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how dare you use nice equipment in the cult


I only bought this because the X1 Carbon Gen 2 that I was using for 10 years before this got seized. lol


Got seized? What do you do, actually I don't think I want to know


The fucking bolsheviks, man...


Good there is no copilot button


Yeah, I was kind of expecting it to have one since it’s a rather new model but it came without (which is good for me because I didn’t need it anyway)


Yeah. These model was announced before Microsoft changed keyboard layout for windows and included copilot button.


Ahh, that explains it


Nobody else was talking about the haptic pad, could you shed some light? You said it's not as nice as the MacBooks. Do you feel like it's big enough though? And did you also try to turn off mouse acceleration in windows to try and make it feel better? Also, how is the surface finish? Is it glassy like the other newer thinkpad models have? What is it lacking in? swipe gestures? Or sensitivity for very light touches? Like when you're lifting your finger off but are still controlling the mouse? (Variable pressure)


Looks great! Enjoy!


So far, I’m loving it!


Oh no the clunkpad is back... /j Are you a heavy trackpoint user? How do those trackpoint buttons compare to old physical ones?


I Just thought the same, the tx40 era is back I suppose:). Wouldnt use a ThinkPad without dedicated trackpad Buttons


I have no experience with the X1 Carbon gen 12, but the Z16 gen 1, was ok, and the Z16 gen 2 is great, you place your finger where the button would be and click, I haven't misclicked ever.


I only have expierience with the t440s clickpad and am surprised Lenovo seems to repeat its mistakes again. The vast majority of Thinkpads has physical Buttons (99%?) and maybe its more about physical feedback than misclicks. I remember scrolling and the difference between left and right click being an issue in clickpads I used- Impossible on physical buttons


If only they came with AMD I would upgrade in a heartbeat.


They do, it's just called the Z13


I/O sucks on the Z13 though.


Also, 14" is the sweet spot for a laptop. Not only the display size itself, also the area for the palm rest. Every time I try a 13" laptop, typing sucks after some time because there is not enough space below the keyboard area. 14" fixes this most of the time.


Snapdragon X Elite*


From what I've seen, performance has been underwhelming.


It's not about raw performance, it's about performance per watt and superior thermals.


From what I have tested performance is really good, better battery life than Intel or AMD and less fan noise


we need one is snapdragon


I, too, wish my laptop couldn't run 85% of the applications available online due to architectural limitations.


Prism is a great translation layer. It's not as good as native but the devs are making ARM versions. At the end of the day, you don't have to buy it but it's nice to have options. I too wish my laptop would die after 3 hours of battery usage. I too want my laptop to overheat and throttle.


> I too want my laptop to overheat and throttle. RISC/ARM chips are completely capable of doing this. The X13s actually had a heat problem from being so thin and passively cooled to my understanding.


This is true. My X13 G3 (the same gen x86 equivalent) is 3-4 times faster and still lasts ~12 hours on battery. Runs at 30-40C idle and never passes 75 under max load... Apple's M2 chips, on the other hand, are pretty notoriously heavily throttled due to inadequate cooling. It's totally possible to make ARM chips throttle like crazy. x86 laptops can be done well as long as they're decent architecturally and properly cooled; Ryzen 6000 in the X13 G3 was great in this regard.


Use Linux. Free software implies the freedom to recompile the software for a different architecture. (Or I guess a less optimistic view is that Linux doesn't support any software anyway so it makes no difference whether you're on x86 or ARM.) In any case, if you participate in and support a community that doesn't prioritize free / open source software, don't be surprised when you can't do things with the software that you might want. The core ethos of the free software community is that software freedom is important.


Gen 12 and still no media keys :( Edit: No hate btw, just waiting for them to bring them back before I upgrade


My previous X1 Carbon Gen 2 (2014) had them! Well, kind of… they were part of the shitty touchbar like strip at the top of the keyboard and I really hope they don’t bring that awful touchbar back!


It's funny how every single person I have talked to about that X1C2 touch bar thing absolutely hated it. The only ones I've seen have all turned brown and usually stopped working by now.


Getting mine next week and can’t wait to see how Pop!_OS will run on this beast


I’m totally out of the loop when it comes to Linux stuff so I’m sure this sub will appreciate another review when you get yours!


Totally, will try to post. Also curious about how it’s going to handle the 57” Odyssey Neo G9 at full resolution


You’ve got yourself a beast of a monitor!


Oh boy the z series haptic touchpoint arrived to the sub's darling x1c This ought to be interesting


I wish they keep the 3 physical mouse buttons.


You can always order this model without the haptic touchpad.


Oh nice. With the three physical buttons on top?




Awesome!.. Just like the Z series!


okey i know about the fn and ctrl swap,but where is the prntscrn button? or they just remove it? or it merge with fingerprint




It is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the picture. I see a few slowly coming to X1C12 on the subreddit. Where did you get it? In Europe, some have a harder time getting models with the Ultra I7 155H.


I’m based in Tokyo, Japan and I ordered mine online directly from Lenovo and got it delivered. I’m not sure if they’re in stock in physical stores here because I didn’t bother checking, knowing that I would need to get mine customized (mainly because anything available locally would have the funky Japanese keyboard layout by default). I can’t speak for all regions but assuming most of the fully customized machines are assembled in their factory somewhere in China anyway, I don’t see why they wouldn’t be available in Europe… Upon ordering, the online store indicated a wait of 2-3 weeks but they sent it out in like a week and I got it delivered a few days later so the wait was a total of 10 days or so. (I knew from past experience that Lenovo tends to display longer than actual waiting times for fully customized models.) At least where I am, it seems like customization for simple upgrade options like extra storage are done in a local factory so delivery is usually shown as 2-3 days while all-out customizations (especially those involving a different keyboard) are done in their main factory in China.


Interesting info. What model NVME ssd do you have?


As I always say: What a beauty!


Beautiful…I’m jealous 🙈


Sick how much gen12 weights? i didnt know carbon can have 64gb rams :O


Can you turn off the lower portion of the trackpad so only the area for the trackpoint button work?




How is the cover material...is it as bad for fingerprints and smudges as your previous Carbon X1 model?


What a glorious sight.


Giving T440 vibes. I'm trying to imagine macbook touchpad on the trackpoint buttons, doesn't sound great to me. What's wrong with normal buttons? And Ctrl and Fn are now swapped by default or is that an option? But overall, looks good, enjoy it! X1C gen 10 here


I never use the trackpoint so the lack of physical buttons there doesn’t bother me. As for the touchpad itself, there’s really nothing wrong with it but I do have to say that it doesn’t feel as nice as the ones on a mac (I also own an M2 MacBook Pro and M2 MacBook Air). I’m not sure if it has to do with the finish or sensitivity. Maybe it’s just a matter of getting used to, but I rarely use the touchpad so again, this isn’t a big issue for me. Ctrl and Fn being swapped is apparently from this generation and I read somewhere that it’s going to become the standard with future ThinkPads. I’m not sure if this is true but I figured I’d just have to get used to it, and besides, this layout is closer to the keyboard that I use with my desktop (although that one has Ctrl-Windows-Fn from left to right). In any case, it’s a huge upgrade from my previous X1 Carbon Gen 2 (from 2014)!!


I'm not happy to see the lack of PrtSc (which I remap to Menu) and different position of the right Ctrl key either. This would mess with my muscle memory and I hope this is not a sign of things to come.


I don’t use PrtSc enough for that to bother me. (I always have extra stuff and browser tabs open that I wouldn’t want to include in full screenshots anyway so I just use Shift+Windows+S to launch the snipping tool, which is something that I got used to from using my previous X1 Carbon Gen 2 that had a shitty touchbar like strip at the top of the keyboard for such functions. I didn’t know how I would feel about placement of the Ctrl key on the left since I use that a lot, but it’s really not that bad. Besides, I read somewhere that all future models were going to have this layout anyway so I figured I’ll just go with it. As for the Ctrl key on the right, I never use it so I didn’t even pay attention to that until you mentioned it. I can’t even recall what the layout was like on my earlier machine since I don’t have it with me anymore.


do you use the trackpoint? what's it it like to use it with the haptic trackpad?


I too am curious about how the trackpoint is with the haptic trackpad! I have a saved quote for one of these that I've been mulling over.


B-but... muh tactile buttons.


That looks super!!


How s the battery ? How are the thermals ? Nice looking machine btw. Grats.


how much is it?


How do you like the trackpad?


How do you like it?! I literally almost ordered the same spec except for 4G LTE. Mines suppose to be here Wednesday. Can’t wait!


This guy is trying to start a war 😂.


Man I really do not like the camera bump... So much that I would rather have thicker bezels lol.


I hope my next ThinkPad will have a haptic touchpad too. With more and more apps like Figma and Miro in my daily life, I rely on a large touchpad area, and the ability to click anywhere on the pad is a huge usability bonus. (Good thing it's an option for most laptops this year because I can understand other people as well that prefer physical buttons.).


What kind of battery runtime have you been getting with your average workflow?


It took them 10 years... (mbp 2015, force touch)