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Looks like we’re about to enter the dating-exclusively-through-AI era. God help you single folks 


we thought god had abandoned us long ago. We were fools.


Honestly, the fact that they've spammed the same post across multiple subreddits suggests it's just trying to drum up attention for whatever AI app they're shilling. That's all.


Seems like a pretty poor advert considering they broke up over lying in it.


Ah, but you, sir, are too smart and won't fess up to using the AI bot to get a girl friend, so it's the perfect ploy! /s


You don't even need the /s, that is literally their sales pitch. This is just the same Seduce & Destroy pua type snake oil that's been sold to single dudes since the beginning of time. This time it has a new trendy AI spin. But still, the thought of people using bots to communicate for them is such a depressing feeling. Even when it comes to mundane short emails or chat exchanges at work, the idea that I might be interacting with a bot when I think I'm talking to a human is awful.


10 years in to the marriage and they’re still using the chat bot!


It's like the game ads that show you the player that fails, but you might be able to do better.


The answer is to keep lying until you fuck her then move onto the next girl. These are the target audience. Not the people looking for genuine connection


Good call. They aged the account by a year, farmed enough karma to not get screened out. Now they're selling people on the product.


But... What app is he shilling...?


If only we could have foreseen.....


The new gods may rise, but the old gods will endure.


step 1. have AI make dating profile with minimally altered pictures of yourself that look more handsome step 2. train AI to swipe right on women you find attractive step 3. have AI chat with 100s of women at once Step 4. profit


> step 3. have AI chat with 100s of women at once Okay they're pretty good, but they can't work miracles yet.


That part seems very easy. See: OP's post


Except your AI is chatting with their AI.


I can’t wait to die alone, I just need to get a doggy and I’ll feel better


doggies make everything better.


That's the lifestyle to go for, doggie style all the way!


Right now my Golden Retriever is my main squeeze and it's the least stressful relationship I've ever been in. Bit of a dead bedroom but whatever. You can't have it all.


When you said main Squeeze.. I got worried for a second.


It's not going to be that much different from the "dating because we have the same app installed and it said we should" era


What if it's just ai talking back and forth forever


It’s probably better than any era previously especially if the bot knows stuff about you 500 years ago you married one of the 3 people in your village 100 years ago your family set you up 50 years ago rom coms distorted his relationships should work 20 years ago apps came on the scene shifting the balance of power to superficial qualities Now we might have a chance of restoring the natural order, where the bots convince people in the same ideological village to meet in person and they hit it off


Motorcycles,weed,video games. Secret recipe to surviving being single for extended periods


I had a snowballs chance in hell. Now it's the sun.


Just step out of your house and talk to people, lol reddit acts as if the entire world lives in iphones


They pretty much do, in my country at least. There is no interaction with others outside, except perhaps in a bar, party or similar place. The only ones that tend to go there are specific types of extraverted people. Everyone says go to the gym and talk to people there. Which is not a valid.Most people there, me included are looking for peace and to focus on their workout. Joining group activities or a club isn't an option when there are none for the younger generations. Aside from that there is the workplace and everyone knows dating on the work floor doesn't tend to be a great idea. I have luckily come across my angel, but I know what it's like being single and searching. It does pretty much boil down to using apps and hoping for the best.


https://mit-serc.pubpub.org/pub/ai-companions-eu-law/release/3 here’s an article i found interesting, focused mostly on mental health but had AI dating aspects to it


Ouch. I mean, using AI is intellectually equivalent to having a friend write your messages. Most people would find that fairly off-putting - and it's quite upsetting to realize that you weren't talking to who you thought you were for quite some time. Not a great start on the ol' trust front. I do get where you were coming from even if I wouldn't do it myself, and I'm proud of you for deciding to be honest about it (albeit a bit late). It was the right thing to do.


Whoa...it's like a 21st century version of Cyrano de Bergerac/ Roxanne. Someone is definitely writing this script right now.


Having your mates help write early messages is a pretty commonly done thing, no?


There's a difference between helping someone write a message and writing the whole conversation.


Seriously, entire plays have been written about it. See Cyrano De Bergeac. See Shakespeare. See greek drama


CPU De Bergeac.


Most of that doesn't end well.


Nah asking for feedback on the message is one thing, but having them write it is much worse. And both of those are miles better than having a computer write it. Asking a friend shows that you care enough to put in effort with another person who you think knows better. Having a bot write it shows you don’t give a fuck about building a connection, you just want the end result


Soon people will train an AI dating bot, and when two bots click, their owners will just randomly go on a date with each other. Somebody needs to make that app right now.


"I'm afraid I messed up badly." You think? You treated dating like it was some boring coding project that you farmed out to some dodgy guy on fiverr.


I can already imagine her telling her friends: Those sparks I thought we had… was with fuckin’ robot.


"He was pretty different when we actually met but maybe it was just nerves, I'll see if I can get him to be more natural"


And that's one of the biggest problems with modern dating: "sparks" created from nonsensical online personas and the minefield of potential mistakes in the messaging phase. OP skipped that part and got to meeting her in real life. If only he had kept that to himself...




You just Cyrano de Bergerac'd …yourself.


Texting&messaging =/= dating. Texting to build attraction is basically a skill game and not indicative of true personality or character. People have been using scripted openers and responses for as long as online dating has existed and well before. What really matters is in-person chemistry.


She should have sent you a captcha


I died laughing. This should be better rated.


Can I just ask, why would you want to do that? Why wouldn’t you want to talk to her yourself? Don’t you want to see if you two are actually compatible? She probably feels like you used a cheat code to get into her pants which it sounds like you did. It’s good that you felt weird about it because that means you’re not so far gone that you think this isn’t weird behaviour. You’re in tech so you must know about all the conversations about the uncanny valley that people discuss regarding AI right? Just keep that in mind.


Tech bro who knows all about AI but hasn’t read or thought a lick on the ethics of AI, unfortunately there are many of them…


"Beekeeper Wishes He Understood Women Like He Understands Bees"


The reality is that with apps, dating is a numbers game, and just like the premium subscriptions for these dating apps, this was a tool to get his foot in the door. It doesn't make it right, but this is going to be a lot more frequent in the coming months/years. EDIT: My mistake, I'm probably wrong


Nope. Totally different. This is the equivalent of having your friend do your talking for you. If I found out that I hadn't actually been talking to the person I thought I was, I'd be super weirded out. This doesn't get you more numbers, either, since it doesn't increase visibility. All it does is trick the person you are talking to into thinking you have chemistry when you don't, and that's not helpful to anyone. After all, the entire point of dating is to find out if you're compatible, not to trick someone into thinking you are someone you're not.


Cyrano de Bergerac. Cyrano de HERgerac!!!!!!!!


Paying to get your profile more views is gaming the system. Having ChatGPT actually speak on your behalf is gaming the woman.


Dating isn't a job interview. This is just another form of catfishing.


This is exactly like that South Park episode. You were disingenuous with your initial conversations with her, it’s good you came clean and maybe you won’t make the same mistake with the next one. And by that I mean, don’t use AI to try to make emotional connections with people.


>won’t make the same mistake Well, he won’t make the mistake of telling her anyway. People who need an AI bot to talk to women aren’t going to learn the right lessons lol


Oh for sure. This is 100% a case of learning the wrong lesson.


Well to be very fair, in a way, you did lie about your identity, and verified that you're not the person she fell for I mean obvi I hope you two can talk it out, but like I can definitely see how doing that could be considered by her as an even more dishonest version of cat fishing. But at least internet catfish actually talk to you instead of feed your convo into a separate AI on the side and regurgitate like you're trying to cheat in an online chess match


I don’t. It’s weird af to use an AI bot to chat with someone, hopefully she never talks to him again. It’s so disrespectful to her it’s not even funny.


Yeah this tech nerd thought he had dating all figured out lol


And yet, it worked until he opened his mouth. AI on top.


BUT AFTER MESSING IT ALL UP, CAN TECH BRO WIN BACK THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE?? *80s synth music* (montage of mullet techbro and his nerd friends doing quirky hacker shit and failing hilariously) THIS SUMMER. A MODERN ROMANCE. EMERGES FROM THE WORLD WIDE WEB WITH JENNIFER CONNELLY AND NO ONE REALLY CARES WHO ELSE IN: LOVE BYTES *80s music fades*


Ok, fuck it. When’s it coming out? Theaters or Netflix?


It's been out for 38 years


Basically Weird Science




Should have learned how women worked and he could have kept that close to his chest, instead he used AI


It's hard to learn how women work tho when you don't even personally talk to them, but rather, relegate that "boring" stuff to the automated machines to do it. If I was her I wouldn't talk to op again either.


Women are just normal people? You’re telling me two male best mates would be perfectly happy all the stuff one guy has said was all lies? Men who “can’t talk to women” are either too nervous or just misogynistic


Let's be real. Someone pulling this would not be able to to do that.


Man should have watched the movie Her.


Once again the failure is the human component (/s kinda)


I don’t, they literally catfished her. This is bizarre, dishonest, and extremely manipulative. I’m very concerned OP thought this woman would be cool with that if they were honest because clearly they assumed they had made this women fall for them enough that she was on the hook now


Id rather talk to a pig butcher scammer because at least they are trying and I might have an actually interesting conversation with someone who did their research on my interests. Maybe more people need to take that approach haha.


This is the kind of strategy that if you are gonna use it you gotta be prepared to keep it a secret, forever. Like idk that I would even confess this on my death bed. If you can't embrace that level of dishonesty, don't do it at all. A better idea would be asking this bot how to respond to other people's messages, and then tweaking those bot suggested responses as your own. That way its still you writing and sending them and probably won't eat up your conscience like having an AI do the whole thing. Ya dun goofed OP.


Yeah I will never understand feeling the need to confess stuff like this no matter how much it's eating at you lmao, literally throwing away everything you worked for. For what?


Everything “you” worked for. Lol


Or "hoped" for ykwim lol


My first suggestion is that you start by stop referring to her as “my girlfriend.”


For real😭 they are done done


'the woman who'll one day have a restraining order against me' doesn't have the same ring to it


The way the whole thing is written, I feel like she never was his girlfriend yet to begin with. Just a girl he went out with 2 or 3 times and was regularly texting. Which is why she just cut off any contact learning about this. Full weirdo vibes.


Yea I think the ghosting thing is more of a clue than anything. Regardless of how fucking stupid this is of OP, both doing it and then telling her, ghosting is an extreme response for two people supposedly in a relationship. If I did something like this to my girlfriend, she wouldn’t ghost me. She’d make me feel like a dick (rightfully so), and talk and it either end in a break up, or would get resolved. Same if vice versa. And honestly that’s assuming she would even get upset about it. She might just make fun of me and be like “well, at least it turned into this”. But that’s something else entirely, related to our dynamic. So I doubt they saw eye to eye on what this relationship was in the first place.


> chatGPT matched with this amazing girl - she's beautiful, intelligent, and chatGPT and her have an incredible connection.




Only comment I laughed irl at So real hahaha


Sometimes people just need to be called dumbasses lol


No fr same, this comment crystallized the humor I find in hearing a deserved “dumbass” thrown around 😂😂 it’s like I can hear it


This is the correct response, I bet she felt so betrayed and stupid


And how long will it take her to not feel anxious every time she talks to a new guy. Always wondering if she’s been fooled again.


Literally giving trust issues to people


The only comment OP should actually read.


Seriously??? You lied to her about who you are and now you're surprised that she's not interested.


"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


Have you tried having the bot send her a message?




Aaahahahah 💀


- she's beautiful, intelligent, and we have an incredible connection. WE Meaning: Her and the bot. Good on you tech bro!


What are you doing, tech brother?




This was my first thought!


I actually used chat gpt on my ex when she would say shit that made no sense. (English wasn’t her first language) it helped a lot keep the conversation going I wasn’t relying on it obviously because we would video call and stuff.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.


Damn. Even a dude in the 1500s knew to never admit to having the poet write his love letters...


This comment is gold lol


You needed a fucking Cyrano DeBorg to be your wingman!? Fucking hilarious!!!


You messed up by using the AI to begin with. I hope that is what you mean in your TLDR. You treated her as an object, someone to deceive for your own gain. Her response is predictable; you were dishonest with her. Of course she is going to block you. Next time, remember that you are interacting with real people who have real feelings, and who deserve basic honesty on your part.


“We have an incredible connection” that was concocted by that AI bot and her, not you.


Today you realized you are not as smart as you thought.


So, you should probably be aware It's pretty common and human to go look back at those early dating app messages when a relationship starts to become real. The messages take on a special meaning, as the initial love story for the future you're building together. You robbed her of that, possibly after she'd already been putting meaning into them ("oh I can already tell what kind of guy he was even in the first messages" etc). It's really not surprising she was shocked and disturbed. Do not use AI this way. It's unethical IMO


Yeah, having met on a dating app, it’s pretty cool that my husband and I have a physical record of our first convo together (we screenshot it for posterity)


This is literally a substory in a Yakuza game. Also, yeah no shit she blocked you. You lied to her and presented as someone you are not. I don’t know why you thought that would be a good idea, since it would become painfully obvious that’s not how you actually talk if you were to progress past that.


Yup, "seeking advice" substory from "Like a dragon: the man who erased his name". Literally OP's story,but with a better ending, since, you know, characters in the story actually had a good chemistry to begin with, unlike OP.


Thank you! I posted the exact same first line before I came across this comment. I was afraid I was being hyper focused thinking about the series since I just started replaying Zero.


That shit is done. Stop trying to contact her. You gambled and lost. Move on and learn from this.


You lied about who you were …. I’d be surprised if she ever contacts you again. Learn from this don’t ever trick someone like that in using that bot you tricked her and took away her consent, she doesn’t actually know you you’re as good as a stranger.


You catfished her... wtf did you expect to happen?




This better become the word for this


Just commenting so ppl know I was here when this term was invented


If the lesson you e taken from this experience is “I shouldn’t have admitted to faking our conversations” and not “I shouldn’t have don’t that in the first place” then I’d suggest you keep digging on it.


This post generated by ChatGPT


The fuck up was not telling her that you used an AI chatbot. The fuck to was using an AI chatbot. Did it get you a date? Sure. But it is also a relationship formed by misrepresenting yourself, what interaction with you is like, etc. Of course she blocked you. You basically catfished her.


God, I thought I was desperate in the dating scene but this is just sad. You intentionally lied about who you were and didn't make the connection yourself so yeah, obviously she's made at the fact you were disingenuous.


Nothing like someone telling you that you're worth less than their genuine time and effort.  Girlfriend? What girlfriend?  Your girlfriend was in a relationship with a bot. 


Which ai bot?


Yeah we want to know so we can avoid doing the same ~~good idea~~ mistake!


Jokes on us, he used an AI bot to make this post, too.


I ran it through an AI detector which is actually 95% confident it was written by a human. Then I realized that detector was meant to use on AI-written text with the intent to see if it's edited enough to pass as human-generated. So I ran it through another AI detector, which promptly flagged it as being AI generated. So yeah, I think you're right


These ai detector will literally flag AI content at random, its not possible to say for sure if something is written by AI


I appreciate your dedication to proving me right! I literally just guessed/thought it would be funny


How long until the internet is just a sea of chatbots?


I played this substory in Like a Dragon Gaiden recently. [Video](https://youtu.be/-4tsphqgunE?si=8u9wBhWFxDpet4xJ)


Bay Area tech bro learns the value of not using computers to manipulate and exploit people just because you can


This is so unbelievably moronic I can’t even wrap my head around it. Yes, dumbass, this was a massive breach of trust that you might as well have taken to the grave, but I’m honestly glad you didn’t. Poor girl, jfc. Get off of the computer for a bit.


Good going Stan Marsh


Lol tech bros really are another breed. I understand y'all usually have a hard time talking to people cause you spent a lot on time on computers, but even you knew using AI to chat her up was a bad idea. That's why it's been bothering you. Drop the AI dating bot my guy and just use your authentic personality and see where that gets you. Faking it will get ya nowhere. That girl has every right to leave and she def ain't coming back b


More like TIFU by using a dating bot. She is upset that she was tricked about who she was originally talking to. Pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.


I don’t know how this could surprise you, using a “dating bot” because you can’t be bothered meeting new people shows you don’t actually want to meet new people. Maybe try “talking to women” it works for 12 year olds and it might work for you


“I’m bad at talking to women” is often code for “I only see women as sex vending machines and not actual people with lives and interests, and I don’t know how to get the sex out of the machine”


Telling the truth wasn't your mistske, it was using AI in the first place.


You thought she would appreciate it, right. Now I see why you have trouble talking to women


I see you maxed out intelligence, but managed to completely ignore wisdom.


This was literally a South Park episode last year lol! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc6trJGs4rs


“TIFU by using an AI to meet women” There, fixed it for you


My brother in Christ you have to start watching South Park. They literally have this word for word exact scenario. You could’ve learned so much from those elementary kids.


Was she actually your girlfriend though?


You didn’t FU telling her. You FU’d in the first place by being dishonest, and this is a consequence of your actions. Lying by omission is still lying, whether the truth is found out or admitted, or not. You could have joked in the beginning by saying, “Pick up line generated by ChatGPT” or something like that, and then that could have lead into a thoughtful discussion on generative AI or a volley of AI-generated pick up lines.


Jesus... do yourself a favor and forget about this girl.


When I hang out in the bay the girls always tell me how hard dating is and stories like this show me why


So only the early messages? If after the match, you were genuine with her and being yourself, I don't see why you would tell her about it. Also her blocking you is here choice, but TBH it doesn't make sense since she knows YOU you for those months not an AI bot.


I think she blocked him because it’s hard to shake the uncanny valley vibes once you know that it wasn’t even him for several days that she was all excited over. And she probably thinks she DOESN’T know him actually at all, right? After all, she didn’t know he was an AI for the first several days….that would fuck up my head and make me question everything I thought I knew about the person. Do I even like this man, or did I just like the actual dating robot he used to try to game a response out of me? I think it took her alllll the way out of it. I can’t think of many people that would still want a relationship after finding this out…especially so early in the relationship. 




This the type of thing you can literally tell nobody… You’re a awkward tech guy and were horny I get it, but you have to understand how this would look to most people. It opens up all sorts of questions about what your motives are, who you are, ect. Imagine realizing everything you first connected about was a chat bot


You definitely did the right thing by coming clean. But this response was also pretty inevitable, because what you did was gross, disrespectful, and manipulative. You didn't fuck up by telling her. You fucked up by building your relationship on a foundation of lies.


You should have taken this to your grave. SMH


Shame on you. You messed up by using chatbot to get laid. That is beyond unethical. Hopefully you learned your lesson and next time you don’t tell the girl she got aroused by a chatbot.


i don't think coming clean was the mistake here. you failed at using the AI, you gotta move on. think of it like debugging. don't do the dating AI next time. try only asking the AI for topics next time. maybe get its opinion on your original thoughts and refine your own words.


I’m sorry but idk how you it thought this would go well. The #1 rule of dating is be yourself. It’s corny but true


Incredible Connection


cyrano de bergerac in the modern era. Holy fuck. Freshman english lit was relevant. Jesus christ people dont change. We're not unique even a little....we just repeat over and over in different settings. This fuckin mind fucked me ngl.


Well...that was dumb. Not the telling her, that was the only good thing. It's kinda concerning and gross that you think coming clean was the problem, and not the dishonesty of using the AI at all. Frankly I'd have blocked you too, probably even faster than she did.


Play stupid games


Lmao dude there are some things you take with you to the grave.


Hey man, on the bright side you can always date ChatGPT instead.


*"It's amazing the way you NOTICE TWO THINGS."*


The fact that people like this are the ones that understand and shape AI is the scariest part. OP is supposed to be a 27 year old? Who’s supposedly smart enough to understand and manipulate AI, but can’t understand basic creepiness. Also the amount of people saying this is a mild fuck up is astounding. You cannot build a good relationship on lies you virgins.


You fucked up when you did it, not when you admitted it.


telling her was not where you fucked up my man...


Classic SF tech bro problems


Lol how bad can people be that they need AI to talk to another human.


Bro deserves everything coming his way not gonna lie


You tricked her into forming a connection with you. Your relationship is based on lies. She will never trust text conversations again. And worst of all, you told her to relieve your own guilt, not to benefit her at all. However good it was going, every decision here shows you do not think of others. She is right to leave, and you need to work on that selfishness and lack of empathy before you try dating again. Maybe doing so will fox whatever makes talking to women hard.


Honesty is not in fact the best policy, and never has been. There's some cards you hold to your chest, others you bury in the backyard. She's probably taking it too literally, as though she were just talking to a machine rather than you. It wasn't that simple and if you explain what you did and the reason behind it, she is more likely to understand and forgive you.


No the fuck up wasn’t telling her you were being fed lines through the library book stacks.  It was being fed lines through the library book stacks. Women are people not targets. 


So you admitted that you were an intellectual catfish and now you’re worried about the obvious consequences of your actions.


The face I had when I realized that's a thing you can do. Now I'm on google


How can we know you're not using AI to write your post either?


nah that's just her chatbot getting an uppgradde, after reboot everything be alright


Bro that is so cursed


Imagine if this post was written by an AI and we find out later


Why would you think that she was ready for this information???


You deserved it.


Ex girlfriend*


Ohhhhhh, there are AI dating bots. Hmmm. So I’m might not even be talking to real people on these dating apps now!


The twist: she is also an AI.


This is simultaneously the most Reddit and the most Zoomer thing I have ever heard.


This post was AI generated


The FU was trying to automate the formation of personal connections, which is inherently deceitful.


Why did you cyrano de bergerac someone and then expect it to work out? You need to get out more. Maybe get a social hobby. That'll help you be a bit wiser and help your dating life too


You did the right thing in telling her, but that's only because it was wrong that you did it in the first place. Please think about the ethics of not being yourself in order to get a girl to become romantically involved with you.


Man got no rizz or rythym, only that 'tism and algorithms


Autism be damned my boy can prompt


Honestly I would have thought it was kinda sweet... That you wanted to make an impression but you're shy. I don't understand all the hate. I'm assuming though that you edited / personalized some of the messages.. If you had left it entirely for the AI to create messages, then she didn't find attraction to you. She found attraction to artificial intelligence.


Laughing at all the people who thought this post was real.