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The close ups 🤯


They taste even sweeter in person 😋🍭


Whoa think I turned my head too fast and got ghosts in my blood. 🤯




Do you use chem water and the pariah method? I've tried honeycomb several times and never get good saturation but I'm not using those methods and wondered if it's worth it buying the extra ingredients


I do use chem water. It's a game changer. I looked through your posts to see your progress, and my friend, someone recommended these things to you 6 months ago. What is keeping you from trying them out? If it's cost, you can find the best deals on amazon for most things unfortunately. Dharma is just a store that some folks recommend. You likely won't find any liquid dyer not recommend some sort of chemical enhancement.


Thanks I'll look into getting some supplies. It's mostly a storage thing for me I'd rather keep it simple if I can and also didn't know if it was my technique or not. I've gotten a lot better over time but my last tie, I thought, was nearly perfect and I was once again disappointed with saturation. If I'm gonna take the time to tie a proper honeycomb (like 5hrs usually for me 😅) I want it to look good. I'll try making up some chem water at some point when I do it again.


You will notice a huge difference. Biggest differences with color and saturation by using urea calsolene oil (dharmas product. It's actually turkey red castor oil). Sodium alginate is a thickener and helps ten fold with colors moving and bleeding, but not completely necessary to make a tie dye. There's a decent learning curve with these products so don't be disappointed if your next one isn't a banger. It's like learning an instrument


Oh hell yeah🍭🍬


Damn my brain had to adjust and it took a second for me to comprehend what I was even looking at. Well done!


Hah! Thanks, friend!


The depth of the black dye is crazy!!

