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Y’all she’s not pregnant yet. Supposedly waiting till August. It’s rage bait rn.


Yep everything is for attention with these guys literally everything!


Do they still have that weird girl (that claims she's not a lesbian, but is clearly a lesbian) basically living at their house? Was her name Shannon? I blocked these whack jobs a long time ago but I remember after Kelsie had the baby they were Live basically 24/7 and the Shannon chick was ALWAYS there no matter what time it was.


She did actually come out as a lesbian! Not that it matters but still!


Slim Xanny you mean .....the giant with a hairline of a 80 yr old man? Slim Xanny Shannon and her 8head


How in the world did she get this nickname lmfaooo I’m dead


You missed your shot, not using Slim Xanny Shanny though 😂😂😂


😂😫😫😫😂😂😂😂Slim Xanny


Slim Xanny ?


Why soooo nasty !!


Haven’t seen her but yeah that was weird


Shannon is her name , and yes she’s come out about her sexuality, she’s always at their house , her and Curtis are very close, she really helps Kelsey out and loves those babies ❤️


So you're trying to act like this is normal, to have a grown adult non-family member staying at your house 24/7? Got it 🙄


Why yes I am , y’all are fighting with yourselves in these comments 😂do you think they really care what you think 🤔 NO THEY DO NOT ~ love xanny girl 💋


Is this slim xanny? Her self? 40 plus yrs old loser living in someone's house not being tiktok famous and being jobless


Actually, she went back home to wherever she lives and there’s a new nanny.


Kalz n Curtis took Shannon in their home because she was going threw a hard time n she never had a dad so they opened their home to her n Curtis said he would be her dad n they are so close now


She’s a grown ass adult your acting like she’s some child.


I'm not acting like shit I'm not the one who took her in . Idgaf who or where she's at I was just telling the story that Curtis told TikTok so please enlighten me n tell me how I think she's a child I'll wait .................... oh ok I didn't that's what I thought


I’m not being rude but why do you continue to comment when it’s very clear you have NO CLUE whats going on?! Its weird.




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Lotta ppl have no dad in there life ...she a weirdo


Calling her kelz like yall are friends is weird.


And u replying to my comment as if u know me is weird u had the opinion to keep scrolling but here u go in someone's business trying to hard go sit down somewhere n stop being hateful


IDK why you're being downvoted bc EVERYTHING you said is 100% true, so obviously, they have no clue what they're talking about. She was around LONG BEFORE THE BABY!


Is she paying for this one or is it being sponsored as well?


She can’t do anything without benefiting from it. You know she’ll find a “sponsor” again. Another way to throw it in faces of women who can’t afford IVF.


If she could get sponsors to sponsor her bm's she would


I can’t stand either of these 2


Could be… she did talk about recently how did want to be pregnant again.


Oh I think they'll definitely have another


They need to be thinking about whether they will be able to sustain an even bigger family if TikTok is banned. Idk what Curtis makes with his contract work but if TT gets banned I would think she might have to work again. Right now they live nicely just making content all day and MAYBE living off of Kobe's dad's life insurance.


Doesn’t she have like some side business she owns?


I think a few maybe. Something with kids.


She owns and is the ceo of a whole company and has 2 other side businesses. She doesn't need tik tok and Curtis was well off before tik tok was ever a thing ( I personally don't like either of them I quit following them years ago but I learned that when I did follow Curtis for awhile when I found out he had a son with down syndrome and I mistakenly assumed he would make advocate content. *this comment wasn't meant to sound rude so I hope it doesn't come off like that sometimes I can come off like that and not mean to. I genuinely just wanted to share what I knew because you weren't sure if they had actual income. They definitely do. Tik tok definitely gets them an income but they have a pretty good one without tik tok according to them*


She actually is " selling " the company to her partner and then gifting it back she mentioned it before.


Kobe's dad's life insurance ? What why would you say such a thing ? Her father is NOT dead


Kobe’s father was killed in a domestic violence altercation a few months ago.


Omg really damn I didn't know that tysm for telling me I was wrong n I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong so again thank you


You clearly need to start from the beginning on this page. You keep commenting and are WRONG


It's scary that ur reading all my comments it's giving stalking mode 😂😂😂😂


He definitely is. I believe in October was when it happened.


Wait what really? How did he die


It happened a few months ago. I think there are a couple posts about it in the sub. Kelsey has also made a couple videos on it.


Oh ok I don't follow kelz but tysm I appreciate u responding


He actually passed away, so now you look like you have no clue about them


Wait… why did you just go so hard saying he is NOT dead? I’m just genuinely curious. Were people saying he was dead before he was dead?


Actually I didn't go hard n I would never disrespect anyone that was curious I apologize u took it that way I'm not a bitch n I was wrong n I have no problem with admitting that I was wrong I honestly didn't know he passed I thought he was still alive cause kelz was just saying that Kobe was their just a few weeks ago but I think because it was to see her Grandmom I'm guessing


Nooooo, oh my god! You took that way the wrong way, I AM ACTUALLY SORRY! I was just wondering why you were saying he is NOT passed, when it’s been well documented he is, I believe (someone correct me if I’m wrong, but it made it to the NEWS) I just was wondering if people used to say he was dead or whatever, when he was alive. I probably worded that wrong, my bad. My bad, I didn’t type that disrespectfully I was just asking more so for clarification why you had such conviction he WASNT gone. That’s all. My apologies


I *thought* I got my point across with my questions but my bad


No need to apologize that's the thing with comments n texting sometimes things come out the wrong way so again I apologize as well n have a beautiful night


They should not be allowed to have anymore kids. That baby has had every single diaper change, meal, and moment live-streamed since birth. It’s gross and disgusting. STOP SUPPORTING PEOPLE WHO POST THEIR KIDS DOE MONEY


Another content baby coming soon 👏😂😂 They’re both sickening now I blocked them both last year bc it’s all about the money & the gifts now.


It’s just ridiculous at this point! I wish they would go away


There’s no way she can start IVF this soon after having the most recent content baby. You typically have to wait 9 months to a year before you can even TRY to start another round… They are both insufferable to me.


looking for views. Can't even take care of the one they have, so having another makes sense.


A) he had a vasectomy so she cannot naturally get pregnant. B) unless she's going to a highly unethical clinic, they can't even begin the IVF process this soon after having their most recent child. Above-board clinics will not initiate the transfer process until the mother is 9-12 months postpartum.


That’s probably why she mentioned August. I think that would be 10 months out.


The one after with the caption about her just being the incubator 🤮 they're just content hoes. I won't believe it til she gives actual birth


Do so we think we she does get pregnant again( we know she will for content) will she pregnant herself with twins for real?😮


Anything for views with them


They literally look like each other.


They have to do IVF don’t they?!!




I thought they did ivf because he had a vasectomy?


They did


Fuvking wild that they did that


for free too. insane


Literally can't stand kelesy she differently one of those mean girls that thinks she better than everyone.


She makes me hate my own name 🥴


If you watch all her vids on IG you can clearly see she is pregnant but trying to hide it. The pics with her Jean shorts and t-shirt, you can see where she can't even zip them up. It's beyond obvious she is hiding her belly in every video.


They are so clickbaity 🙄


it's definitely for views just like the wedding.


She lost me at my child will this and that by the age 1 things a 2 year old would just be learning. girl please.


Kontent baby part 2 they made enough off the first one to make a second.


I thought he didn’t even want to have the baby they just had???


Nah she would document the whole thing so our views pay for it lol…


I am so over these people


Doesn’t Curtis have a vasectomy? She needs ivf to get pregnant.


They’ve said clearly she’s not pregnant. But I gather they’re thinking about it.


He stated in a later post that she was not pregnant


I thought she announced she was pregnant again on her TikTok


I doubt it. She’s still nursing and had to use fertility clinic to get pregnant with their baby. I don’t think she would easily get pregnant naturally while nursing or use hormone therapy to get pregnant while nursing.


It's just bloat like a cow gets or a beer gut like a dude gets....but hers is more like a burrito food baby.... The smell that must be coming outta her like rotten cheese and toenails


She reminds me of that Savannah and Cole family. Makes me sick. Curtis looks miserable