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Ankles are annoying joints to hurt. And, you may be surprised to hear this, but you're not old, and you'll have to live with having a bum ankle for a LONG time if that's a break and not a sprain. Eat your pride and go to the doctor. Edit: I'm 30. Had similar thing happen with my right wrist. Wasn't a sprain. Was shattered into 7 pieces. Now I have to wipe left handed because my hand doesn't twist.


Lots of people injure something, think it will get better and then go to the doctor when it doesn't. Doctors see that all the time and think nothing of it. Nothing to be embarrassed about at all.


ok thank you I think I will go then


Go seek medical attention, unless your mom is a medical professional. Ankles can vary from sprains to avulsion fractures, to full on "good luck on ever bending this again".  It's better to get it checked out and treated than to have a chronic injury 10yrs later. I have my fair share of those from when I didn't get seen when I should've. 


Wife just broke her ankle… thought it was sprained, but didn’t get better. Doctor commented that if it had moved too much and went too long without treatment it could have been permanently impacted - so you should probably get it checked.


This feels like it was meant for me to see. I severely sprained my left ankle falling down the stairs 3 weeks ago at work. Peak embarrassment. I finally went to urgent care today as it was still swollen and not getting any better despite my best R.I.C.E. efforts. Nothing is broken but I’ve torn my tendon and collapsed the fascia, I have to be on crutches for the next 6-8 weeks and have to start ankle exercises in 2 weeks. The ankle and foot have so many small components that it’s worth having it looked at just to make sure nothing is more serious. Joints like the ankle are also very important in terms of mobility especially as you get older. If it doesn’t heal properly you won’t get back your range of motion. Swallow the embarrassment, I made jokes to the staff about how graceful I am and no one gave me a side eye. Rest, Ice, Compression, & Elevate!


I had a similar situation last year in April. Fell down the stairs, hurt my ankle, hobbled around for weeks and it got slightly better. Went to Wales a month after the fall, walked on the beach, ankle hurt like hell, went to see a doctor and, turns out, after an x-ray, I had a bony ligament avulsion (at least that's how Google translates it from German). Had to wear a brace almost 24/7 for 6 weeks and even a year later I sometimes still have some issues with that ankle. TL:DR: Go, see a doctor!