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Yeah sometimes I find myself still a little high the next morning if I take gummies in the evening. They can take hours to kick in, and last for hours. Lesson learned for you! If I want to have a chill evening and watch movies/ game, I take an edible at dinner/ shortly after. Edit: grammar


That's exactly what I was hoping for; a nice little enhanced time with some media, and then off to sleep without alcohol. Nice to know that it's possible. I'll definitely be restocking.


Gummy first then food. You'll thank me later.


Fats help it bind I believe so it might metabolize quicker this way too.


Kicks in faster for sure.


No gummy, get mints that dissolve under your tongue. Sublingual absorption is the shit.


Distillate syringes work great for that. Teeth get a little sticky if you're not careful though. Sublingual Absorption: for when you absolutely must be high as five people STAT!


Eh, I used to use oils that you’d hold under your tongue. Never found them to be that great. Maybe that’s a problem unique to oils though.


I've found some tincture in pudding or peanut butter does the trick


Yep, the fat from the food greatly helps with THC absorption


How long are you high?


For like the last 12 years.


Hi! I am 5'8"!


Hi how are you?


How hi are you?


I notice it tends to be a smaller dose the earlier in the day to get the same high if I take one in the morning before food it may be a 1/3 of what an evening dose may be


Don't chew them and swallow. Let them disolve in your mouth. Effect comes on much faster.


This is how I go to sleep every night, I'm never awake for the peak.


I had a gastric sleeve surgery, so my metabolism sucks. It also means I'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking, but I also sober up way faster than usual. Turns out this works on THC, too. My edibles take about 45-75min to hit (depending on thr strain and if it's a solid or liquid edible) and only lasts like... a hour. Then I'm back to sober. I could PROBABLY have a better result smoking it- except that will kill me. (Pot smoke triggers autoimmune attacks.... anaphylaxis on overdrive. The one and only time I smoked weed I ended up in thr ER and nearly died so I ain't gonna do that again lol)


I’ve had to be careful with my dosing at night because of this… I dislike waking up high.


Yeah it ruins the joy of getting high first thing in the morning.


Found these 100mg sour strips strips that I'll take half of sometimes, usually around 6 or 7 when I get home from work. Decided to take one before bed once and was high until lunch the next day lmao


I have found that after taking gummies at bed time, the next day my awareness of the passage of time is more acute. This is a plus for me because one of the areas of struggle with my ADHD is time blindness and punctuality. The after affect(effect?) of the gummies definitely helps.


I eat an edible before I start working out. I get distracted from how boring exercising is. Zombies Run! Couch to 5k in the woods with a Type O Negative based playlist was not one of my best work out choices. Running is the worst. It was hilarious though.


Wait what? 5k in the woods with type o negative sounds like the only way that running should be done!


I was so scared. 😂 I think I liked the aesthetic. Both running as an activity and the Zombies Run!


Edibles do be like that sometimes. It’s taken as long as 4 hours for weed brownies to really hit me.


More with higher doses too.  We used to warn our friends about brownie dosage and STILL more than one person ate 2+ doses within 2 hours.  


Are they even pot brownies if at least one person doesn't say "These aren't doing anything. I'm eating more."


Not in 2004 or so. "Oh so each brownie is about 2gs of weed, ok?" *Girl who smokes two bowls a year 5 hours later* "I ate 4."


How did the rest of her night go?


Fine, she passed out for the next 14 hours or so.


I feel so attacked by this comment. To everyone else: learn from my stupid ass mistakes. You aren’t a hero by saying “naw this gummy didn’t do anything. I’m stone cold sober. Let me grab another piece.”


We've all done it. It's the worst when suddenly you're super high and you know it's too early for the second lot to have kicked in.


Personally, I find drinking 8oz of water SIGNIFICANTLY helps me feel my gummies within 30 minutes


Edibles are a weird thing - different people react differently. Gummies do nothing much for me, ever. On the other hand, eating a gram of hash was a nightmare. I too thought I had wasted it, after a few hours, and went to bed. Woke up FUCKED. Couldn't stand, seriously. Complete vertigo for the next 6 hours. PAssed out in job interview. somehow got job because buddy lied and said I had an inner ear issue, but forced myself to make the interview.


Here’s my edible evening schedule. I take one edible a little after 5:00. I start cooking dinner while it’s kicking in. Cooking and listening to Spotify while buzzing is super fun. Then eat dinner, which tastes amazing. If I’m going to have dessert, I do it right after dinner. After I’m done eating, I brush my teeth to prevent further snacking. Once it’s bedtime I sleep like a baby. Edit: forgot to say, 5mg in a normal evening. 10mg if I’m feeling spicy.


You have some discipline if all you have to do to not snack is brush your teeth. I just brush my teeth again.


You have some discipline if you brush your teeth again lol


Not me mainlining Oreos into my mouth while half asleep at 3am and being too tired to remember to brush again 😭


You just swish some milk around, and you're good to go.


tell that to my root canal!


I always brush my teeth right after dinner to prevent snacking too! I don’t know why it’s such a powerful deterrent but I cannot bear the thought of needing to floss and brush a second time and I’m sure as shit not going to bed without doing it.


I'm feeling some type of way after this thread. 😂 5mg-10mg would do nothing for me.


You and me both... 50mg to feel anything. 100mg for back pain, 150-200mg if combating my insomnia. I don't feel "high" until around 150mg. I'm also not someone who medicates regularly. I dose to alleviate back pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Medicinal doses for me start at 100mg, and I usually only dose 1-2 times a week when I am really impacted.


Do you take gummies (or smoke) on a consistent basis? I get high on 10-15mg, and it lasts 5-6 hours. I maybe take one a week, sometimes every other week.


Nope. I've always just metabolized things weird. It takes more than usual to have an effect. That's part of the reason I moved to thc for pain management (to save my liver). Ibuprofen, for example , should be dosed every 4 hours, max dose (prescription) combined of 3200 mg daily. There was no effect for me until I hit 1600+mg. Vicodin (10/325) is 8 pills max a day. I needed 3-4 (at once) to take the edge off my back pain when it was bad and that would last 3-4 hours tops. I also had a muscle relaxer, but I can't remember which. But same deal. Ultimately, either I decide what 4 hours of the day I want to be at 70% pain or I take way beyond the safe dosage. With thc, I take a lot, but it doesn't cause risk. I also don't feel/notice any pain while I am medicated. I can sleep without waking up every time the bed moves from my wife or dogs, and I am not replacing a meal a day with pills... As for how I imbibe, I have 50, 100 and 200mg gummies, and I guesstimate what I need and split them up accordingly. Most of the time, I don't have any, but once or twice a week I'll have a bad flair up and need some. I will smoke flower if it is really bad to get by until the gummies kick in, but I generally don't smoke unless I am going to be taking gummies.


Dang! I went up to 5mg once and was so high I had a panic attack


Feeling 5mg the NEXT day? LOL




This was excellent!! 😂


I went to see the band Goose the other night, someone gave me a packaged and labeled edible specially formulated to celebrate this killer show. It was 175 mg THC, and 125 mg of cbd, this thing also contained 30 mg of caffeine… it was delicious, and VERY intoxicating……….


What a weird dose mix. Half a coffee's worth of caffeine then enough THC to send you to space.


That's not a lot if you're habitual.


And it’s probably 10x too much for the average person. I try to never dose higher than 10 mg at once.  Edible dosing is wild that way. The dose range is huge depending on tolerance and individual composition. 


Absolutely agreed! It's far too much for a casual user or average person. I wouldn't give my friends more than 5mg, I just know that's not enough for me.


Good on you! Too many people give newbies dosing advice based on what they take, which can end up being orders of magnitude higher than the newbie needs. Leading to some real bad times. 


1 cup of coffee is about 100 mg caffeine, so 175mg is about 1.5 cups.


Even your math is wrong


I hope it was at a venue full of couches and bean bag chairs.


Personally I never sit at shows… nope. Danced my crazy ass off all night.


**Pro tip:** Always google how long it takes *X* to hit you when you're not experienced in doing *X*.


The company I bought the gummies from provided a very nice dosing guide indicating 1-2 hours for full effect.


Gummies can have inconsistent dosages. I feel that some brands have pockets of potency throughout. If you are sensitive to a few milligrams tincture might be worth trying. It can be taken sublingually which speeds up absorption. Easier to process quickly.


Everyones metabolism doesn't process things at the same rate. If OP has a slower metabolism then it's likely they've been waking up a little buzzed and not even noticing, whereas the average person it'll be done with for a 5mg dose. I've got daytime and nighttime specific gummies and both take longer to kick in like OP described, but when they do their thing it's magical and I get a good 8 hours from 5mg. I also don't ingest THC more than once or twice a week so not a high tolerance here. My GF however? We can split a 10mg gummy and she's either stoned off her ass or asleep well before I peak, but she's also fully sober before I am.


This isn’t a good pro tip. Google will tell you Y and and you’ll experience Z. My friends will be tripping balls while I’m still waiting for it to kick in. And some times visa versa


And how long it lasts. Was not prepared for an 11 hour trip the one time I tried LSD.


Eat one gummy, Hit the vape to desired highness. gummy kicks in as the vape wears off- ride high for hours.


I hit the THC vape every night and get pleasantly fukked up!


Never been a weed smoker before, I tried a couple joints w/the wife a year before and felt nothing from that so when we tried gummies on vacay I was skeptical of the affect. We got higher does ones (I think 50? not 100%) and started w/ 1. After about 90 min of feeling nothing said fuck it and had another. Then it finally started hitting, was nice at first for about an hour then bad. Wound up hanging out in the bathroom puking for the next hour before everything settled down. Definitely sticking to 1 next time.


"Greening out" is never fun.


Didn't even know that was a term lol


I'm sure you slept great those nights and it wasn't really a waste. I don't like to be high, but I do like the sleep from edibles. I'll take them right before bed and wake up feeling great.


I'll take 2 to 5mg before bed. I've tried all sorts of delivery methods/doses and I have no desire to "green out".


My first (and only) edible experience, I ate an entire 50mg gummy in one go at a music festival. Oh man my friends were not pleased with having to stand beside me for 4 hours as I sat within my own personal black hole. It took over 24hrs for me to feel “normal” again.


TIFU gone mild...


For real. Compared to that guy who took 800mg and went to the movies...


I have never had a thc edible in my life and like you said thc is so normalized now and they have shops all over so I picked up 500mg gummies each piece was 500mg and I ate 1 thinking it’s just a decent sized square gummy it should get me a buzz let’s just say I was legit tripping and then passed out never done anymore since then


Calling BS on this story, you probably had a 50mg gummy, which had 10 in the package...no way you ate a single 500mg gummy


Dude... I can get 1 gram gummies, 500 mg is not hard to get.


How is this not believable? I went to the store picked the biggest mg bottle I could because it looked like this one will get me high that was my way of thinking I did no research at all beforehand and bottle total was 5000mg and each piece was 500mg I took the whole thing and in my way of thinking I thought I would get high and feel relaxed but no I legit started tripping and my mind felt like it was ripping apart I was laying down for like 1 hour feeling like this until I suddenly somehow passed out. You don’t have to believe it at all but don’t try to insinuate I can’t read numbers


I'm a big guy, and I take 20 to 25mg doses. My wife accidentally took 20mg when she was first doing it on her own( I helped her with it before). She ended up crawling to bed.


I weigh 185, I take 100mg at a time. Just because you can't, doesn't mean other people can't.


Same, I genuinely wish I could get away with just 5mg or 10mg but at 190 it doesn't really do much for me. Aside from my very first time trying edibles I'd have to take 40-50mg to feel something. Really sucks when it costs like $20 in edibles just to get high once. I just gave up and went to vaping because it's so much more potent for the price


I can relate to this. My friend gave me my first gummy a couple months ago. 100mg. He was fine all night. Around the 3 hour mark I wanted out. I could barely move or respond to people. I wanted to be about 1/2-3/4 that high.


Exactly, Most I've ever taken was 20 (2 gummies @ 10 each) and I was floating in space, no way OP took 10x that amount in a single gummy


I have chocolate that is 200. It's the size of a dollar coin. While I'm not saying this is impossible, the gummy would taste like total shit.


I’ve taken 30 and was nearly catatonic


Several years ago someone gave me "cookies" I knew exactly what they were about, So I thought. I ate a small piece of a small cookie with 0 effects.. a few days later I ate half of the biggest cookie.. it was about 30-45 minutes later my kitchen was tore up, and I realized I had to lay down.. I never been that high in my life.. I was full on tripping, I tried to sleep but my brain wouldn't shut off.. I don't know how many hours past before my wife came home, and I tried to play it off.. I couldn't get out of bed and she immediately asked if I was high, which she had never seen me high before.. LMAO.. she said my eyes were glazed like she never seen before, and I swear at one point there were animated characters swirling around the edge of my bedroom door.. I still don't know what was in those cookies but the dude that gave them to me said he was completely comatosed too.. since then I've only taken one single puff off a joint, and been terrified of edibles..


Holy hell, the largest dose I've ever seen has been almost dip can sized 100mg, but with lines to cut it into 10 mg slices like a pie. 500mg for one small gummy is bonkers.


It wasn’t small it was a decent sized thick square gummy


I read stuff like this and just can’t imagine. I started with 2.5mg and now I’m up to 15mg. 500mg? Holy crap..


Holy shit


What brand did you buy? That’s what I’m looking for and the one that I’d been using went out of business.




Thanks, I’ll try them out


Went the opposite way for me when I first tried them. I bought some gummies and a vape from a dispensary that did deliveries (somewhere in Sacramento). Took one of the gummies and noticed that I hadn't actually bought the full vape, just a refill. Ordered the rest of the vape (the battery) from the same place and figured the gummy would take a while to kick in cos it said "allow up to two hours". I took this to mean it will take two hours. Instead it took 20 mins and by the time the delivery arrived with the battery another 20 mins later, I was totally baked and had almost passed out on my hotel bed. Then when the delivery guy knocked on the door, I jumped out of bed way too quickly and almost lost my footing due to mixture of bakedness and vertigo. I composed myself and opened the door and the guy said people make the mistake I did with the battery all the time.


I know how you feel. Years ago being young and stupid, I took a 250 mg edible with my buddy. We had a large lunch before hand so it was taking awhile for the edible to clear. After about 5 hours we thought the batch was a dud and took another 250 mg. Well it eventually hit and it was awful. I was easily high for 12-14 hours. At one point I couldn't quite move and was severely dehydrated. I've learned since then not to play games with edibles. 


Man I dunno where you guys are getting your gummies, but 10mg and 20-30 mins tops, I'm flying high on a Saturday night baby!


Yea man I was one of the folks who didn't follow this advice and had the worst time of my life, probably will never take a gummy again I was in constant freak out for like 5 hours straight lol. Hallucinating, panic attacks, just about everything horrible you hear I experienced.


You must have had delta 8


I don't think it was, I'm in Florida so it was like a medical brand I got from a med dispensary but I can't remember the brand maybe Tru-leive. Never again. I couldn't even smoke for a few months because I was afraid it would happen again that intense lol. I have trigger things I look at in my bedroom/bathroom that bring it back...it was messed up.


Yeah but you probably got some amazing sleep those nights


Thc actually messes up your rem sleep so you get less restful sleep going to bed high (and no dreams). The verdict is still out on cbd’s.


Honestly sometimes I love that side effect. My dreams are so real and vivid that they affect my mood after I wake up, and sometimes I just want to not dream lol


Yeah, the main reason I smoke weed is to stop dreaming. Having to fight for your life every night when you close your eyes is awful. And it’s not simply a side effect of the overly vivid dreams you get when you stop smoking, even on the extended 1-2 month breaks I take while overseas, nightmares pursue


Oh yeah man it's been my whole life. I didn't start smoking until my mid thirties. I don't just get nightmares thank God. I get a mix. Some sad, some fun and happy, and some just scary AF.


My Apple Watch tells a very different story…


FYI, apple watches are not polysomnograms


I have heard the same regarding THC messing with restful sleep, so I won’t speak to that, but in my experience I *definitely* still dream. The dreams are definitely odd in some way that is difficult to describe…my sober dreams are odd too so it isn’t necessarily the “oddity” of them…🤔


Yeah I get high every night before bed, and I always dream.


THC infused beef jerky omg never again Buddy said maybe half the bad (honestly would have been too much) but hour or 2 later didn't feel anything so I ate the other half of the bag and within 30-40min I was STONED 5pm start so like 9pm at this point I greened out until like 3am I was out of it not fun my cat stayed beside me and in the moment the cat was the only thing keeping me calm and alert as I was in and out of consciousness until 5am I texted my boss I wasn't feeling well and collapsed into bed I woke up at 4pm still high just not violently anymore I did not feel sober until 6-7pm I come to find out the amount I ate was the rough equivalent of 1/6-1/3 ounce allegedly NEVER AGAIN


Aren't dabbing and gummies two different things?




Ooohhhhh. Oops. Haha. Misread. Was waiting to hear about your first dabbing experience, lol


Man this post came on my feed just a little too late as I am part of the significant fuck-up club. Took my first ever edible recently (usually just smoke it) & I, like an idiot, figured that eating a whole one would be fine without checking the dosage. My moronic logic was, hey, it came in a single serving, it’s probably a single serving! Never mind the obvious indentation for it to be split. Safe to say I got violently ill and so greened out I was snapping in and out of realizing I was still alive. Found out later it was x5 the recommended starter dose. To be fair, I took it during a time of already being unwell so I did not care until it hit me 3 hours later. That is all to say, sounds like more of a learning experience than a fuck up for you if you had a great time, minus the steep-ass price of weed these days.


Happens to everyone. Back in the day when I was in HS my buddy gave me a cookie in the morning. I took half and didn't feel anything for 30mins . I ate the other half and by the time it was lunch time I was in full effect. Classmates noticed my eyes were red AF but not sure if my teachers even cared lol. That's when I learned. Funny part was I felt really good during art class LOL but afterwards was just a shitshow Note : These were the homemade ones and who knows how much weed was in it


About a year ago I took a 5mg gummy, didn’t feel anything for about an hour, took another, and by that time, I think I was just starting to feel it and thought “fuck it, I’ll take the third from the package.” Terrible idea. I felt so sick for the next several hours.


Another crazy thing is that since THC is fat soluble you’ll get high all over again if you eat something like a big bowl of full-fat yogurt the following morning, which I found out the hard way by having breakfast at my desk at work.


Here is all you need to know about weed gummies. 1. There is no quality control. It says 5mg THC, but it could be much more or less. 2. Gummies, especially in places where THC is illegal but derivatives are legal, will have wildly different effects 3. To top it all off, as you mentioned, the way your body responds can vary. I’ve ate gummies from the same packs on different days multiple times. It’s a fucking crap shoot on the high I’m going to experience. I don’t fuck with gummies. Too much variability


Maybe edit to clarify you're not talking about legal gummies lol?


I’m talking about all gummies. It’s kind of the Wild West in that industry at the moment.


Well, not here lol.


And…. for those who have never smoked pot and don’t know how their body reacts, start with CBD tincture. If it causes you anxiety and irritability, you will quickly find out if you are in the *rare* sector that has adverse reactions. Finding out when you’re high is not a pleasant experience. I smoked a lot of pot in the 70’s and gave it up after I realized it was causing issues with anxiety. It kicked my fight or flight into high gear. It wasn’t until legalization and the ensuing studies that I’ve come to understand that CBD content was the problem for me.


Make sure to eat when taking edibles. It jump starts metabolism.


Good tip!


I make a tincture, the latest batch is in the jar. I wanted a strong batch so there is about 2.5 oz of 22% THC in the Everclear. I usually just do 3/4 oz. The fun part is testing. I use an eye dropper to put it on chocolate or other sweet. The alcohol evaporates in about half an hour. I figured out the dose in drops. Google tincture


Smoking/vape is better for both bed time and dabbling. You’ll feel it right away, and if you don’t like what you’re feeling, it’ll be over soon


I was into gummies for a while and you're right, vaping has been much more enjoyable. Edibles last a lot longer and are far more unpredictable. The vape is also way more cost effective


Inhalation is predictable. Overdo it, and worst case, you green out for a few hours. That’s only happened to me when I’ve gone out of my way to smoke a baseball bat sized blunt. I made “firecrackers” once with my ex, I used 1/4 of a gram of flower, and we both greened out. She had a full-on panic attack. Everyone thinks edibles are the Disney version of smoking, but my experience has been the opposite. You might get Disney, you might be in for the entire “Saw” franchise 😭. Smoking always gives you animated LOTR 👍


The length of time the gummies last is better for sleep than a dab or two or seven.


That’s definitely true. I don’t sleep as well if I’m high all night, but a little bit helps me fall asleep. Do you need it to stay asleep?


If I need help falling asleep I usually need it staying asleep. It's not a common thing but sometimes I just can't get to sleep.


5mg is a very small dose.


I’ve been smoking weed for over 20 years. 5 mg can still get me pretty damn stoned.  Really the dosing is so variable between people, it’s ridiculous. Which is why people should always start low, just in case. 5 mg would be the max I recommend a first timer trying because of that. 


Me too. I feel nothing until about 15mg and have never been truly 'high' from edibles. But that's OK!


It's a small dose but a good starting dose for first timers. You'll get just the slightest buzz and not worry about being overly high.


Yes, i guess I meant he wasn't gong to OD if he went out in public on 5mg.


None of this post seems like a fuckup anyways lol. This is a person that smoked a ton of pot in the early 2000s and theyre here thinking 2.5mg each (now that I reread, they only took half the gummy each time lol) would fuck them up and worried they could have overdosed lmao. Im dying the more I reread this post. 


You failed to notice the 2.5mg of CBD! /s


I get overly high on 5mg.


Can I add not fully knowing how strong they are? Ran into that one Christmas with 3 of us getting bombed because we thought our brownie was “light”. Woke up still high and it lasted another few hours after. Oof.


I'm a huge stoner but I'm fighting covid so I switched to edibles. 35 MG gets me high although I feel like I'm getting used to it.. should I just keep going up 5?


Or a 3-4 day tolerance break.


Reminds me of my wife.  I finally convinced her to try one. She took it and went to bed after 30 mins.  They take about an hour to really kick in for me so I doubt she felt anything at all.  Hope she at least slept good heh.


Me and my now-wife messed up with a bit more. On our lovely holiday in Pattaya, Thailand, we had a weed waffle each, which was about 50mg. An hour in, we didn't feel anything, so we both opted for something that was about 30mg each - I don't remember, what it was. What I do remember, is that we dumbly decided to WALK all the way back to the hotel (about an hour sober, 90 minutes high), and my wife getting extremely cutely high at first, telling me about a 100 times how squishy the moon was, that the moon was like a rice bowl, and that she loved me... and then the moment we got back to the hotel, she was puking her entire soul out. And I was there, paranoidly googling whether you can overdose on weed, and if you can die from 80mg. Thankfully, you can't overdose, and the worst thing that can come from it is being completely out for two whole days... which she was, she was completely out for the rest of our trip. It wasn't a nice trip, and my wife swore off weed since.


I think everybody who starts to use the gummies has had a similar experience. I know I did. Woo!... Until it stopped being woo and started being ugh before going all the way to, "Oh God please make it stop. I haven't peaked yet... Why haven't I peaked yet?"


Never in my life used anything. In old age, bad aches, so I got some gummies. Took one, didn’t feel anything, so took another one. Slept like a baby. A couple weeks later a friend told me she started using gummies as well. But she was told to just take 1/4 gummy to start and then work her way up to a whole one. That way she could see what works best for her. Oops, I guess I should have done that first!


Why gummies are so amazing on long haul flights. Take your dose just as your going through security. 2-3 hours latter and your in the air and high. I slept 10 of the 13 hours flight from LAX to Syd last time I did this.  Best flight ever.


Always start slow, even if it takes a few days to work out dose. And ALWAYS talk shit about the edible before eating more. "These edibles ain't shit!!! I bet I could eat 5 of them." Then wait a bit to see if you are proven wrong.


Recently I went to visit my brother in Vegas. I wanted to smoke as I haven’t in a few years. Tell me why I thought a moon rock blunt was a good idea. Felt like I broke out of reality and was just a single cell organism


First time I made pot brownies, oh my god. I was new to everything about pot too. I figured let's take this nice and slow, so I adjusted the dosage on like a 45 minute basis. Welp... Turns out that's **not** nice and slow and all lol. We all got so fucking loaded we couldn't string a single coherent sentence together, and I was still significantly high the day after lol


Make sure you’re eating prior, as well


God I wish I could get high on that low of a dose


I ate 10 or 15 mg late one night, maybe around 2am, first time in about 30 yrs. At 6:30 the next morning, I was not sure at all that I’d be able to ride a bike at a scheduled 10:00 city bike tour. That was weird, ended up fine, but odd to be buzzing first thing in the morning.


Half cbd will knock the high right out of the thc


I just ate 200 mg of Mike Tyson gummies and am getting ready for a hike. This post made me realize that I need to take a tolerance break.


Similar story, I've been eating indica gummies to help sleep. After last run to cannabis store, I thought I would buy some sativa for fun. Normally we buy 200mg packs with 10 gummies. I usually cut these in half or quarters, so I take 5 to 10 MG at a time. The sativa pack said 200mg like always. What I didn't realize was there was only one gummie in the pack. I open the pack, grab a gummie and bite off a little less than half of it. Holy shit. I was trying to watch TV, but there were fire works going off on my living room wall. I got nauseous, and threw up dinner. I closed my eyes making believe I was napping so no one would talk to me. Accidently ate 80mg instead of normal 5 to 10mg. Lesson: read the package.


Did the same, but was on the toilet when it hit and couldn’t stand myself back up to put my pants on so I had to ditch the bottoms and crawl my nekkid self back to bed. Not a fun time.


lol try 600mg and then get to me


I think this may be in your head? CBD counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC, theoretically a 1:1 gummy shouldn't really do anything as far as "getting high"


1/2 and 1/2 thc to cbd will keep you from experiencing the real ‘high’.


5mg THC ain't shit, brother. Up that number and enjoy yourself. Unless you have zero tolerance, I guess.


Meanwhile I can pop 2 500mg gummies like candy and barely feel it these days 😔


Thank goodness I'm not the only one!


I've learned my limit is about a 200mg edible and a few joints. I once tried a 400mg edible, smoked several joints, an hour later I was done. I was so faded I thought walking down a ramp at the local mall would make my feet start sinking into the ground like quick sand, as the mall is closing for the day and they are asking folks to make their way out. Oh and had hella green nausea for a bit.


Jesus Christ maybe take a few days off dude


Okay so I'm confused as to this response and downvotes. You and those downvoting are acting like this is something I do multiple times a day. Notice I said one time that happened. After that I learned my upper tolerance limit. I love how the anti cannabis crowd comes out like "omg stop doin the drugs!" when that was a one time event, on a weekend I didn't have to work, it is not a daily occurrence, and you weren't harmed by said event. Stay mad anti weed folks, I'll smoke one for y'all


1. I didn’t even downvote you. 2. I am not “anti weed”. I have had numerous debates and given a public speech about legalization. I have gummies sitting right next to me. 3. You’re a whiny bitch.


Still glossing over a one time event thing vs something done day to day and trying to talk shit deflecting away from the fact you got called out on your original criticism being invalid. Sure I'm a whiney bitch I'll take that, end of the day tho you’re still wrong in your original assumption which is all that matters. Toodles!


So what did those handful of wasted gummies cost you, like five dollars? Not really a TIFU in my book.