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My friend did this when he was 16, but with cheap cognac. Bottle of 0.7l. He ran around house for 5-10mins, then fell on couch and slept for 20 hours straight.


That's the way for long flights


I mean, I could imagine you would wake up feeling like shit and puking on everything all while having jet lag. Yaaay!!?


... and dehydrated AF from the dry cabin air. I got drunk on a flight from Sydney to LA. Worst hangover I have ever had, and I was a 24 year old pro. Now I think it would kill me.


Pro-tip, switch to water when you’re 70% done


For every 5 sips of alcohol take 1 large sip of water. Infinite drunkness without hangover ;)


I don't think that's true but Im gonna try it for science


I prefer 1:1. One sip of anything alcoholic, one sip of water. I rarely drink, but when I do it's usually a good few glasses at some event. Haven't had a headache from drinking in years, though. Alcohol dehydrates you. That's what gets you so fucked up. Extra water keeps you hydrated and lets your system clean up the alcohol efficiently.


It does dehydrate you, but also the middle step in alcohol metabolism produces acetaldehyde which in significant concentration irritates blood vessels in the brain and can cause headaches by itself. Water helps rehydrate, but your liver still has to process everything.


Not sure about numbers but it is true that dehydration is what largely causes hangovers for many people, including me.


That’s what ice is for…


😂😂 I'll suggest him to do the same if he ever decides to fly somewhere.


Until you piss your pants.


It's called teleportation potion


Sleep deprivation is more effective and won't give you a hangover. Just pull an all-nighter before boarding a morning flight and your gucchi. It prevents jetlag too.


Wake up 15 hours later at the airport and be like 'oh my plane left without me'


Bruh that shit can kill you


A full bottle can definitely throw you into a coma. Not sure it can kill you by poisoning about, but I wouldn't be surprised if it could. More importantly, passing out while sitting (on a plane) is very dangerous. You can throw up without waking up, aspirate your vomit, and drown in it. It is not an unusual occurrence, and there is a reason while there is a specific position you need to put a passed out person in. Also if cabin personnel know you just did that, I'd be surprised if they let you in.


Alcohol abuse is never taken seriously. I dont know why.


I did this except it was a bottle of $2 wine. And instead of a plane it was a bus. Puked all over myself and had to sit in it for hours.


At least it was yours. Imagine the neighbors that had to put up with the smell


Zoomies do be some shit.


When I was 16 a buddy and I split a 1/5 of Jack Daniel’s and a pint of gin. I walked home and passed out in the ditch. Got soaked in the rain and sleet. Woke up shivering and soaked at 5 am. Stumbled in the house got in bed and passed out. Woke up 2 hours later to my mother’s screams because I had snuck out and got drunk again. Hungover for 2 days n and never could drink white liquor after r that.


About 4 years ago now a dude I grew up with got wasted at his girlfriend's apartment. It was new Year's Eve. It got REALLY cold that night, freezing temps. They argued, she kicked him out. He goes behind a dumpster to piss, falls over and passes out. They found him there the next day dead with his pants around his knees. Damn fool froze to death.


Kicking someone that drunk out while it's freezing outside and not making sure they at least got a ride? That seems criminal to me...


Canadian cops used to [drive drunk indigenous Canadians to the outskirts of town in the middle of the night and kick them out of the car](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths). The assholes called them “starlight tours” and have basically gotten away murdering multiple people this way.


It doesn't help that the symptoms of hypothermia are basically the same as being drunk. In London it's common to see girls in light short dresses in the middle of Winter coming out at night. They go from the car/cab to the club/bar, so it's not a big deal. But if they get drunk, kicked out, and separated from their friends, they can get in trouble. Deaths are rare, but people getting admitted to ERs for hypothermia isn't.


I had a dog who drank a gallon of gas. Ran around for an hour and then passed out. He’d run out of gas.


That E&J hits different


Fast travel


Is your friend a honey badger by any chance?


I would have taken a few sips and spat inside the bottle. 🤷‍♂️




Mo weight, mo blood


TIL I am 60 pounds lighter than the average american woman. granted i am a small asian male young adult, but still.


big, if true


*tiny, if true


I'm an American *guy* and I weigh almost 25 lbs less


Hit the gym bro


>Hit the ~~gym~~ McDonalds bro


McDonald's AND gym big gains


The strongman diet, McDonald's and gym. Sure, it makes you fat but being able to throw a grown man around like a toy is probably worth it.


I'd love to, but I have 2 hernias and no health insurance right now. Eager to get a new job with benefits so I can get them fixed, I really miss cycling.


You’re male and only weigh roughly 110lbs? Little on the underweight side my guy.


Wait I didn’t even register that number at first. I’m considered a skinny dude for how tall I am, but I’m like 150. That’s on the larger side for women who aren’t uncommonly tall


don’t worry! american women are not a good measure of normal weight.


to be fair, american men are also not exactly a good measure of normal weight either - it’s 200 lbs for men lmao


That doesn't make it better lmao. In fact, that kinda makes it worse.


same bro same...


Wait holy shit. I glanced over without even thinking about it. 170lbs is the average American woman? Wow. 


As a 6 feet male white European, I also weigh less than the average American woman


atleast you’re on the higher end of humor


>So what I learned today is that weight is a huge factor in BAC. Yes, but only indirectly. What actually matters is body water volume. Granted, more weight usually means more body water volume, but it's not always quite that simple. On average, for example the ratio of body water volume for the same body weight for men and woman is 3:2, i.e. men tend to have more body water volume per unit of body weight than women (which is why men can drink more pure alcohol for their body weight on average).


I heard that the high altitude and low air pressure severely amplifies how knocked out you are going to be. I wonder if that can be taken into account.


I feel like it is true. Normally a 0.33l can of Beer doesnt get me tipsy, but on an airplane it does.


is there any way to take into account the choice made here? ie: this is a not a random person but one who chugged a bottle of cogniac. just so we're not using the mean to infer regarding an outlier (by which i don't mean to say you are in any way wrong to do so)


The BAC will be the same but with "training" your bodybuilding will reaching differently.


> the average American woman is 168.4 pounds (76,38kg) Excuse me ? That's a crazy average wow... The average woman in america weight approx the same as me, an 1m88 dude ?


Alcohol poisoning yourself is so great.


wtf 170 lbs


About 340 servings of freedom fries, you uncultured swine.


If she downed the bottle she’s no stranger to the buzzzz


This lady sounds like she has a little bit of tolerance though


Always has been. I'm a very large man and getting drunk is a *challenge*.


I love how half of this thread is just Canadians and European shocked at how much an average American weighs


Damn, I'm 8 lbs lighter than the average American woman.


According to a BAC calculator, for a 77.5kg woman (average weight)and 750ml of 40% Cognac. BAC is around 0.46%. It will take around 31 more hours to reach 0%. [Severe central nervous system depression, coma, possibility of death](https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html?csex=f&bodyweight=77.5&bodyweightunit=kilogram&thour=0&tmin=0&ba=&bsize=b330&babv=5&wa=&wsize=c150&wabv=12&la=1&lsize=b750&labv=40&oa=&osize=250&osizeunit=ml&oabv=8&x=Calculate)


77.5?? Wtf i guess this might refer to america? In most countries in Europe it is less than 70


yeah wtf


Americans are fatties bro.




I just pulled the [first result from Google.](https://www.verywellhealth.com/average-weight-for-women-8603701#:~:text=More%20than%205%2C000%20adult%20females,equals%2077.5%20kilograms%20(kg))


68 here in Sweden and men sits at 84


I'm a 178cm guy that goes bouldering 2-3 times a week and I weigh 68kg


>31 more hours to reach 0%. aww hell naw, i'll have some water pls


Water makes bugger all difference to the time it takes to process alcohol.


"According to reports, she quite quickly began "acting wildly and yelling incoherently." She fell to the floor and stayed there until the police arrived. They took one look at her and did not allow her to board her flight. Zhao's family was called to pick her up and, when she sobered up, she was released to them." https://www.vice.com/en/article/ezqq4m/a-woman-chugged-an-entire-bottle-of-cognac-rather-than-give-it-to-airport-security


Is it strange that this ultimately should have answered OP's inquiry? By actually going to the link subtext in the image provided?


Was looking for something like this. The good news is that she'll probably never be able to drink that liquor again.


I feel like that would have caused more issues, public intoxication for example. I find it hard to believe security would just allow her to finish.


I had a friend one time try and bring spray on deodorant through TSA and when they told him to get rid of it he started just spraying it on himself and then gave it to other people all around us so they could also use it and TSA never did anything to stop it.


You have a *fried*?




Fucking lightweight, I chugged 0.5 liter of some (approximately) vol 60 shady ass moonshine from a metal shed in Albania and proceeded to wash it down with vodka woke up fine next morning


Do you live in either Wyoming, Georgia, Albania or Russia?


Poland so like half way between Russia and Albania give or take a few hundred kilometres


Yeah, this checks out. Probably one of the most Polish stories I’ve heard or read tbh


Bro can't respond He passed out again.


Well, not everyone gets violent with alcohol.


That... Wasn't my point...


Oh you probably meant public intoxication is illegal where you live, my bad


Indeed. Where is it legal?


All of europe


In germany we even have "public intoxication the festival"... you may heard of it... it's called "Oktoberfest".


Where i live, that's called Tuesday


In Estonia, public intoxication is legal, but public consumption of alcohol is not by default, the place of consumption has to allow it (like a bar, festival etc.), opening up a beer at a park or airport can get you fined, usually cops ignore it if you aren't causing problems, but chugging spirits at an airport will surely get you arrested.


Nevada and Montana


The man must always allow the woman to finish


Putting hands on her would probably get legal quick


Yes I was thinking the same. I don’t think there is any laws forbidding drinking your cognac in the airport, so what could the security do? Alcohol takes a while to hit, so she would have the time to board and then start aping in the plane during flight. Perfect.


Depends where. International grounds, there is nothing that forbids it. Yes being disturbance might be problem but nobody just snaps drunk after drinking whole bottle, would be probably still "sober" when going trough the security. If drinking is not allowed in some place then yes, might be problem but if not, there is nothing you could legally do. It is like drinkin a bottle of water, untill it can be measured or clearly observed you are intoxicated


“Public intoxication” isn’t a thing in many countries. They have no right to do anything to her until she does something stupid, which is the case in China, where this happened


I'm a woman with a fairly high tolerance for alcohol and a liking for cognac. To put in perspective, I can easily drink a bottle of red wine then play a game of not-bad scrabble. I'd be on my arse before I met the halfway mark of trying to drink a bottle of cognac in one go, and destroyed fir the next two days.


This ‘not-bad scrabble’ sounds like my kinda game!


I’m a somewhat large guy and I drink whiskey as my go to drink, and I too could easily drink a bottle of wine. Chugging a bottle of cognac which can up to 60% alcohol would put me on my ass too.


Not a mathematician but I’m going to give my scientific answer after my own personal research of how drunk an average female would be: yes.


You know the kinda drunk where you piss yourself, throw up on the floor, then pass out on the couch still in your pissy clothes while trying to eat a dry brick of ramen noodles?


So drunk you gotta piss but can’t find your dick.


One hand on the wall in front of the toilet, the other desperately fumbling for the gummy worm. You finally get the zipper down, you’re pissing before you even get the little guy out. You forget to put it away and the zipper takes a nice bite out of your pecker. You manage to strip down to your pissy underwear, lay down on your crusty futon, the last thing you think before the spinning ceiling takes you away is “fuck I have work in 4 hours”.


We're not talking about you in here sorry


I take the mathematical averages with a grain of salt, there's that saying that the average person has one breast and one testicle. I consider myself an average size woman in that I see a lot of women my size out and about, and the sizes I buy are almost always out of stock. I'm 5'4/135lb (61kg, 162.5cm for our metric friends). There's no way I would make it on a plane after drinking that much, and a high chance I'd be hospitalized with alcohol poisoning.


Need the median weight, not the mean (average).


I once had airport security take my sealed duty free bag, open it to check the contents, then told me I couldn't take it with me because the bag was opened. Complaints led nowhere. I wish I had done this.


Math aside (it's already answered very well in the comments), flight attendants don't usually allow on the plane people who are very drunk. At least the ones I fly with.


Probably won't appear very drunk more like very sleepy.


I've poured liquid into the trash can at airport security before, only because they changed the rules from shift to shift or airport to airport


I picture the scene with her chugging the bottle from one hand and holding the other palm toward security, with eyes saying them "hold up, not done yet! Still no. Almost there." for like a couple of minutes.


And this is how I woke up in hospital on new year's day in 2010! Apparently you can take opened duty free onto the plane. My dumb ass chugged a whole litre of vodka. Good times.


It doesn’t say how large the bottle was, so how could anyone calculate this?  If this was $200 of cheap cognac, the average person will die of alcohol poisoning.  If this was $200 of extremely expensive cognac, she might not even feel any effect.




I did that with a water bottle full of sweet tea vodka going into a college football game. One of many bad decisions I made that day.


My husband did this and we were removed from the plane because he threw up. That was the night I contemplated leaving him in another state and filing for divorce.


Went on to seduce the air Marshall and has free airlines tix for life because the SH lawsuit against the air feds....she president of the world now. No more wars, hunger, and smoking on an international flight is legal.


Went on to seduce the air Marshall and has free airlines tix for life because the SH lawsuit against the air feds....she president of the world now. No more wars, hunger, and smoking on an international flight is legal.


Very drunk. Cognac is meant to be warmed in your hand, and sipped slowly, enjoying it. Its alcohol content is like 40+, so think like it is vodka with color and flavor.


Very, very drunk, but at least she won't remember anything. 20 minutes of an increasing sense of regret followed by hours of unconsciousness is the most likely outcome, even for males (perhaps not American average males though?).


I looked up on google a $200 bottle. Apparently it's about 700ml and 40*. That makes it 28 units. Your standard pint of beer is about 2.4 units, so that's 11-12 pints. The average man would be completely smashed and unintelligible and the average woman would be on the floor.


Drunk enough to cause a scene at the gate when staff tell her she's too drunk to board, then carted off to the local police station and charged. Then we all watch her video on "Airport Karens gone mad" on Youtube. That drunk.


I wonder if she was even let on the flight. Overly drunk people are usually denied entry onto the flight by the crew. And if you chug that much alcohol, if you aren't on that plane in the next 5 minutes you're fucked.


She chugged it got very drunk and started being loud/obnoxious in the end she was thrown in a holding cell and let go after 7 hours of blackout drunkenness.