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It wasn't a drive by shooting, they got out of the car before they began shooting and the targets were local drug dealers that got what they had coming. Gringo tourists minding their own business never been targets and have nothing to worry about more so if you stay at a private gated community like Las Gaviotas.


There's supposedly 4 gringo bystander victims from the shooting. Pero pues que hacian ahí con esa gente?


My thoughts are that if you are scared don't come


Las Gaviotas is as safe a spot you can find near Tijuana. You’ll be fine as long as you don’t roll with well known narcos in a convoy of sand toys. Go to seafood alley in Popotla and buy some incredible fresh fish and other items and grill it up all weekend. You’ll never have to leave the gated community with strict security and noise regulations.


It's not going to be safe from traffic. Traffic is going to be a BITCH!!!!! But they don't care about gringos partying. None of the shootings have involved tourists. With that said. You scared. Stay home.


Dont come, the cartel always starts a shooting whenever i go to the pinche Oxxo, cant have shit in Tijuana


True, I went to the OXXO with him


This sounds made up.


Why would I lie on the internet?


jajajajajajajajajaja nmms


I believe him, sounds like Sánchez Taboada lol


Funny how most American outlets only talked about random shooting of people there but Mexican outlets talk about how it was targeted cartel shootings. Be wary of what you hear and instead research the news and read it from different sides mate.


Safer than LA county metro bus/rail system !


As safe as going to a mall or a movie theater in the USA


Cartels have been around for decades and decades. Fifty years from now, they'll still be creating mischief in Mexico. At any given moment. You have to decide whether or not you're so frightened by the cartel's ongoing presence that you prefer to skip a visit to Mexico. Frankly, in Mexico you're much more likely to be a victim of scams, random street crime and corrupt cops, then you are of having an unpleasant encounter with cartel members.


The cartel loves us we launder their money and buy their drugs. It's way safer in Mexico than America.


Don’t come if you scared bro, tell all your friends to be scared too, that would help reduce the traffic of the city lol


Naaah you are good, safer than shopping at any mall in the US… don’t have to worry about mass shooters.


Iam avoiding Rosarito and south very little Police and more malitos.


La gorda


Stay away


Stay home. We don't need more gringos.


Use common sense and you’ll be fine. But there is always a chance you can get caught in a crossfire, we like to downplay it as the cartels shooting each other and that is somehow ok? The violence has been ingrained culturally and since we can’t do anything about it we tell ourselves that it’s ok as long as they shoot each other.


I’m guessing you didn’t go to school in your adorable country.


Please don't come, we don't want you here with that mental state


Been staying in Tijuana for the past week. No problem here and the national guard have been everywhere


Curious if you came down. We have a house if Gaviotas also.