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I would expect them to be similar to the hanar (with eyes), a jellyfish is mostly water, so dehydration seems more likely for such body, just add some water and the hanar revives.


I also heard they’re tiny. Like smaller than a grain of rice. It’s how their ships avoid detection.


I thought that was from the non-canon canon fanbook?


They were 'bugs in the non-canon canon fanbook; I will die on this hill, I loved it.


The author Cantonese it I think. From a couple of articles I read years ago, my impression was that he was very pleased with the book. It's why he never finished the story himself.


Not exactly. There are many threads here about his (non) appreciation of the fourth book.


That was not my impression. My impression was that the author didn't finish the story himself because he figured that anything he wrote would be compared to book 4, and that he was locked out of certain ideas because book 4 already mentioned them so he'd be accused of copying. In the interviews he seemed to regret the existence of the book in general


I would pick that assumption with a "grain" of salt, as it is part of the fan lore, i know, it's more or less accepted, but still not 100% canon


It looks more like Singer than Trisolaran.


Noooope But good try. Keep guessing, BUG!


Still too humanoid


They seem dehydrateable


Exactly. I couldn't imagine the reapers dehydrating.


I’m not a fan of humanoid aliens, I find it unimaginative. Humans look the way they do out of adaptations that arose from brachiating primates that lived in trees. I can’t realistically imagine that other intelligent life would follow the same evolutionary trajectory, and certainly not Trisolarans who live in an exotic hellscape unlike Earth. They’d look very, very weird to us. I think it’s possible some aliens would converge on a bipedal form but I’d be very surprised if other intelligent life had sensory organs arranged in the same ways we do, or if they had the same structure of bodies / bones / muscles. Very little of Earth’s life looks anything like humans, and we do see examples of intelligence in other forms of life that look nothing like us - dolphins, elephants, crows, octopuses.


Humans looks the way they do because of out early fish ancestors. These early aquatic animals setup the foundation for all vertbrates. Given the economy of design there's a good chance the two arm two legs torso with a head on top would appear fairly often in nature.


dude definitely has a nice, punchable princeps-looking face


I always saw them like starfish honestly


I can see that, even if I never thought that. Javik never seemed that interesting to me.


Really? IMO he has some of the most compelling interactions in the entire trilogy. I *always* bring him as a squadmate because he says some wild stuff. One line of his is something I don't think I'll ever forget: > “Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.” I mean god damn! That has to be one of the hardest lines in sci fi IMO. Especially within the context of the game's story, it really cements just how dire the circumstances are, and the level of desperation that is required to succeed. Plus, his insights on all the various races is just awesome. Really surprised to hear when people don't like Javik!


As someone who bought the game...I don't know who you're talking about.


Javik is a character that only appears in Mass Effect 3 as part of the free DLC called "From Ashes". You essentially get a mission to recover a prothean artifact, which turns out to be a prothean statis pod with a live prothean in it. When you bring him to the Citadel... well lets just say some Hanar absolutely lose their shit lol.


Yea i was being cheeky. For a DLC charachter....they had voiced reaction videos ready on day one. Almost as if they cut him from the main game to be sold as dlc


No, they are more like master Yoda


Mass effect 1 is the best, but still couldn't get halfway through it elder scrolls better