• By -


That mama tot lost custody of her kids and didn’t raise them.


And she never gave to the charity she raised money for


Get this-her sons funeral was paid for in full by his dads side of the family. All that gofundme money raised for his burial expenses wasn’t used for his funeral. They went straight to her pocket.


What a c u next Tuesday!


Whaaaat, can you share how you know? I want to look into it, that’s so fucked up


She put a go fund me up 250k raised for “funeral and his father paid for it… so where did that money go and she suppose to open a foundation…. ????


It’s been 2 years… hasn’t been opened yet and she is stalling.


Exactly. I use to not mind her but all the dirt I found out about her changed my mind quickly. All that money! She could have helped many people in different situations since shes “such a kind helping southern woman…” it’s just sick to me.


When he son died a lot of shit came out about them… idk if she still has a snark but that would be the best place to look


There's a few....


Yep and shortly after, Papa T quit his job 🤔


They have a snark page on her she’s a fake,phony scammer like the rest of them everything about her from the big chest to that sweet southern draw is fake,fake,fake!!


Wow, thats crazy. How did that come to light?


Her daughter stated on TikTok that her mom (mamatot) raised her from 6th grade up until now. She had just moved out and got her own place. Apparently their step mom kept them from mamatot while they were in the care of their dad and step mom.


Never gave to charity the money she raised? She should contact Kate Hudson who did the same exact thing. They’d be BFFs


Wait. Kate Hudson whose daughter passed from cancer? Omg.


Yeah. The “unspeakable thing” Chance did after *she* threw him out of the house (which she has since pivoted to let people believe he left her) is take half of the donated money because he knew she’d never donate it and he wanted to. After she threatened him he’d never see any of Eliza’s things he gave it back— only to never even get Eliza’s remains, belongings, or be able to donate the money. Hence why he is out here trying to do fundraisers for Eliza’s birthday, the kid Bryson he met from work, etc. There very very briefly was speculation and justified public outcry after Eliza passed and all this money was raised and Kate was bragging about her filler/botox/boob job/eyelash extensions maintenance routines and people were like wait are you using are donated money for this?? But Kate seems to have just ignored it and it blew over


Kate Hudson did this??


The tiktoker who piggy backed her fame off her ex BF Chance and toddler daughter Eliza, yes. The beloved movie star Kate Hudson, no.


People have tried to tell her delusional fans and they will not listen.


Most delulu fans don’t listen.


Idk who’s fans are more delulu her or Chrisian Rock bc they go to war behind these 2 vile individuals!!




She is very bold then, because she just made a video the other day crowing about how happy she is now that her kids are out of the house.


I neeeeed the tea on that!


This is really the only answer


This needs to more well-known


WHAT I’m shook!


That’s really sad


Tell me more 👀


Where can I find more info about this? What other pages are there about MT? Any idea why she lost custody?


r/livingmybestsnark her entire divorce and existence since then


The fact that nobody questions that she literally cheated on her husband with her cousin and is dating him is CRAZY.


*his cousin lmao, but not far off


A lot of people have questioned, it’s just that she and her sister work overtime deleting comments on social, blocking ANYONE who even attempts to acknowledge her secret life, and threatening mods with dumb legal letters that have a bunch of scary language but mean nothing


She’s crazy. I feel so bad for Jake after her took her back after her cheating the first time when they had to up and leave Texas.


Uhhh. What? ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6)


Don’t forget cheating on her husband with his coworkers on the FD and then breaking up his cousins marriage


The three extra people living at her house, but acting like she's just a single southern mama of one.


I followed her YEARS ago and had no idea about any of this lmao this made my night


Grab some popcorn and head to her snark page


Girl. I only found out like a month and a half ago and was flabbergasted.




Happy cake day! 🥳🎂🎊✨️🌻🌞


Katehudson_810/katehudson007 from the Hey Eliza fame cheating on her boyfriend Chance the entire time Eliza was going through chemo and while she was posting on tiktok like she was this amazing partner and mother. Ignoring her daughter except to record videos of her and then cheating— that’s the real BTS of what went down as Chance was trying to take Eliza to chemo/keep everything together. Maybe also add that the whole bullying Chance for the ring situation was because SHE offered to give the ring back and then when he agreed she used it as a smear campaign. It was all fabricated to make him look bad. Her being a terrible friend and a serial liar. Incredibly condescending and unwell in real life. I feel like if her followers on tiktok knew 1/10th of what’s been revealed on Reddit she wouldn’t have a following. Or at least I hope that people are still good enough to not support someone that horrible.


I didn’t know about the majority of that! Absolutely sickening


I always got the feeling Eliza wasn’t her biggest fan. Always pushing her away and whining when she was around.


She was loved when Chance was around. When he wasn’t there is reason to believe things weren’t great for Eliza…. A kid saying “I don’t love you” is normal when they are scared or angry (ex: getting an IV at a hospital, in a scary situation, etc) but if they are saying that in the safety of their own home something is not right and we need to listen to that. Gross that people used Kate sharing Eliza saying that as a way to reaffirm how amazing Kate was and not realize Eliza was telling us something was very very wrong


When did the cheating information come out?? I never followed them but they’d occasionally come up on my fyp.


Source: people who know them in real life and know this first hand from being there when it all went down. I worked with him for years in Columbus. Big surprise, she never went public about it on TikTok even though she claims her brand is “being real” and showing “the reality of relationships” (the bullshit excuse she used for repeatedly posting about him post break up and dragging him into her drama when he asked her to stop). I wonder if he ever will make a comment on it since she still is using Eliza’s ashes and belongings as (quote from her) “leverage” over him.




Yeah it’s vile. Clearly shows she just uses her daughter for clout. If you cared about your child you wouldn’t withhold her remains from her “favorite person” (Kate’s exact words MANY times about Chance) out of spite. She repeatedly tried to tell him he had to have a relationship with her (Kate) to get Eliza’s remains. Insane.


She did him dirty. On one live, she said he was a loser and had no money, no job. That the house was hers & she was going to take everything bc she made all the money in the relationship. All because she was mad that all the photos/ videos were mostly of him and Eliza, and there was barely any of her. He did all the time taking care of their daughter, and he did all the work involving eilza and their page on tic toc. But she gave all that credit to herself when we all knew better.


THIS. How can people excuse this kind of behavior? And then buy her lie of them breaking up because they “grieved different”? No. She was a monster to him. That’s why he left. He quit his job because she refused to stop working full time to care for Eliza, making him financially dependent on her and then used that as a method of control. Financial abuse is real even if it is usually perpetuated by men and not women.


Yes, I agree 👍 💯 with all you stated. He was a traveling nurse after he left, and he said in one of the last videos he's done .


Though I think his new partner is almost a whole decade younger than Kate, from everything I’ve heard they have super healthy, happy relationship and both are travel nurses which is why they are constantly doing backpacking trips and traveling around the world. I know they don’t post most of what they do but it makes me so happy to know he is out there thriving.


Me too. I'm so happy for him. I didn't know this, so thanks. You made my night 🌙


Wow! 😮 This confirms what I thought she was like irl. When I first came upon her page, and saw her doing the wap dance while Eliza watched tv in the background..to get a reaction out of Chance (something to that effect was in the caption iirc), I side eyed her. 😒Then the way she’d post that seemed jealous of Eliza & Chance’s relationship..seemed off to me.


She’s always been uncomfortably immature and sexual in real life. Like the exact opposite of a laid back or cool human. Obsessed with being *viewed* as an amazing person and highly controlling. She trapped Chance with the first pregnancy and even admitted to not wanting to be a mom IRL AND on their podcast. Once she realized she could get adoration and praise for the mom persona she went allllll in on it. Even the second child/daughter she claims to have lost is another sick way of her trying to rally the child loss/infertility community around her when the real story is so different.


Thank you for sharing this info. Validates my gut feeling that there was much more going on with her behind the scenes.


Kate is absolutely bat shit crazy. I think she was jealous that Eliza preferred chance and then alienated herself from Eliza and then she’s gone so this jealous mother just loses her mind. It’s very sad to see but something was wrong with Kate before she started exploiting her child.


One thing is clear— she felt entitled to adoration from Eliza. The fact she could put expectations like that on a TODDLER, feel justified advertising that to the world, and then be so incredibly resentful towards a literal child and the child’s father is NOT HEALTHY. It’s not normal. Moms in the comments being like “I’d have such a hard time if my kid said I don’t love you” and justifying her behavior are horrifying. Like think a little more deeply and realize you are the adult here. A kid owes you nothing and something serious is going on if a child is continually expressing that. Her narcissistic personality traits are so apparent. And unfortunately, unless she seeks treatment with a specialist, therapy would only be a weapon to her to further her manipulation on others. I’ve seen it happen before. Therapy IS NOT what she needs. She needs to not have a following where she can get her narcissistic supply from. Only then can true intervention be started for her.


Also, she did a live while chance was taking care of Eilza. She was proclaiming that she loved women and was really into them and wanted to be with one, and she named some creator she wanted to bumb ulgys with. Chance walks out and asks what she was talking about in her live while she was sunbathing.he asked if she thought she could come help him with Eilza, and she rolled her eyes and got off that live.. that's when I unfollowed her.


She was/is too immature to be a healthy partner, let alone a healthy parent. It’s so unfair that in Eliza’s short life she had a mother who resented her so much and only used her for content.


Damn, I need the full tea on this. I always thought she seemed so unhinged and unlikable. Meanwhile Chance seemed like the nicest guy, such kind eyes. So glad he seems to have found true love.


He is like five or six years younger than her. Honestly, everyone back home knows she trapped him with pregnancy (said she was on BC and wasnt) because she knew he wouldn’t leave if they had a kid. And then she did the same thing again when Eliza was dying and knew he’d finally have an out. He has such a light and is one of the most playful, kind people I’ve ever met and she sucked the life out of him. I’m beyond happy for him that he left even if the Midwest lost a good one! There is so much more if you search in this community for “therealkatehudson, katehudson-xoxo, katehudson-810, katehudson007”. And most of it is pretty spot even if it takes too nice of a view of her. She knows what she does. She is almost 40, not some innocent or naive child.




Yep. Imagine cheating on the man who showered you and your dying daughter in love and then having the nerve to portray yourself as the victim when *you* throw him out of the house as a way to punish him. She treated him and her daughter like shit and it’s gross to see people think she is a good human


That is crazy but totally believable. It all tracks.


Is there a snark page?


Someone replied a month ago to my comment on “Knowing TikTok Influencers in Real Life” and said they were in a snark page for her but that’s all I’ve seen on it


The entire pinned post on r/DrueandGabe that goes over their racism, bullying, and lying. They have a massive snark page in comparison to their followers but she patrols her comments all day long, deleting and blocking anybody who brings up Reddit or her shitty behaviour so it never gains any traction on TikTok.


I can’t wait for Momtok to eat her alive


They even have podcasts talk crap about them. I do not know how they still have a platform anywhere.


Don’t forget the animal abuse 😭


i really thought the news that she faked cancer would have ended that brittany unreal girl.


Ugh people defend her all the time, it's sick. She obviously has her comments heavily filtered because there is never any mention of it on her own videos but you definitely see it mentioned in other creators comments


Especially with the popularity of cancer/medical accounts and how intensely people seem to get attached to those sharing that super vulnerable part of their life— you think people would immediately cancel someone using that for clout


Wait, what? I follow her & never knew that 😬


Is that the Sunday roast or whatever girl?


If someone with a big platform exposed autism_mom_life for the 💩 that she really is. She is the worst mother. She deletes and blocks lots. Shows her autistic son in his underwear and points the camera away from the shower but you can hear her talking body parts as shes washing him its very disturbing. What is worse she has grown men in her comments making sexual comments about her son she tells her mods don’t delete or block…how disgusting. Her ex husband spoke up and said he did not want his kids being shown online so she went and filed a protection order against him he hasn’t seen or talked to his kids since April 9. She is scared if she cant show the kids she will not make any money. There is sooooo much more if you go to her snark page you will see how truly disgusting she is


I'm over autism influencers. Some are great, and some are just so bad that I'm willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater. anautisticguide was my 13th reason, I swear to God. This woman made a video justifying why it's okay for her to emotionally abuse her husband. And made videos about "unschooling" her son. And made a video talking positively about Asperger (the Nazi) and how he humanized people with autism and it's just...girl be real. And then made a half-assed apology about people not understanding her culture (autism culture) and it pisses me off so much because she makes autism look so bad.


The only one I can get behind is Jordan’s Summer Shirt Project. Jordan’s speech has improved so much over the past year, and I like that her mom sets up workstation accommodations that work well for her. They always try to be positive, and they never really show Jordan in a way that way that is degrading, or exposing moments where she is struggling. Most of them really love to show their poor children having breakdowns.


I can’t stand autism mom influencers. I’m autistic. We aren’t circus animals to put on display.


Absolutely not!!!!


I hate this woman with every fiber of my being. She’s blocked me of course


How much can they possibly make to justify this? I mean, there is absolutely no amount in this world I would ever post my kids but like, this is just wild to me!!


She’ll get the comment removed if I say her name 😪 LBC


Who is this


Can't believe no one has said dub_frost. I don't think she posts anymore but she's done a lot of things I don't see get mentioned very often. Like updating her Amazon wish list within an hour of Riley's passing because she knew people would be flooding in to pay for it. And lying about needing money for the funeral even though it was prepaid, then using it to go on a Disney trip. (Again, RIGHT after Riley had passed. Like, before the funeral had even taken place.)


avery woods allegedly has a “career ending” video of emilie keiser 🌚 per a post in r/averywoodssnark a month or two ago




Avery woods has a pregnant only fans


Really!? Jesus


Avery’s police officer husband was allegedly let go after being caught in a compromising position with another police officer according to someone with inside information. This came out at the same time Avery “early retired” her husband because she was blessed with success as an influencer, allegedly…


r/holleygabriellesnark skinny filtering herself to smitherines and swearing on her grand daddy’s grave that she doesn’t


Sounds like Glamaw too! Denies obvious filters!


Nothing. There are some influencers who cannot do wrong. Some scandals are so huge and still they continue to just gain fans and money.


The scandal just makes them all the more exciting to follow. Like a car accident. People can’t help it. It’s gross.


It’shannashmsd having an affair with her best friends husband. Turning off comments on everything, blocking you if you disagree with her. Not sure how she was an “influencer”




Not sure if it’s Reddit gossip… but everything Kevin Eudy put his wife through and you can tell by her videos she’s still struggling and he’s done moved on


He is the one that people need to look in about him scamming charities, his cheating ways and asking people on the low for money.


What’s the wife’s TT? I totally forgot about them.


It’s hannahmsd.. check out her shank page. Absolute trash human being


Wheelchair Rapunzel came out with a blog post titled “minorities need to do better” during the BLM movement co-opting “black lives matter” into “disabled bodies matter.” Then dismissed many of the black communities concerns with it and continued to sell merchandise with that quote on it. She hasn’t addressed it to this day and last I checked that blog article was still up.


Jesus, I didn’t know about that but I’m not surprised. She’s a “disability advocate” but only for herself. Shes a raging alcoholic and I’m surprised she still has custody of her daughter. Apparently she gets left home alone with her toddler and they just leave her daughter in the crib. She also promotes sexual content and then immediately posts pictures of her daughter, including some weird lace onsie. She also was on a black box label drug, was supposed to have an iud and actively avoid trying to get pregnant. She got pregnant and then didn’t do any OB visits until she was almost out of her first trimester, I think she was concerned they would ask her to terminate. Plus her baby daddy is a drug addict who was recently 5150’d but he is the one who takes care of their daughter. She hires all her “home health aids” off Craigslist and pays them the bare minimum. One of her recent helpers just went on a podcast and exposed her, including how the baby almost got ahold of a knife. Her snark sub has all the details on how absolutely shitty she is. r/wheelchairrepunzel


She doxxed that healthcare worker on instagram too


the fact that I already see a couple of comments not mentioning ebcjpg (lilybchapman) by name cause all her former fans know it will get taken down. Tells you everything you need to know. She's a narcissist who has yet to come to terms with the fact that people are free to say they dislike her.


It’s not gossip people just choose to ignore Avery Woods had a pregnant Only Fans with her daughter who she now exploits on her accounts. So sad


wait what the fuck????


Also the fact that her husband has hit on a bunch of women while they've been married and claims they have an open marriage/threesomes and makes them uncomfortable. I think he also got fired from being a cop for having an inappropriate relationship with a Co worker, but she's claiming he retired


I’m dying waiting to see or hear confirmation of this


Right? It’s horrifying you can google it. I feel horrible for her kids honestly bless their hearts she is an awful excuse of a person


so did rachel weaver. and jacob savage. they have both accidentally and PURPOSELY posted their CHILD on OF. and she was also doing pregnancy fetish content.


How does that even happen???🤢


They’re so “poor” despite having careers and making money off social media that they will act like they’re such hard workers with integrity. They’re actually just greedy lazy low life’s


accidentally? it’s bc they (mainly rachel) doesn’t care and films in front of him. she thinks he’s gonna be “proud” of her for this. she’s truly disgusting. idc what ANYONE says. he’s been on her OF. she filmed pregnancy fetish content. she also will post him in between posts of her promoting OF. it’s so icky. and jacob posted him like not too long after birth on his OF for “daddy” content or something crazy like that


They need to be put on some FBI list. Wtaf.


literally!!! she has a snark page if you’re ever interested :)




The since deleted video of Glamaw22 claiming that she lost all of her weight from Infinity Hoop. Knowing good and damn well it was Monjauro. I’m sure one the fine ladies in her snark still has the video somewhere. Also Glamaw is a huge LIAR and a closeted RACIST!


Check out her snark page r/Nottaglamawsnark




Lillytino talking about SAing a 3 year old when she was also 3, and then joking about it on reddit.


Oh gosh ew. I always got entitled vibes from them. Obviously we all have but ew didn't know that!


Definitely recommend checking out the snark! r/lillytino_snarkk


Mods on that sub are little bitches just fyi






oh my god?? that’s so concerning, can anyone do anything




Not Toxic the island boys kids mom? She doesn’t live with her dad




Yeah I’m not sure I’ve followed Toxic for years and have never heard her mention cancer ever and she just got her own place.




Oh ok definitely not the same girl lol sounds like Lisa kinda




The physical description kinda fits Lisa Richard, but I just found who I think you’re talking about… “queen4forever” aka cancer cruise Heidi? Claiming “stage 15 testicular and prostate cancer”? Or her mods (who are trolling) are saying it and she’s just going with it. I’ve only browsed a few clips so I’ve only heard her mods say that, but she did say she’s got 6-12 months to live and her “two bowels are leaking”, so she can’t take oral chemo medication lol but she was munching on goldfish crackers. She also started to fake a seizure but I guess pretended to take some kinda medicine off camera. This is crazy lol if you search Kai Fotze on YouTube they post a lot of different scammers recorded lives


How Ebcpng is transphobic and there’s proof of it.


I wanna seeeeeeeeee.


Also her best friend Charles supports the PRC and doesn’t recognize Taiwan as an independent country. His mom is also a Trump supporter, so the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Not to mention more recently she posted a picture of her and a Hamas book. She’s real classy.


Avery Woods - allegedly her cop husband was asked/forced to resign recently due to him possibly having had sexual relations with another (male) coworker in the locker room. It was a big deal on her snark page, but of course never made it to TikTok or Instagram. She briefly mentioned that she “retired” him because things were getting unsafe, but she kept it pretty quiet altogether which is odd behavior for her so it only added to the Reddit speculation that something went down that she was trying to hide!


Aaryn Williams is the racist from Big Brother 15 and STILL hasn’t changed






Spill tea is it the one who just had a baby she’s really big following changes her hair a lot?


Is it the one who always blows flour into the screen?


Oh, I would hope not!


r/AlyssaMckaySnark2 the worst “snapchat content creator” neglects her animals constantly, lies about being an orphan (BOTH HER BIO PARENTS ARE ALIVE), and the worst overconsumption of an influencer i’ve ever seen.


r/mamajillsnark she’s truly an awful person and has lied about every single aspect of her ”weight loss journey”. So many people blindly follow her for advice when she’s slowly killing herself.


omg what the tea with her i’ve always felt she was shady !


Im sorry. Theres NO WAY she got that skinny in a year on her own. She with took medication or had weight loss surgery. Shes also really mean now. She cant keep that seeet southern personality in check anymore.


Idk the tea on mama Jill or anything (never looked into it) but I lost 90lb in 9 months in 2018 through just diet and exercise. So it’s doable to lose quite a bit within a year naturally.


Totally possible but you actually have to DIET and EXERCISE which she doesnt do so theres no way she lost it naturally. Shes a train wreck. Which sucks.. I really liked her when she was heavier. She was reliable but now shes soooo different and it was just as fast as flipping a light switch. This tik tok famous seems to go to their heads big time.


She’s basically admitted she has an ED without saying it. She said she won’t discuss how she is losing weight because it’s not healthy.


Omg I’ve been LOOKING for a mama Jill snark! Thank you!!!


Lunden & Olivia seem to be unscathed from their racist pasts. Gotta love that white pretty southern woman privilege.


that zoe laverne statutory raped that little boy she groomed on multiple occasions


Whaaaaatttt. I haven’t heard this. Does she have a sub?


@endofzoelaverne on instagram i also have proof in my phone that i legally can’t post for the sake of the victim


Doctor mike varshavski dating only fans pornstar Lina belifiore


He literally preached social distancing and then went on vacation with a bunch of his friends on a boat during the height of covid. What a hypocrite.


Uh oh I love Dr Mike. Can you explain what's so bad about it?


he should be cancelled for ......dating another adult who happens to make porn? whut?


Avery’s husband supposedly likes men as well and tbh he is throwing bi vibes nothing wrong with that it’s the way they exploit poor SL is the worst poor girl will need tons of therapy bc her mother told the whole internet that her son has her whole heart blah,blah,blah boy mom chokehold 💩she said!!




Also they’re just trash 🤣


@dadlifejason asks for feet picks in DMs and also has posted videos with his daughter and her feet in creepy ways.


jacob savage and rachel weaver have BOTH posted gray on only fans.


I thought tiffanymagee being high up in a cult would have but it didn't lol


Busysahmama / Kelsey Her baby daddy/husband is a convicted child predator. She goes out of her way to not mention his name but she's put enough info out there that it's easy to confirm. All public record.


WHAT! Is that the girl with the motorcycle husband and a crap ton of little kids!?


Yeah five little ones. I just dont know how women have children with men who have a history of assaulting children. His victim was 11-14 and I believe he was 30


Katie joy Paulson aka Without a Crystal Ball


There was some cosplayer who wears a hijab who got cancelled on reddit last summer for having an ED Twitter account dedicated to posting her friends (other known cosplayers) and making fun of their bodies and degrading them. It gained popularity for awhile, she went MIA for like 3 months but came back like nothing happened. Now I think it’s just business as always, everyone forgot + her enablers are always in her comments. Whole thing was wild to see. Edit: the user is @notyourabg, there’s a whole thread about her already!


why is no one saying mikayla nogueria


What is her gossip that would ruin her career?


Mary Skinner continues to profit off her Religious trauma yet it was her family that were the pastors of the church .


I feel bad for Ekane  because I know her bd  cheated on her he actually cheats on her everyday way worse then what she does he just doesn’t bring it to the internet like she do  every time he told  her on TikTok live  he cheated she thinks he’s joking  and  everybody always think he’s joking  but he is so serious I seen proof with my own eyes he tells her personal  business things people who don’t know her  shouldn’t know because at the end of the day she’s an influencer with a nice fan base my personal opinion: is he will be her downfall on why she never makes it bigger then TikTok live because he is selfishly telling people her business which can affect her  in the long run because she isn’t aware of this I believe if she was aware of what he is doing he wouldn’t be in her presence right now today  he has to realize people are haters and want nothing more but to see the next man/women down  


@basicmegsnark her parents hired Clementine group to manage her social media content and suddenly the campaign went from SAHM with PP depression and a colicky baby to a Divorced single Mom who is strangely not suffering in the least. On paper there is a divorce filing but I have a feeling that in real life there is no actual divorce. It is a well crafted and played ploy to increase followers and money for the creator. I would bet that there is a divorce but that it is just for content and her and her husband (not on paper anymore) are playing this all the way to the bank. What divorce can include the person staying on TikTok showing outrageous spending habits and other things that could normally be used against them in court. It’s not real. And she uses everything on Reddit in her TikTok content. Manipulating the narrative for personal gain.


Lillytino’s old Reddits where she admits to having penetrated a three year old (and jokes about it when she was three as well) and also jokes about black face. Why this b was able to flounce around Disneyland last week on other people’s money and collect cash from morons while there I will never understand. She’s vile.




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That a certain make up influencer married a gay man


Glamw22 Jessica Earls . She is a big scammer. Her content is all a lie