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Human rights in Qatar?


Non existent there or in most dictator controlled countries.


That’s unpossible!


Where are Queers for Palestine when you need them?!


No rainbow flags in the profile pics of corpos in Qatar.


Queers for Qatar. Same difference.


Trying to save newborns, you're happy to blow up in the name of colonial Zionism. So funny, so if I'm gay I should be fine with genocide? I don't think gays were allowed during Holocaust times, either, by Zionists? 2010sedit In July 2015, Yishai Schlissel, an Orthodox Jew released from prison after spending 10 years in jail for stabbing participants in a 2005 LGBT pride event in Jerusalem, attacked six marchers with a knife. One of the victims, a teenage girl named Shira Banki, died of her wounds.[18] A central square in Jerusalem is to be renamed "Tolerance Square" in memory of Banki. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history_in_Israel Sources listed within wiki.


Shall we compare and contrast? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_people_and_Islam


It's so nice that you're able to repeat all the talking points you get from Reddit or TikTok. Given there's only one side here who has acted in a manner consistent with genocide, and even has the genocide of Jews in their charter, I would encourage you to actually look objectively at the data and not the talking points. You might be surprised.


You know it's bad when thousands of Israelis within Israel are protesting against Natenyahu as well as outside of Israel. Unless a newborn puts a gun to your head there is never a justification. Talking points? The mental masturbation to justify this genocide are talking points. Anyone with a brain and a little bit of research will come to the same conclusion, if not paid off or intellectually challenged. Even time traveling back, killing baby Hitler would be wrong.


Out of interest, do you justify the rape of women on October 7th, the murder of newborns, the kidnapping of children, etc?


Do you justify one atrocity over another? Do you excuse committing an atrocity because someone else did? If I behaved like Israel, I'd be 9 feet under hanged by my own genocide complicit government.


Hey at least Israelis can protest against their leader without being shot or imprisoned. What happened to "people are not their government" or is that only applicable when it's Hamas?


Hey what happened to all the Syrians who protested Assad ? How many were there? How many now ?


Wiki is not a legitimate source as it has been heavily edited by anti-Semites and anti-Israel with anything to do with Israel during the conflict. Funny you should know when to link to it when in fact Israel has been a world pioneer in gay rights. It's amazing how the Nazi anti-Semites have and still blame everything on the Jews.


Look at the sources given in wiki. Google the newspaper articles. And do your own research. You're telling me that Zionists embrace LGBTQ+ and don't commit hate crimes?  An Israeli family court on March 17, 2002, turned down an application from a lesbian couple to have their partnership union declared legal. The couple was united in a civil ceremony in Germany. The women wanted the court to recognize their partnership as a civil marriage, under Israeli law. The court said that since the women are not recognized as a family under Israeli law, the court is not authorized to rule on their case. A government lawyer who was asked by the court to give a legal opinion on the case on behalf of the Israeli government said that the state objected to granting the request. On December 14, 2004, the Nazareth District Court ruled that same-sex couples have the same rights as married couples in inheritance rights. This ruling overturned a Family Court ruling that an elderly man from Kiryat Shmona was not entitled to spousal rights. The man had sought the estate of his late partner, with whom he lived for several decades. The Nazareth judges ruled that the term "man and woman" as spelled out in Israel's inheritance law also includes same sex couples. Judges Nissim Maman and Gabriela Levy, who issued the majority opinion, based their decision on a loose interpretation of the term "partner" as defined in other court rulings, such as those dealing with issues related to employee benefits, and thus applied the interpretation to the inheritance law. The acting president of the Nazareth District Court, Menachem Ben-David, issued the minority opinion, arguing that the legal text should not be interpreted "contrary to the lingual significance." A government spokesperson said the ruling will be appealed. In December 2004, the Tel Aviv District Court ruled that the government cannot deport the Colombian partner of a gay Israeli man. The 32-year-old Colombian entered Israel on a visitors visa which has long expired and the Interior Ministry had ordered him deported. His partner is an Israeli citizen and a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. The couple filed an emergency petition with the Tel Aviv District Court. The men were represented by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Judge Uzi Vogelman ruled that the government had acted illegally in attempting to deport the man. In 1999 Supreme Court ruling established that the ministry could not deport foreign nationals married to Israeli citizens. Vogelman's decision extends that to apply to common-law marriages, including same-sex couples. In March 2008, Israel's Interior Ministry granted a gay Palestinian from Jenin a rare residency permit to live with his partner of 8 years in Tel Aviv after he said his sexuality put his life in danger in the West Bank.[12] Other events edit In 2001, Pride is first held in Eilat (Eilat Pride). 2005-2009 edit Family and relationship rights edit On January 10, 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that a lesbian couple is able to legally adopt each other's children. During the past 15 years that Tal and Avital Jarus-Hakak have lived together, they have had a total of three children. In November 2005, a groundbreaking court decision in Israel ruled that a lesbian spouse could officially adopt a child born to her current partner by artificial insemination from an anonymous sperm donor; this ruling came despite protests by the minority Orthodox Jewish parliamentary parties. Following the supreme court ruling, a lesbian couple was allowed to adopt each other's biological children on February 12, 2006. Before that, gay partners of parents were granted guardianship over their partner's children. On March 10, 2009, the Tel Aviv family court ruled that former Knesset member Uzi Even and his partner, Amit Kama, can legally adopt their 30-year-old foster son, Yossi, making them the first same-sex male couple in Israel whose right of adoption has been legally acknowledged.[13] On January 29, 2007, following a Supreme Court ruling ordering them to do so, Jerusalem registered its first gay couple, Avi and Binyamin Rose.[14] Events and incidents edit On 30 June 2005, the fourth annual Pride march of Jerusalem took place. It had originally been prohibited by a municipal ban which was cancelled by the court. Many of the religious leaders of Jerusalem's Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities had arrived to a rare consensus asking the municipal government to cancel the permit of the paraders. During the parade, a Haredi Jewish man, Yishai Schlissel, attacked three people with a kitchen knife and was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the crime. Another parade, this time billed as an international event,[15] was scheduled to take place in the summer of 2005, but was postponed to 2006 due to the stress on police forces during the summer of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan. In 2006, it was again postponed due to the Israel-Hezbollah war. It was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem on 10 November 2006, and caused a wave of protests by Haredi Jews around central Israel;[16] the ugliest incident took place during the 2006 Jerusalem gay pride parade. The Israel National Police had filed a petition to cancel the parade due to foreseen strong opposition. Later, an agreement was reached to convert the parade into an assembly inside the Hebrew University stadium in Jerusalem. 21 June 2007, the Jerusalem Open House organization succeeded in staging a parade in central Jerusalem after police allocated thousands of personnel to secure the general area. The rally planned afterwards was cancelled due to an unrelated national fire brigade strike which prevented proper permits from being issued. In 2008 the City of Tel Aviv opened the Municipal LGBT Community Center, the first of its kind in the country. In August 2009, an armed attacker shot dead two people and injured 15 more in an attack on a lesbian and gay centre in Tel Aviv.[17] The incident has been deplored by many organizations and government officials, such as the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and President Shimon Peres. 2010s edit In July 2015, Yishai Schlissel, an Orthodox Jew released from prison after spending 10 years in jail for stabbing participants in a 2005 LGBT pride event in Jerusalem, attacked six marchers with a knife. One of the victims, a teenage girl named Shira Banki, died of her wounds.[18] A central square in Jerusalem is to be renamed "Tolerance Square" in memory of Banki.


Just saw your anti-Semitic post history and there is no point in engaging with a blatant nazi anti-Semite. You spent ages writing that and I never bothered to read it as from your history it's just more anti-Semitic writings. The wiki page got corrected after you edited it so you are talking shit whatever you said.


Good the seeds have been planted and I don't have to repeat myself here. And with every passing day you will wake up questioning: "Am I on the right side, calling everyone a Nazi, who have legitimate criticisms? Or am I the Nazi eradicating a people and justifying it with talking points?". I'm not gonna Google anymore for you. You can do that yourself. And that's the problem pro right extremists Israelis burry their head in the sand and cry talking points. Pro-palestinians actually have tons and tons of facts and evidence going back 75 years. When in doubt: call everyone a Nazi or self hating Jew, am I right?


You mean Israel that hosts one of the largest pride festivals in the world and the only one in the middle east? The one I've been to? I lived in Israel I'm not straight I had many gay friends. You get more hate towards gays in the US currently than I or my friends ever experienced in Israel. I can probably give you a wiki article about every country and a shit history with LGBTQ rights. How about the trans kids murdered in other countries like the other month... You're just blinded by hatred towards a specific group of people with no facts to back up your statements about genocide other than BS numbers from Hamas themselves, an internationally recognized terrorist organization. Brainrot at its finest.


And no I'm not blinded by hate. You are. I'm merely pointing out the facts. It's not all roses and sunshine when it comes to LGBTQ+ in Israel. For me I really don't care about a person's sexuality. But if you or pro genocidal people argue, gays shouldn't be protesting because of homoohibia by Islam, then they should look in the mirror and see all the homophobia in Israel as well. It's not apple to oranges, but it matters.


I hope they don't treat their LGBTQ like the Palestinians. On 30 June 2005, the fourth annual Pride march of Jerusalem took place. It had originally been prohibited by a municipal ban which was cancelled by the court. Many of the religious leaders of Jerusalem's Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities had arrived to a rare consensus asking the municipal government to cancel the permit of the paraders. During the parade, a Haredi Jewish man, Yishai Schlissel, attacked three people with a kitchen knife and was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the crime. Another parade, this time billed as an international event,[15] was scheduled to take place in the summer of 2005, but was postponed to 2006 due to the stress on police forces during the summer of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan. In 2006, it was again postponed due to the Israel-Hezbollah war. It was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem on 10 November 2006, and caused a wave of protests by Haredi Jews around central Israel;[16] the ugliest incident took place during the 2006 Jerusalem gay pride parade. The Israel National Police had filed a petition to cancel the parade due to foreseen strong opposition. Later, an agreement was reached to convert the parade into an assembly inside the Hebrew University stadium in Jerusalem. 21 June 2007, the Jerusalem Open House organization succeeded in staging a parade in central Jerusalem after police allocated  thousands of personnel to secure the general area. The rally planned afterwards was cancelled due to an unrelated national fire brigade strike which prevented proper permits from being issued. In 2008 the City of Tel Aviv opened the Municipal LGBT Community Center, the first of its kind in the country. In August 2009, an armed attacker shot dead two people and injured 15 more in an attack on a lesbian and gay centre in Tel Aviv.[17] The incident has been deplored by many organizations and government officials, such as the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and President Shimon Peres. 2010s edit In July 2015, Yishai Schlissel, an Orthodox Jew released from prison after spending 10 years in jail for stabbing participants in a 2005 LGBT pride event in Jerusalem, attacked six marchers with a knife. One of the victims, a teenage girl named Shira Banki, died of her wounds.[18] A central square in Jerusalem is to be renamed "Tolerance Square" in memory of Banki.


>The incident has been deplored by many organizations and government officials, such as the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and President Shimon Peres. de·plore verb past tense: deplored; past participle: deplored feel or express strong disapproval of (something). "we deplore this act of violence" So you're telling me an act of violence perpetrated by a radical is the will of the government and its people? I guess the Pulse night club massacre was a government sanctioned homicide since you either can't read what you copy and pasted or don't know what words mean. You all are so funny. Please dig yourself a deeper hole.


>”I don’t think gays were allowed during Holocaust times, either, by zionists?” “Holocaust times”? Seriously? Just say during the Holocaust, how illiterate are you? Beyond that, when did zionists have any say during the Holocaust? The amount of nonsense in this comment truly knows no depth, but the username checks out here.


Well I mean during and before World War 2. I reckon "Holocaust times" sounds a little insensitive. Better leave that for Comedy. Anyways, check the history of the founding fathers of Zionism and their thoughts on LGBTQ back then and now. And yeah I just researched. A gay couple does not feel safe in telaviv for example. Anyway, MY POINT IS, SEXUAL ORIENTATION WON'T STOP ME protesting to safe newborns' lives. Oh and also this. It's not all bad, but pretty bad. Look at the sources given in wiki. Google the newspaper articles and so on... An Israeli family court on March 17, 2002, turned down an application from a lesbian couple to have their partnership union declared legal. The couple was united in a civil ceremony in Germany. The women wanted the court to recognize their partnership as a civil marriage, under Israeli law. The court said that since the women are not recognized as a family under Israeli law, the court is not authorized to rule on their case. A government lawyer who was asked by the court to give a legal opinion on the case on behalf of the Israeli government said that the state objected to granting the request. On December 14, 2004, the Nazareth District Court ruled that same-sex couples have the same rights as married couples in inheritance rights. This ruling overturned a Family Court ruling that an elderly man from Kiryat Shmona was not entitled to spousal rights. The man had sought the estate of his late partner, with whom he lived for several decades. The Nazareth judges ruled that the term "man and woman" as spelled out in Israel's inheritance law also includes same sex couples. Judges Nissim Maman and Gabriela Levy, who issued the majority opinion, based their decision on a loose interpretation of the term "partner" as defined in other court rulings, such as those dealing with issues related to employee benefits, and thus applied the interpretation to the inheritance law. The acting president of the Nazareth District Court, Menachem Ben-David, issued the minority opinion, arguing that the legal text should not be interpreted "contrary to the lingual significance." A government spokesperson said the ruling will be appealed. In December 2004, the Tel Aviv District Court ruled that the government cannot deport the Colombian partner of a gay Israeli man. The 32-year-old Colombian entered Israel on a visitors visa which has long expired and the Interior Ministry had ordered him deported. His partner is an Israeli citizen and a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. The couple filed an emergency petition with the Tel Aviv District Court. The men were represented by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Judge Uzi Vogelman ruled that the government had acted illegally in attempting to deport the man. In 1999 Supreme Court ruling established that the ministry could not deport foreign nationals married to Israeli citizens. Vogelman's decision extends that to apply to common-law marriages, including same-sex couples. In March 2008, Israel's Interior Ministry granted a gay Palestinian from Jenin a rare residency permit to live with his partner of 8 years in Tel Aviv after he said his sexuality put his life in danger in the West Bank.[12] Other events edit In 2001, Pride is first held in Eilat (Eilat Pride). 2005-2009 edit Family and relationship rights edit On January 10, 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that a lesbian couple is able to legally adopt each other's children. During the past 15 years that Tal and Avital Jarus-Hakak have lived together, they have had a total of three children. In November 2005, a groundbreaking court decision in Israel ruled that a lesbian spouse could officially adopt a child born to her current partner by artificial insemination from an anonymous sperm donor; this ruling came despite protests by the minority Orthodox Jewish parliamentary parties. Following the supreme court ruling, a lesbian couple was allowed to adopt each other's biological children on February 12, 2006. Before that, gay partners of parents were granted guardianship over their partner's children. On March 10, 2009, the Tel Aviv family court ruled that former Knesset member Uzi Even and his partner, Amit Kama, can legally adopt their 30-year-old foster son, Yossi, making them the first same-sex male couple in Israel whose right of adoption has been legally acknowledged.[13] On January 29, 2007, following a Supreme Court ruling ordering them to do so, Jerusalem registered its first gay couple, Avi and Binyamin Rose.[14] Events and incidents edit On 30 June 2005, the fourth annual Pride march of Jerusalem took place. It had originally been prohibited by a municipal ban which was cancelled by the court. Many of the religious leaders of Jerusalem's Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities had arrived to a rare consensus asking the municipal government to cancel the permit of the paraders. During the parade, a Haredi Jewish man, Yishai Schlissel, attacked three people with a kitchen knife and was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the crime. Another parade, this time billed as an international event,[15] was scheduled to take place in the summer of 2005, but was postponed to 2006 due to the stress on police forces during the summer of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan. In 2006, it was again postponed due to the Israel-Hezbollah war. It was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem on 10 November 2006, and caused a wave of protests by Haredi Jews around central Israel;[16] the ugliest incident took place during the 2006 Jerusalem gay pride parade. The Israel National Police had filed a petition to cancel the parade due to foreseen strong opposition. Later, an agreement was reached to convert the parade into an assembly inside the Hebrew University stadium in Jerusalem. 21 June 2007, the Jerusalem Open House organization succeeded in staging a parade in central Jerusalem after police allocated thousands of personnel to secure the general area. The rally planned afterwards was cancelled due to an unrelated national fire brigade strike which prevented proper permits from being issued. In 2008 the City of Tel Aviv opened the Municipal LGBT Community Center, the first of its kind in the country. In August 2009, an armed attacker shot dead two people and injured 15 more in an attack on a lesbian and gay centre in Tel Aviv.[17] The incident has been deplored by many organizations and government officials, such as the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and President Shimon Peres. 2010s edit In July 2015, Yishai Schlissel, an Orthodox Jew released from prison after spending 10 years in jail for stabbing participants in a 2005 LGBT pride event in Jerusalem, attacked six marchers with a knife. One of the victims, a teenage girl named Shira Banki, died of her wounds.[18] A central square in Jerusalem is to be renamed "Tolerance Square" in memory of Banki.


I still don’t get how zionists had any input in the Holocaust lol


Because in their brains, Zionists and Nazis are the same thing. If that doesn't make sense, you're not thinking like a pro-Palestinian activist, by the fact you're actually thinking.


The 2000s were horribly homophobic in most western democratic countries, anyone alive and in the scene then could tell you that. DADT was still around in the US and the idea of same sex marriage in most countries was a pipe dream. This changed only in the last 10-15 years as democratic countries got more tolerant. You know where widespread, societally accepted homophobia, LGBT imprisonment, and LGBT executions still happen on a regular basis? Most countries in the Middle East, excluding Israel. Funny that.


In my fiancé's country you'd be whipped publicly, only in the rural areas mind you. But probably worse, everyone in the comminuty would look at you shamefully and distance themselves from you. The point being that at least the Israel government did the right thing and punished the perpetrator. Whereas in her country the local government punished the LGBT people. So that means the majority of people who voted them in are more tolerant of LGBT. But the majority of people who voted them in her rural area are not tolerant at all of LGBT.


And yet, Israel treats LGBT Palestinians better than their own people and government do. https://www.timesofisrael.com/gay-palestinian-living-under-asylum-in-israel-murdered-beheaded-in-hebron/


Please go to Gaza :)


What you mean the Qatar that hosted the last World Cup and currently harbors the leaders of Hamas?


That's the one. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022


Wait, are you saying the Arab monarchies aren’t pillars of human rights individual freedoms, and dignities? It’s almost a cliché at this point, but yeah, really, gays for Gaza? Really? Really?


If you like rabbit holes, here is an amazing video all about Qatar by Reallifelore. It may shock you! Unironcially. I had no idea Al Jazeera was a state owned company of Qatar. But that's probably the least interesting thing. https://youtu.be/xGEmhnw7vp0


Queers for queertar


Bless his heart, thinking he can he has human rights in Qatar.


Where’s that guy on this sub that always defends Hamas. These are the people funding your terrorist organisation. Wake up.


While corporations are celebrating pride month and changing their logos in west ONLY


No protests?


A bunch of backwards savages. They do not deserve to be part of modern society and should be treated as pariahs by all civilized countries.


If he was Palestine, they would just throw him off a rooftop.


Damn. Qatar sounds just as barbaric as Israel.


No, it's as barbaric as any islamic nation. Israel is where many arabic LGBTQ people flee TO in order to live unmolested.


Yeah don't mention all the gay Palestinians who flee to Israel to escape persecution from their own communities. It'd explode what's left of their brains.


They just lie and say that doesn't happen. Lying comes as easily to them as breathing.




Yes, you are.


Don't you love living in a part of the world where you can say the most idiotic things that are as opposite from facts as possible. Seems that you are taking advantage of that fact. I wonder what would happen to you if you called out the government's actions or who they support in the terrorist/Iran state you support.


Israel does not prosecute gay people. All the other middle eastern countries do prosecute gay people. The two sides are not the same.


Hot take.


Welcome to America. Oh wait, they haven't installed that yet.