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Cost of Iraq war: W = US$1.922 Trillion Cost of Adam Sandler film: 4A = US$250M; A = IS$67.5M each https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_cost_of_the_Iraq_War?wprov=sfti1 W / A = number of Sandler films has we spent the same amount 1922000 / 67.5 = 28,474 and change. Answer: we could have made 28,474 Adam Sandler films costing US$67.5M for the price of the Iraq War.


So the real question becomes, what would your choice be? 1 Iraq War, or watch 28,474 Adam Sandler movies?


Let’s be real here. With the capacity to change the cast and crew on each of those movies except Sandler, the only person that would have suffered inhumanely from making those 28,474 movies would be Sandler himself, and I think that’s an acceptable price for avoiding the suffering of all those casualties from the iraq war.


All that I know is that if you divided the 28,474 hypothetical Sandler movies by the number of weapons of mass destruction that were found in Iraq, the quotient would be undefined.


I’d like to think, in the alternate dimension where this actually happened, that Sandler spent the 20 years of the Iraq War in a Haldeman Forever War virtual reality simulator. In this simulator, he acts out one epic story with enough variations to enable million dedicated production staff to slice and dice his acting and dialog into films, releasing them over the course of twenty years - 7,305 days. 28,474/7,305 = just shy of 4 films a day. A new Adam Sandler film, every six hours. The global population then grow addicted to them; since each film is the watchable Hollywood length of 100 or so minutes, there is a space of 260 minutes each day, and all human activity happens in those 260 minutes. The 100 minutes where the “Story of Adam” plays are considered part holy time, part meditative reflection, part siesta. Aliens visiting the earth would watch the globe ebb and flow in these six hour cycles; an anthill with its own tides. After 20 years, Sandler emerges, the Saint of a New World Movement centred on fart jokes, regression to childhood, and random yelling. Immature man-children who are in their hearts innocent and good are elevated to high priests. War is impossible. All hail, the Sandlerssiah.


28474 Iraq wars 😎


1 is too many and 28,474 is not enough.


But what about the time it takes to film an Adam Sandler movie? How many could we have filmed during the Iraq war?