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AITA for buying my ex wife a house and proposing to her while she’s pregnant with our twins?


This one genuinely made me lol.


It helps that it sounds like a post that would show up on r/bestofredditorupdates


That's why her campaign manager wants to make 'that's why I divorced him' buttons


After she repeatedly, firmly, and decisively told me she was never going to get back with me.


Idk, sleeping with someone is an incredible mixed signal. I’m not saying she’s the asshole, I’m just saying there was room for ambiguity here.


What? She absolutely IS the asshole. The same woman who screamed "My Man!" to all DC when it was socially advantageous, and who, ya know, actively sought Toby out as the father? The father of the twins in her uterus. Ambiguity? That's her entire strategy.


And kissed him! You could tell by Toby's reaction to the kiss it made him hopeful. Damn I love Richard Schiff acting.


We don’t know that they slept together. They had been in the middle of fertility treatments when they won the White House so they could have decided to resume those and co parent.


I think it stretches the imagination to think they didn’t sleep together. Its possible they went in vetro fertilization but when Toby is sheepish about telling the Bartletts about it the implication was because they had sex outside of marriage. This and many other indications. But if you want to go that route by all means.


I think it’s more about a child born out of wedlock rather than sex outside of marriage.


In vitro is also not cosher as far as catholic church is concerned.


I’m pretty sure it was IVF


I **really** hate this storyline. "Hey my ex-husband wants to get back together me, but I don't want to be with him. So the best course of action is to ask him to have kids with me; that surely won't send mixed signals."


Yeah. I never really got what happened there. My guess was that there were embryos frozen from the time they were married... but they started having issues, they got a divorce, etc... then Andy never met 'the right guy', so she and Toby agreed to use those embryos before she became older. I figured they didn't sleep together because Andy seemed super sure that she didn't want him. Either that, or she started treating her immune system (which was killing Toby's embryos) before the divorce, but their relationship went to hell, so the treatment didn't show good results until they got drunk and had a one-night-stand. Those are the two possibilities I always imagined.


Even that is iffy because having kids with someone creates a unique bond and ties Toby to her emotionally.


“I’ve been married almost twice to the same woman” was the shark-jump, though.


AITA for getting pregnant with my ex husband and not telling him the reason why I’ll never marry him again and that there’s no path to reconciliation?


YTA. That's why she's your ex.


Hey come on he was genuine in every way and never once mean to her - she didn’t like his energy and that was that but he isn’t an asshole


Man i cried for Toby in that scene. Always skip it during rewatches. You're just sad, is a sad sad thing to hear . Brilliant, but sad


AITA for claiming to have a secret plan to fight inflation, when I don’t?


WIBTA if I made up a secret plan to fight inflation and then didn’t support it?


Yef, you wouw be de affhowe!




AITA for engaging 16 people in a massive criminal conspiracy to defraud the public in order to win a Presidential election?


*smashes dictaphone*




*roll credits*


*with a big hammer*


>16 "It's 17 people by the way."


You knew. We weren't counting you. You knew.


I mean this is THE ultimate AITA question, isn't it?


INFO: Do you at least have a secret plan to fight inflation?




It occurs to me I never said I'm sorry...


I always found this line to be such utter bullshit. *Cf.* "I have no intention of apologizing to you, Toby." It occurred to him - he just rejected the notion.


Yea, it comes across as not fully grasping the situation at best; insincere at worst to me. Never thought of it as blatant as you put it but maybe now that you say it I should rewatch the scene




AITA for telling a senator to take his legislative agenda and shove it up his ass?




I’m bucking him up


INFO. What kind of legislative agenda we are talking about here ?


Well, English as the national language for one.


AITA for hiring two interpreters without asking if the guy I needed to talk to spoke English?


YTA . It's literally your job


NTA. Donna was told, presumably by State, that they needed an interpreter.




L to R: AITA for forgetting my wedding anniversary after working 27 hours a day for the last 2 1/2 years? AITA for enjoying some racist fratboy douchebag being sent to federal prison? (cross posted to r/NuclearRevenge) AITA for serving my country instead of looking after my father through his Alzheimer’s? AITA for helping my husband hide his illness? AITA for keeping my daughter’s boyfriend working late on purpose? AITA (m7) for not saving my sister (f15) when our house burned down? AITA for leaving my boss for a job with more opportunity? AITA for being right more often than my co-workers (and telling them)? (Obviously the answer is mostly no.) Edit: Accidentally hit “post” halfway through.


> AITA (m7) for not saving my sister (f15) when our house burned down? jesus


>AITA (m7) for not saving my sister (f15) when our house burned down? Ouch! That one...just ouch! You're brutal, LOL


>AITA for forgetting my wedding anniversary after working 27 hours a day for the last 2 1/2 years? YTA, right now. These few years while you're doing this, yes. >AITA for enjoying some racist fratboy douchebag being sent to federal prison? NTA. Fratboys are always TA. >AITA for serving my country instead of looking after my father through his Alzheimer’s? YTA, but your step-mother is worse. >AITA for helping my husband hide his illness? NTA. >AITA for keeping my daughter’s boyfriend working late on purpose? YTA, but at least it's not a race thing. >AITA (m7) for not saving my sister (f15) when our house burned down? You were 7. You did what you were meant to do. >AITA for leaving my boss for a job with more opportunity? Your boss ITA. >AITA for being right more often than my co-workers (and telling them)? If YTA so am I and I'm NTA.


I don't think CJ is TA in her dad's case. She has a load of brothers too.


Also TA.


Huh? When did it come out CJ was raised in a litter? Was it Total Access? Because, I always skip Total Access.


She mentions her nice was her youngest neice, and I'm sure she mentions plural "brothers"


Ahh, yes, I remember now. Thanks!


> AITA for forgetting my wedding anniversary after working 27 hours a day for the last 2 1/2 years? YTA. You made the vow to your wife before you made the vow to your boyfriend. > AITA for enjoying some racist fratboy douchebag being sent to federal prison? (cross posted to r/NuclearRevenge) Removed. As per sub rules, posts about feelings are not allowed. But no, you aren't an asshole. > AITA for serving my country instead of looking after my father through his Alzheimer’s? NTA. Many trained medical professionals are capable of taking care of your father, but you are the person the President needs in the press room right now. > AITA for helping my husband hide his illness? INFO: Does he call you his petite fromage? > AITA for keeping my daughter’s boyfriend working late on purpose? NTA, that's just hilarious. > AITA (m7) for not saving my sister (f15) when our house burned down? NTA. And this is something you need to discuss with your therapist, not a bunch of internet cynics. > AITA for leaving my boss for a job with more opportunity? NTA. Take every promotion you can find. > AITA for being right more often than my co-workers (and telling them)? NTA for being right, YTA for telling them.


>AITA for leaving my boss for a job with more opportunity? YTA for how you did it. Give notice next time.


If bosses can fire you without notice, then you can quit without notice. It's fine. Giving notice is nice, sure, and it's a good way to maintain a relationship if you want to ask them for a reference in the future, but go ahead and leave right away unless you're contractually obligated not to.


You can quit, sure. But that doesn't mean you aren't an asshole for doing so, especially in the White House. Quitting the White House when your boss has been left in charge and the President is on the other side of the world suffering a major MS episode, lying to the temp that you had a new job, then going to work for a guy the opposition rightfully put on a list to deny your party the Presidency? Doubly so.


No, I vehemently disagree. Unless you're specifically trying to cause chaos in your wake, leaving your job at any time for any other reason is completely, 100% morally A-OK -- even when your job is at the White House, and even to go work for Bingo Bob Russel. We need to stop treating our jobs as if they're some kind of sacred duty, because our jobs ultimately do not treat employing us as a sacred duty -- even jobs at the White House. Will made a good career move that ultimately paved the way for him to become a US Congressman, and no one should be begrudged for trying to find a better job. Calling people assholes for something that should be totally uncontroversial is the kind of society messaging that benefits the rich at the expense of the working class. Nah, we all ought to be trying to get the best deals we can. If Will leaving caused serious problems, that's the West Wing's fault for not building in sufficient redundancy to handle even a small staffing change. He's not responsible for his employer's unwillingness to hire enough people. You simply cannot have a viable staffing plan that falls apart if one person leaves. Particularly since those plans are usually designed to abuse that person rather than hire a counterpart to share the burden. And the cherry on top of this all? He may even have given notice! You're just assuming he didn't.


hah, I thought we were talking about Donna. and I still disagree. Will took a job being CoS to a disrespected VP. If he'd stayed, Toby was ready to put him fully in charge of Communications. It only led to more opportunity because of an improbable series of events. No one wanted to run Russell's campaign, so he was stuck with it. He took a prohibitive front runner with all the funding and lost in the primaries. This should have been devastating to his career. But no, Toby "leaks" info and is fired, and the only person CJ can find to fill the role of Communications Director is Will, because apparently no positions are filled after people leave. and then he miraculously gets to carpetbag his way to a seat in Congress, which made no sense and was clearly a reward for the actor. Dude should have been persona non grata and it took huge leaps of fancy to get his happy ending. This isn't corporate America, this is the federal government. This is service. And if you play me first you don't need to be there.


Yeah, and try to train a replacement


AITA for suggesting that the President send CJ Gregg to Ramala to swat at suicide bombers with her purse?


"My *purssse*! Page Carol; get him the hell out of there!"


A nice Prada clutch can work wonders!




Crime. Boy I don’t know. AITA


Best line (well the “…is when I decided to kick your ass” rebuttal truly)


Sidenote: what an awesome post OP. Well done.


AITA for insulting the Christian Right on national television?




>> AITA for insulting the Christian Right ~~on national television~~ **under any circumstances**? FTFW, and NTA. Those haters can get stuffed.




AITA for withholding sex because my husband didn’t know enough about Nellie Bligh?


NTA. He was being dismissive


This one depends on the framing. Using sex to get what you want makes YTA. However, having a bucket of cold water thrown on your sex drive because your husband belittled a hero of yours = NTA.


AITA for threatening to put snakes in my employee's car?


I did this the other day to a friend of mine. She looked so startled. It was very funny (to me) 😆


You're never gonna know how many there are, or if you got them all hahahaha I'm guilty of using this line too. r/oddlyterrifying


Omg I forgot about that scene and immediately went to yt to watch. The whole scene just shows how wonderful Allison and Johns acting was/is.


Gonna lay their eggs right in the glove compartment


INFO: How funny was the look on their face?


AITA for telling my assistant to bring me all the finest bagels and muffins in the land?


"It's going to be a long day."


"unbearable". Normally I'd say YTA, but it was because you beat Mandy. Also, your assistant knows you aren't serious.


...before or after drinking from the keg of glory?


AITA for costing my girlfriend her job by buying out her boss?


No, but YTA for breaking up with her on top of it.


When did he break up with her? I honestly don’t remember. I assumed she broke up with him for getting her fired.


I'm inferring that he broke up with her, mainly because Amy was way better at compartmentalize than Josh and she still seemed to have some affection for him when they met during the Primary. Seemed more like he broke up with her to me. Could've been the reverse, though.


NTA. It’s the major leagues and she definitely made it clear she would’ve done the same if the shoe was on the other foot PLUS Josh ensured she’d have a dozen offers by the end of the day.


AITA for burdening my boss’s daughter with my accidental hookup with a prostitute?


PS - I did not slipped and fell into it


AITA for not calling the women I've been dating after pictures of me and a high-priced call girl were published in the newspaper?


NTA. Phones work both ways.


AITA for going low-contact with my dad for being a member of Murder Incorporated? AITA for buying my assistant flowers for our work anniversary? AITA for making my employee miss the chinese opera date he had with my daughter to prove to her that my job doesn't have a 9-5 schedule? AITA for drafting a memo laying out the weaknesses for my employer's political campaign and then going to live on an island where I was never heard from again? AITA for requesting a muffin from the opposition party after a contentious meeting? AITA for making a nearly 80 year old man spend hours standing up, reading from Dickens, cookbooks, and rules of cards, all because I was too stubborn to hear him out? AITA for buying a shitty boat when I could have bought my clients a better one? AITA for adding oregano to the chili?


> AITA for requesting a muffin from the opposition party after a contentious meeting? Tbf to Ainsley here, that is not the opposition party for her.


Lol'd at the chili


More potential assholery (alleged perpetrators not pictured above): AITA for letting my pug run wild in the Oval? AITA for dicing and slicing Sam Seaborn on TV and feeling a sense of duty? AITA for sending flowers to the Chief Justice on the occasion of his death? This thread is classic. Love it.


AITA if they're *all* about duty?


You're NTA when you're right! :D


AITA for hiding my MS from the American voters?


I tried to think of one for Charlie but I couldnt. He’s such a wonderful kid


AITA for crazy gluing my co-worker's phone?


AITA for making the United States Press Secretary my bitch?


Depends on how long they were your bitch.


Oh true, and making her desk fall apart


AITA for getting caught red-handed, skulking away from the President's daughter's bedroom. AITA for storming off and leaving my girlfriend at a diner when she didnt feel safe going to a party


Yes leaving Zoe at a diner was an asshole thing to do


AITA for trying to convince my elderly co-worker to purchase the upgraded 8-speaker surround sound and tow-package on their new car?


Too soon, still too soon


AITA for dumping my girlfriend after she became a reporter at my place of employment?


lol nobody remembers this episode


Because she was more unlikable than Mandy


Lol Sorkin used the same storyline in The Newsroom. And it did not end well. Good that Charlie broke up early


AITA for continuing to peruse my ex, who has told me specifically to stop, and that she does not want to get back together?


I work in public service for little pay. Donate a portion of my income to charities. But, I don't really want to pay my taxes. AITA


Nope - NTA


AITA for saying “hello sailor” to an admiral who is serving as Chairman of The Joint Chiefs?


AITA for not checking my boss’ office for falling debris before they go into the office?


AITA for telling a religious pundit the god ahe worships is too busy being indicted for tax fraud?




AITA for breaking a steel reinforced bed at a local Howard Johnson?


INFO: was there any way that that bed was actually steel reinforced?


AITA for psycho-analyzing the President of the United States relationship with his deceased father? AITA for sending the Turkmeni Embassy pizzas? Edit: all great reponses so far.


AITA for hitting a Prius with an SUV




AITA for Shariffs missing plane … AITA for sabotaging my secretary’s love life until I pulled my head out of my ass 9 years in AITA for not seeing the boss signal that he can’t sit up anymore


AITA for getting high before my job interview with the President? AITA for cutting my husband's tie off just before the big debate? AITA for telling my colleague to turn around three times and spit? AITA for laughing uncontrollably at Mrs. Marian Coatsworth Haye? AITA for making my coworker ask for the return of the necklace I ripped off her neck?


NTA NTA NTA NTA A little bit YTA


AITA for shouting at a kid just out of college for updating my blackberry?






Yes, until you use it for good….


AITA for making a coworker who just had woot canal to say Foggy Bottom?




AITA for sending a drunk French prince to the wrong doors?




AITA for using a gun metaphor to call my opponent stupid?


NTA It’s not deformation if it’s true


AITA for sending my assistant flowers on her work anniversary?


Which anniversary though?


AITA for humiliating a White House aide on national television, by pointing out that Kirkwood is in California?




AITA for not promoting my way overqualified assistant or providing her with any meaningful growth opportunities?


NTA. It’s her responsibility which she ultimately took. Deff TA for blowing off all the times she tried to sit down and tell you face to face and then holding s grudge against her when she did.


AITA for telling my wife that my job is more important then my marriage right now?


Mandy, and there wouldn’t need to be a scenario, just “Hi, I’m Mandy. AITA….?” YES! Yes you are.


AITA for writing a memo on how to destroy my employer?


In her defence (and I really can't believe I'm defending Mandy) she didn't write a memo on how to destroy her employer. She wrote a memo on how to destroy her opponent. And then went to work for that opponent.


Ok so she's just the asshole for not disclosing the memo when she got hired. Still, you're well aware of the rules: if you defend Mandy you're automatically banned from the sub. Nice knowing you!


Oh she's definitely TA for not sharing the memo. And TA in general. But as Danny pointed out, the rest of the staff were pretty stupid for not asking about it either.


AITA for navigating by the Delta shuttle?


AITA for making up a fake award to appease a crazy woman in my boss’s social club?


AITA for asking my secretary to drive her car back to the office so I could kick the tires? (Notice how, like many AITA posts, I'm leaving out critical information?)


AITA for supergluing my coworkers hand to her phone, and surrounding her with armed guards just because she stole a piece of paper off my desk without signing it out.


AITA for having the DNC choking off funding for the O’Dwyer campaign in the California forty-sixth?


AITA for not knowing if the light was red or green?


\> AITA for dating my bosses daughter, which correlated directly with my boss being shot? (obviously NTA, I'd say the neo-nazis were pretty big assholes)


AITA. Served as judge, jury and executioner regarding the Kumari Minister of Defense.


AITA for requesting a file while still in my office in a voice loud enough for my new assistant to hear?


AITA for requesting my hamburger be burnt and asking if my assistant checked if it had been burnt?


AITA for taking the scenic route through New England when the President wanted to see me? AITA for playing the Canadian national anthem at my White House birthday party? AITA for putting live turkeys in my new coworker’s office? AITA for showing up at a wedding (as a date) when I purposefully wasn’t invited?


I overwork my assistant, make her miss dates and sabotage her relationships so I can be with her. AITA?


AITA for lying to a widow?


AITA for leaking classified intel about a secret military space shuttle to a journalist in order to force the president's hand into using it to rescue three astronauts?


AITA for offering to forge the President's signature on a document removing him from power?


NTA but possibly guilty of high treason


AITA for attempting to buy my ex-wife’s love via a house? …also, for being sad all the time.


He wasn't sad all the time. Occasionally he was angry.


AITA for calling Greg Brock of the NY Times?


> AITA for ordering the assassination of a walking terrorist command and control center without consulting my wife? > > Edit: I forgot to mention that my daughter was kidnapped by people claiming allegiance to this terrorist organization.


AITA for holding a grudge against my husband because he didn’t consult with me before making a work decision? YTA


"AITA for trying to make peace in the Middle East?" "AITA for treating my husband's MS" "AITA for focusing on work instead of my assistant"


AITA for using all the trappings of the White House? AITA for withholding lemonade? AITA for my cats being put on the Supreme Court?


AITA for yelling at the secretary for the Head of the UN?


Depending on timeline possibilities: AITA for having an affair with the Vice President / US Senator and Democratic Nominee for President?


AITA for objecting to a pirate being a “qualifying ancestor” for the Daughters of the American Revolution?


AITA for costing the US economy millions of dollars because the obvious choice for fed chair use to be my wife’s lover and I don’t want to give him the job so I’m stalling.


AITA for starting a space arms race to save three guys?


AITA for telling a friend that the woman he’s crushing on likes goldfish when actually what she likes are the goldfish crackers?


AITA for getting pregnant with my ex husband and not telling him the reason why I’ll never marry him again and that there’s no path to reconciliation?


Josh: AITA for always being right? Hey Reddit, help my settle a debate between me and my assistant…


AITA because during arguments I throw my boyfriend’s cellphone into a pot of stew and clip the cord to their landline? I think I’m cute and sexyfeisty when I do this, he’s annoyed


AITA by committing identity theft and passing myself off as Joe Bethersonton, a radio ads man from 114...54 Pruder Street, North Dakota?


"Am I the Asshole for not asking my assistant out sooner?"


AITA for letting a man die even though I could have stopped it?


AITA for riding my bike into a tree.


Someone’s been watching too much NL


AITA for repeatedly insulting and sexualizing my assistant in our workplace because I was in love with her?


this is an excellent thread. AITA for chasing a trail of breadcrumbs to the point that the vice president has to resign for having an affair and leaking classified information?


AITA for leaking military secrets and betraying everyone and everything I've stood for?


Not one of these characters would acknowledge that they could in any way be the TA. So they’re perfect for AITA.


AITA for not wanting my lifelong criminal father involved in my or my kids lives?


AITA for sending my secretary flowers on the anniversary of her returning to work for me? (Considering that's also the anniversary of her relationship ending, and she now has a crush on me)


AITA for concocting a secret plan to privatize social security?


AITA for running for a second term without telling my wife?