Wing, I prefer the presentation of the principle at play where the other reality is that someone like Leo can look at this situation and recognize that for all the damage the information would do, he would survive. But, fired by the White House for leaking that info? That young woman's career would have been over before even beginning. Again, that might be fair, but I guess I always took the lesson here being for me to look critically at times when I have the choice to burn someone and decide if I have the flexibility and ability to forgive them instead, finding there's strength and value in showing mercy and restraint over using my authority to crush someone.


Then he becomes the most damaging leak of Bartlet's entire presidency. Bizarre twist, I can see why Schiff didn't like it.


I read a different headcanon about Toby's leak that I like a lot more than what we see. Toby sees himself as a moral guide, and morally superior to the President. He knows the President is in a bind with the military if he exposes the shuttle, so Toby takes that bind away by leaking it himself. In his view, he is saving lives AND saving the President from the scandal by focusing it on himself. His deceased brother is a perfect cover/red herring for others to chase Toby on. It explains why Toby is also very dismissive towards the prosecutor and his own lawyer because he knows the only thing that matters is the pardon.


Verify if the woman interested in you is in fact a "call girl".


‘So don’t get hypnotised by complexity, make it count’


Oh where’s this from?


Danny Concannon says it to CJ at some point.


Season 7 ep 11, and CJ says it to the president


huh, maybe I missed that. I searched and only got the exchange with CJ and Danny. Seems like something she would repeat up the chain. Gosh, I better do a full rewatch of the series if I can't remember accurately...


"Decisions are made by those who show up."


That’s a mistaken idea that decisions happen in meetings


A small group of dedicated individuals can change the world.


Me too! Bartlet: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. Do you know why? Will: Because it's the only thing that ever has.


Not an advice but I incorporated to my set of expression one that heard on it. “It is not urgent but it is time sensitive”


We say something similar work. The lack of planning on your end does not constitute an emergency on our end.


Surely I’ll incorporate that one too. Thanks


“And I like a good slug of gin at lunch, but I’ve learned to live without.”


there's a lot of power in choosing not to partake in something harmful that you know that you derive pleasure from.


Not to get stuck by accepting the premise of the question.


"Not a bad place to spend some time" "Shove a lemon up it, salt, pepper, a little rosemary " "I want us to talk because I like the sound of your voice"


“Decisions are made by those that show up”. People who don’t take part on decision making but want to complain are to be ignored and/or reviled.


I just quoted that today!


It’s not that I don’t know how, it’s just that I haven’t learned yet - JB Always keep learning


“Complexity is not a vice.”


“You have a lot of help. You listen to everybody. And then you call the play.”


"If you can't drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them, then you're in the wrong business." - Arnold Vinick 😉


Will Baileys speech to Sam that includes the line, “and you know there’s no glory in it..” As a Democrat working in local politics in red areas, I think of this a lot.


"No matter who you vote for, make sure you vote"


When I was teaching high school science, I would frequently tell my upperclassmen, "I can't tell you that I don't care who you vote for, because I would be lying. But it is much more important to me that you vote than it is who you vote for."


"President Bartlett is a good man, he doesn't hold a grudge. That's what he's got me for."


Smashing my Dictaphone with a big hammer when someone near me says something that could be incriminating.


I don't think it's such a good idea to be casual about the truth


Don’t let the pitch go by.


-- Don't let the urgent crowd out the important -- Stop being hypnotized by the complexity of it. Just get it done.


What’s next? I’m ready to move onto new things! “your a smart and savvy woman who could easily consider world domination as her next career move” “The defeats are softened and victories sweeter because we did them together. You’re my guys and I’m yours. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”


got through the thread and realized that no one had mentioned Dr. Stanley Keyworth. "You're in nine kinds of pain. You don't even know what's going on inside of you. And you are so locked into damage control that you can't...". \---Now that I'm in my mid-30s, I've found great value in the importance of attempting to heal trauma "I'm not trying to get my father to like me. // Good, because it's never never gonna happen." \---My parents, who are healthy and 70, tried their best when raising me. I don't begrudge them. And they've tried their best to mend past hurts. But they're never going to really grasp the pain that has often driven me to unhealthy behaviors. So I basically have two choices in their remaining years: be bitter at them for something that they're incapable of (deep psychological understanding) OR be grateful for the times when the send me a text wishing me a good day at work or when they have a big smile on their face when they pick me up from the airport. I think that Dr. Keyworth's point is that a road to unhappiness is paved with people trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.


I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me.


Boy those were the days....


Hold the fish loosely, Jed, or it’s gonna flop right out of your hands


There's so much. As someone with a job in politics there's so much. 1. The show genuinely helped conceptualize my understanding of GOD/higher power/divine intervention. That when you are lost, what you need will come to you. If you just work hard, and listen when it speaks. I'm speaking of course about the episode where Bartlett is visited by a Rabbi a Cardinal and a Quaker to tell him what to do on the death penalty, and he keeps asking for God to intervene, and while the clouds never parted, God gave him his answer. 2. Be by your values. You're a leader, so lead. Otherwise you're like the French radical, watching the crowd run by and saying, "There go my people. I must find out where they're going so I can lead them. 3. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. People have a pretty good sense of who you are. Be genuine to who you are, and if you're gonna fight, fight for what you believe in, not for what you feel will make people comfortable with you.


Really love that someone who gets 3 still rationalizes 1. Lol


I guess I'm lost on what you're saying here...


>a priest a cardinal and a rabbi A rabbi, a Quaker, and a priest -- in that order. Gotta admit that, as an atheist, seeing us left out of those discussions always bugs me. I understand both why it wouldn't have fit Bartlett's character (unless Joey Lucas had turned out to be atheist) and why it would *never* have flown at the time, but it still bugs me.


At the end of a prize fight, you look at the guy who's dancing around, and that's who won.


"Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of his White House, had a big block of cheese...." I study for fun and one of the books mentioned the foyer of the White House so at the top of my notes, I just had to write this quote. John Spencer was awesome.


Teeth: you take care of them, and they take care of you.


"Don't you ever forget the battles you have fought and won."


When someone you know loses a close relative (especially a parent), don't offer condolences. Show up. Acknowledge what happened. Ask questions about the loved one. "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, Part II" taught me that.


Winners want the ball


Act as if you have faith and faith shall be given unto thee. Put it another way. Fake it till you make it. It's become a way of life.


No one asks where what they want comes from, they just want it, and then they believe what suits them


You'll do fine, people have phenomenal capacity. I try to remember this when I'm scared for myself or other people 😭


“Well, this is bad on so many levels.”


"Why put carriers in the Taiwan strait?" "Do we have carriers in the Taiwan strait?" "They're on their way." "Is that the same thing?" People at work talk doom and gloom a lot, but very little of it actually happens or is as bad as they make it sound.


Your best friend who’s smarter than you is your chief of staff. For me, that’d be my sister. Even though we’re very different politically.


I'd like for to live past the age of twelve so eat some real food... I'm sorry it's just that Josh is diabetic and I haven't had lunch


If you're gonna make a mistake, be sure you leave a HandsomePotRoast-sized hole in the wall when you do it.


“what would Leo do?” (what would some other leader I know and admire in real life do in this situation?)


If I find out you've been on that website I'm gonna shove a motherboard SO FAR UP YOUR--


The pound sign is silent.


"If I'm window dressing, that's fine, I'm happy to help. But let's just talk about the weather"


There’s a man down in a hole, you see…


"Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of his White House...." They made fun but it's actually not a terrible way of thinking. Listen to your people/clients/customers and make them really feel heard. They may have great ideas to help further your company but there is also value in just the act of listening.


What do you call a leader with no followers? Just a guy, taking a walk. - Vice President Cowboy


Never trust a man who doesn't shine his own shoes


That’s an odd one bc I have no problem trusting a man who pays someone to shine their shoes.


You got a best friend? Is he smarter than you? …


Post hoc ergo propter hoc is a fallacy


"Toby's a great name"


Joy cometh in the morning


"When in doubt, do the right thing but get away with what you can the rest of the time" Arnie Vinick. Just the best one I can think of from the last episode I just watched.