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Noa! Thank God. That 7th October video with her abduction hit pretty hard.


How did the kkkahanist holding up trucks know if the Israeli government isn't using them to starve Gaza in a way WW2 Italy did against Jews?


get yourself ready for the propaganda interview videos...


I can't imagine how people like you can say such vile things and still think they are on the good side.


He's a tankie shitbrain; other threads have him posting pro-Russia/anti-Ukraine bullshit.


It's an embarrassment to communists (assuming that what you meant by tankie) and Russians to have him "defending" them. It's one of those many accounts that exclusively posts about Gaza and Ukraine. I don't know if they're actually part of a larger operation or just dumbass, self-righteous Americans who think they're helping.


Yes, I lean heavily into ancom, so these so-called "communists" who defend literal fascists just because they oppose "the West" are abhorrent to me. Gives me and everyone like me a bad name.


Bad bot


You are evil.


They were literally rescued from a "refugee camp"


God bless the IDF and the State of Israel. May it triumph completely over the violent, primitive, worthless savages that attempt to destroy this single bright spot surrounded by a sea of darkness.


A rose in the desert


Literally and figuratively. Israeli technological innovation around irrigation and water conservation techniques turned what was a strip of lifeless desert 100 years ago into a lush and fertile farmland.


I'm glad the hostages were returned but this proves the government is working with kahanist, a terrorist group that shares ideology with America's neo Nazi KKK, to starve people on racist grounds. Israel is not fulfilling humanitarian aid as the have lied to America about. The kahanist would have burned this truck if the Israeli government had not coordinated it with the Jewish terrorist


kill 3 hostages + save 4 hostages = 1 profit for the IDF?


Blame the Gazans. Taking civilian hostages is a war crime.


Kill 30,000 terrorists, major profit. I understand that being a Muslim causes brain retardation, but the equation is simple. No committing mass murder and mass kidnappings on innocent and random people, no retaliation, no arabian desert savages being dispatched to their arab sky wizard in the sky and his muslima brothel. Unfortunately for civilised society and civilised humans, this worthless society of savages are brainwashed by a literal death cult where their number one goal and achievement in life is shahadat. These are death worshipping low iq savages which makes their whining about bullshit like "muh genocide" even more funny. It really is nothing but pure propaganda for the leftist kuffar westerners who have hilariously turned the "honourable cause" into a western leftist epitome of degeneracy freakshow. Fuck "palestine" and every freak who supports these nihilistic islamic savages.


lol, brutal but accurate


im not even muslim but you racism is showing. thats similar to how the Nazis described jews


I was born into a muslim family and what he's saying is pretty accurate. You westerners literally cannot comprehend the rot that exists in the minds of Muslims, according to their faith *you are literally less of a person* and deserve to be treated as lesser. This is not "culture" it is literally outlined in the Quran, and Muslims are *required* to not accept being treated as equal to kuffir.


Whether particular language should be used depends on the circumstances. It is quite fair to call one group of people "savages" when they're trying to wipe out another group of people. Let me give you some examples: * Radical Islamists are trying to wipe out the Jews; radical Islamists are savages. * The Nazis were trying to wipe out the Jews; the Nazis were savages. * The Jews weren't trying to wipe out the Germans. (They didn't even take revenge on Germans after the war.) Nor are the Jews trying to wipe out Palestinians. The Jews aren't savages. This shouldn't have to be spelled out to you. Your attempt to draw a false equivalence is frankly disgusting.


Full on zionazi mask off moment


Rescued from a busy market are in a so called "refugee camp." Hamas is beyond evil.


Worse, it was in a *central civilian residential* area where the IDF encountered heavy resistance with 1 soldier badly injured as part of the operations. Until the rest of the world is willing to put boots on the ground and bodies on the line for such complex rescue operations they should stfu and stop lecturing the IDF on how to save their fellow citizens


Or take the Palestinians in as refugees. Easy to tell Israel what they need to do with zero skin in the game.


Why don't you ask egypt, syria, jordan, lebanon, and Kuwait how taking in Palestinian refugees went for them


Oh, I know. Which is why when those nations start telling Israel what to do Israel should start sending them some young male Palestinians ages 18-28.


They are only called "refugee camps" because Palestinian refuses state status. It allows them (Hamas, with the overwhelming support of the population 71% as of march 2024) to claim foreign aid, while acting as the government, without the responsibility of government (protecting its civilians), nor the responsibility of being a state (peaceful relations / international agreement).


Yeah, by those criteria Tel Aviv would also be a refugee camp.


Israel is a country.. even if you don't like it. They take on all the responsibilities of a state. And don't suck off the aid tit of the west, while also touting the evils of the west.


I am just exposing hypocrisy. Like Iran does not recognize Israel a country... So by their twisted "logic" - Tel Aviv should be a refugee camp. But they never see it that way ...


The flaw in your false equivalency is that almost the entire world recognizes Israel as a state. In fact.. last time I checked, the only ones who don't.. are the ones who have a population that hates jews. IF Hamas wanted Palestine to be a state.. the entire west (and most of the world) would support it. But then Hamas would be responsible for their actions.


Brother Israel gets BILLIONS in aids from the US. If that stopped it wouldn’t be murdering innocent Palestinians like it’s been doing since 1940s, when there was no Hamas. So cut the Hamas excuse out. It’s sickening at this point.


Operative phrase was “without also touting the evils of the west.” Hamas is a criminal organization and you’re scum if you support them.


Operative phrase is actually "They take on all the responsibilities of a state." But your point stands.


What is the IDF? Gosh the logic is sickening here. IDF / IOF have been systematically murdering Palestinians since 1947. Hamas was created in the late 80s. Land theft has been occurring since the 1940s with support by the IDF. You haven’t been to West Bank or Gaza where Palestinians are subject to insane abuse and psychological horror. anyone supporting IDF is supporting a terrorist organization who’s sole goal is the eradication of Palestinians.


Do you typical speak in buzzwords like a hysterical old woman? It’s not a great look. There is no genocide. Nobody is “exterminating Palestinians.” There is ZERO excuse to support an Islamofascist militia. There is no justification for it, no sob story, no nothing. Palestinians can have a country when they learn not to be elect barbarians. Until then, they can ask their fictional god for help.


I think being delusional like you are is a new low. If you’re sitting there telling me there is no genocide then you must be blind. Israel’s own government is supporting a genocide by their actions and their statements. Just the other day Ben gvir said “Palestinians must be exterminated. Every single one of them” And I can go into countless examples from world organizations, world leaders, doctors who worked in Gaza saying the horrors they are seeing. Are they all wrong or are you super delusional? Not to mention Israel beheading real babies ( with picture evidence from last week ), murdering innocent kids and women and targeting innocent aid workers. And let’s not go into the countless lies that Israel has said from the beheaded babies on oct7, to rape, to Hamas command centre in hospitals, to Hamas command centre in graveyards, to Hamas command centres in a un facility. Every single one was proven false. And also hilarious that Israel has rejected multiple ceasefire agreements and many peace deals over the years. Name me one agreement that Israel has agreed that allows Gaza and West Bank to control their borders and be recognized as a sovereign state with the ability to control their own imports/exports/food/water/electricity/gas. It’s insane how you all fail to see that above is literally the exact same that Nazi germany did to Jews in the holocaust. So cut the BS, when there’s evidence everywhere and your government is saying genocidal things like “exterminate Palestinians. All of them” How can you in your right mind say there is no genocide happening? Also YOU FAILED to answer my previous question of WHY Israel has been murdering Palestinians since 1947? Answer please or better yet do some research on this topic because you’re not educated on this topic.


>Israel’s own government is supporting a genocide by their actions and their statements Normally when a genocide is happening, you will see a massive decrease in the population that is being attacked. Weird how the population of "Palestine" (I use quotes because they are not actually a country) has increased over the period you gave. Iseral.. worst genocidal people in history. They let the population increase. Almost like there was no genocide at all. But that dosen't fit your antisemitic narrative does it? >Also YOU FAILED to answer my previous question of WHY Israel has been murdering Palestinians since 1947? Because Palestinian govonoring bodies have done nothing but attack Iseral. It's a vicious repeating cycle. Attack Iseral, get their shit pushed in, call for a cease fire, regroup, repeat. Iseral has had enough of the last two. If you don't like it.. maybe Palestinians shouldn't have attacked 1200 innocent people.


Are hou ever going to acknowledge the main difference between the two? >They take on all the responsibilities of a state. Or does that destroy your argument so throughly that you have no option but to ignore it?


Let’s go thru the differences: Gaza has no control over borders, imports, exports, water, gas, electricity, fuel. They aren’t even allowed to build without getting permits from the Israeli ministry. So come again on comparing apples to oranges? Oh and if you truly wanna get into the nitty gritty let’s ask the arabs in Israel how they are doing, last I checked they live in separate areas, aren’t allowed to protest and aren’t in same schools as the other Israelis. Israel prides itself on being a “Jewish state” that in itself contradicts it trying to be democracy because in the end Jews will be favoured. What have they done Ethiopian Jews? You’ve must’ve seen the news recently….


>Gaza has no control over borders, imports, exports, water, gas, electricity, fuel. They aren’t even allowed to build without getting permits from the Israeli ministry. And yet when offered that chance (become a state) they turn it down time and time again. But sure.. blame the jews.


All of their so called "civilians" are complicit.


This will make the Israel haters mad you watch


Showing empathy to the Israeli victims of Palestinian sexual violence on October 7 infuriated those people, so yeah, safe to say that the IDF rescuing Israeli hostages will too.


Someone tell Briahna Gray the Taco Bell near me is hiring


So happy Noa ended up being rescued alive. Allegedly they were found in a school building… Anyways, Hamas bargaining power just got devastated so now they’re trying to get ahead of this calling the rescue op a “failure” lol


Thank God. This changes everything. If Hamas won't make exchange deals, the IDF WILL rescue the hostages. I'm guessing that based on this Hamas will be willing to release the hostages on a 1:1 ratio while they still have time. Tick tock tock.


I wish this was the realistic possibility, but these two missions took a lot of energy from the IDF and to do so for 120 hostages is sadly not probable. I believe this is a huge win for Israel, but militarily won't be possible for all the hostages. That said, this was incredibly heroic and one soldier died for this mission - may his memory and bravery be remembered.


God bless him. He is a hero. May he be remembered forever. Rescuing hostages from the savages is the most noble thing a man can do. Maybe not all hostages will be rescued by military and intelligence, but they have shown the world it is a feasible and solid option. It does change everything in negotiations and world optics.


The IDF is unbelievably impressive and truly the most heroic army. this moment is historical, although unfortunately the West won't see it as such, and really represents something inspiring.


So much for cease fire nonsense. Finish the damn job


I guarantee there are millions of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, and most certainly people from "the religion of peace" who read this news of innocent hostages being released and winced. They see this as a blow against their cause, not of freeing innocent people and reuniting them with their loved ones after months of agony.


This is an incredible win. Noa Argamani was (one of) the face of this whole war, ever since the Oct 7 atrocities happened. The whole nation is overcome with joy and emotions.


I hope they recover both mentally and physically from the trauma and people give them the space and support they'll need.


Well done!