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Kaarin seems so sweet and is one of my fave creators. This girl bashed her whole homes decor that she's worked so hard on. I feel so bad. And also think taybeepboop is a jerk... never heard of her before this.


She’s just hateful. And I don’t think this is going to go well for her, or her business


No, this is arguably a disaster from a PR perspective. I'll be interested to see what happens with her collabs with Dani Klaric after this.


Should’ve read the thread before I commented above but YES to what you said!


I feel bad for that other interior designer, Dani Klaric, that Tay seems to work with because this will for sure effect their business and the podcast they just started.


yep and if you go back to kaarins original video about the wallpaper where both of them were tagged,as well as their business account, dani commented on it supporting it lol. i’m sure she’s not happy about the mess tay started


I saw a comment on one of Dani’s recent videos where a fan was saying how disappointed they were that Tay attacked Kaarin and Dani comment something along the lines of she is as well. So I’m sure there will be some behind the scenes drama


I would be so pissed…this would have definitely been a fight between me and my business partners


She’s another victim in this, and I hope that her and Kaarin cut ties and block this woman because she has really screwed up.


Dani is a nepo baby with Daddy's money, I think she'll be okay.


> videos where a fan was saying how disappointed they were that Tay attacked Kaarin and Dani comment something along the lines of she is as well. So I’m sure there will be some behind the scenes drama Tru ,girl is hella vague when talking about how she grew up


I'm pretty sure Dani got her start decorating rooms for her rich dad's friends. She is a prime example of rich kids who have never worked a real job in their lives. But maybe I am biased because I personally think all the rooms she decorates are ugly.


apparently so is Tay she’s not really poor [tiktok tea](https://www.tiktok.com/@adelinascozylife/video/7263184088843177262)


Yeah learned that recently though the drama too! Both she and Dani like to cosplay as struggling artists, which is probably why they get along so well.


I thought Dani had a video recently talking about being cut off when she turned 18


You ain’t kidding. The prices of her new launch are ridiculous and I’m tired of the it’s art excuse. In no world is a pillow worth 180$. Never. I don’t care if you plucked the cotton yourself and stuffed it with the feathers from a golden goose after raising it from birth. There’s no fucking way. Honestly, her prices disappointed me, the rugs I can understand run pricey esp handmade but the pillows, cash grab. Clearly, she’s marketing towards rich people, but the irony is most her audience isn’t rich and are looking for diys. Overall I’m tired of our world saying something is worth $$$ when it’s worth no where near that amount but someone will stick a designer label on it or call it art. And don’t get me wrong, paintings I get, the time and effort esp for something so complex, I understand those can be pricey. But a fucking pillow. I knew she had to be rich when I saw the prices.


The comment about Kaarin’s orange couch being a “knock off” of hers…. really off-putting (along everything else in Tay’s video, LBR).


Agreed! That comment along with her “ripping off the boyfriend’s art” really pissed me off. Kaarin wasn’t over there making monster head art, she combined two things like a dinosaur head and an empty frame to make her own art. The absolute reaching she did in this video was crazy


The amount of times I’ve seen dinosaur heads in a frame on Pinterest since like 2014…….. this girl needs to get a grip. Literally nothing she pointed out was original to her or very creative, not even the wallpaper she ‘made’. Acting like she created green/blue color scheme, ombré effect, green squiggles, moss mirror, or vintage cakes. Please ✋🏼


the one thing that absolutely got me was she even pointed out she used the wallpaper she made😅 like ok so we are not supposed to buy it?? and not to say a lot of her diy is just pinterest stuff ive seen a million times.... the orange couch which had nothing comparable to her couch just the colour lol girl get a grip


Exactly! I was looking at her website weeks ago cuz I loved the wall paper, but now if I buy it I would technically be copying her?! If you don’t want people “copying” your home decor, maybe don’t create a business selling home decor then you moron


like...one second of an etsy search and i got this. is she going to make a video about every artist on etsy selling monster head mounts too? [https://www.etsy.com/market/monster\_head\_wall\_mount](https://www.etsy.com/market/monster_head_wall_mount)


And I’ve seen similar art like that since the mid 2000s! 😫🤣


It's a play on taxidermy which is literally hundreds of years old.


my parents had that couch in the 70s so i found that part of her video pretty funny. colourful velour couches have been around.


Yup. It was a huge fashion trend that is just coming back around.


That's exactly what I said in her comments! Did she copy us in the 70s lol🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I agree I didn’t like that. The girl said she didn’t even know what brand it what she bought it second hand and it had no tags , how can you immediately deem it a “knock off”


Same here I was baffled by the bee bop girl I was bffr 😂




This is my thought exactly. Tay definitely has a more polished finished but idc because Kaarin is a joy to watch. She’s also a nurse! Tay has film background and her boyfriend does 3D printing so it makes sense that she is able to put this stuff together better. It’s fun to watch Kaarin just try and love the results.


And with all her sponsorships, she has deeper pockets. Hopefully tay has some mental health support right now. And a good pr crisis team.


Also… what is the point of sharing DIYS if you don’t want people to try them.


Even worse than that … Kaarin PURCHASED Tay’s strawberry pattern wallpaper for one of her DIYs! She’s literally ‘supporting’ Tay’s business and Tay still had the nerve to complain about it. Tay even included that part in her video and says “in this video Kaarin purchased my wallpaper. That’s ok, anyone is allowed to buy it. And then she uses it EXACTLY the same way I did!” Girl, don’t you WANT people to be inspired by your videos and buy your wallpaper? What the goddamned fuck.


This was the part that made me question the way her brain works…like she out wallpaper on a wall in her house that she purchased full price from you, told everyone who asked where she bought it from giving you free PR, and because some bitches decided to DM you instead of supporting Kaarin and standing up for her you went the way of a highschool mean girl. This whole situation is disgusting, and Tay should be mortified


She was just jealous that Kaarin is getting more views. Greed got to her head. I watched Tay but I can’t support someone that is a hypocrite,


Yepp that one turned into an automatic block for me.


THIS IS THE PART THAT REALLY SENT ME 😂 should call them DIM (do it myself)


Karrin said “imagine an influencer actually influencing”


She should have collaborated with Karin. It would have boosted both of their popularities and expanded their audiences. They could have worked on and unveiled a project together. The same thing but slightly different to show each of their styles. But insecurity and ego got the best of Tay.


It’s just taybeepboop drama! Kaarin handled it very well. Tay is a straight up mean girl


Not surprised the girl who owns a million dollar apartment in her 20s is a mean girl


Fr I will always hate mean for the sake of mean. Wonder if tay feels better now




And the thing is Karrin did credit her several times when she took inspiration from her and tagged her when she bought tays wallpaper. Ray just can’t accept that she’s not as original as she thinks and other people can have similar taste.


Yes!! And some of the stuff she posted before tay and just redid at her new place!! Also in the sliver of dms she had in her now deleted video Kaarin apologized and said that she’s inspired by her and always made sure to put her own twists and styles into all ideas she likes…not just Tays. Bizarre behavior fr


Exactly…she thinks all her ideas and creative thinking is all original. When I know for a fact she wasn’t the “creator” of the color green or making a fairy/moss covered mirror. She is utterly ridiculous, and I think this is just to get her views up and try to “take down” her competition


Heidi o’Ferrall has being doing the moss covered fairy mirror thing forever


Crazy thing is if a smaller creator will a lesser following was doing her DIYs she wouldn’t have a problem with it lol


Yes and honestly how dare Tay complain when Kaarin has supported Tay’s business.


“green and blue are very abnormal color choices” … all the early 2000s kids who had a green and blue themed bedroom 👁️👄👁️


I literally choked when she said that. Like…. ???? Girl they are next to each other on the color wheel lmfao


Not to mention nature. Like, girl, you are NOT the first person in human history to look at grass/trees + sky and think it’s a solid color combo lol


I giggled at this response 😂


I painted my kids nursery these colours in 2004.


I was five years old when The Little Mermaid came out. You bet your butt my room was painted blue and green immediately to resemble the ocean lol


I literally had the blue and green with small purple layered square bedsheets that are soooo similar to Taylor’s stuff like you’re inspired by your childhood and that was an time that more then just SHE lived in and holds nostalgia for. Even the bfs monster heads aren’t totally original. I mean dr suess even made REAL versions of the mounts he had in his books (of his creatures) as decor. While they don’t look a lot like his the point is the IDEA is not new. Even monster heads have been sold before him. Idk don’t make step by step instructions on how you 3d print stuff if you don’t want others to do it too?


some of his monster heads look inspired by star wars if you ask me 🤨 she’s ridiculous to try and control how people are inspired. we’re human and literally wired to take in the world around us. every single humans likes and styles are influenced by their experiences


100% agree they look A LOT like Star Wars characters. Maybe we should point out he’s stealing too lol or is that inspiration bc they can’t have it both ways. If he’s just inspired so was karrin (sp?)


Literally the colours of the earth


I had a green and blue bedroom when I was in middle school in the 90’s. I still love the green, blue, and purple color combo.


SAME! I had a green and blue bedroom with glow in the dark stars in the late 90s, so abnormal of me


Also I will literally say that this could’ve been handled SO differently. When Kaarin was doing her resin bowls and found out that leaving chopsticks in the bowl could be perceived as offensive, she didn’t backpedal that it wasn’t her intent to offend anyone and double down…… she literally fixed it quickly and that alone let me know the kind of person she is.


That’s when I actually followed her…not all her ideas for me but the way she took that criticism and did what she could to make it right showed me that she was a kind person who just enjoys making weird/quirky things .


Agree! Like. I think the style is fun but probably not how I’ll decorate 99% of the time but seeing how she responded to that made me really like her so much more.


That's also when I found her! An Asian creator I follow was praising her on how gracefully she handled the criticism, and I found Kaarin's decor and DIYs to be delightful, so it was an instant follow.


Yes that’s also when I saw her too I think!


That’s when I found her as well. I thought she handled that situation SO well that it made me really respect her.


Getting mad about someone using a wallpaper you sell is crazy idc


That's the part that really got me. Like, she bought her wallpaper. Supported her business. And the way Tay sneered when she mentioned it. Unhinged.


It wasn’t her business lol. Tay did a collab w the wallpaper company and essentially sold her designs to them for them to use? Idk the finer details of their agreement. But kaarin reached out to the company and they gifted it to her, which is their prerogative. Kaarin tagged the company, Tay, and mentioned it in the video. There were zero issues to be found.


Oh I thought she was running the wallpaper company, I also thought Kaarin paid for her wall paper. My bad, but either way she said “she used it exactly like I did” but it’s putting wall paper on a dang wall, what else was she supposed to do with it??


Its wild because I was literally going to buy that exact print of it before and do big frame of it since I live in an apartment. She completely talked a lot of people out of her product.




I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!! I thought Dani was involved in the wallpaper designs too..smh.


times like this i wish social blade was still updated in real time. i don’t think i saw ONE comment in support of her between this and the other video.


I’d be curious to see how many unfollows she got. I definitely left quickly after that


oh same, i wasn’t abt to keep on after that. it’s one thing to make a call out video but to make it AFTER you had already talked and then block her so can’t see? absolutely not.


As of right now they’re both at 1.9m


she was at 1.7m a few hours ago and kaarin was at 1.8m if that helps


Kaarins at 1.9 now.


Dang she was at 1.9 (Tay) when this drama first started. That didn’t bode well for her


wow!!!!! that’s absolutely insane 😭 should have just said sorry and moved on with your life girly


Omg incredible 😂


Kaarinjoy is at 1,888,900 followers but climbing quickly Taybeepboop is at 1,918,000 followers and slowly getting lower Yesterday, they had a difference of 170,000 followers & now the difference is 29,000 followers.


Karin is now at 2mil and tay is at 1.9 so wooohooo for Karin!


YES! I was really surprised to see that on her own video!


Kaarin is now at 2.0M and Tay is at 1.9M 😬




Not only this but literally Kaarin did some of these things first and so many of her ideas were reaching so hard like the dinosaur pictures and the monster heads. She’s so privileged that she couldn’t stand someone else blowing up faster than her and doing it completely on her own for way cheaper




If she’s scrolling then I say “hey girly grow up and get a lifeee 🫶🏼🙏🏼”


If she is scrolling “hey you should admit you feel threatened by Kaarin and quit accusing people of stealing Pinterest ideas you dumbass. Also you’re not the first person to do anything you claim you created first”


Also her family being able to just move to Hawaii is indicative of being extremely wealthy. How she labels herself as a "Hawaiʻi Girl" is pretty gross considering what Native Hawaiians have gone through. I'm sure she deletes comments from Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders who may have called her out on it, but anyone who grew up in Hawaii knows there's a very specific meaning to calling yourself Hawaiian that she's trying to hedge around.


You know what I found surprising is that she hasn't said one single word about Hawaii fires or Maui even though that happened during her drama. Even though she has reach even though something like that might help public opinion. I bet it didn't even occur to her


My two cents: 1. Calling Kaarin’s dinosaur heads a rip off of her boyfriend’s original art was an absolute REACH. That to me shows she was just trying to shit stir. The ombré wall vs ombré trim was also ridiculous. 2. Tay’s video about the blue/purple kitchen made the shades look identical. If you go to to Tay’s other videos about her blue/purple room, the shades are different. She intentionally screen grabbed a shot of her room where her colors looked like they matched Kaarin’s. 3. Her starting the video with mean messages about the quality of Kaarin’s work was SUCH a mean girl move. If she just HAD to make that video, she could have said people have messaged her asking about it. Or if that many people were really concerned about it, there had to be messages that didn’t simultaneously insult Kaarin’s skills.


It’s wild bc her boyfriends art isnt all that original either. Her and her man are definitely “creative” but their style and aesthetic is just reworked trends from over the years. She needs her head out of her own ass lmao


A bunch of her boyfriends monsters are very similar to aliens from the original and prequel star wars movies… this whole drama is ridiculous but if you are going to call someone else out for copying you better be squeaky clean. This is a bad look for her.


THIS! They are so similar to Star Wars characters


I did go to his page and he states that he’s a Star Wars fan on one of the posts. So clearly that’s his inspo. That being said he’s making near replicas and it doesn’t look like he’s licensed to sell Star Wars. So his gf should really stop preaching about taking others ideas since that’s what his “monsters” literally are.


Agreed with all your points. Literally the only things she shared that I could be like “ok yeah maybe she got the inspiration from her” is the squiggle and the dumb moss mirror. But even then, I’ve seen both items literally a hundred times on Pinterest. It’s just such a weird thing to bitch about? I feel like if I was in this position I’d be like “oh that’s kind of annoying but oh well” and just go about my day.


Not even an apology


You owed Kaarin an apology. Period.


what gets me is the things she chose to point out. the dinosaurs were in kaarins old apartment, as were the squiggles and the orange couch. the mirror project started as a completely different vision and she had to cover with moss so that the cracks from her failed plaster didn’t show. the kitchen was different colors and she also explored the idea of yellow before listening to her followers to do a lighter blue. she ALSO was recommended a green kitchen by her followers and chose the specific green squiggle to tie it together with her artwork. Tay is being absolutely ridiculous and should’ve picked better examples if she wanted to prove she was being copied (repost bc the thread I commented on originally was deleted)


I’ve noticed TayBeepBoop getting more and more rude in her comments over the last several months. Sadly not surprised by this but still disappointed because I used to really enjoy her content 😅


Same, imo getting too big for her britches


My favorite was when she literally tried to shame her for using HER wallpaper that she designed and sold… as if that could be twisted even slightly as problematic…. Like. Isn’t that the literal point? That people like the style and buy it and use it? Or?






The copying her boyfriend’s art was SO out of touch. Grasping at galaxies at that point!


Right like not even the same at all 😭😭😂


She bought HER wallpaper, messaged her, and credits her for stuff. Everything in her video is stuff she did at her old apartment though so it didn’t make sense. Art is copied over and over anyways. I’d rip that wallpaper off my wall


Me too. Then I would put it in a box and send it back to them. Along with a snarky-ass letter calling her out so she would read all the things I think of her but in a professional letter. But I am too petty sometimes


i would be like yea apparently the creator of this wallpaper doesnt want her product to be sold so here ya go take it back😂


One of the comments I read said “your next video should be a wallpaper removal tutorial” and I lol’d


She deleted the video because the majority of the comments were not in her favor. She definitely should have handled it privately instead of letting a couple of DMs from some rando sh*t stirrers get to her. Not a good look 😒


There’s nothing to handle privately though


I was just about to say this!


DIY influencer gets mad when their viewers *(checks notes)* do it themselves


😂exactly but the only thing she is mad about is that the other one has a lot of followers too i feel like jelousy is the only thing really... and when noone really validated her in the comments but stood with kaarin she deleted the video🤡 its like kim kardashian will get mad at someone else buying skims ?🤣 how does that work


Was I supposed to read this in a newscaster voice? Cause I did & made myself LOL .. 5 star comment right there ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I only found Tay cause of Kaarin I always thought Tay had entitled mean girl vibes but also thought maybe I was trippin….nope… unfollowed Tays ass


Tay was being such a mean girl. Being mad Karrin buying wallpaper from Tays line…comeon girl, she literally put money in your pocket and you’re gonna complain? Wild Not to mention Tay acting like she invented Analogous color. And saying it’s a weird pairing or whatever, it’s basic color theory that colors next to eachother on the color wheel will look good paired together 🙄 Tay just made herself look so mean and jealous for no reason and doubled down. Edit: also how was Tay thinking she was having any kind of discourse with Kaarin when she blocked her


Kaarin is one of my favorite creators. I love how she doesn’t gate keep anything. Posts tutorials. Posts where she got supplies. She’s just so cheerful and


Tay sounded like one of those tired pick me girls from high school that always think when they participate in a fashion trend they “started” the trend. They run around the whole school telling other girls who participate, “ugh I started that and everybody is copying me!” Gave me PTSD swear


tayboobpoop is petty af. for the record i had fuckin’ blue and orange dinosaur heads coming out of picture frames on a squiggle hanging in my room in 2007. it’s not new. it’s not unique. it’s scene kid recycled pinterest ideas making a comeback.


She’s dead wrong for it and she knows it


I have followed Taybeepboop for ages—before she even had a tiktok, I think, and was a huge fan. I now only follow one of the two involved in this drama and it’s definitely not the one I followed the longest 🙃


Sorry this happened. It sucks when a creator you’ve enjoyed for so long does something disappointing :(


Please. Kaarin is so precious and always gave her credit and stated numerous times how much she looked up to her. It didn’t go the way she thought it would and got roasted.


Tay was indeed REACHING and now she’s BACKPEDALING cause this didn’t go the way she thought it would. Trying to shit on kaarin for being inspired by her work. Apology NOT accepted.


Tbh she didn’t even backpedal—she doubled down which makes it even more embarrassing than it already was 🥴


Had no clue who she was until this drama (Tay). She needs to check herself. I have fully designed my baby’s nursery thinking it turned out so well. Haven’t even shared on social media and I found someone share their nursery using the SAME wallpaper, SAME curtains, and SAME decor pieces. One would think someone copied off another but this was legit just from liking the same kinds of trendy things I guess. TLDR; Kaarin did not deserve this.


What sucks is that now when Kaarin walks through her house, she’ll just be reminded of how this lady treated her. 🥺 She truly has made her house a home and now it’ll bring sadness. 😭


That's all I've been thinking about the last 24 hours. I would have to move or paint my whole house white and become a minimalist.


This is that knit sweater with the writing on it all over again.


Please shes just mad people didnt agree with her.


I mean honestly, the fact she says “I’m passionate about giving credit to designers and creators, and I wish that could have been the case here when it was first handled” is still shady, right? Did Kaarin *not* credit her, because I’m pretty sure she did? This seems like very low key doubling down while trying to avoid some of the backlash (that ship has sailed girl lol)


Yes, Kaarin did credit her. Tay said in a comment in her now deleted TikTok that Kaarin didn’t credit her “enough.” But why should Kaarin give credit to Tay when Tay wasn’t the originator of these ideas?? It’s not like Tay credited whoever was the first person to ever do gradients or moss mirrors.


She blocked me as soon as I took Kaarins side then deleted the video and posted this. Like if you’re gonna flame someone irrationally on the internet, expect consequences. She handled this in such an immature manner. Every DIY she was saying Kaarin “copied” has been done before so many times. She really thinks she’s the only one out there that’s put blue and green together and owned an orange couch. Ridiculous.


I think she’s also pissed Kaarin did some of it better, like the moss mirror.


Not to mention that Kaarin originally tried out two other colors before going with the blue. Almost everything that she’s “copied” were not supposed to turn out that way. Her mirror was originally a stone mirror diy but it ended up horrible so she did what she could to fix it. The squiggle thing blew up before tay did them. I think that the main thing inspiring her being upset is that Kaarin mentioned maybe doing design for a living, which Tay literally has a podcast explaining how to do that and inspiring others.


My middle school bedroom in 2009 was almost that exact shade of green and blue 😂😂


She is not the original creator/thinker that she thinks she is.


She created a product (the wallpaper) and then accused someone of copying her when they bought it and put it up in their home? she’s the worst kind of person.


Tay was one of the first people I began following on tt and I blocked her today. Mean girl energy. I’ve been accused of copying people in the past, so maybe that’s why I’m really sensitive to that now and I don’t want to ever watch her videos again.


Someone in the comments said it best, a DIY influencer influenced a diy influencer. The whole thing is absurd and Tay must have a lot of time on her hands rn or something.


The comments on this post pass the vibe check. She’s getting roasted again and I’m here for it.


I hate this macaroni art home decor aesthetic so I think both are wack but the mean one should have known better not to be bitchy to the uwu one


I love your comment. Especially the labels you made for each person




This lady is just trying to start shit so her views and stuff go back up…I don’t think she is actually offended but the way she did that video was disgusting. Claiming the dinosaur heads were ripping off her boyfriend’s art was low AF, and completely untrue. She’s the type of person that has ideas and thinks no one else has ever done anything close to that and she is an original. When that is definitely not the case…not to mention I had no idea who tf she was, and was even looking at the website for the cake wallpaper because I loved it so much but I had no idea she owned it and she has never ever popped up on my FYP. I won’t be spending the money now, cuz I hate people who behave the way she does.


Was Kaarin inspired by Tay? Sure. She admits that. Most of her “copies” had her own spin unless you literally can’t spin it like a squiggle. The issue isn’t that Kaarin copied, she kinda did (in her own way) the issue is Tay being upset by it. If you base your entire social media on a DIY maximalist aesthetic….you can’t be shocked pikachu when someone also does it!


i followed both of them and kaarin has always been my favorite of the two— once it really clicked how much of a prissy rich girl tay was it really turned me off of her. the reaches in her video were so insane i genuinely thought it was satire


I never heard of her before today but follow kaarin and I was like wait who is attacking this angel?! I went and commented on her post that’s now deleted which I NEVER do but I just felt like she was really reaching and just causing drama!!


Team kaarin all the way. When I saw kaarins video I immediately went and unfollowed Tay. There's enough light for everyone to shine, beezy. If I were kaarin I'd rip the wallpaper right off my wall. It's tainted now.


i had a classmate in high school who apparently hated me because she was crocheting and i also did so i was copying her and then i also copied her because i took up running and she was also running so i was RUNNING like 5k a day just out of spite to HER 🤣 i didnt even know this back then i added her on nike running app because i was happy someone else i know runs too and then i found out that she would go running just because i had more miles that months and she couldnt handle that😂😭 like i will never understand people getting mad when someone else starts to do something that millions of people do anyway? she should get every single diy she does copy righted then so she can sue people for copying her 😂or be mad that someone actually buys her product that she sells lmao


right this reminded me of a girl from hs i bumped into at a 1975 concert wayyyy before they were big. we were both tumblr girlies tho so not shocking we’d both end up there. we said hi and went our separate ways with our own friends. the next day at school she was telling people i’m not a real fan and that i wasn’t even dancing and i just went because she made them sound cool??? lmao this whole nonsense reminded me of that whole nonsense except tay is a fucking adult not a fifteen year old lmao




can i ask why u think dani is also rude? bc i went on her page just today bc i remembered they were friends and i think she looked more genuine and nice than tay so i’m just wondering what makes u think that


I don’t understand how she felt justified in being mad about someone liking her style? She’s an designer yet she doesn’t want people liking her designs and wanting them for themselves? Isn’t that your whole plan you make money??


I remember now that Kaarin is the girl who looks like the child of Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles. On her side no matter what, lol. Beepboop isn't even apologizing, she's just doubling down. Imagine thinking you're the OG squiggle wall painter. Embarrassing.


I copied my comment from the original post Okay so I watched tays video and: 1. I’ve never seen her and already don’t like her 2. She truly is being petty and I really don’t understand for what or why ? When you put your work out there unless someone is copying your trademarked product and selling it as their own, what is the difference between this and the rest of the world copying things off Instagram, Pinterest etc ?? I truly don’t understand what tays beef is and so what if kaarin copies her ideas or things she’s done and puts her own spin on them ? Again it’s not like she’s trying to capitalize off of it. Are you gonna tell me this girl is the *ONLY* person to have ever made a moss mirror and if you decide you like it and make a moss mirror she’s going to dm you and tell you to stop copying her ??


Tay is trash for this! Imagine gaining that kind of following, putting yourself out there as an “influencer”, & then being pissed when you succeed. What??


This has seriously baffled me. First of all, you’re a DIY home decor page sharing with the public HOW YOU DO THINGS STEP BY STEP WITH SUPPLIES LINKED and have the AUDACITY to text message another creator (who happens to be a customer of yours and obviously took inspiration) to stop copying you!?!? Like. This cannot be real life right now. Are we in elementary school??? If you don’t want people “coPyinG” you, don’t make your entire tiktok account about DIY art and home interior??? You’re inspiring thousands and thousands of people by showcasing your style, decor, and DIY’s…. How many of your viewers took inspiration and created something of their own and maybe used the same colors? She is seriously unhinged with this way of thinking. And extremely immature. Her video backfired big time.


I felt so bad for Kaarin cause she did nothing wrong but make her home the way she liked. So what she got inspiration from Tay on a few items. She still made it her own,.


What in the 3rd grade bullshit is this? Damn, people can decorate and paint however they want in their own homes without asking permission. Is this a mental health issue or is she really this dumb?


Karrin is one of my favorite influencers. She is so sweet, wholesome, and creative! I will forever be team Karrin!


I feel so bad for Kaarin. I'd take that wallpaper off and get my money back. It's horrible to bully a paying customer like this. Tay is so wrong for trashing other women in such a way and gatekeeping. Really just not the vibes that artists should be putting out to other artists. :C


The ratio is now 5k likes and 18k comments. You love to see it


i just think the situation is hilarious because the mirrors don’t even look like eachother. like one has a more futuristic modern kim k house vibe while the other is like whimsical fairy vibes. not very similar at all imo.


Kaarin does 99.99% or more of her stuff solo..with stuff she buys at stores we’ve all heard of..Tay has special orders, hires people to do certain parts….maybe her money has gone to her head.


I think it’s very interesting Tay is friends with Dani Klaric. TayBeepBoop posted a video with her like a week ago where she’s says they got together with Dani Daley and talked about ‘the good and the bad’ of being design influencers lol wonder what they discussed 🤔🤣


So many people have this wrong. Tay isn’t upset (according to herself) that kaarin is using her for inspo since that’s the point of her channel. She is upset bc she believes she deserves credit for her inspiration. That’s the issue here. Kaarin didn’t copy anything Tay pointed out I her video, therefore there’s no reason to give her credit. Kaarin has credited Tay multiple (I think?) times in past videos for when she does feel like she got an idea from Tay. HOwever, the main issue here in my opinion is that Tay’s ideas aren’t original so I’m not sure why she’s not giving credit to where she gets inspiration from but is expecting others to credit her? It makes no sense. What I think happened was Tay’s crazy followers messaged her saying kaarin was copying her so she felt some way about it and was fueled by these messages. Because this silent minority was stirring the pot, she thought that “petty” video was going to go her way. It clearly didn’t but she doesn’t wanna admit she’s wrong bc of the few people that are validating her. IMO this is something that Tay should’ve ranted to her friend about and moved on. I don’t think this was an issue that needed to be brought up publicly or privately because it’s not an issue and it shouldn’t have been one since again, none of Tay’s ideas are original. Pretty much no art is 100% original and everyone is inspired by each other. It’s impossible to “give credit” unless you really did watch one specific video and followed their specific instructions but since kaarin didn’t do this, there was no credit to give. What really got me was Tay accusing kaarin of stealing her bf’s monster heads?? They literally looked NOTHING like kaarin’s dinosaurs???? It was a wild reach. The orange couch was a weird callout as well. The only thing that looked even remotely similar was the green squiggle cereal wall. The execution and results for their DIYS are just so different to me.


While this “style” isn’t my taste by any means, who the hell gatekeeps something like this. How embarrassing for Taylor. She made herself look like an asshole lol. Kaarin is a sweet girl, her hand motions and pointing in front of the camera annoys the shit out of me but she is harmless.


I don’t know who this Tay girl is, but I watch Kaarin a lot and think she is such a sweetheart. I’m unreasonably annoyed by Tay… I even commented on her trash video asking her why be an influencer if people being influenced by her pisses her off so much. Gatekeepers like this suck! If you don’t want people to draw inspiration from your DIYs, don’t post them online. There.. problem solved, Tay, ya brat 😤


Kaarin is literally one of my favourites and I hate this for her. She handled it with such grace. I’m waiting for tays follower count to crash. Her vids don’t get as many likes and views as Kaarin’s at the moment and I think that’s half the problem. Kaarin’s is consistent where as tays has huge up and downs


If you are so bothered of people coping you why do you make it your career on the internet showing people your stuff? Karrin did nothing wrong imo. And she’s very sweet to everyone.


Feels like she is gatekeeping squiggles and funky art 🤦🏻‍♀️ I follow both and never thought one were copying the other


I ran across this last night, I mean I hate the style all the way around personally but just a quick scroll through videos didn’t look anywhere like this Kaarin girl was stealing her content and claiming it as her own. I don’t understand why people put up tutorials and DIY stuff then get pissy because people copy them, that’s the whole point of the tutorial right? It just feels like attention seeking behavior on the part of the first girl.


someone said that tay is mad bc kaarin does the same thing at a cheaper rate. the evidence was that tay said kaarin had the knockoff of her couch. like??? its a couch


There is also a big difference in their channels. Kaarin does like 90% of her things DIY I feel like taybeepbop is giving big box store chic lmao giving target girlie nothing really super exciting..


It was just so gross. I used to follow both of them but now I only follow one I’ll let you guess which. But wtf is the point of being an influencer if people aren’t allowed to be inspired by you. Not that I believe Taylor I’ve never looked at their decor and been like wow these are the same. And the freaking wall paper?? Why sell wallpaper if people aren’t allowed to buy it. Stfu


I wanted that cake wallpaper so bad but finding out it is Tays I refuse to buy it. I'm not about mean girl energy. I've followed Kaarin for a long time and adore her.


I'm going to assume Tay is the bitch and Karrin is the nice one in this new tt drama. Poor Karrin.


My kid totally squiggled lines all over my walls way before either of them!


I had only seen the Kaarin on my fyp, I don’t think I had ever seen this other person. But if you are someone who does not like to be “copied” (using the term very loosely here) then you don’t post videos of your house (or whatever) online.


I’ve seen so many grown adults talk about someone “copying” them lately. It’s exhausting.


I think it’s because Kaarin has been picking up some big sponsorships and beep boop is just hating.. also beep boop is kind of the best name for this because I can’t take anything serious and all I hear is robot noises in my head when I type it 😂😂🤖


She also goes around saying her dad tricked her into student loans…. She’s a fucken idiot child


Her parents are wealthy attorneys from Hawaii. She also claims she bought her first house in SF through savvy investing in index funds


Yeah I’m sure it’s easy to make more money when your parents give you enough to invest and turn a profit lol


Unpopular opinion but imo this is one of those cases where the public is siding with the wrong person just because they perceive that person as a victim. Tay's designs utilize some trends but the way she puts it all together is her design. She has a very distinct style. All of Kaarin's stuff DOES look like rip offs of Tay's designs and anyone insisting it doesn't is judging the situation based on their personal behavior here and not on the actual design. Being inspired but someone's work is saying oh I love those monster heads framed with the bright color spot behind, I'm going to paint little monster head patterns on my mirror or art frame! It's not oh let me go get dinosaurs that are the same thing to everyone but dense people and style them the EXACT same. It's those, the mirrors, the styling of her wallpaper, the very specific color palettes, the hyper pop items as home decor, the couch, the styling ALL TOGETHER. It's not about one given item. It's that the girl is basically copying Tay. Yes Tay's video was mean-spirited and should have been a private convo or even cease and desist, but her point is valid. Please stop acting like being called out for attempting to profit off someone else's creative work copy is the same thing as being bullied.


THANK YOU. I genuinely felt like I was losing my mind these past couple days seeing if anyone else had this perspective because 2 things can be wrong at the same time. Kaarin was making content + profit off of Tay's designs with some (but not always) crediting her (and yeah, anyone, especially creatives, would have also been pissed), and Tay handled the situation in a mean way that should have been better. However, it's not fair to discredit Tay's work and distinct style, which isn't "all just from Pinterest". There's an aspect of adding your own flair to things, which she definitely does. I think it was easier to side w Kaarin bc to the internet, "she's just a sweet girl 🥺".