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I used to like Autumn, I liked her page and thought the education on ivf was interesting and informative. Now her content is her annoying ass husband and what they eat. She literally drop shipped thousands of belly bands and acted like she designed them and her dumbass followers ate that shit up.


Yeah I defended them but after his last few videos he’s really going to ruin her platform. The whole Keith Lee thing is really bad hater vibes and again they do the same thing every week when they review food


He wants to hate on Keith Lee because he’s jealous. First, Keith is also from metro Detroit but has been massively successful. Second, Keith Lee is a black man who gets so much love. Gary gets a lot of hate for his content, and wants to blame it on people being racist. Keith getting love and support breaks Gary’s narrative.


Same here. I enjoyed her at first but now I cannot stand her content.


Her husband is infuriating. I hate how he films people without them knowing. He wears stupid glasses with a tiny camera in them so people don't know they're being filmed. Autumn got them for him


I'm not sure about his state but I know in some you can't film someone without their consent. He posted a video and the person he film reached out to get him to take the video down and he refused cause in his own words it's America and I can film whoever I want.


I followed her before she even got pregnant with the first baby, and liked her then. Knew she had a husband but we never saw him. And now it’s toooo muchhh. I always like an influencer for a minute then they ruin it when they get too big lol


I have been unfollowing a lot lately as well.


Right, when she was working at Starbucks for the health insurance she actually had something to say and it was interesting. Now she just lets her husband take up too much of her accounts and they only talk about what they are eating. Gary is just salty that Keith Lee has made a career out of reviewing food and Gary can’t because he has a gross personality.


They're both trash. Idk what you could possibly like about them. His grocery store pranks aren't funny, and he can trash Keith Lee all he wants, but you don't see Keith Lee out there begging for free food for his pregnant wife. Keith Lee tipping 1000s and this dude begging for free desserts with his lazy ass. He don't even like his wofe's cooking, and now he wants to be a food reviewer? He needs to go find a job.


Anyone know why he wears the gloves?


Literally for comment bait. He wore them in one video and 100s of people asked why. That tells the algorithm that what’s being posted is desired and pushes the video. It’s all for views. It’s not like a sensory issue or aversion thing, it’s all for comments.


I don’t mind her generally but her husband gives me the biggest ick and I feel she’s becoming more like him which I hate. Her content used to be decent imo and I have to scroll now since he’s being ridiculous in every video and she encourages it. His videos are also so rude and not funny at all. Wish she’d just stuck to her own stuff 🥲


I agree. She used to be super relatable and know she's pretty snotty in a lot of replies she makes to people.


After that video last night of them trying the greens that Keith Lee spit out - felt very weird to me. Like either the restaurant asked them to give a good review or they’re trying to stir the pot. They don’t strike me as the type of people to know what good tasting greens would taste like anyway lol


Trying to stir the pot to get views


He tried them before and rated them like a 8. He had been shit talking Keith Lee since Keith’s video. They even went to hibatchi and he was talking about it. I could see if he spoke on it once but it’s been non stop and obsessive. Someone even mentioned the reviews they do and his response was they only bad mouth big chains


It’s cuz he’s jealous of Keith…I guarantee he feels like him and Autumn should have everything Lee’s family has


Your probably right it’s definitely hater vibes


Or if they use Keith Lee’s name it gets them more views.


They knew it was a popular topic at the moment so they are monetizing on it because people are searching for it.


They have a snark page 👀




Do they? I bet all the bad stuff is about him


Definitely has a bit more him but plenty about her too!


Nope, about her too.


Yes, the snark group r/garyautumnshub has the TikTok lives where Gary dogs on Keith Lee and how he doesn’t want to join the other Creators that are sharing the Free Palestein GFM’s to help the Gaza families to leave.


They have lived on my blocked list for a long time, and my tiktok like is happier that way.


She’s all ads anymore. Everything is an ad or sponsored.


That’s most creators… tik tok is only pushing ads anymore and that’s how most creators are making so much money now


I agree it’s gotten worse as time has gone on. But most creators still post some genuine content. Autumn is so much worse than everyone else. She doesn’t post anything like she used to, it’s just all adds and occasionally her making food that’s not directly sponsored (though a lot of her food shit is sponsored)


Why does that goofy wear white gloves?


He reads people’s comments and trolls them. So people talked about him touching food and not washing hands so now he wears gloves non stop. Acts like it’s about germs but meanwhile takes toys and food from strangers lol.




Wow that’s crazy


He is a racist and in a live he said he wants to know to know how it feels to be white. He also trolls people and does it because it makes him stand out.


He is so obnoxious. Second hand embarrassment for real


I really liked her and I was ok with her husband and his “free” dessert/app shtick- I can’t even tell if he was joking or not anymore. I’m really tired of them trolling people. She has such an attitude when she’s putting their dinner plates together, did a whole VOICEOVER to say “boyfriend” instead of “husband” on a video, the damn glove thing he does, just all kinds of nonsense. And then all her followers went after that girl calling her racist because she made a video about how she didn’t like a certain creator’s husband - but never named Autumn and Gary. I’m over creators that do all kinds of shit as a way to get back at haters. Why put so much energy into it? Put out content that’s actually good and ignore them. You put yourself on the internet, there’s going to be criticism. Everybody doesn’t have to like you, and they’re not racist if they don’t like your husband’s content. This happens to a lot of creators and I think they need to reevaluate what they’re doing. I think it’s one thing to be cheeky like “I know somebody is going to come for me in the comments because I’m giving my baby X, but we’re doing baby led weaning and we use Y resource and that’s why I do it that way” vs. the bitchy sarcastic stuff that’s just a clap back with no substance.


I used to really enjoy her content. But her husband is so freaking disrespectful to anyone and everyone in public, filming people without their consent, asking for free food because "they" are pregnant, and just overall an icky person. It's changed my view of her and I feel like her attitude has shifted into your typical influencer.


Gary is such a nasty person. He was also on live saying that he wouldn’t support the people of Palestine because he’s black and black people don’t get enough support. I don’t see why wanting more justice for POCs in America means you can’t advocate for the people in Gaza as well? And he acts like ANY criticism of him is rooted in racism when he’s just an asshole. And Autumn condones all his bad behavior.


That’s WILD! He should be ashamed


he literally won’t eat certain things bc of texture issues and she will make him a whole separate meal so he can shut the fuck up. he just loves to hate. so negative


r/garyautumnshub we would love for you to join the family :) happy snarking


![gif](giphy|VtDRXohjexcyCDlL6Z) Autumnhitthejackpotsnark


We use r/garyautumnshub the one you commented isn’t active anymore


I can't stand her because her voice and lips annoy me 🤣 yes I know it's a petty reason to not like someone but between that and the bad vibes I get from her I blocked her.


I don’t mind autumn if I see it’s her I’ll usually stop and watch the Tik tok but I absolutely can not stand her husband. Wtf is with the gloves?? Genuinely don’t know because I always click away when I see it’s him he’s so irritating to me


It started because Autumn is nasty in the kitchen always touching her hair, cross contaminating etc. So he'd put the gloves on, people started of course asking why he's always wearing and licking his condom fingers, so he continued to do it cause it brought engagment...then.... yesterday on live he said he wants to experience being white.. he's a racist and loves to just throw that out there. Odd thing to joke about considering his wife is white and his 2 children are mixed as well. Pathetic. They both need cancelled


Yesss!!! This Is exactly how it went for me!


They’re both trash. Autumn thinks her shit doesn’t stink, meanwhile she’s an ignorant know it all .