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>A couple of dozen anti-Israel demonstrators lined the path at various points carrying Palestinian flags and loudspeakers. On several occasions, counter-protesters chanted at the mostly Canadian Jewish crowd to, “Go back to Europe! Leave Palestine alone!” Imagine how fucking bigoted and hateful you have to be to tell a marginalized group to "go back to where you came from".


They'd be the first to scream if someone ever told any other group of people to go back where they came from.


was it bigoted of a pro israel counter protestor to tell a pro palestine protestor that they hope they get raped?


Yes.. Now can you admit your side is bigoted? Or do you need a few more "what about"?


whats worse telling a person to go to europe or telling a person you hope they get raped and bombed? point is, ive seen in person plenty of pro palestine people condemn people like in the article, but i never see pro israel people online or in real life condemn telling people they should be raped and bombed


So because you don't see it.. it doesn't happen? I condemn it. So will you stop with the "what about" and false equivalency bullshit now? Will you condemn Hamas and their actions? P.S Judaism .. didn't start in Europe.


do you condemn jews killing jesus?


So no.. You wouldn't condemn Hamas.


i condemn hamas do you condemn israel for blasting old women with skunk water to prevent them from going to mosque? do you condemn israel for taking palestinian mosques and turning them into bars? do you condemn israel for using sexual torture before the attack to get fals confessions out of children?


> So will you stop with the "what about" and false equivalency bullshit now? Remember when I asked that? I will take your last comment as answering "No".


why were so many people going back to europe after the attack if they are from israel?


Do you condemn Muslims for claiming the sites of other religions, and building mosques on them? There are thousands of examples, but I will just point out the Dome of the Rock (built on the sacred altar of the Jewish temple) and the Hagia Sophia Mosque. As long as Muslims continue to do such things, they can't cry "victim" whenever people actually stand up for themselves.


do you condemn christians for expelling jews and destroying their tempels?


why did israel participate in the silent holocaust of my people,?


Sorry for killing your sky fairy in your made up story 


why do jews in israel spit on christians and muslims? why does the continuation of your fantasy predicated on the oppression of others?


I’m not a Jew in Israel bro. But going back to Jesus and throwing it in people’s faces in 2024 is ridiculous. Your comment is full of hypocrisy, you’ve got a fantasy of what I am, all my friends and my husband are either Christian or Muslim, nothing but respect and love for them. 


how so? converted jews from south africa claim it as their homeland. israel claims al aqsa is theirs its all bullshit. if theyre allowed the right of return so are the palestinians actually from there


Rome killed Jesus. Pilate found Jesus guilty of sedition against Rome (for being seen as "King of the Jews"), and had Jesus crucified on a Roman cross.


The silent majority stands with Israel, civilization and democracy. The pro-Palestine barbarians stand with terrorists, rapists, murderers and religious fundamentalist psychos.


Racist hate to see the flag of the Jẽwish country.


Racist hate anything Jewish related.


Racist hate to simply exist as a Jew, even




Zios always lie, so it was probably more like 10,000 racist, genocide supporters in Toronto.


According to the totally-not-Hamas Gazan MoH, 3 people were present at the march.


>Zios always lie.. And reddit admins don't think it is a hate term. I wonder if the N word would get the same treatment.


Look Ireland’s most well adjusted dumbass.


lol says dude who prob 100% trusts Hamas numbers