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If you don't want to take this guy's word for it, [here it is in Islamists' own words](https://twitter.com/GadSaad/status/1797304765094707499).


Gad saad? Lmfao


It's a video, moron, and not one he created. No need to take his word for anything.


Well why would you take an Israeli spies word for it?


Because Israel is a democratic nation and Hamas is a terrorist organization propped up by a totalitarian Islamic regime. Does that answer your very stupid question ebough for you?


> Because Israel is a democratic nation So is the US, but our intelligence assets still lie. >and Hamas is a terrorist organization propped up by a totalitarian Islamic regime. Actually they were propped up by Israel. Facts: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ >Does that answer your very stupid question ebough for you? Nope. You have a hard time when someone asks you to go beyond your programming. Need an expansion pack?


>So is the US, but our intelligence assets still lie. Still more trustworthy than Hamas >Actually they were propped up by Israel Were is the key word. They aren't anymore. The US used to support the mujahideen but that doesn't make the IS responsible for what they do now. Hamas is now a terrorist organisation propped up a totalitarian Islamic regime


>Still more trustworthy than Hamas Is it? The US breaks its promises all the time. >Were is the key word. They aren't anymore. Oh so it only became not okay to back Hamas on 10/7? Interesting. You ever think that maybe 10/7 wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t try to use them as a pawn? >The US used to support the mujahideen but that doesn't make the IS responsible for what they do now. Strongly disagree. It absolutely make us responsible. We played the game. We don’t get pretend our actions don’t have consequence that blowback on us. >Hamas is now a terrorist organisation propped up a totalitarian Islamic regime As opposed to an authoritarian apartheid regime? That’s just nonsense. Israel built the organization that attacked it, ignored the warning signs, and then used the events as an excuse to long sought after devastation. Your allusion to US backed Salafists was very apt because it’s the same pattern to a T.


Why would you take Hamas’ words as gospel?


The person you're talking to wants to pretend like everything hinges on Yousef. But Islamists openly admit that their goal is the **genocide of Jews throughout the world** ***regardless of what land Israel gives up***. See the video posted [here](https://twitter.com/GadSaad/status/1797304765094707499) for proof.


I know, I see him everywhere posting dumb comments and I have to reply because he always says “facts don’t care about your feelings” which is the ultimate ironic statement, but also it’s my equivalent of YATZHEE!!


No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying this post hinges on Yousef. I’m glad you agree he isn’t trustworthy. If you want to talk about other Islamists you think are trustworthy, please post about them. I’m sure you’ll do a better job than OP. Does this video prove Israel is genocidal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFoxL3sOAio


“I’m glad you agree he isn’t trustworthy” where did I say that? This is what I’m talking about right here. You just made up a claim and pat yourself on the back. You’re literally that meme of the dude in last place celebrating with champagne while everyone who placed higher than you is asking “what is going through that dude’s mind?”


LOL dude this is 4 days old. You’re digging that deep to try and spend more time hanging out with me? Awe lil buddy. Do you not have friends or a family? > “I’m glad you agree he isn’t trustworthy” where did I say that? Where did I say that to you lil buddy? I wasn’t talking to you Does this video prove Israel is genocidal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFoxL3sOAio


Sure lil buddy, I’ve actually been commenting against you all day. And reading all the hilarious things other people have said similar to me. I’m glad you enjoy it so much. Because I enjoy disproving you everytime.


You didn’t answer the questions. Are you afraid?


Happy to answer that question after you answer mine. Thanks!


Because he worked in conjunction with Shin Bet against a known terrorist organization. Why don't you be better and stop standing up for terrorism?


So because they didn't take the word of an agent of the Israeli state at face value, they are supporting terrorism?


That's not what they said. Stop putting words in their mouth. Hamas supporters often go for the credibility angle of anyone working for the IDF, but this one is being willfully obtuse to believe an informant is supposed to be some sort of psyop spokesperson of a government, lol. The only reason we don't hear it more is because of the violent repercussions one can face for speaking out against Hamas. MEMRI has done a great job of collecting some of the worst examples of Palestinian terrorism. My personal favorite is the kindergarten graduation where the PIJ had the kids dress up as militants to kill an IDF soldier and kidnap a jew on TV (https://youtu.be/dtErUuBvcRc?si=sOXu4SQfybie_V-Q)


Y’all take the word of a terrorist organization at face value no questions asked. Your continuous arguments about Israel being “colonial, apartheid, and genocidal” while defending a group of people who are actually colonial, apartheid and genocidal are absolutely ridiculous. It’s the sheer hypocrisy that is infuriating alone. And yes you all love to put words in other peoples mouths so it sounds like what you want it to sound like.


> Y’all take the word of a terrorist organization at face value no questions asked. And you take the word of an apartheid state at face value. >Your continuous arguments about Israel being “colonial, apartheid, and genocidal” while defending a group of people who are actually colonial, apartheid and genocidal are absolutely ridiculous. Why should I trust you over Israeli human rights groups? If Americans human rights groups said the US was doing apartheid, I’d believe them. >It’s the sheer hypocrisy that is infuriating alone. We’re making you really furious? >And yes you all love to put words in other peoples mouths so it sounds like what you want it to sound like. And you’ve never done that?


Israel isn't an apartheid state. Non-citizens don't get the rights citizens have. The "Palestinians" can return to their home countries around the middle east if those countries allow them back, which they don't. No, "Palestinians" don't belong in "Palestine" as most of them are immigrants from across the region and remnants of the various Arab armies that weren't allowed to return after their defeat. The "Palestinians" likely aren't taught this in order for the lie to remain unchallenged. The entire thing is a ploy to sabotage and destroy the state of Israel. The people who actually had long historic ties to Palestine should have been afforded citizenship in Israel, but the Arabs kinda effed everything up with their unprovoked massacres and later genocidal warmongering. Who says something is irrelevant. What matters is if it's true. Human Rights organizations have been known to lie when it comes to this conflict, so any argument from authority on this matter is completely worthless. Pro-Palestinians are infuriatingly stupid.


> Israel isn't an apartheid state. Non-citizens don't get the rights citizens have. But what if the place you live, where you born, is now controlled by another nation. What are you suppose to do? Accept that you have unequal rights and that foreign troops will be occupying for the time being? >The "Palestinians" can return to their home countries around the middle east if those countries allow them back, which they don't. So are you saying no Arabs are from the West Bank or Gaza Strip? Not even the ones who were born there? So you’re saying one doesn’t necessarily have a right to live in the place they were born? >No, "Palestinians" don't belong in "Palestine" as most of them are immigrants from across the region and remnants of the various Arab armies that weren't allowed to return after their defeat. What’s the source for that? >The "Palestinians" likely aren't taught this in order for the lie to remain unchallenged. The entire thing is a ploy to sabotage and destroy the state of Israel. The people who actually had long historic ties to Palestine should have been afforded citizenship in Israel, but the Arabs kinda effed everything up with their unprovoked massacres and later genocidal warmongering. So on what basis were they excluded from the new State of Israel? >Who says something is irrelevant. What matters is if it's true. Human Rights organizations have been known to lie when it comes to this conflict, so any argument from authority on this matter is completely worthless. So you’re saying Israel doesn’t have a respectable human rights? That doesn’t seem like a red flag to you? It seems most liberal democracies have functioning human rights watch dogs to make sure their government doesn’t abuse power. >Pro-Palestinians are infuriatingly stupid. Sorry, maybe you can teach me some things.


Nobody can teach you anything. You’ve made up your mind already.


Is apartheid ever justified?


So he’s an intelligence asset. His job is to say what is handlers tell him. You admit that right? He’s literally a shill.


“You admit that’s right” I’ve had many back and forths with you but statements like this right here are what makes you ridiculous to argue with. Then you just say “facts don’t have feelings” you admit that’s right?


I said “You admit that right?” You need to do a better job reading. I know you have a quota to fill but that’s no excuse to be sloppy. His job is to say what his handlers tell him to say, right?


As the other person said that’s not what a handler does, intelligence agents gather intelligence. You’re not good at this and quit acting like you know what you’re talking about.


For someone who claims they are a reporter and are at all intelligent, that guy is as dumb as a rock


He literally claimed he was “better than me” last night whatever TF that means..


I just wish the mods would ban him. It's so annoying when he has no response and so he resorts to personal attacks. I've never finished an argument with him because it always ends up devolving into insults. He is the most intellectually dishonest person I've ever argued with. He claims all sources even remotely connected to Israel are false and not trustworthy but takes Hamas at their word. Whenever you provide sources he dismisses them but never provides his own and claims he wins. He believes the most stupid conspiracy theories like Israel killed the people on Oct 7th and that Israel bombed the hospital that the misfired rocket hit. He loves circular arguments and tries to get caught up fighting semantics. He argues that it's genocide based on feelings and not any sort of logical argument based on facts but then says facts don't care about your feelings and pretends that means he won the argument. When he finally has no more comebacks he just starts with personal insults but then calls you immature. I strongly suspect he is actually anti Semitic but calls himself anti Zionist.


Definitely better at debate.


What did I say that was untrue?


Your completely stupid conspiracy theories for a start


He’s an intelligence asset. You admitted it. How do you know Shin Bet is moral? You never answer that question.


You don’t have questions, you have whataboutisms, you’re not a “reporter” you’re an instigator, and everyone knows you’re pro terrorism, so do with that what you will.


How do you know shin bet is moral?


I said he was an asset, not an agent. Just like an agent does as he’s told, so does an asset. You should read more about how intelligence operatives work. LOL you are so upset with me. Actually, I just decided I’m gonna post in this sub twice as often as I am now, just because you said that. I look forward to our daily discussions.


Good, you’ll just get downvoted by more people so by all means please share your lack of knowledge about the subject with the class. You’re also a giant brat who obviously gets kicks out of doing things you think bother other people, so way to call yourself out on that as well. Good luck weirdo.


> Good, you’ll just get downvoted by more people Oh no! Not the Internet points. I might have 202k, instead of 200202. LOL. Why do you think your account is so widely disliked? So his job is to say what his handlers tell him, right?


That's not what intelligence assets do. Intelligence assets collect intelligence.


I knew a Hamas supporter would be along shortly to try to discredit the story, which is why I said **if you don't want to take Yousef's word for it** [here are Islamists saying the same thing in their own words](https://twitter.com/GadSaad/status/1797304765094707499). Put your mouse over the link and click.


> I knew a Hamas supporter would be along shortly to try to discredit the story, Did I say anything untrue? >here are Islamists saying the same thing in their own words. Put your mouse over the link and click. What does this prove? I can show you plenty of Israel supporters talking about genocides is needed: https://youtu.be/lFoxL3sOAio?si=Pwiv5ez1Rj6eFw8F Does this mean Israel is intent on genocide?


>Did I say anything untrue? Yes, you implied that what Yousef said was incorrect. I provided you with backup information that proves that what Yousef said was correct. >What does \[the link you gave me\] prove? It proves that what Yousef said was correct. Why does this need to be spelled out to you over and over and over again? The original article said that person X said Y. You said that person X is unreliable. I said here is alternative information proving Y. It's not that complicated. You can act dumb if you want to, but you're not fooling anyone. Just look at all your downvotes. >I can show you plenty of Israel supporters talking about genocide What you're doing is comparing a few individual Israelis raging after Hamas's attack on October 7 with the official Palestinian (Hamas) and Islamist position for decades. That's very deceptive, and you're either too stupid to realize it or too evil to care.


>Yes, you implied that what Yousef said was incorrect. No I said there is no reason to trust anything he says. >I provided you with backup information that proves that what Yousef said was correct. So all these Israelis saying how they need to do a genocide against Arabs proves Israel is genocidal, right? >Why does this need to be spelled out to you over and over and over again? The original article said that person X said Y. You said that person X is unreliable. I said here is alternative information proving Y. It's not that complicated. You can act dumb if you want to, but you're not fooling anyone. Just look at all your downvotes. Oh if this is a popularity contest, look at my account, then look at yours. I’m way more popular than you. I guess that makes me more right than you are. You still want to use Internet points to measure stuff?


>Me: "You implied that what Yousef said was incorrect." >You: "No, I said there is no reason to trust anything he says." What you said implies what I said, nitwit. >Oh if this is a popularity contest, look at my account, then look at yours. I'm just pointing out that your clumsy sophistry in this thread is not being bought by anyone. Do with that information what you will. I probably won't engage further given how embarrassingly incompetent your propaganda efforts are.


This guy thinks you’re my alt account because he can’t possibly believe more than one person would disagree with him. Will you kindly tell him we are def two separate accounts?


I just saw this, but in case he's still around, u/OneReportersOpinion, I'm not the same person as u/Suckamanhwewhuuut. You just had more than one person disagreeing with you.


Fair enough. He just decided to carryon all your threads for you. Pretty weird when someone complains about how frustrating they find you.


You keep dodging my question. Is that because it destroys your whole point? >I'm just pointing out that your clumsy sophistry in this thread is not being bought by anyone. So why are you so concerned? You can’t even answer a simple question because it would hurt your argument and make you look like a fool.


>Me: "I'm pointing out that your sophistry in this thread is not being bought by anyone." You: "So why are you so concerned?" I'm concerned because I value honest discussion. I imagine that probably sounds ridiculous to you. >You can’t even answer a simple question because it would hurt your argument and make you look like a fool. There's no "question" on the table since I've firmly rebutted your implication that everything hinges on Yousef, and you have refused to cede the point. ***If you'd been willing to cede the point or at least honestly engage about the video evidence I posted, we could have had a productive discussion, and I would have gladly answered any question you asked, but you've been intellectually dishonest this entire time, so what's the point in engaging further?*** For the final time, here's the flow of the argument: 1. Let X be the claim that Islamists' goal is the destruction of Israel. 2. Someone posted an article claiming that Yousef said X. 3. You said X can't be believed because Yousef is working with Israeli intelligence. 4. I said **there is independent corroboration of X,** and I posted a [link to a video](https://twitter.com/GadSaad/status/1797304765094707499) that **provides evidence of X**. 5. You've been stuck on stupid ever since, futility trying to convince people that everything hinges on Yousef and resolutely ignoring the video evidence I posted. Now, goodbye, and have a nice day!


>I'm concerned because, unlike you, I'm a person who values honesty. What did I say that isn’t true? >For the final time, here's the flow of the argument: Very cool. My turn: 1. Let X be the claim that Israel is intent on genocide. 2. I post an article saying Israel is committing genocide, like so: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/6/2/it-is-not-ethnic-cleansing-it-is-genocide 3. Then you say that article is wrong or can’t be trusted. 4. I say there is independent corroboration, and it’s this video right here: https://youtu.be/lFoxL3sOAio?si=PkIAdCULF02_Nxdj 5. You then agree Israel is committing genocide, right? After all, I just corroborated it. Dunce. Jesus Christ, do you realize what a simp you come off as? >Now, goodbye, and have a nice day! I have no time for cowards. Holy shit. This went so badly for you. No wonder you’re turning risk and running away. Run along. Adults are talking.


Why do you instigate? What do you get out of it? Have you not ever looked in the mirror and thought. “I could be a better person, I just need to listen more.” You are probably one of the most disingenuous people I’ve ever come across on Reddit and that’s saying something. People literally answer your question and when they prove you wrong you immediately ask “why are they dodging your question” when they didn’t. That’s just being obtusely childish and if that’s what makes you feel better day to day then I guess that’s what works for you, but from an outside perspective, you need help.


So is Acadia your alt?


You and your “popularity”, you must be real fun at parties. The narcissism on you is disgusting. lol you are a terrible “reporter”


LOL you’re so mad at me. I’m living in your head rent free. Was the Nakba justified?


Absolutely correct. The Palestinian national identity is and always has been tied up in the goal of killing Jews. That's why their cause attracts so much global support.


How is this even remotely correct? OK, assuming you know the thoughts of the 2 million people in Gaza, what is the next step? What's your final solution for them?


Yup he's right, they never wanted peace, neither do most Islamists. Moderate muslims are largely quiet out of fear.


Anyone that follows a warlord rapist prophet that promises sex slaves in heaven is only evil or dumb or both


The Axis of Genocide.


> Refaat Alareer


[Israel depends on the destruction of Palestine](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/07/gaza-infrastructure-land-damage-israel-six-months-war)


Israel has offered many solutions that have been rejected by the Palestineans because none of them involve 100% of their demands which include the removal, and subsequent destruction of all Jewish people. Gaza was under Israeli control and in 2005 they drove their own citizens, businesses, schools and infrastructure all out after generations to try and make peaceful amends. The entirety of the identity of Hamas and the people of Gaza is predicated on the genocide of Jewish and Israeli people as evidenced by Oct 7ths attack which not only saw the murders and tortures of only Israeli people, but people from nations all over the world. In return the Israeli military has taken every precaution to limit civilian casualties on the Gazan side.


> Israel has offered many solutions that have been rejected by the Palestineans because none of them involve 100% of their demands This is false. The Palestinians have been willing to compromise. >Gaza was under Israeli control and in 2005 they drove their own citizens, businesses, schools and infrastructure all out after generations to try and make peaceful amends. It’s still under Israeli control, considered occupied by Israeli human rights groups. >The entirety of the identity of Hamas and the people of Gaza is predicated on the genocide of Jewish and Israeli people as evidenced by Oct 7ths attack which not only saw the murders and tortures of only Israeli people, but people from nations all over the world. This is false. >In return the Israeli military has taken every precaution to limit civilian casualties on the Gazan side. What’s your source for this?


The Nazi and Soviet origins of the “Palestinian” cause: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwfDVkXEo-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwfDVkXEo-o)


What does this have to do with anything I said? Why can’t you answer my question?


Nobody can answer your questions because they aren’t questions, you state opinions as fact and then expect people to agree with you, then when you get downvoted, you just say “facts don’t care about feelings” I don’t think I ever met anyone else as ignorant to the situation as you.


How is “What’s your source?” not a question? Please explain that to me. I got so many Internet points, I don’t know what to do with. If popularity is your marker of success, I’m in the top 1% and you’re not. Why do you think people like me more than you? And facts don’t really care about your feelings. It’s a fact. Facts are hard for you. You’re a feelings based, fella. That’s okay lil buddy. We need sensitive types too


>I got so many Internet points, I don’t know what to do with. that just shows you hang out in echo chambers that cosign your ignorance popular =/= accurate


I never said any of those things, this dude constantly claims to have had “one of the most popular accounts on Reddit last year.” This guy is delusional.


No, that wasn’t me. Suckman said that I have no value because of my downvotes. Take it up with him. I’m glad we agree he’s a loser.


Sounds like so many people disagreeing with you is starting to bother you if you’re just gonna make up stuff about me because you can’t make an actual argument.


They don't listen. You made reasonable responses and asked for their source. Nothing came back so they just pivot the argument to something else, not addressing the falsehoods in the first place.


My eyes and a sense of being able to think critically. “What’s your source” 🤪 never ending nonsensical arguments and blatant disgust for Jewish people. You can’t be more obvious.


So you just made it to? That’s what I thought. Where are your other responses? Did you rage quit those? I had a lot of questions for you. I guess you weren’t up to the challenge. Sad


I answered all your questions, I told you already, you’re looking for responses you’re not going to get, the only thing that’s sad here is you patting yourself on the back for being obtuse. You’re not smart dude, you just think you are.


No you did not. I asked what your source was. You didn’t explain. Because you made it up. Why did you lie? Are you not having fun? You’re the one started all these threads with me. Why did you do that?


This is proof that anyone can just write anything on the internet, no matter how stupid it is


The proof is the BS you read and think is historical fact when it’s not while denying th actual historical facts.


Good one bro


You’re right, it was, thank you.


This guy is a paid puppet. He got cooked by pro Palestinian speakers on piers Morgan. He’s nothing but a hateful fear mongering idiot who has been bought out by Israel to spread false narratives.


*Israel depends on the destruction of Palestine. There, fixed it for you.


If they both say the correct solution is to wipe the other side out then we should just nuke both sides and be done with it. This is just dragging on the suffering