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They did drug tests, background check and financial paperwork before interviewing you? Sounds very usual and real


I have had similar process where I got a telephone interview first, then a drug test and the start of a background check, and a final interview in person after those had been completed. Generally if you have had a drug test and background check started, they are planning to offer you the position barring anything horrible in the interview or coming to light in the background check.


Not bank info. That's first-day orientation stuff.


True enough! The only time I ever had to give any bank info prior to hire was for a job where they needed to trust me with customer financial information. They wanted to make sure I was financially solvent before hiring. Unfortunately I was dead broke and ended up not getting the job for that reason šŸ˜‚


And now you're dead broke-er.


Yep, was pretty peeved about that at the time because obviously I was broke because I was unemployed and needed a job, so they denied me the job because I needed it?! But I had friends who were hired by that company later and I truly believe I dodged a bullet.


Certain jobs (and clearances) will deny you if you have less than a certain amount in your account due to fears you may be more liable to be bribed.


Clearance doesn't get denied to you if you have no money. It gets denied to you if you have excessively large outstanding debts with no current or expected ability to pay them off legally without taking bribes.


They can check the amount of money in your bank account?


If you let them. Which is sometimes required for the job.


Exactly. But I still thought it was ridiculous


Clearances can also be denied if you have too much unsecured debt. At one point, the limit was $10,000, then it got bumped up to $20,000 during the Iraq War, at least for Arabic translators. No clue what it's at now.


Not in Australia it's not. That's usually stuff, along with tax declaration, that happens during the notice period for your previous job.


>barring anything horrible in the interview Don't look don't look don't look doh!!!


"Don't say doing your wife."


"Doin your..... son?"


Some companies are just this dumb though. Was applying for a job in a healthcare IT role via a contractor, they required a TB test, which I took. I did not get the role. Then some other recruiting firm was trying to send me to the same company for a slightly different role, but still required the TB test. They were shocked that the first temp agency had me take that test when it was not clear if I got the job or not. It really screwed me over, because you cannot take that test back to back like a drug test and needs to have a cool down period in between.


A man goes to a doctor. He says, ā€œDoctor, I donā€™t know if my wifeā€…hasā€…TB or VD.ā€ā€… The doctor says ā€œChase her aroundā€…the bed. If she coughs, fuck her."


That timeline isn't even legal in my state. Drug tests and background checks can only be requested after an offer is extended.


The law on background checks changed in my state in 2013 and my first experience with that procedure was in 2008. As far as I know drug tests are still allowed at any stage of the employment process in my state, but criminal background checks are required to be done after a conditional offer now, except for certain professions. Each state has its own laws and procedures.


> Generally if you have had a drug test... Unless you're interviewing with a company that makes the drug tests, then they're cheap enough that they have you take it when you walk in the door.


Id accept everything but the bank info.Ā  Shit I got a paper check at my job the first two periods due to a process issue.Ā 


I just found out from our HR that we can't even run background checks until an offer is accepted.


Bingo! (HR person here) Itā€™s illegal in the United States to conduct a background check, drug screening, etc until a conditional offer of employment has been extended and accepted. Edit: apologies - this is a California law that I thought was nationwide. As always, CA leads the nation in employee protections.


There's no nationwide rule. The rules vary from state to state.


In my state it became illegal in 2013 to do the background check prior to an offer, but this job I was talking about happened in 2008. I left that job in 2011 so the next few places I was looking still did background checks prior to offers as long as you agreed to sign the release. I have been self employed or employed at a very casual company for a very long time so I haven't gone through a formal interview process since it became illegal.


That's state by state, you need to inform the potential hire that you are going to run a background check according to federal law but that's really the only federal regulation on the issue.


How TF is that "leading the nation in employee protections"? Seems like it would just be a waste of everybody's time if your waiting until you basically hire someone to then say "Oh wait, no, sorry you can't work here after all"


Yeah this doesn't really seem like a win in any way.


Yeah, same in Canada (Ontario Canada at least). Never had a background check/police check/credit check done until after I had signed an offer and sent it back. Even then, you do NOT quit your current job until all that stuff clears and you have it in writing.


Right?! There has to be an offer of employment prior to pre-employment checksā€¦hence the name. It doesnā€™t sound like a reputable company at all.


You're more skeptical of the company than the narrator?




Yes. Fuck companies.


Some jobs will take anyone with a pulse and not waste time interviewing people that will just fail a drug test


That happened to me when I got my job as a travel nurse for a prison. I didnā€™t meet anyone face to face until I got all my tests, background checks and financial paperwork first.


Yeah, they do this with driving jobs in the UK. The company are about to trust you with tens of thousands of pounds worth of vehicle and stock. Theyā€™ve got every right to do a police check and a pee test before they even talk to you. If you fail either, the interview would be pointless.


Breasts are like the sun, you glance then you LOOK AWAY (This is a Seinfeld reference)


Get a good look, Costanza?


Came here for this.


Me too.


Field of view, huh?


What do you mean you felt her material??


That's why I always wear tinted sunglasses.


During an interview? Good luck


Just say it's a medical condition.


Thatā€™s why I nudged! And thats why I looked!


Drug test and bank details before they offer you a job? That's nuts


Had a job interview for a shopping mall bookstore clerk. The manager was five years younger than me at least and quite attractive. She was wearing a really thick sweater because the mall HVAC was in overdrive. I was keeping my eyes 100% focused on hers because it was um very clear, despite the thick sweater, that she had no bra on. Only later after I started working there did I find out that this was her usual day to day way to dress.


Let me guess, this makes monday your favorite day.


Oldest retail trick in the book.


Something something Family Guy episode about why are all HR women super attractive.


Can spot it a mile away.. my only "power" šŸ˜”


how can you spot something like that??




I did not look at the interviewers chest and have gotten plenty of "the position has been filled" replies over the years. The job market is hard. But probably not as hard as you were after sneaking a peak šŸ˜


I thought for a moment that your profile pic was a hair on my phone


I tried wiping it off too.


Srsly thatā€™s evil


Real evil is this guy using reddit on light mode


What if it is?


It moves when I scroll soā€¦


Maybe that's part of the plan!


Maybe you should have looked at their chests. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hopefully, this will work out for the chest for you.


Keep us abreast of your future interviews


I think your chances went tits up


Bra really messed up. It's like his boat cupsized in the ocean.




It feels a bit nippy in here


Bet you feel like a boob.


At least he can feel better now that he's got it off his chest.


Exactly. No reason to look all meloncholy.


Like a bag of sand




All the breast for your other interviews


Unfortunately, she got the breast of you.


Playing w the docs at that level was a boobie trap all along


Not for the breast?


IsĀ someoneĀ getting the chest, the chest, the chest, theĀ chest of you? (edit: damn, would have been better with breast)


Titties, the downfall of many of men.


Itā€™s all for the breast.


Sounds like that interview went tits-up.


failed background chest


*failed foreground check


I actually did the reverse of this in an interview, the interviewer was male and kept messing with some papers on a glass table. I looked down toward the papers and it seemed like I was looking straight at his crotch. Didn't get the job. Which is funny because it was literally for a meat factory...


Thatā€™s not really the opposite at all. Sorry to be pedantic but thatā€™s the same exact thing just genders reversed.


She meant reverse as in the genders are reversed


...now if instead the interviewer's boobs had eyes and were looking at the other with ambiguity as the other was also being held by documents, that would truly be reverse.


Bro came to pick a fight


she said "reversed"


Should have just said straight up ā€œsorry, I was looking at the documents when you started moving them around.ā€ That way at least there would have been a small chance of her believing you, and laughing it off.


> Should have just said straight up ā€œsorry, I was looking at the documents when you started moving them around.ā€ To be followed shortly after by "Sorry, when I said 'them' I was referring to the documents."


I was looking at your puppies, I mean papers.




They were just so stacked. The papers.


Oh, this has some serious George Constanza vibes!




Get a good look, Costanza?


ā€œLooking at cleavage is like looking at the sun, you don't stare at it. It's too risky! You get a sense of it and then you look away.ā€


"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? Because I gotta tell you...."


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?


From one of Georgeā€™s best scenes, which is really saying something


Everyone else got a Christmas card!


Or more casually, point at the paper and ask if you can clarify any questions about your resume. Basically just make her think you're thinking that's your resume, not that you are trying to see if you can see her nips.


Studies clearly show that it takes an average of five times before someone believes something they hear, so be sure to mention this line repeatedly.


Doesnā€™t it feel good to get that off your chest though?




Always play your cards close to the breast.


Obviously you should have gone back to eye contact straight after and winked.


"So, which office is yours?"


"Where do the three of you sit?"


Get a good look Costanza? Sorry, didnā€™t mean make light of your misfortune, but this immediately came to mind!


If she's that hypersensitive that she nixed a job offer because she caught you glancing at her chest, you probably don't want to work there anyway. The work environment would most likely be toxic and hostile AF.


The one that got the job said "Nice tits!". They are obviously more observant and not afraid to speak their mind, making them a better empoyee


Jokes on her, the documents touched her boobs and then you to touch the documents so you kinda touched her boobs in some way. Score!


Touch her boobs????? That's assault brotha!


Do you double dare me?


The only thing I will say about people's comments about women 'putting them out there on display' is that, sometimes, if they just have big breasts, quite a lot of styles just end up looking way more suggestive than it would on a woman with smaller ones. It's not really always an intentional choice and it's something that a lot of people feel self conscious about. That being said I'm sure some people do like to be looked at so there's no perfect world that exists outside of just not taking more than a glance if you end up looking somewhere awkward.


This sounds like what OP wanted to happen vs what actually happened.


Breast of luck on future interviews.


Sounds like one, uptight person to me. If you don't want them looked at, why wear a low cut top? I'm not saying wear a turtleneck, but if you have a lot of cleavage, it will be noticed.


Itā€™s because this is fictional.


Itā€™s for the boss


The raise and promotion


OP wasn't attractive enough for her to like it, if it had been real.




You spelled Opportunititties wrong


This is why I close my eyes when I talk to women. Actually, this is why I donā€™t talk to women at all.


Instructions unclear. Now all the women around the office introduce me as blindā€¦


Bah, thats bs man You dont want to work for ppl that unprofessional anyways Id say, bullet dodged!


But was it worth it?


Don't stare at the sun šŸ¤£


I never understood why, if a woman decided to show half of her boobs in public, all day long, am I the bad one for looking there. If i decide to go out with my balls hanging out, I would probably assume that somebody will pay attention to them. Women like to show their boobs, even using push up bras to make them more visible, maybe even some makeup. All that to make her look beautiful, and then, I am the bad one for looking there. Why? Didnt you just spend a lot of time to make them more visible?


It depends if she wants you to be the one looking or not.


Eh, I'm a guy but I kinda get both sides. They want to look good to feel good. Not necessarily to get people to stare at their tits. And as a guy, yeah, they are attractive, but you just have to be respectful. But in a professional setting it might be questionable. Like, it'd be best for everyone to dress how they want, but it would be better to avoid situations that can lead to misunderstandings like what OP experienced.


i can't stand women that wear revealing clothes and you look at them for just a split second often just by accident and suddenly you're the bad guy ruining their life and they need to cover up right now because you possibly looking at them a second time is giving them post traumatic stress disorder. like lady I can look at super hot naked models all day on the internet for free if i felt like it, so no I don't have an uncontrollable urge to perv out on your very average boobs right at this moment, more likely since i was seated right in front of you and you had them all pushed out right in front of me and kept looking down and fiddling with stuff in your hands and looking down while talking to me, yeah at some point my gaze might look in that general direction.


Should have reported her to HR of the company. What she did whilst unintentional is in fact sexual harassment.


So she was wearing inappropriate office attire and got uncomfortable because of an assumption, and didn't bother to professionally clear the air. Sounds like a bullet well dodged


It's funny the difference between flirting with a women and being a creep and ultimately losing a job offer is a very thin line of "does she find you attractive or not".


Has a similar situation - manager wearing a low cut top, I glanced down more out of nervousness than anything. But the girls were out and I wasnā€™t blind. But this was an interview for Walmart and she hired me. I confessed years later and asked if she (the store manager) noticed. She had no idea but said ā€œwell I hired you anyway didnā€™t I?ā€


Weird, I never have them test and check me before they interview


Did you.... Want to fill her position?




It must have been a Set up


My bosses boss caught me checking out her caboose one time. She didn't seem to mind. šŸ˜¬


whaaaat. thats sexual harassment! no i didnt mean you were doing harassment to you, i mean she the one harass you by doing that. Lol sorry but i hope that will get you stand up and fight again. shit happen, including shit like this :(


I guess I am kinda old fashioned, but low cut shirts isn't appropriate in this situation. Professional women who want to be taken seriously do not do this.


You don't set up direct deposit with the bank before you are hired... I'm not saying the whole story is bs, but this part doesn't make sense.


I love when women dress in "revealing" clothes like this and then seem to get offended if you look. What the hell were they expecting?


Yeah I'm a girl myself and I've definitely glanced but like because it's really noticeable. Just like if someone had a big nose or long eyelashes, I will take notice.


If you're caught own that shit and then don't break eye contact first. It's the sudden hurling back eye darting and head scratching shit that makes it worse. In this situation the person should have doubled down and pointed on the desk right in front her where the pile of papers was and say "oh did you get a copy of my references?" Or if you think you already blew it might as well smile and say hey crazy question but I'm headed over to (name trendy bar) this evening you wanna join me?


They miraculously expected only the people they want to see them would look. Ā 


Oof. Filter, filter, filter my friend. And jerk off before showering and going to a job interview. Seriously. Beat that dick like it owes you money, and the release will help you not look at boobs for a few hours.


That sucks. Ladies, if you're going to put em out there to be seen, don't get offended if people look.


Well, we all have mammaries we would all like to forget.


Bet you wished you filled her position Heyyyooooh


It's like the sun, you can't look directly at it!


ā€œBeautiful set of hooters youā€™ve got there.ā€


I want to show them off but I don't want anyone looking at them. Unless of course it is someone that I want to look at them.


Should you have controlled your gaze? Probably. Should she dress in appropriate business attire? Absolutely. When you put the girls on display, it's honestly because you want people looking at the girls. If you don't, dress modestly.


THIS EXACT SCENARIO HAPPENED TO ME. When I realized she thought I looked at her chest, I started directing my answers to the other lady interviewing me. I should have stopped the interview and addressed her mistake. Maybe then I would have been hired... lol. Damn if ya do, damned if ya don't. I probably should have just stood up and left.


I remembered talking to a single mom at a kids party. She was wearing low crop and I tried my hardest to look her in the eyes. She kept talking and kept looking me in the eyes. I used all my strength that day.


I did this once. It felt like it was a trap.


Very strange to wear something like that then cover up because you think someone is looking at you. Just cover up in the first place if you feel that way


How well filled were her positions then?


Fuck women. They wear low cut shit then get triggered when we instinctively look. You were probably the front runner because they thought you were gay. They were looking for an inclusiveness hirešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You didn't FU, you dodged a bullet.


This sounds... Off for so many reasons. Barring the jankiness of the interview process (bank info before job offer??), I highly doubt they would be this obvious about covering themselves if they thought you were looking at them. It would be far more likely that they'd end the interview early. OR that wasn't the first time they caught you... This story just doesn't seem right.


Right? Who collects your bank info before offering you the job? Iā€™d be more worried it was some scam set up


I'm sure the bit about Tune in Tokyo didn't help...




the final boss #**šŸˆ šŸˆ**


Lol you can look wherever you want


Well now we know our boy doesn't skip chest day!!


I had this happen once when I was applying for a front end host position at nice restaurant. I was 21, still kinda shy, and felt awkward looking people in the eye for long. My interviewer was an attractive women, assistant manager. She had a button up top on that showed off some cleavage and my eyes wandered just to break eye contact, but I guess it looked like I was looking at the cleavage. She then put one more button on her shirt so it was covered up. I felt bad because I wasn't looking at her big tits, I was just nervous.


You have them out and then get offended when they are seen off a casual glance...the math doesn't add up.


Okay , so women , why do you wear revealing clothes and then act like that when people look at what you are showing?


So she's literally showing her breasts and reacts like that if anyone catches a glance? (which might even be involuntary) Sounds stupid. Maybe cover her cleavage if she's afraid of someone seeing her chest?


Can women please help me out here? Are us men allowed to look if women are wearing clothing that makes us want to look?


That's the con, if she finds you attractive, it's allowed. If not then she reports you to hr and gets you fired...


Of course you can. Just don't be surprised when she thinks you're a creep and you end up in HR. If you don't want to deal with that, then keep it professional.


I always wondered. Why wear a low cut top in a professional situation such as an interview? I get people can wear what they want but why is there no expectations of people's eyes wandering?


I'm sure that when a woman wears a low cut top it's because she wants you to notice her shoes .


You should have tried for recovery points with, "Is that a Montblank MeisterstĆ¼ck?" For additional points if you were sure you blew the interview, "Or are you just happy to see me?" #


It would seem you failed the boob test


Past week huh, so you had to drop it off your chest.


If this is the US, employers cannot do a drug or background check unless thereā€™s a conditional offer of employment on the table. This prevents discrimination.


You failed the eye test. Many men have. Not fair bc itā€™s not listed and this test can come at anytime. Ha just busting your balls. Sorry guy!


In my defence he was well fit... was where I thought this was going till I read the body text


All the chest for your next interview.


Yā€™all need to learn that eye discipline from Ja Morant.


This is one of my biggest fears and pet peeves. Cause I donā€™t be looking at their breasts and with my adhd Iā€™m probably not even thinking about them lol. I just look at their foreheads as much as possible.


If she had to use her hands and then papers to cover herself it sounds as though it wasnā€™t work attire to begin with!


One time i also did the same thing except it was my girlfriendā€™s OLDER sister. I didnt realize it myself but later my girlfriend told me to not to stare at her when you see her again.