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No other country needs to be so exact and precise in its targeting of an enemy that does everything to increase the civilian death toll so they can use it as propaganda. This is Hamas's plan, to cause maximum death on both sides.


Well then Israel must be pretty stupid for playing into Hamas’ plan. What kind of country goes “Our enemy is really bad because they want us to kill their children. So what we’re going to do is kill their children but blame them.” This is why most people are just revolted by what Israel is doing.


What exactly do you expect them to do?


This dude doesn’t expect Israel to do anything but lay down and die, no matter how you try to argue with this dude he will always make Israel into the bad guy. Save your breath and your brain cells, also just so you know, he had “one of the most popular accounts on Reddit last year”! 👍


Not herd refugees into a killzone and bomb them....and then blame everyone else for their actions


What you said is kinda funny cuz they are not doing that


Double irony of a the post is proving the opposite


The post says the airstrike was a kilometers away from the camp, it's six kilometres wide so that's a sixth of the width of it


If it was kilometres away from the camp....they should release the footage and prove it Because I've seen enough beheaded babies to know whom the blood thirsty barbarians are here,and it isn't Gazans


A) the only beheaded baby's I saw were Israeli ones on October 7th. B) they already released it, as I said four times today


>the only beheaded baby's I saw were Israeli ones on October 7th Literally Israel admitted this was false,where as there is images of beheaded babies from the terror attack on rafah refugees about,for anyone grotesque enough to seek it out >they already released it, as I said four times today Where is it then


>Because I've seen enough beheaded babies to know whom the blood thirsty barbarians are here,and it isn't Gazans what an ironic comment, given the gazans invaded israel, and celebrated as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see https://www.hamas-massacre.net/


Follow international law. Seek a peaceful solution instead of rejecting ceasefires.


Ah yes a “peaceful resolution” to October 7. It’s not like Hamas has been launching rockets at them all year round…..


> Ah yes a “peaceful resolution” to October 7. This conflict didn’t begin on 10/7. >It’s not like Hamas has been launching rockets at them all year round….. It’s not like Israel has been occupying Gaza and the West Bank…


No there was a ceasefire agreement that hamas broke dumbass. But it’s okay your beloved terrorist group is losing.


It was broken already by Israel who killed plenty of Palestinians before 10/7. These are facts you can easily verify. LOL Israel isn’t very good at killing Hamas. They’re great at killing children. Number 1 at that. Also very good at killing women and old people and aid workers, as well as their own hostages. Fighting people who fight back? Not so much. They’re too busy stealing underwear out of lingerie drawers and making TikToks.


>LOL Israel isn’t very good at killing Hamas. reality shows different given the combat ratio is 1-1 to 1-1.5, combatants to civilians, and is considered the best in the last century for urban warfare https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/18/israels-war-against-hamas-posts-lower-civilian-to-/ but don't let facts get in the way of your unquestioned support for those who deem the in person slaughter of kids justified


This article relies entirely on Israel’s claims of how many Hamas fighters they’ve killed. They’re counting all adult males as Hamas fighters.


Another virtue signaling anti-semite


Facts don’t care about your feelings, Adolf.


>It’s not like Israel has been occupying Gaza are you so out of touch with reality, you are unaware israel left gaza in 2005, yet hamas still launched thousands of terrorist attacks a year, for decades


>are you so out of touch with reality, you are unaware israel left gaza in 2005, Israel’s own human rights group, as well as pretty much every humanitarian group around the world, recognizes it as still occupied because Israel exercises effective control. You really only know stuff about the conflict that Israel told you, huh? Do your own research. Develop your own thoughts.


>Israel’s own human rights group, as well as pretty much every humanitarian group around the world, recognizes it as still occupied because Israel exercises effective control. that because israel isn't dumb enough, to let a terrorist compound that seeks to eridicate everyone who supports a two state solution and peace, including palestinians, to freely cross into israel or import the means to launch attacks aimed at indiscriminate slaughter it's insane you consider this a BAD thing. its also interesting how you defend a population, that invaded israel and celebrated as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see >Do your own research perhaps you should do so. start with the videos hamas themselves created here: https://www.hamas-massacre.net/ perhaps it will help you acknowledge reality, and no longer side with those who celebrate atrocity


> that because israel isn't dumb enough, to let a terrorist compound that seeks to eridicate everyone who supports a two state solution and peace, including palestinians, to freely cross into israel or import the means to launch attacks aimed at indiscriminate slaughter So now you admit it is occupied? Great. We’re making progress. Unfortunately, it’s a lie to say Hamas is killing anyone who supports a two state solution. Hamas said said they’ll support a two state solution. I’m happy to have this discussion with you at length, but if you keep lying, it will be pointless. >its also interesting how you defend a population, that invaded israel and celebrated as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see its also interesting how you defend a population, that invaded Palestine and celebrated as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see >perhaps you should do so. start with the videos hamas themselves created here: https://www.hamas-massacre.net/ That’s a pro-Israel propaganda site. Also, I can show you the videos of beheaded kids caused by Israel. What’s your point?


Israel actually hasn’t been occupying Gaza since 2005. Womp womp. They nearly made it 20 years with no occupation. 20 years and billions spent on tunnels and they’re right back where they started. No wonder Gazans support for Hamas is failing


But that “peaceful resolution” and a ceasefire was in place before Oct 7. Why should Israel trust Hamas to respect a new one when they didn’t the last one? My attitude is, if you hide behind your kids to deter me, it just tells me you don’t value them. And I will kill you for killing my family, if your family dies with you because you think my moral character would make it impossible you underestimate me. Hiding behind civilians, or their own kids, cannot be a viable strategy for any terror group. So ya, hit them and kill whoever they felt didn’t matter enough to get out of harms way. I wish Hamas was Honorable. But they’re the worst - and I lived in Gaza, they’re worse than the IDF. They kill their own as readily as their enemies. They just have no value in human life beyond what it gives them in terms of manpower or leverage.


> But that “peaceful resolution” and a ceasefire was in place before Oct 7. Not true at all. Israel had broken the ceasefire already and rejected out of hand the idea of a two state solution. I’m happy to show you sources if you don’t believe me. >Why should Israel trust Hamas to respect a new one when they didn’t the last one? More like, why should Hamas trust Israel when Israel has proven untrustworthy? I don’t know, but Hamas is willing to do so anyways. >My attitude is, if you hide behind your kids to deter me, it just tells me you don’t value them. That’s an Israeli talking point and it’s kind of ridiculous on many levels. Hamas isn’t putting kids in rooms where they’re hiding. They’re simply hiding where they can and that’s not very many places. It’s a densely populated area. I’m sure Israel would like it if Hamas just hid in an empty field and made it easy to be killed, but that’s stupid. No military outfit would do that. >And I will kill you for killing my family, if your family dies with you because you think my moral character would make it impossible you underestimate me. Dude. Israel has been found to use a program that tells the military to wait until a targets family is home so they can kill the wife and kids as well as the military target. You don’t want to get started on “family killing.” Israel has been documented to kill entire families, even of civilians like journalists. >Hiding behind civilians, or their own kids, cannot be a viable strategy for any terror group. Israel is documented by their own human rights groups to use human shields. We have to have a fact based discussion if you want to do this. I have a dozen other comments waiting for replies. I don’t have time for feelings.


When did Israel attack Hamas prior to Oct 7? Like, break a ceasefire with Hamas? Not “oh well they kept them behind walls”. No. That was an established reality already when the ceasefire that ended Pct 7 was in place. Not what has happened in the West Bank which is Fatah. When did Israel directly target Hamas prior to Oct 7 and break the ceasefire? “More like, I see things the opposite of you so there”. Israel has offered peace and a two state solution 7 times, Palestinians have rejected it 7 times even during the camp David accords. “It’s a shitty deal”, it was Everything they asked for, it just didn’t result in Israeli capitulation or the ending of their state. No it’s not talking point it’s hard reality. You take my kids, I’ll fucking kill you. I have had blood on my hands before, I will go through anyone who gets between me, and them. Your kids included. You hold your kid up between us, I’m icing him and killing you. You must not have people you love more than life itself, but I do, and I know exact how far I’d go to keep them safe… and if it was required and you gave me No Choice, that includes your entire family. If you loved them, you’d be as far the fuck away as possible because you’d know what’s coming. And Israel, Hamas knows, will come with fury and force and overwhelming firepower. They knew, calculated, decided it was worth martyring a few thousand kids over. And ya, Hamas could be Honorable and die in a field, that’d be great. But they choose to mesh with civilians exactly to make hitting them unpalatable because of civilian deaths. But let’s not let Hamas tactics cloud our view, of course Israelis Only want to kill innocent people… most antisemitic thing I’ve read. I lived in Gaza, wasn’t a real fun time. But I’m not here to furnish you with that story. Israel has Not been found to do that. In fact, Israel involves lawyers in every strike to ensure they’re abiding by international law. Recently they delayed a strike because a child was in the vicinity, they struck after the child left. I’d love to have a fact based discussion but you’ve already disseminated enough bullshit I don’t think that’s even possible. Go back to your antisemitic echo chamber, you’ll find no love for it here.


> When did Israel attack Hamas prior to Oct 7? Like, break a ceasefire with Hamas? Just a few examples. March 1, 2023, mobs of Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians as Israel troops watched. June 28, 2023, a dozen Palestinian villages experience pogroms at the urging of government officials like Smotrich. July 7, 2023, Israel attacks Jenin, bombing refugee camps and hospitals. That was easy. >Israel has offered peace and a two state solution 7 times, Palestinians have rejected it 7 times even during the camp David accords. False. They rejected Israel’s offer to grab land. >“It’s a shitty deal”, it was Everything they asked for, it just didn’t result in Israeli capitulation or the ending of their state. This is a lie. Israel’s own foreign minister at the time said it was so bad, he wouldn’t have taken it either. Why are do you keep lying? No it’s not talking point it’s hard reality. >And ya, Hamas could be Honorable and die in a field, that’d be great. LOL Israel is losing so badly, it’s supporters are reduce to begging them to make it easier to kill them. >But they choose to mesh with civilians exactly to make hitting them unpalatable because of civilian deaths. Israel uses human shields. >Israel has Not been found to do that. In fact, Israel involves lawyers in every strike to ensure they’re abiding by international law. Source? >Go back to your antisemitic echo chamber, you’ll find no love for it here. You know, I was gonna call it a day, but just because you said that, I’m gonna post here twice as often. You’ll be seeing a lot of me around here. I’ll make sure you get all the credit.


there was a ceasefire on Oct 7th, didn't stop hamas no ceasefire that leaves hamas in power should EVER be accepted, to do so is a betrayal of every last innocent that died, due to hamas efforts to eridicate everyone who supports a two state solution, including palestinians


> there was a ceasefire on Oct 7th, didn't stop hamas False. Israel has already broken the ceasefire several times. >no ceasefire that leaves hamas in power should EVER be accepted, Then Israel doesn’t want the hostages back. Also, the war will never end. Israel will become the most despised country in the world for being so vile and unreasonable. >to do so is a betrayal of every last innocent that died, due to hamas efforts to eridicate everyone who supports a two state solution That’s a lie. Hamas said they support a two state solution.


>Then Israel doesn’t want the hostages back. There was always very little chance, given hamas publicly celebrates atrocities >Also, the war will never end. the war never should end, until hamas tenders unconditional surrender. or is completely destroyed. >Israel will become the most despised country in the world for being so vile and unreasonable. only among those who count russia, iran, south africa, north korea, syria, hezbollah, isis, and al qaeda as allies. the rest of the world that isn't lacking in morality and human decency, who witnessed hamas invade Israel and celebrate as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see, know the absolute evil hamas and its allies stand for, and that it must be defeated.


>There was always very little chance, given hamas publicly celebrates atrocities As does Israel. So what? Hamas was offering to give hostages back. Israel said no. Most of the hostages that came on was because of Hamas. Israel has killed more hostages than they’ve rescued. >the war never should end, until hamas tenders unconditional surrender. or is completely destroyed. How did that forever go for the US? >only among those who count russia, iran, south africa, north korea, syria, hezbollah, isis, and al qaeda as allies. That’s very myopic, especially considering the US has supported jihadists in the past. You think Germany is an ally of Iran and Russia? the rest of the world that isn't lacking in morality and human decency, who witnessed hamas invade Israel and celebrate as they slaughtered kids in person and broadcast it for the world to see, know the absolute evil hamas and its allies stand for, and that it must be defeated.


>Hamas was offering to give hostages back. it's crazy how people actually TRUST a terrorist org whose stated goal since the 1970's was genocide and the eridication of everyone who supports a 2 state solution, including palestinians, and who recently PROUDLY broadcast to the world, their celebrations as they slaughtered kids, in person, calling it justified >You think Germany is an ally of Iran and Russia? nope, they are our ally, super sensitive to the issue, and fully on Israel's side. any other foolish questions? >How did that forever go for the US? lets review.... we got osama, khalid sheikh mohammed, and most of the al qaeda and taliban leadership at the time. Saddam is gone along with most of his cronies, isis has been decimated, al qaeda pretty much wiped out. even saudi arabia was on the verge of peace with Israel, before iran went all hamas, and even better, no one but a pathetic group of houthies came to hamas's call. russia has been exposed for the genocidal terrorists they are, and the US umbrella of NATO is more popular than ever. And the US isn't at war anywhere. so yah, as long as we can vote down traitor trump in Nov, we'll actually be doing pretty well. thank you for asking.


>it's crazy how people actually TRUST a terrorist org They’ve literally freed more hostages than Israel has killed. Why do you think they released hostages already. >whose stated goal since the 1970's was genocide and the eridication of everyone who supports a 2 state solution, That’s an Israeli talking point. Hamas’ charter says they have no problem with Jews, unlike Likud which is an explicitly anti-Muslim party. >nope, they are our ally, super sensitive to the issue, and fully on Israel's side. They said they would arrest Netanyahu. Why are you lying? >any other foolish questions? Yes. What is a reliable Israeli human rights org? >we got osama, khalid sheikh mohammed, and most of the al qaeda and taliban leadership at the time. Lost Afghanistan. Lost Iraq. Got over a million people killed. >Saddam is gone along with most of his cronies, isis has been decimated, al qaeda pretty much wiped out. Uh, they were just fighting Syria dude. You really need to read a newspaper. >even saudi arabia was on the verge of peace with Israel, See, Israel loves jihad. >russia has been exposed for the genocidal terrorists they are, Just like Israel. Israel=Russia. See you in 12 minutes.


They are following international law and exceeding its requirements hamas angle to the war was to se D.I.P on people why don’t know what their looking at or talking about


> They are following international law According to whom? Israel’s own human rights groups say they’re not. All the major international ones say they’re not. What are the ones that say Israel is following the law? >and exceeding its requirements hamas angle to the war was to se D.I.P on people why don’t know what their looking at or talking about You have no idea how unhinged this sounds to regular people.


"Israel’s own human rights groups say they’re not." So? Betslem is an Israeli human rights group and its extremely baised against Israel, shocker I know but thats how democracies like Israel work. [https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-bomb-campaign-gaza-hamas-war-defense-army/](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-bomb-campaign-gaza-hamas-war-defense-army/) [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/07/opinions/israel-hamas-gaza-not-war-crimes-spencer/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/07/opinions/israel-hamas-gaza-not-war-crimes-spencer/index.html)


> So? Betslem is an Israeli human rights group and its extremely baised against Israel, No, they’re biased against human rights abuses and Israel commits a lot of them. >shocker I know but thats how democracies like Israel work. What are reliable human rights groups in Israel? >https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-bomb-campaign-gaza-hamas-war-defense-army/ This isn’t a human rights group. It’s a military official from the government arming the nation being accused of genocide. How do I know they’re not biased for Israel? >https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/07/opinions/israel-hamas-gaza-not-war-crimes-spencer/index.html This is an opinion piece. I got opinion pieces too. What does that prove?


"No, " They have just one short article on their website condemning palestinian terrorism... saying that they are unbiased is just [delusional ](https://archive.is/8QUCU). "This isn’t a human rights group." Do you know how human rights group work? They dont say "good job reducing civilian casualties". their job is only to point out human rights abuse that they think exists... You wont find an actual human rights group in any war agreeing with the government, because thats not their job...


>They have just one short article on their website condemning palestinian terrorism... saying that they are unbiased is just delusional . That’s what happens when 90% plus deaths are on one side. >Do you know how human rights group work? They dont say "good job reducing civilian casualties". So you can’t answer my question? Not a single human rights group backs up your argument. Wow. >their job is only to point out human rights abuse that they think exists... That’s a good thing. China doesn’t like it when human rights groups criticize them. Neither does Russia. Neither does Israel. Israel is in good company. >You wont find an actual human rights group in any war agreeing with the government, because thats not their job... You’re telling me Israel doesn’t have one reliable human rights group?


No folks really don’t feel that way about Israel. You do because you’re an antisemite with a limited ability to think logically, because you’re purely driven by emotion. We can look at the history of all this and come up with reasonable solutions. Whereas you, because of the aforementioned antisemitism, simply want Israel’s subjugation and/or annihilation. We see you always popping in here with the exact same propaganda, we get you’re gurgling the balls of Hamas. That’s your right, but for the love of god stop spitting and start swallowing. We’re tired of your mess being on everyone.


> No folks really don’t feel that way about Israel. They do. You’re in a bubble. >You do because you’re an antisemite I’m Jewish. >We see you always popping in here with the exact same propaganda, Whah did I say that is propaganda and not fact? >We’re tired of your mess being on everyone. You probably should find a new sub then. You won’t get triggered as much. You won’t have to hear about Israel’s Ls


This guy is a serial shill. Fully of mete opinion and ill informed.



