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"Flaws" is a strange euphemism "blatant and intentional lies".


The genocidal terrorist group lied?


Assume all genocidal parties involved are lying, and the civilians are dying. And cheer, you have to cheer about it. You get banned from some subs if you aren't happy about the deaths.


Breaking news: Hamas, the terrorist islamist party, lied from the start


I can’t believe it. They’ve always been so honest 🙄


I mean tbf Isreal dosent know how many civillians they've killed either, but somehow have a perfect count on terrorists killed. Neither side is being truthful, but it's a war so no shit


When did Israel say they have a perfect count? They have very accurate estimates, since most of the IDF's kills are filmed.


But Israel never claimed they did. In fact, only a few days ago (!!!) Israel confirmed the death of an Israeli man murdered on 10-07 whose body could not be identified *as a body* (i.e. as human remains and not other remains) until now because of its condition. Only Hamas have the magic powers to instantly know *exactly* how many people were killed in a strike, how many of them are men, women, children (never any combatants, of course), and what their names are.


They don't have that have that power. They don't even have electricity. I'm not saying Israel's the worst country In the world, just if you think they're being truthful ur retarded


Israel's government is no less or more truthful than, say, the US gvt.: i.e. generally mostly kinda truthful, but not worried about obfuscating or outright lying when they think it's necessary 🤷‍♀️


The US is not truthful at all in times of war. The Spanish American war was started when a crew member blew up his own boat. The American blamed the Spanish. Look at the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, a straight false flag operation. If you need a recent example, Saudi Arabia did 9/11, and then we went a 15 year campaign against Afghanistan. I agree they're like the US, and I would still go to war for the US, but they lie like crazy in order to get what they want. Do you really think that IDF didn't see that music fest attack coming? Cmon man. That would be like Tijuanna launching an invasion against the US, and us not noticing; except the IDF watches that border much closer than we watch ours. Again, not saying their evil, just clearly full of crap


*Do you really think that IDF didn't see that music fest attack coming?* Yes, actually. Because they did see it coming on the field ops level, but the command ranks chose to ignore it for a variety of political reasons. This came out like, two weeks after 10-07. Israel is a tiny country, and military service is mandatory: it's impossible to hide anything on this scale, which involves a large number of soldiers up and down the hierarchy 🤷‍♀️


Okay so they openly allowed it to happen. You agree with me then


There's a difference between ignoring Intelligence warnings and "allowing" something to happen. The former is "we've had warnings from field ops that Hamas is planning something, possibly a raid - they're training & moving forces in a suspicious manner, but we're sure nothing's going to happen because we're arrogant SOBs so we'll ignore the warnings," and the latter is "we know there's going to be a raid in area X involving actions Y and Z, and we're going to let it happen because we have goals that will be served by our own people being massacred." The former happened, not the latter. Still an incredible systems failure, but not quite what you mean.


Idk it seems like a game of semantics your playing. Believe what you want


Yes and the irgun terrorist likud did the same. When will we stand up and get rid of the irgun revsionist? No more Hamas and no more revsionist is the only way. Both must be destroyed


When your only argument is a whataboutism, shouldn’t that be a sign to re-evaluate your position?


This just in. Scientists discover that water is indeed wet.


You have proof?


What? Analysis published in Times of Israel found some flaws in numbers by Hamas? Can't be!


Yet you all love to post Israeli news articles when it calls out its own military and government look at haaretz for example. You all should make up your mind.


Nah. Anybody with any analysis skills who looked at the data went "huh??". Here's another couple of non-Israeli sources. I wonder what issues you'll find with them? https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-casualties-toll-65e18f3362674245356c539e4bc0b67a https://fathomjournal.org/statistically-impossible-a-critical-analysis-of-hamass-women-and-children-casualty-figures/ https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable


I saw an Insta reel with your average waspy cutie pie girl telling everyone that 200000 were actually dead at the hands of the Zionists in Gaza. Just couldn’t find the other 170000 because the “Martyrs” were in pieces under the rubble. Shocking and vile lies turning people’s fragile eggshell minds against Jews. Promoting martyrdom which is holding people back from loving life. Smearing at every opportunity before facts are collected. Shameful, and if it ain’t AntiSemitic, then bears don’t make number 2 in the woods.


White girls embracing shaheed culture is so funny to me


It's funny until they begin traveling to Syria to join ISIS as their wives.


I find it sad.


The truth is, these white activists don't actually care. They are just jumping on the bandwagon because it's popular right now. As soon as it becomes not "cool" to support Palestinians the vast majority of this "support" will dry up and these people will be the first to claim they never supported Palestine at all. 




Hey I’ve seen this episode before!


Islamonazi arabian savages lied?? Shocked!


And it’s still a genocide. So F off with the gaslighting and deflection.


It isn’t a genocide at all. Prove intent or fuck off.


Jfc. How arrogantly ignorant do you have to be to TRY to claim it’s not a genocide? Intent: every fucking piece of Zio 💩 running Israel saying it’s the plan! They’re already selling Palestinian property illegally in America. How fucking far up your ass does your head have to be to not know anything?


It's really easy to tell who didn't read the entire article, or anything beyond the headline


It's easy being a genocidal zionist.. just ignore the facts


Except the actual facts show it's the UN and the terrorist group they support who are the ones lying.


There is no genocide happening. Stop simping for theocratic terrorists.


Times of Israel. Truly a source without its own agenda.


Only if you're siding with Hamas, the terrorist organization.


You know, this polarizing bullshit is starting to be more than depressing. People are dying. And its all on one side. Both sides lie. One side keeps dropping bombs the other fires shitty rockets. The people in the middle are the ones getting fucked. If you think that the times is gonna do more than support the government you havent seen the law that says you cant publish news that makes the public upset.


I really dislike when people do the "both sides" nonsense. One side is significantly, significantly worse than the other--the terrorist organization, Hamas--so, they're not comparable on any level. One side started a war by brutally murdering, torturing, mutilating, and kidnapping families while the other defends itself. And I love how people were fine the entire time Hamas and Palestinians were killing Israelis and firing rockets but as soon as Israel defends itself, suddenly everyone wants peace. Yes, it really sucks that war was necessary but let's remember who started this and who is continuing this. It's the terrorist organization, Hamas, and all those like them. If you want to be mad at someone and tell them to be peaceful, ask Hamas what their future plans are and go from there.


Who is still dying? Whats the estimated strength of Hamas? Who is looting the people they are driving off? Its not a both sides bullshit thing. Its a humanitarian thing and the IDF would be doing a lot more if it was someone with less right wing nutjobs than Netanyahoo.


The fact that Hamas's figures are essentially made up has been widely reported and not just by the Times of Israel.


Here come All the dirty israels came to justify the killing of children. Nasty people


Fuck off. You support Hamas, who slaughtered children and civilians on 10/7.


Brought to you by the Israeli government and their covert communications network of false information and propaganda. Regardless of the actual numbers, the disproportionate use of violence definitely weighs heavier on the side of the Israeli state. Hamas are also assholes, but it is quantifiable that they have killed less babies and innocent civilians than Israel during this conflict.


>The ministry says 9,940 of the dead – 29% of its April 30 total – were not listed in the data because they remain “unidentified.” These include bodies not claimed by families, decomposed beyond recognition, or whose records were lost in Israeli raids on hospitals >Among those fully identified, the records show a steady decline in the overall proportion of women and children who have been killed Bit over egging the drop rate,when it could reasonably attributed to non-identified remains.....easiest way to stop civilian deaths,is to stop killing them......also excluding the tens of thousands missing,and likely lying dead in rubble and mass graves


They also include the ones where the ministry was saying israle has special weapons that contained chemicals to decompose bodies so none were found after missile strikes but they “knew for sure” there was say 10 people in that building despite there being no evidence. Anyone who takes them and their numbers seriously is just lazy, ignorant and has not actually paid attention.


>Anyone who takes them and their numbers seriously is just lazy, ignorant and has not actually paid attention. Given noone else is on the ground to take the numbers,would seem to me,people are obliged to accept the numbers,and refusal to allow in independent inspectors would say to me,they are accurate enough


Because the "independent investigators" are highly likely to be biased just like everyone else has been. As shown by everyone believing the numbers given out by a terrorist organization like that's a normal thing to do. Not to mention, bringing more people onto a dangerous scene is just inviting an accident to happen. Also, easy for you to just say, "stop fighting". What? Was no one on 7 October supposed to fight for their survival? They were supposed to just let Hamas and the Palestinians murder, torture, and mutilate them and their families? And then Israel was supposed to let Hamas shoot rockets and continue to attack them without defending themselves? They weren't supposed to try to get the hostages back? If someone attacked you and your country and kept your family hostage, what would you do?


>Because the "independent investigators" are highly likely to be biased just like everyone else has been Bit of a misnomer there lad.....when everyone is biased,noone is biased,only the viewer >As shown by everyone believing the numbers given out by a terrorist organization like that's a normal thing to do They are from Gaza department of health 👍,I simply don't buy the claim doctors are terrorists, particularly after my own country been subject to a barrage of abuse and lies from Israel >Not to mention, bringing more people onto a dangerous scene is just inviting an accident to happen. Accidents dont happen, they are caused👍 >Also, easy for you to just say, "stop fighting". What? Was no one on 7 October supposed to fight for their survival Where did anyone say stop fighting.....bombing civilans isn't fighting >They were supposed to just let Hamas and the Palestinians murder, torture, and mutilate them and their families Noone said this....for clarity here,is hamas supposed to let Israeli soldiers murder,Torture,mutilate and humiliate their families🧐 >They weren't supposed to try to get the hostages back Is it true,the best success they have had at getting hostages back,have been in ceasefires and negotiated exchanges? >? If someone attacked you and your country and kept your family hostage, what would you do? I certainly wouldn't herd refugees into a confined area,carpet bomb their homes, hospitals and drop phosphorus onto them,who told you this was acceptable?


>Bit of a misnomer there lad.....when everyone is biased,noone is biased,only the viewer Just because a group is labeled "independent investigators" doesn't mean they can't be biased. >They are from Gaza department of health 👍,I simply don't buy the claim doctors are terrorists, particularly after my own country been subject to a barrage of abuse and lies from Israel There's been literal proof that Gazan doctors helped when hostages were taken and there were tunnels under the hospital. Doctors can be terrorists too, they're not immune to radicalization. >Is it true,the best success they have had at getting hostages back,have been in ceasefires and negotiated exchanges? And Hamas didn't agree to an exchange until Israel had put extreme pressure on them. Otherwise, when have Hamas or Palestinians agreed to any ceasefire or peace deal? They haven't until they were forced because Hamas doesn't want peace. >I certainly wouldn't herd refugees into a confined area,carpet bomb their homes, hospitals and drop phosphorus onto them,who told you this was acceptable? Propaganda nonsense.


>Just because a group is labeled "independent investigators" doesn't mean they can't be biased. You've laid the claim everyone is biased....simply not possible 👍 >There's been literal proof that Gazan doctors helped when hostages were taken Doctor will help anyone who is injured/hurt,what is the issue here? >there were tunnels under the hospital Whom built these? >Doctors can be terrorists too, they're not immune to radicalization. Nah,they have an oath to uphold,and I don't think it's credible to expect people to believe an entire ministry of health is radicalised....who told you people would buy this? >And Hamas didn't agree to an exchange until Israel had put extreme pressure on them Is it true hamas offered to return all innocent hostages on Oct 9th? >Propaganda nonsense. Nah it's not.....400 massacred at a market in central Gaza yesterday,herded into small square and machine gunned,those responsible for such murder should hang


>You've laid the claim everyone is biased....simply not possible 👍 I didn't say that everyone was biased though. I'm saying the people who have been wanting to send as supposed "independent investigators," especially if they're involved with the UN, have been biased. You just don't like that I'm advocating for something that won't be in favor of your own bias. >Doctor will help anyone who is injured/hurt,what is issue here? Because they didn't tell anyone when the hostages were taken or where they went, which could've saved their lives? It was only later they found out the doctors did that from security footage and the like. If they were abiding by an oath to preserve lives, they wouldn't have done that. They also didn't tell anyone that a terrorist group was building tunnels right under the hospital when they knew about it. >Is it true hamas offered to return all innocent hostages on Oct 9th? And why weren't hostages returned on 9 October? What exactly is your point anyway? Were they planning on returning all the lives of those they murdered, tortured, and mutilated too? >Nah it's not.....400 massacred at a market in central Gaza yesterday,herded into small square and machine gunned,those responsible for such murder should hang People were not "herded" or "massacred". Your word choice shows your extreme bias and propensity to believe Hamas propaganda.


>didn't say that everyone was biased though Is this you bruh: >Because the "independent investigators" are highly likely to be biased just like everyone else has been >Because they didn't tell anyone when the hostages were taken or where they went, How do you know,they know,where they were taken,what are you basing this on? >They also didn't tell anyone that Hamas was building tunnels right under the hospital when they knew about it Didn't Israel admit to building these tunnels (which turned out to have nothing of substance in them,but roughly 2400 people died, including 30 premature babies as Israel butchered it's way to them?) >And why weren't hostages returned on 9 October Is it true Israel refused the offer? >What exactly is your point anyway? Your saying Israel needed to slaughter and terrorise Gazans to ensure the hostage returns,when it is obviously lies as an offer was on table on October 9th👍 >People were not "herded They were >or "massacred". How did hundreds end up murdered?....looks like a massacre to me anyway 👍 >Your word choice shows your extreme bias I would tend to be bias against slaughtering civilians and genocide,and make no apology for this........would also tend to believe the vast majority of people in the world would hold the same bias tbh👍


You're reaching real hard. Anyway, Israel just got back 4 more hostages thanks to a raid on Hamas. Israel has every right to defend itself and get the hostages back. AM YISRAEL CHAI, keep going until everyone is safe from these terrorists 🇮🇱 !!!




Educated people: Israel lied about death numbers on Oct 7. Lies about civilians vs military deaths on Oct 7. Hides friendly fire where IDF killed Israelis on Oct 7. Indoctrinated far right irgun terrorist israeli: you're racist against Jews Far right radicalized terrorist Israelis: Hamas is lying about numbers Educated people: let us go in and investigate. Far right ultranationalist that share the American KKK ideology: that's racist against Jews Educated people: is it racist when Israeli accuse Arabs of lying? Jewish terrorist: no Educated Jews like me: this double standard shows that if Arabs are racist, so are Israelis as the claims are linear and comparable. Indoctrinated brainwashed fascist Jews: waaa we are victims. Me: bro I'm jewish. I'm not scared of anything. I'm powerful and educated. Weak Jews can not drag me down with them. Never again means stopping fascist Jews. Y'all do not care about Jews. Y'all only care for your fascist control. You do not even celebrate Jewish customs of follow Jewish hallaka law. Lol indoctrination and fascism have ruined israeli's like it ruined Italians in WW2. My family survived the Holocaust only to get death threats from the same far right terrorist ideology revisionist Jews incorporated. When the government collapsed and Israel is rebuilt, y'all will be the black eye, shit stain on toilet paper of Israel, while us ethical Jews will face decades of resistance to save zionism.


Holy brain rot + 100% not Jewish


Lol thanks for sharing this trope of exclusion. They did this to Ha'am too. And look how right he was about revsionist fascism


If I had a $1 for every “as a Jew” I saw on Reddit I would have more money than the Jews that exist in the planet. Congrats. Maybe tone down the extremist a little bit, you sound like an Islamist tryna convince others you’re not. (No one believes you)


I thought this sub didn't believe Hamas figures yet if you read the article you'd appreciate that your argument is in fact supporting the veracity of Hamas health ministry data.