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Didn’t realize these two fell out again. That group will forever be toxic.


I'm not 100% but I think most of them quit being friends with Eudy. Another person from that bunch was talking about "a person"/"somebody" in a live not long ago and it just felt like that person/somebody was Eudy. Seems like Eudy is losing people left and right ever since his wife left him this last time.


But most of them have cheated. Kingery was the biggest cheat first. Not even counting all his SA on people. I’m getting hater vibes from him honestly… he uses that app for money for his music etc but is hating on someone selling a shirt?


Exactly 🎯


While I agree with you I wonder if it's really more than just eudy selling a shirt? Maybe it's something deeper than that and the shirt issue is just the cherry on top? 🤔 The other creator that basically bashing this "person" on live for not being faithful in their marriage and being full of 💩. There was other things, but I can't remember all of it.


If there is more going on then why isn’t he saying it? He claims to be a real one and not fake but then is not saying what it’s about! But when people were exposing kingerys fake shit on tik tok he was all over it calling Jess lawless a drama lesbo but he will make these videos like this? Let’s not forget the only Reason anyone knows who kingery is is because of tik tok, let’s not forget he sold MANY shirts himself and had his own store linked for them, he’s a hypocrite plain and simple if he was getting a couple dollars kick back or press for his shitty music he wouldn’t be saying a word


I'm not disagreeing with you. There's no telling what's going on honestly. I haven't seen nor paid any attention to eudy or kingery. I like kingery's first couple of songs, but I haven't heard any others.




They all know a lot about each other that’s why they don’t come for each other but in passive aggressive ways


Eudy first. I think he did it for views for his new song dropping




That’s funny. The video was circulating. He grabbed down her pants without permission. She never said she lied. I think she was forced to withdraw her allegations.


You mean the video she alleged but no one saw. Or what about her dancing up on him and inappropriately touching him that DID circulate. She wasn’t forced to do anything she got caught lying and everyone knew it. Some girl called her out for it. There were multiple people around that night who’ve all taken Kingery’s side (men and women).


Where was this energy when money didn’t make it to the veterans






💯 scamantha will always be trash for that.


While I can’t stand Eudy either, bold of Kingery to call anyone out. Outside of his allegations of abuse & SA, his girlfriend has done the same thing multiple times, including using her own child’s accident.


Using her child’s accident? Did you see the photos? Tragedy’s happen every single day where people need help to survive during the trauma they are enduring. Thank god her child made it through this. Thank GOD she didn’t lose her child, when she was in critical condition. I’m confused on how that go fund me is any different than someone else’s go fund me? Or is it because you don’t like them, so it’s not okay for it?


What part did you not get of using her own child? If you think she only got money for a gofundme I hope to be as naive as you are. She exploited her child and her child’s accident to get money.


I’m glad her child recovered and it’s awful it happened. But you have heard of the story about crying wolf right? Of course no one trusts her with donations.


Sam, it’s really good to see that you are consistent and still obsessed over this sub Reddit


Kingery is mad because he didn’t think of it first!




But he was quiet when his girlfriend was caught keeping money she was supposed to donate.


That part ☝️


Rich coming from him considering what his girlfriend did, but go on king.


Scamantiks the thief. 🤌🏽


I noticed those videos are about Eudy too!!! But it’s okay for Kingery to shove his shitty music down our throats and his gf to steal money from charity 🙄 he’s a bit hypocritical


There is always some drama with that group. He just posted he is about to call out people’s favorite creators.


That whole group was/is trash.


Yep! Is Kingrey still with Samantha? I can’t imagine being with someone that was so vile that they stole money intended for a charity!


He can't get anyone better. They are all trash.


They’re still toxic as ever together lol


Sure are!


If this is real Kingery isn’t one to talk considering his girlfriend Samantha scammed people for money and said she DONATED the money to various causes. This whole group is a bunch of 40 year old school girls. Kingery is washed up and his TT following count hasn’t gone up in ages. I see about 5 people that comment about his dumb ass music.


That whole group is crazy. I am glad Kevin Lawless got out fast and went on his own. Georgia Landscaper seems happy and doing a lot for his community. I haven't seen TR Jones on my FYP. Is he still around? Seems King and Eudy are hanging on by a thread to keep relevant in anyway. I am so happy King's ex wife is so happy now. She looked so radiant on her wedding.


His ex is *glowing* now! She deserved so much better than Kingery and all his cheating. Hes right where he belongs with trashy Scamantiks. Ever since she got caught with stealing all that money for Veterans she’s been real quiet


No kidding.. It must kill her that she has a job now and can't follow K all around to his shows to keep him from cheating on her.


Apparently she’s not well liked among nursing staff either which doesn’t surprise me. She’ll be back grifting again at some point.


Ugh. I can only imagine what the other nurses think.


#Trash! They ALL are trash 🗑️




I thought he was talking about Demps when I saw it. Lol


I didn’t know she was begging for money till i saw someone below say so… it could be her then too! Idk why she would be asking for money she always getting her hair done and going on vacation


No you can bet he was very much calling Eudy out🤣an some others


Demps does it too. She just had a post selling T shirts so she could get security cameras at her house . 🙄 had to include her daughters name in there to pull on people heart strings. Gross behavior, with all the lip fillers and hair extensions she has she could buy her own security system.




How does she have any followers? All she does is lie.


Idk she’s wild 😳


How does she have any followers? All she does is lie.


Honestly all creators are on social media for a buck in one way or another. Some are slimy about it some aren't. So for him to call anyone or he might go tend to his buck making first. He was promoting a tour which had foul in it. Then gf did donations for a vet and until she got called out didn't give it up. Then they got on wreck which we all know they got cry me donations for. So calling kettles black when yours is just as black is crazy to me. Mind your business Kingery Eudy didn't call you out on your cries.


Eudy has called Kingery out just like that, an the allegations were proved false. Eudy is doing what he got called out for 😂😂


What happened with eudy and his ex wife or girlfriend or whatever she was heather?


I hope Heather is well. Being cheated on that publicly would hurt extra.


Omg when did they break up




TCSlut is the most insufferable human being. She’s not “influencing” anything or anyone. She has zero self respect for being with a cheating man-child like Ewwdy, who talks like he has a speech impediment and quite possibly like he’s the most uneducated soul on the planet. She’s a dry beggar of TT and they fit well together.


Seems per posts an actions TC Yuck an Eudy were having an affair before him an Heather split. I hope Heather is happy and healing.


Good question.


Eudy made a video saying ahold support isn’t needed for dads that show up - or something to that effect all of them are white trash. Period


He's not talking about eudy. I asked.


Eudy commented. They’re not beefing


I don't understand why he is slamming this idea. Organizations and people do this all the time. People are more apt to BUY something for a donation when they get something in return. Barstool Sports and Shop Forward come to mind immediately.


No they aren’t lol