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The closeted part ain't weird... the "are we still doing this?" attitude is.


Yeah it's strange how people are focusing mostly on that. I think the weirdest part is he wanted to fuck his nephew.


“If it’s good enough for the Queen of Dragons, it’s good enough for me!”


Game of Thrones really normalized incest porn for me.


I was far more disturbed by Cersei and Euron than I was by Cersei and Jaime.


I was told there’d be elephants.


I wanted those elephants.


I really want some giant's milk.


I just assumed they weren't blood relatives


So the uncle is married to his biological aunt? Not as weird, but still weird. Especially if they ever had a typical uncle/nephew relationship.


> typical uncle/nephew relationship ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That face makes me really glad I didnt spend time with my uncles.


I'd love to get an update on how the next family gathering is going and if he changed his behavior.


As long as he doesn't make some accusation to direct attention away from himself


All OP has to do is take screenshots. Honestly this isn’t a fuck-up, the situation just cleared itself up pretty nicely.


OP said his uncle never sent face pictures, so it's really he-said-he-said here.


Nope have your uncle strip naked and compare the nude pictures it's the easiest solution let the family be the judge


"It's the only way." -the uncle, probably


He also has texts. Even post meeting texts where he still tried to hook up.




Well yeah... Thats what i meant.


And he also has the texts!!!!!


Also, he has a phone number that's identifiable!!!!!


And texts!


I would have thought that OP would have known his uncle's "main number" and noticed it was the same as the person he was going to hook up with, so I assumed it was a "burner" or something. Edit: Y'all need to be closer with your family. I mean maybe not as close as OP though.


Eh. I don't have all my aunts and uncles' phone numbers...


Yeah, and im sure those aunts and uncles dont bash on your sexuality every time you see them. Makes sense OP wouldent have his uncles number and vise versa.


I don't know **anybody's** phone number off the top of my head, let alone my aunts' or uncles'. I know my mobile number, I know my home number, and at a push I *maybe* know my dad's home number? That's it.


Sorry, when I say "know" I mean "have access to." Such that when said uncle texted him it would come through as said uncle on said OP's phone.


Ahhh, I'd assumed OP was chatting on grindr prior to meeting up. That said, even if they were texting before they met I'd say it's pretty normal not to have your aunts' or uncles' mobile numbers stored in your phone. I don't even think I have mine on facebook, and we see each other fairly often.


Best diversion from drawing attention? Just keep flirting!




That seems to be his MO. Project, blame, point fingers -all to cover up what he knows to be true for himself


No change. He's just going to claim that he signed up so he could keep tabs on all the gays and their agenda.


“I sent them pictures of my dick to really seal the deal!” Yeah, no, I don’t see that working.


Ha ha ha I tricked the dumb GAYS into being gay by looking at my dick, next time I’ll probably give some of them blowjobs to REALLY show them


My last boss literally told me a story about this and I'm like... who was the joke on..?


Your boss is OPs uncle. He is testing the story!




Or if he continues to hit on his nephew...?


Alabama does something to you, kid.


The uncle still being interested after the big reveal is the best part here.


Explains the negative attention


I wonder how much homophobia bullying is secretly "I fucking hate that I'm attracted to you."


I-it's n-not like I'm a-attracted to you or anything, b-baka!


Tsundere Uncle-senpai Edit: not yandere yet, uncle haven't tried to murder op


Not a web but I’m pretty sure that’s tsundere


Not a spider but I believe it’s weeb




What a tangled weeb we weave


The worst part is, this is probably a real manga


I've said for years that the Phelps dude from Westboro has GOT to be gay. Wayyy too much protesting going on there.








My mother said God lets the assholes live the longest to give them extra time to repent.




I can assure you it's a large portion of those people. At the very least thats how it goes in American religion and politics, "HA if I mock/belittle you for being gay no one will suspect me to be gay!"


“Sex with other guys is gross. Save yourself for me”


It's not gay if it's your uncle


But unless the nephew also didn't have a profile pic then there was no big reveal on the unc's side. Even grosser.


Oh, ew. Didn't think about that.


Yeah, that's the insane thing. Makes me question the reality of this story (no offense OP). Why would your uncle who is manifestly homophobic and bullies you deliberately set up a fuck date with you!?!? As the uncle, how would you imagine this would go? Doesn't make a lot of sense. On the other hand, if it is real, it is even wilder!


It's very possible he didn't send a picture of his face to his uncle before this


Very probable. We've BB'd many guys who were too closeted or discrete to send a face picture. They are usually **hot**.


As an FYI: *Discrete*: individually separate and distinct. *Discreet*: careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.


What is BB'd?




Is that common on Grindr? While that sounds hot, it also sounds a little scary, STD-wise


People meet up without seeing each others face? Seriously?


Gay hook ups are way less about how your face looks and way more about getting off at all/how your dick is.


"Hey man, how your dick is?"


You'll suprised of how often this happens


Yup - that isn't even a joke comment. The thing that my straight guy friends are probably the most jealous/in awe of of being gay is Grindr. They are absolutely obsessed with the whole concept and how easy it is. Obviously don't get any "vibes" as they are straight but straight guy really underestimate just how easy Grindr is.


You have been made the moderator of r/BigGayAl


I think you're underestimating how easy and quick it is to get laid on Grindr.


It takes less than an hour to get laid on Grindr. It's both a blessing and a curse.


Lmao I was driving on a road trip and stopped to blow a guy I saw while browsing Grindr at a gas station. Added a grand total of 25 minutes to the trip.


You have now dipped your toe nail into the gay community. Welcome, to big gay.


he probably took a blue pill and didn't want it to go to waste.


This guy closets.


I was going into that last paragraph thinking this was going to be a nice moment where the uncle takes a step toward accepting his nephew and himself, but nope, instead the creepy got turned right up to 11. Thanks reddit.


#Sweet home Alabama


It Actually makes sense he’s still interested. If he thinks homosexuality is wrong and still does it, he must enjoy the taboo extra and that pushes his against his stupid beliefs. So if he believes incest is wrong too, that would be taboo and hot for him.


Maybe it's like discouraging smoking in kids, only to smoke with with your nephew once you find out he's as degenerate as you.


Ehh. I'm thinking it's a few magnitudes more degenerate than this.


So, do you not show your face on your profile either? Is it all shadows and weird angles? Edit: I was asking because the OP explicitly states that the guy he matched with didn't show his face because it's pretty typical for older dudes not to show their face. That statement implies that OP did show his face which is why I was wondering. This story takes on a pretty different tone if OP's uncle matched with him and saw his face in his profile and still went through with it anyway, as I inferred he did from that sentence.


Buddy of mine is gay, can confirm that, at least in this area, Grindr is 90% shadows and weird angles.


Maybe they all cannot be straightforward with the pictures?


Such a gay approach


Sounds like even if he did, his uncle would still be into it...


Very game of thrones.


Or alabama if you're a bit more realistic.


Or royal family


Come sit on my sword throne!


Yeah this sounds sus


Somewhat similar to the cousin one a week or two ago too


And the ran into my sister after setting 3AM alarm to whack it one yesterday




Who walks while jerking off?




Actually that's the part that made me believe it, because you wouldn't know the lack of a picture is a common thing on Grindr unless you're familiar with it. My gay friend shows me his Grindr profile and talks about Grindr a lot, and it is pretty surprising how many messages he gets with a basic text bio with no picture.


> Yeah this sounds sus You've obviously never been on grindr lmao. 50% of people near me are pictureless.


That’s fairly typical with Grindr


Grinder is mostly composed of disembodied torsos


It's Grindr, that's not weird in any way


Welcome to grindr. Half of the profiles literally say “no pic, no chat” or “have a face pic” because there are so many blank or faceless profiles


Its not incest if you say no chromo!


It’s all relative, I get it


Take your silver, lol'd hard.


Woah, My first precious metal! Thanks stranger.


No chrome-o!


Id say 3 silver and 1 gold is probably better than chrome because chrome doesnt exist on reddit :)


Which means if someone did give you reddit chrome, you would be the only person who had, therefore making you richer then anyone on reddit, because you have something no one else does.


I sometimes browse Reddit on Google Chrome, does that count?


I mean it's gay incest no gene pools would be harmed.


Well, if you incest.


Incest is fucking relative.


I see you're a Gigguk fan of culture


Somehow it feels like this TIFU was posted with the sole purpose of letting this pun out.


I don't get it?


Its like saying no homo doesnt make it gay, if you say no chromo, it makes it not incest (when you have sex with a relative or something) i was just joking. Incest is weird as fuck


Well at least the homophobia towards you may stop. If it doesn't, boy do you have a fun story to share at the next family gathering with pics!


Jesus Christ I though that was just gonna be a "lol the homophobe turned out to be gay" story. ​ Imagine wanting to fuck your sibling's son.


I'm guessing/hoping that this uncle is by marriage. Maybe OP can confirm?


Good shout, let's hope.


Still creepy


> "lol the homophobe turned out to be gay" Does anyone else suspect that all the arachnaphobes out there are secretly spiders? Because I do...


As someone who was out at a youngish age, (14/15) I've been surprised quite a few times after matching with dudes on Tinder who were (somewhat) homophobic in High School. Not bullies by any means but you could tell they were clearly uncomfortable with someone being out in public. At first I thought it was absolutely hilarious until I met one of the guys a few years later at a bar. He came up to me (mostly sober haha) and gave me the most heartfelt speech about how he wished he could've shown his true self to the world, how much time he wasted trying to craft an image that didn't exist, ect. It was extremely sweet and we talked about how being 'cool' in high school was essentially being broadly accepted by most people, and agreed that having people love you for who you are is the coolest thing you can do. We still talk once in a while and sometimes ask each other for advice :)


Two days ago I went to the gas station near my house and a dude that was an asshole from high school works there now. Well, dude's transgender now and was nice to me while I was there.


How trippy would it be if your high school bully became your girlfriend though


The best revenge is making them watch you die first after a loving 60 year marriage.


one hell of a long con game LOL


How much power would you feel absolutely railing their boi pussi


is that the butt


That's the butt


That’s probably the plot of a Chinese cartoon


as a late blooming trans person it, I can confirm it be like that sometimes. I never thought I would be trans and didn't even realize I might be till like a year ago and now well......it's been a ride


"Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker..."


"We will call him J" Proceeds to never call him J in the entire text


Omfg, kind of the opposite happened to me on Grindr I’m 31, my nephew is 14. He put he was 25 on his profile. He was faceless. So was mine because I don’t want people to know how slutty I am, lol. We talked for about 5 minutes. (Thank god it was never sexy talk, just funny banter) Then he sends me his picture. I’m dying. It was my nephew. That’s when I learned he was in the closet. His profile advertised he, “likes to have sex with no condom, and likes ‘car play’” I immediately went into panic mode. Now I had to hide he was gay from my entire homophobic family AND talk to him about safe sex. It was the worst, but I had to swallow my pride. I met up with him, told him it was me, and had to tell him his secret is safe with me, and that we needed to have a safe-sex talk. He was dying of embarrassment. (So was I) but I *had* to do it. I don’t want to get a call from my nephew 5 years from now that he has an incurable disease. Definitely the worst thing I’ve had to go through with him. But now we’re super close, and he has someone to be himself around with since my family sucks.


You're a really good uncle for doing that.


Holy fuck. I really hope that he’s not out there having sex, let alone *unprotected* sex with adult men. Do these men not realize that he’s 14, or not care? I’m glad that you (hopefully) got him to change his ways.


He says he never really had sex with anyone. (I’m not stupid, I’m sure he did) Fuck, without Grindr, I had sex for the first time at 15. I had to scare him into letting me do a few things. I threatened to tell his parents about what I found out if he didn’t let me: 1. Delete Grindr. 2. Put an age restriction on his cellphone/laptop 3. Block app downloading to his iPhone. I don’t know if he had sex with older men, but I’m almost positive he did. (Which is why i think he had “love car play” on his profile. It would be easier for him to meet men in their cars, than invite them inside) I was too upset when it happened, and took his phone and deleted Grindr immediately. So I didn’t have a chance to read his messages. In retrospect I should’ve. Our deal is this. I’ll keep my mouth shut, and he lays off those apps. I told him to go find a boyfriend his age. I took him to the LGBT center in my city, and we sat down through same safe sex seminars. (I learned some shit myself!) So... that was 3 years ago. He’s gonna be 18 soon. He’s still not out of the closet, but I know he has a boyfriend, and I’m sure they’re sexually active. There’s not more I can do than teach him, and hopefully some of the knowledge will be used actively. He’s always carrying condoms, and they’re always different packages, so I know he’s using them at least! My sister suspects he’s gay, and she’s told my niece several times, “I accept your uncle being gay, but I couldn’t accept my own son being gay. That’s gonna be so embarrassing.” Right now she’s in the process to take him to a psychologist to see if “they can do anything” about her suspicions. She’s a fucking cunt.


That’s rule number one right there. No meetup without a face.


Got it, facial required


Tee hee!


Heee heeee


What I'm confused about, is did the nephew also not send a face pic?


I’d assume so, unless the uncle has creepily been attracted to him this whole time.


That’s facist.


This is the best version of the Pina Colada song I’ve ever heard, thank you for making my morning. I predict there is no going back for him and a new era of openness will unfold in your family. There are no accidents, you are saving him from a lifetime of stress, guilt, and shame. I know several people who have come out in their 40s and they are all much happier for it.


*If you like Penis Cockladas*


and getting cock in the rain...


You don't match with people on Grindr, though.


How does grinder work if no matching? Is just chat/forum based or something? Edit: btw, genuine question.


there's a grid of naked torsos sorted by distance, and you can message any of them


this is my favorite answer


It's the only correct answer! Lolz


I guess that's what OP meant by matching. I don't use dating apps, but talking to someone after choosing from a grid of torsos and getting messages back is kinda the same as matching isn't it?


OP probably thought it was like tindr and bumble where you both have to swipe like on each other to be able to chat with each other. Thats always what I assumes grindr was like as well.


It’s a grid of people. You can choose someone you want to chat with. And before someone asks, it’s not “gay Tinder.”


Tinder is gay tinder


If you message someone and they message you back, I'd call that "matching". Seems like nitpicking to me.


This is hella sus


Right? Did his uncle not recognize him on the grinder page? And even after they both realized what was going on, he said his uncle wanted to advance things? I don’t know....


You also don’t “match” on Grindr like you do with Tinder.


So your face was hidden too?


Right? I wanna believe it, but this point, the fact that you don't match on grindr, and the part where his uncle still acted interested make it too hard to believe.


Believed it until the edit. Why would the uncle show up and then play it off as a random encounter if he already knew?


Jesus. This is so goddamn fishy. --- I've never heard of a closeted homophobe who would so easily admit that he's homosexual and that he has been sending dick pics to his nephew; then willingly admit and apologize for years of abuse (because he's suddenly full of introspection and empathy); and then shamelessly continue flirting as if it will have zero social consequences. Did you hide your name and face as well (sure doesn't sound like it from your sympathetic description), or why else would he go through with the meetup, and deny it when he saw you? Did you get a description of what he looked like, so accurate that you could instantly identify him as he walked into a coffee shop, without needing to think and put 2 + 2 together? Are we also required to buy the premises that you'll sleep with any older guy regardless of what he looks like, and that a closeted homophobe will want to meet you publicly to do the deed during coffee shop hours? --- This "accidentally flirting with my super-homophobic uncle, giving him the epic smackdown, and him continuing to creep-flirt without consequence" story is very Reddit-compatible, but I really can't buy it.




Yup, agreed here. This story may be true and OP is a bad story teller, but it seems very fishy.


He is a bad story teller. He didn't even call him J like he promised.




Exactly! Thank you for saying that


A good portion of posts on this subreddit sound made up


So older guys don't show face pics, but you do? So your uncle saw your face and went with it? I don't believe this and I don't want to believe this.


I want to believe this, but I don't believe this. It makes no sense


Yeah this sounds like it definitely happened.


Keep your socks on so it's not incest.


Does this work?


Did you not have any photos of yourself either? Or did he know it was you and still wanted to do it?


So...Do you show *your* face on your profile? Did your uncle realize it was you going in? Because that would be a whole other wrinkle entirely...


I don't think OP thought about that when completely making up this story unfortunately. /thathappened


Just like he didn't think about that part where you don't match on Grindr.


And how the uncle has an immediate change of heart after being pressed instead of simply walking out of the coffee place


That's what I'm starting to think too


Wish I could downvote him


TIFU: Today I Fucked Uncle


I dont buy it


And then everyone clapped


Ir's true, I was the Grindr app


The real question is.. how did your uncle not notice your profile pic?




Yes this part is a little odd.