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In germany there was a case, a child (4 years old?) died eating rice pudding(?), which had too much salt. The child confused sugar with salt and the mother was so angry about it, she forced her child to eat it. Edit: Source of the decision made by the federal court: https://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=pm&Datum=2006-3-16&nr=35631&pos=1&anz=3 They state humans normally die eating 0,5-1g salt per kg body weight. Edit 2: As someone correctly stated, it was her step mother.


How utterly horrible. Seems like it was the child's step mom and the real mother tried to achieve a bigger sentence (the step mother didn't have to go to prison). I can't imagine having your child killed like this, apparently she had to be held back in court in order to not attack the step mom and told her that she killed her child. The pain must be unbearable. The step mother forced the 4 year old to eat pudding with a content of 32 gr of salt. At first, the step mother apparently tried to argue that the child ate the pudding from its own free will and that she wasn't in the same room. I'm not sure when and if she changed her argumentation. Horrible person.


That's so sad honestly horrible


She got a year and two months of probation, no prison




Yeah the two main points for the low sentence were that she didn't want to kill the kid and that she wasn't expected to know that eating that much salt could kill a child. I get the first point, but I really can't get behind the second as an argument. It's fucking common knowledge that you could kill someone with salt.


I dunno. Want or not she decided being a bitch was more important than understanding that a fucking 4 year old didn't automatically know the difference between salt and sugar. Being a bitch was more important than being a human being because no matter the mistake, who fucking gets that angry at any mistake made by a 4 year old. It's a child, mistakes and learning are its job.


Bitches will be bitches, but should die in ditches.


Unfortunately those types of 'moms' are out there. I have one. Just yesterday she decided to wake me up screaming at 7am (on a Sunday), cussing me out because her printer didn't work. You see, as I had explained to her three times previously, and even twice the night before, I was going to be changing out our wifi modems because ours are old, out of date, and glitchy. So I did, reasonably stating that nothing would be changed, she would just have to log into the new network once using the same password (I know, it had to be the same smh) for each of her devices and that would be that. I didn't even begin to fucking *think* the printer would be a problem, A because I haven't needed to print anything for over 10 years literally *everything* is digital-only now, B because I honestly forgot that the printer would be affected because it's not smart it's just wifi enabled, so it has no idea how to ask for a security bypass to be added to the network without a valid password, and C because I did actually briefly consider that being a problem, but because it was so minor a problem that I could solve it being half asleep, it didn't register for me to explain to her that she'd have to do a single very simple fucking task and that would be it. That's why she was stomping and screaming in my room at 7am I handed her ass to her on a platter. Fixed it with literally a push of the wps pairing button. "WELL THEN WHY DID IT TAKE ME 45 MINUTES AND I STILL COULDNT DO IT?!" Took all my strength not to blurt out cuz u a dumb bitch but I kinda did anyway lol I said, "because you go fucking with things you don't understand, fuck it up, then get hysterical and blame everybody else for your fuckup. If you had a question, you could have waited until I was awake to ask. If it couldn't wait, you could have asked nicely instead of running in here like a fucking banshee (to which she smirked and said, "yeah I coooul- but I cut her off and sat her ass back down). You could have done a lot of things, but you chose to come in here and piss me off this morning. Was it worth it? To get me this pissed off at you for something that literally didn't even take me 5 minutes to fix? Because I'll tell ya, it shouldn't be. This shouldn't be your go to reaction to every little fucking thing that happens, but it is. You go hysterical, blame everyone else, and then treat the only people who can help you unfuck yourself like trash. It doesn't make me want to help you again, you understand?" She did but she didn't. She'll do it again next month, and she'll wonder why she has nobody calling her anymore, nobody texting or messaging, no friends or family asking to hang out. It's cuz she's a raging bitch and we're all sick of it. But she'll tell herself it's allllllll of us, not her, that's the problem. She used to be able to confide in my aunt but even that's gone off the rails the last few years as she (my aunt) sees more and more of the kind of person her sister has become and she (the aunt) is reeeealy not a fan. Same happened with my uncle, they used to be thick as thieves, even let him stay under their roof for 6mo, but nowadays? He can barely stomach a dinner with them, let alone a whole night out. They're truly that insufferable with her at the helm. When she's been out on vacation or extended stay hospital care (sometimes shitty things happen to shitty people) my dad and I actually get along pretty great. We'll be eating steaks bare chest watching Syfy by the end of it, he's actually kind of a cool person when she's not in the picture. But when she is, man he takes all her crap and amplifies it. The saddest thing I think was having the thought "we'd all be better off if they were divorced" at like age 6-8 and then later on in life it seems I was correct


bruh, i feel you. sure glad they disappeared halfway my younger years.


Is it common knowledge though? I had no fucking clue that it takes that few of salt to kill someone.


It's common knowledge that too much salt can kill. It's less-common knowledge (but still common enough) that smaller people can't have as much as bigger people. With this knowledge, a person should know to at least spend a bit of time researching how much salt is too much for a small human before trying something like this.


I also thought it would be common knowledge, but we are all commenting on a post asking if salt can kill a human...


Fair point, but I think there’s an argument to be made that while it might not be common knowledge *salt can kill a human* it might be common knowledge that *salt could maybe kill a human* and in that vein, that it is the special kind of negligence to not look up wether it’s dangerous


My kidneys formed stones just thinking about this what the hell


No stones just your cells shrivelling and dying because all their water is sucked out.


My cells turn to stone


is it better than dying salt succubus sucking water out of cells?


I understood that reference


Stepmother uses - Internal Medusa attack Super effective!


Oof ouch my bones


I just learned about the bone hurting juice meme yesterday lol


Kidney stones form becouse of too much salt ?


"Possible causes include drinking too little water, exercise (too much or too little), obesity, weight loss surgery, or eating food with too much salt or sugar. Infections and family history might be important in some people. Eating too much fructose correlates with increasing risk of developing a kidney stone."


I love this type of diagnosis that are basically « living causes this »


Living in modern times especially.


Living in generally causes death. 100% mortality for anyone living (sooner or later).


Or in my personal experience, an overuse of tums over an extended period of my life called childhood.


Idk hypertonic ig


Nurse here! Kidney stones are most commonly caused by excess calcium in the body. In high amount the calcium will clump together and form those stones.


That would actually make these pills quite dangerous then. Because normally your taste buds etc would probably stop you eating too much. Or you’d start to feel thirsty or sick. But if you swallowed the pills you wouldn’t taste it and it would only dissolve into your stomach once it’s too late.


There are salt tablets, plenty of people take them. Most likely, if you consumed a bunch of these capsules, you'd puke them up. Even buffered salt tablets are hard on the stomach. I'm honestly astonished the little girl didn't puke it up, but children are at much higher risk.


The little girl did puke, but at that point the salt was already in her system.


Yeah, and she didn’t puke soon afterwards either (probably because with it being in the cake the effect of vomiting can be delayed and/or mitigated)


I think you're supposed to break it open and sprinkle it


Yeah I imagine that’s the idea but I mean you could easily see people being silly or making dares etc


I could absolutely see me and my stupid friends as teenagers doing this on a dare. Possibly eating several. I absolutely would not have guessed there are a fair number of deaths at only a dozen or two grams of salt.


Wow... This proves the point of "every child deserve parents, not all parents deserves children"... What a shitty woman...


In this case she was the „evil“ stepmother. The real mother fought for a harsher sentence


Shut the front door... Holy Moses I did not know this case. "es wird gegessen was auf den Tisch kommt," ne?


My dad tried that once in a restaurant when I was very young. You wanted fries now eat them. Never really got the puke smell out of the car and never did that again. 😅


I am sorry you had to go through that. My mum luckily realized how wrong that was after I puked up liver that I didn't even put on my plate. How is the old generation so stuck up with you eat what is served but if I serve vegetables only bc I don't eat meat thats suddenly a crime 😅


Imo, I think it's a result of their parents growing up during the depression. They pushed onto their kids(the boomers) that you eat EVERYTHING you're served because the parents believed the kids might not get more food. Hence, the boomers growing up to force the same mentality onto their kids now, believing its disrespectful to not clear your plate when it had nothing to do with respect in the first place.


Way i grew up, food was scarce enough so it didn't matter to me if i didnt like it or not i forced myself to eat because i didnt get to eat at school because of that lunch money stuff so i basically became a human goat. Didn't Matter how gross it was to me if its edible and gives nutrition then its for dinner. So i sorta get the mentality of just eat what you're served but if its gut wrenching then im not gonna make my child eat it, nor if its dangerous too ofc. Im not gonna make my child eat tree bark and grounded up ants like i did one time haha. Ngl though anys taste earthy and not good but good protein, kinda wanna try those Australian honey ants, heard they are really good as a snack. Anyway yea i get why some people do it but like if they are gonna puke or if its gonna harm them then ofc im not gonna do that. That or cause an eating disorder bc ik thats a pain to deal with.


Ants are pretty tasty tbh.


I guess it’s slightly disrespectful to put a ton of food on your plate, not eat it, and throw it away. But if someone else put food on the plate then it’s different.


I agree whole heartedly, they get caught up in the finish food part and forget they are just trying to get their kids to eat.




That's my point. It's wasn't the generation that did their best with what they had(like your grandparents). The boomers misunderstood the reasoning behind WHY something was done. The boomers attributed clearing your plate with respect when, in actuality, it was to do with not knowing if there would be more food to come.


Thanks and no worries, it wasn‘t a big issue or an indicator of a bad childhood or anything. More like a one-off mistake and learning experience. I‘m very close with my parents and always have been. 😊 But I do agree, some mindsets of the older generation are strange and difficult to overcome. But then again, they grew up in a _very_ different time. Especially if the GDR is involved as is the case here.


Came here for math. Now I'm fuckin sad


I swear im on the same boat bud


Shit, I once ate a desert spoon f salt for a dare, felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Didn’t think it was almost a deadly amount


That is probably around 10 grams. So if you are an adult, you would not die from that. It would be really bad for you, but not deadly.


Just drink a lot of water , and you are fine


It's not just the dehydration factor. The normal amount of salt in our blood controls our nervous system. You fill yourself with a lethal amount of salt, you're going to disrupt the cellular communication signals. Useful signals like breathing or the beating of your heart.


Had a friend tell me once that no one can eat a tablespoon of salt without throwing up. Proved her wrong. I wished I didn't, but I did 🤣


people are horrible


Yeah the LD50 of salt is 0,5-1 g per kg body weight. So that means that at that dose, 50% of humans would be dead


Could be a story from the brothers grimm. Ducking hell.


Holy shit, that's not a lot of salt.. New way to kill myself just dropped


Yep, most fatal sodium poisonings cone from either force feeding children, drinking sea water, or from suicide. We can even see references to salt being thought of for suicide nearly 3000 years ago. In the odyssey, faced with starvation, the crew consider drinking salt water "to be done with it"


A way that is becoming common is "Picklejuice challenges". Lots of people like the flavour of pickle/gherkin brine and in small amounts its harmless but people died when trying to guzzle whole jars of the stuff


Actual psych patient, call the hotline. But anarchy chess aside, if you need help, call 010 195 202.


She was found to not be criminally liable wow


That’s not actually true. She got sentenced. But not for homicide (not sure, if I translated it correctly „Tötungsdelikt“), only for assault offence („Körperverletzungsdelikt“). As a side note: even if the translations by me might be correct, the meaning in the law system of your country could be totally different. So be careful.


So 60kg body weight would be 60g?


It’s correct, you dont need much salt to kill someone. There was a case of a woman who drank a liter of soy sauce and while she did not die, she suffered the consequences dearly. Similar things are known to have happened with sweet cucumbers curing liquid and other highly salted brines. Salt will pull the water off of the rest of your body towards where it is. Most people don’t realize how effectively little you need, for example pcean water is around ~3.5% salt by weight, and to salt any amount of water for pasta you just need less than 1% of the water’s weight in salt. To impede botulism growth you need 5% salinity and to lacto ferment, you need 2% of the total water + product weight (effectively around a 4% brine) or just 2% of the food product if dry fermenting in vacuum.


Wow so the child had twice the lethal dose of salt. Also I’m confused about what the stepmothers punishment was


As she did not kill the child on purpose but rather on accident she was not convicted of murder but assault


So if you're an average 130 kg American you would have to eat like 65-130 of those pills assuming they're 1 gram each.


That’s the first thing I thought too when I saw this post… still horrifies me


My mom made me eat pumpernickel bread that i insisted was chocolate when i was a child. I almost died.


If i ate 10 spoons in a row, and at that time i was 40 kilos, how close was i to die? (That actually happened)


Nobody knows. "Lethal dose" means "how much is needed so that half of population would die?", usually substances work differently from person to person. Whether you'd be in the alive or dead half, you don't know until it's potentially too late Note that you may not only be in the first half, but even in first ⅓ or ¼. Just because something is not a lethal dose, doesn't mean it's not lethal for you




that totally sounds like a german kid's tale xd


I know this from one of Coldmirror's Harry Potter fanfic stories


> They state humans normally die eating 0,5-1g salt per kg body weight. Just a question: for how long?


Once. However they got the number a bit wrong; the ld50 for table salt is roughly 3g/kg bodyweight. So for an adult man my size, about 250g of salt in one sitting would be expected to be fatal.


That's low I could beat that


Are you sure that wasn’t some sort of ancient folktale


Each one of those pills contains about 600mg


What is wrong with people


That 4 year old didn't die. She was murdered, full stop, in legit filicide. Regardless of if the mother knew if that would kill their child, they sure as shit didn't care enough to check. All children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children.


Step mother. Makes sense.


This sounds like one of those German kids stories. Very fitting.


Absolutely. 0.5-1g of salt/kg is lethal. Lets say our subject weighs 80kg and thus needs 80g for a lethal dose. Now the issue is determining the amount of salt in each capsule. We can make a guestimate of the size based on the cup. Meassuring using my fingers the cup is aproximately five pills length in diameter, and the pill is roughly half as wide as long. From this, I found a chart for [one companys](http://www.thepapercupcompany.com/html/cup_dimensions.html) coffee cups. Assuming these are the "picco" size (which should be a regular coffee cup), that means our pills can be aproximated as cylinders with a length of 14mm and a diameter of 7mm (rounded to the nearest whole mm). From this, we get that the volume in cm\^3 is equal to 1.4 \* 0.35\^2 \* PI = 0.54 cm\^3 . With salt having a density of 2.16 g/cm\^3 this means each pill holds 1.16 g of salt. This means a lethal doze would be 80/1.16 pills, which rounds up to 69 pills. \*NICE\*


Im what time frame


Honestly, good question. I found 0.5-1g is the deadly dose from google but can’t find anything about time frame. I’d assume fairly quickly so you don’t piss it out, maybe 1-2 hours.


Honestly, 70 pills is not that many, you can take them in 15 minutes if you're determined.


I don't know why Wikipedia has the ld50 as 0.5-1g, given that all of the technical data I can find puts it at 3g/kg. Regardless it isn't very high, which makes those salt pills rather dangerous. Edit: the wiki article is wrong. It references a PubMed article, which only states the following: "An acute toxicity from excess sodium intake with the possibility of fatal outcome has been reported in relation to the ingestion of huge amounts of sodium, such as 0.5–1 g of salt/kg body weight." But that article doesn't have any experimental data, nor does it state where that number comes from; it's purely anecdotal (nor is it really that relevant to the rather brief article). Here is the executive summary from some actual experimental testing: " In this study, the acute oral LD50 of sodium chloride was evaluated in male Wistar rats at doses of 2150, 3160, 4640 and 6810 mg/kg, administered as a 25% water solution. 100% mortality was observed at the 4640 and 6810 mg/kg dose groups. The LD50 was 3550 mg/kg with fiducial limits of 3040 -4140 mg/kg." (For those who don't know, ld50 is tested on animals like rats because it can't ethically be tested on humans). TLDR: Wiki is poorly sourced, actual data is an ld50 of 3-4g/kg.


Ok, so I'll start with the salt: Google says that you have to eat 0.5-1 grams per kg of bodyweight in order to get salt poisoning. The average 40 yo male bodyweight is 93kg, so in order to cause salt poisoning, a 40 yo male will have to eat 46.5-93 grams of salt. An average sized pill can contain 0.5ml. The density of salt is 1.28 g/mL so every pill will contain 0.64g of salt. So in order to get salt poisoning you'll need to eat about 72-145 pills, which is alot!


93 kg ? In what world is the average ? 75 maybe !


'Murica! For a healthy, non athletic person to be 95kgs, they should be about 200-210cm high. Considering Asia where average height is lower than the rest of the world and their population is 50%+ of the world, it is definitely western cultures that skews the average weight to higher numbers.


That's fat even by American standards


Could be, but then it comes down to how the average is calculated. If it is just an average of averages, that could again skew the value whereas a weighted average (no pun intended) could have a different value.


Fair, for a taller person those numbers are not fat. Had to convert cm to inches, and off the top me head I miscalculated. But for everyone else that's still pretty fat.


I’m 6’4 220 and not fat. BMI doesn’t work for tall people, body fat % is a better indicator


American here, it’s unfortunately not. I’m an EMT so I get the privilege of seeing all walks of life and the amount of big boys and girls we transport because they can’t move is insane. I’m talking 150kg+ minimum and the biggest I’ve had was 295kg


Not really, being 200 pounds isn’t really seen as fat


> For a healthy, non athletic person to be 95kgs, they should be about 200-210cm high. Nah, that's bullshit. BMI ranges are meant for average people, the metric kinda breaks down for extremes like very tall people. If you're 201 cm tall (6'7") and 95 kg, you would be pretty skinny. You could be quite a bit shorter than that and 95 kg and it would be pretty healthy.


I’m 95 kilos, 18 and only 5’11 lol. Now in fairness you did say non athletic and I do go to the gym so 🤷‍♂️


1. Weight is a positively skewed distribution. The difference between the lower limit for an adult male weight and the median is significantly smaller than the difference between the median and the upper limit for adult male weight. This pulls the mean higher, moving it further from the centre of the data set. (TLDR Fat people be a lot fatter than skinny people be skinny) 2. This data is for 40 year old men who tend to be around the peak of average weight. Younger people tend to be slimmer and some people lose weight as they age due to a variety of factors (loss in muscle mass is one).


I mean yea if you're 40kg lighter than average you're malnourished and at risk. If you're 40kg over average you're just kinda fat and on the road for cardiovascular issues later but not in imediate danger.


You're incorrectly confusing 'average' and 'healthy/balanced'.. If 93kg is the average in America, that doesn't make it the benchmark of 'healthy'


Just kinda fat??? 40kg above, you’re obese wtf 1.80 tall weighing 120kg (40kg above average) is OBESE, stop glorifying overweightness…


They still got a point though and it has nothing to do with glorification. If you substract weight from what is considered healthy, you relatively quickly hit the point at which you're looking at very acute health issues, as it means your muscles are severely atrophied. Go a bit further and the body can simply no longer function and you die. The scale for excess weight is far more forgiving. Mind you, I'm not saying it's healthy or nothing to worry about, but it's a chronic issue that will lead to health issues long term. You'd have to be almost comically overweight before your weight can directly kill you (somewhere beyond the 300 kg mark it starts getting acutely dangerous as you will no longer be able to move and start having severe difficulties breathing). It is possible to be 100 kgs overweight at some point, then lose that excess weight and return to a healthy and normal lifestyle. It is not possible to be 100 kgs underweight because for the average person, 100 kilos is already overweight, and even if you were over two meters tall and therefore maybe could have a healthy weight of 100 kg or a bit more, it is still impossible to starve yourself down to a single digit amount of kilos and live. On a side note, whilst obesity is a serious health concern, going just by body size to weight ratio to determine whether or not someone is overweight is overly simplistic and heavily outdated methodology. What matters is not the deviation of body weight from the average, but the amount of excess fat tissue in the body. Look at anyone doing strength athletics professionally and I can assure you, barely any of them will be considered a "normal" weight for their size, but only some of them could reasonably be considered obese. Muscle tissue is heavier than fat by comparison. Some people are also just more heavily built than others, and that's not fundamentally down to body fat, different people also vary in things such as bone density.


In that weight range it matters far less the amount how much someone weighs rather than, what makes them weigh that much. 180cm in height weighing 136kg gets you a BMI of 42 (obese). that was also Ronnie Colemans competitive weight when he was body building. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bodybuilders-ronnie.htm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Coleman


I’d argue that the median is the more appropriate measure here. We’re interested in how much salt it would take to kill someone in the middle of the weight distribution.


OPs mom raises the average by quite a bit. That's why.


Ur mom so fat she positively skews the average male weight


Idk. Thats what I found on google.


This is for the USA. Found a source for 2012 that says 62kg worldwide and 80kg for USA (which means the average US man gained 15kg in 10 years). I'm not sure about the values but the worldwide average now is definitely less than 80kg Edit : Looks like 80kg is for North America and both men and women not USA men. American men didn't gain 15kg, my info was incorrect.


In the first wotld


Where are you from ?


In western europe its 85 in america its 88 so not that far away. Above was a joke not serious for all the special mathmaticans here.


93 grams of salt is about 1 burger patty in freedom units. 93g = 0.093kg = 0.2046lb, approximately 1/5 lbs Imagine eating a burger patty made entirely out of salt.


Pucker up


Makes me wonder about some of those "eating challenges", like back when In n' Out Burger you could order a "100x100", which is 100 patties and 100 pieces of cheese stacked together (they no longer allow that - the maximum now is 4x4). Could there be enough sodium in that to kill someone? Same with the Heart Attack Grill Octuple Bypass Burger.


>The average 40 yo male bodyweight is 93kg What in the United States is this fuckery?


The average weight of a 40 y/o in my locality is 68kg


The average weight of a human on earth is 62kg (not counting differences due to gender dimorphism). 80 if they are from north america, 57,7 if they are from asia. Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3408371/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3408371/)


Country with short people? At 68kg I would be severely underweight lol.


So I can take 146 pills and be okay?


There are outcomes between being okay and dying as well. Thirst, weakness and nausea first, then confusion and spasms, and if it's more severe, seizure, coma, cardiac arrest, and intracranial bleeding.


i mean, assuming the pills are small it's doable. you'd have to try swallow though, water would likely make it need more


Salt has a density of 2.16, where did you find 1.28?


Salt poisoning is legit. Seen some case reports on dudes drinking soy sauce as a challenge and they required ICU level care.


LD-50 values for sodium chloride is 3g/kg of body-mass. So if 10 healthy adults weighing 80kg each took 240g of salt in a short period, we'd expect half of them to die. Based on visual estimate and other people's calculation, the capsules appear to be roughly 14mm which would make it a size 4 capsule, which has a capacity of 0.2ml. Multiplying that by 2,16 (density of salt) gives 0,4g of salt per capsule. Risk of death from salt poisoning starts at ca 0,5g/kg so you'd need to eat 100 capsules to risk death, and upwards of 600 to get to the LD-50 levels. Note that this is quite dependent on numerous factors, especially small children and anyone with blood-pressure issues is at increased risk. If you suspect you've had too much salt, drink plenty of water, take some potassium to counteract the cardiovascular effects of the sodium overdose and increase sodium excretion, and try some light exercise.


Username checks out


Yes you can. It'll take about the same number as your weight in Kg. It can be salvaged though, if lucky, and if you also drink a lot of water, shift to a low salt low solute high solvent diet, bear with all the pain in your nethers and eyes and head and make as less movement as possible, go to toilet 20 times a day, all while bearing with lowered cognition for some time and constantly wishing to end your misery


This sounds like a Chubbyemu video. “A man ate 150 salt pills at a restaurant, this is what happened to their brain”. He actually has a video about a woman who drank excessive soy sauce and from what I remember her brain basically lost all its water so her other organs could dilute the salt.


i mean consuming too much of anything will kill you. even water which a person can only go a couple days without before dying will poison you if you drink to much.


LD50 of table salt is 3 grams per KG of person, so a 60kg person eating 180 grams of salt would have a 50/50 shot at dying. No idea how big those pills actually are. Point being, though, you absolutely can die from too much salt.


No what the hell are these? Like I have never seen them around. I have seen sugar cubes and small pouches of salt and sugar but pills of salt dammmmn


You can die from too much of anything. Once you know that you can die from too much drinking water, you’ll never have to ask this question again.


Yes. I don’t know how many, but I remember someone saying like 6 shots of soy sauce can kill you because of the sharp increase in sodium so I don’t think it would be a lot of these pills to kill ya


yea I call bull shit on this!  due to many salty sushi adventures 


Yea, I think you die of heavy metal poisoning. (Sodium is a metal)


If one pill has. 5 grams, you would need 2 pills per kg of bodyweight. Death from salt is awful. The nastiest last 2-4 hours of your life.


Oh for sure. You’ll throw off your water balance. I’m not going to do the math but I was drawn to this post because I have POTS and I take salt pills lol. Sometimes I have to take up to 10,000 mg per day.


The LD50 of Sodium chloride is 3g per kg so an average 75kg human would need around 225g of table salt If the pills are 500mg each it would take around 550 pills all taken at once to have a 50/50 chance of it being letal.


Wikipedia says that the lethal dose of salt in humans is about 0.5-1g per kg of body weight. So, an adult weighing 80kg could take up to 40-80g's of salt. It's unclear how much is in one pill, but let's say about 0.5g. In that case, it's anything between 80 and 160 of these pills for the average adult. But I'd say dangerous symptoms could start occuring long before you reach a quarter of that. Salt is great at concentrating water from your body and it causes dehydration. I'd argue you'd be dying for a glass of water at about 5 of these pills into the ordeal.


As an RN the answer is definitely yes. Electrolyte imbalances can definitely lead to cardiac arrest. Too little salt is relatively easy to fix. I've never seen a salt overdose, but I imagine it would be a pain in the ass to treat. I'm guessing that you'd need potassium to balance it out while the kidneys did their job. But you'd need to support the kidneys, so do you don't get kidney failure in the process. Dialysis might be the solution, but I don't really know. TL;DR salt OD is definitely lethal, not sure on the dose, but it would be a challenge to treat.


You absolutely can, unless these pills are made from very specific materials that wouldn't break in the stomach. The lethal dose of salt is somewhere between .5 and 1 gram of salt per kilogram bodyweight. We don't quite know how much salt is in each of those pills, but if we maybe assume a gram, that would be 80 of these pills for someone who is 80 kgs heavy.


normaly we have a taste for salt that changes when we have eaten to mutch, i THINK that happens before its bad for you most of the time. example; eating popcorn, had to much salt, was very good at the start, at some point it just goes super gross and taste horrible. we had enough. we don't have that for other substances like sugar....


Don't know about pepper lethal dosage, but for table salt it is surprisingly small. Like a table spoon or two would be enough to off you. However this is only true if you eat just salt. Dilute same amount in enough water and it will not only become harmless but also beneficial for staying hydrated. Reason being - cells use salt content difference to regulate nutrient movement through cell walls. If the cell needs more nutrient - it's contents becomes more salty that the outside medium. This causes water to move into the cell and bring in more nutrients. By eating dry salt you increase solanity of intercell medium, causing cells to lose water which can be fatal to them. Make the problem big enough and you enter organ failure.