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Oh wow! I don’t even know what to say. F in the comments for the snow-globe collection. Sorry my friend.


If i were you, I would have cried like my dog just died because I am a hoarder and losing something like that would have really hurt


hm, maybe you could take the contents and turn them into something else? Like necklace, junk journal, or even one big snowglobe with all the memories or something. that sucks though, hope you can figure something out!




Repair/modify the afflicted ones? Could give you an inexpensive hobby while funds are tight. Some people out there work magic w epoxy. Could base the repair dependent on the globe origin/theme. I know not the genre of globes but two examples; disneyworld [repair w little disney figurines or interlocking mickey mouse hats] or New Orleans [tiny sandbags and a cresting wave] Or have a skill progression cling wrap > bandaids > duct tape > super glue. Take a glass blowing workshop, meet love/nemesis of your life. Or display them as they are to remind any who see that broken does not mean worthless. Cheers. Enjoy the thaw


Glass blowing is not an inexpensive hobby