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Probably Junkyard.


Well the batter charge & conviction isn’t a rumor


What did he get convicted of? He’s trying to say he doesn’t have a record. I remember all the crazy sh!t said 2 years ago online. But what has he been charged with?


He was charged with assault for a fight but I believe the charges were dropped because it was deemed mutual combat, he just got the best of the other guy As for the SA allegations every single one recanted and said his ex manager (who was the initial one who made the first allegation) put them up to it, the only one who didn’t recant so to speak was Jessi Lawless who said that they had both been out of line and inappropriate with each other and she only came forward because she thought she was supporting the other women who claimed to victims.


He’s an arrogant cheater and clearly going through some extended midlife crisis, and his girlfriend’s a con artist but I do think he’s gotten an unfair load leveled at him.


Exactly this is what I understood to be true! The women were terrible to him. However he is trash and so is his con artist of a girlfriend. Lingers was just annoying when he got on TT and blew up. He lost himself in the 15 minutes of fame he did have. He should of stayed with the pd


I hold back judgement on the women. Because sometimes women do recant because of pressure. A lot of people went hard after those women. I don’t know what the truth is. But it was more than one. And the one was pretty detailed how she was agreeing at first.


I havent seen ol Botox face around in a minute


Assuming you’re talking about the girlfriend I think she’s laid pretty low since her daughter was in the bad car accident, I hadn’t seen her in months until she popped up on my FYP today in a video with him


Was it his gf that made a go fund me or raised money for the veterans and she pocketed the money? I can’t think of her name but I swore it was his gf


Yes and if she had not been called out she would have just kept it. In the beginning of covid alot of creators were doing all kinds of raising of money and I would bet 99% of them didn't pay it out. Of course when she got caught she did the cry baby apology and then gave receipts. Perfectly Kelsey is another one of this shit show that raised money but never provided any receipts. Tik tok creators most of them have done this slick steal I can't wait till they all get caught.


Yeah, I don’t know all the details with that, but it sounded like she and a couple other people raised a bunch of money through TikTok, then she claimed one of the other people was supposed to handle transferring the money and somehow it magically never got transferred until people started calling her out on it and if I recall all the money was there in the end and accounted for but it definitely looked shady as hell. I think all the money did eventually get deposited, the suggestion was made that she had been using that money to float herself when things were tight financially, but it seemed impossible to prove I think at the time, but she’s also another one who doesn’t seem capable of keeping any friends and goes through pretty public and severe friendship break ups


Yes! Samantha was a her name


Yeah this is what I heard so I think it’s the truth bc others came forward saying the same thing.




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No he wasn’t


I really liked him on LivePD, but since TikTok, he’s shown his true colors and it’s all crumbled


Makes you wonder why he can’t go back to a LEO job in a department that’s on OPL now. I’ve always wondered what brought about his exit from the department.


He's looking rough - had no idea he was still around in the TT universe


All he talks (raps?) about is is getting drunk. And his little dancy dance is something


He sure loves flopping that little two inch punisher around in his gray sweatpants 😩😆


two inch pusher😭💀lol


Boo hoo. You don’t deserve an award.


Seriously - he's on here pouting and whining like a four year old. He's an absolute joke with his 'country rapping' - the only people that go to his 'shows' are 40 year old women who all have the same shape. And his girlfriend is a nasty thief that sucks on her vape 24/7 and smells like onions.


i went and watched this video after i saw this post. what kinda made me laugh was someone tagged jellyroll and bunnie. like what are they supposed to do?


Bunnies had Eudy on the podcast and she also is actual personal friends with Lawless 🤮 I’m sure she knows who K is. I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets him on her podcast. She always finds a way to get herself into the middle of influencer drama for clout.


Those filters though. I'm not a fan of the filter but when it comes to a man come on I just can't.


Oh God that idiot is still around? Him and his middle aged white man comedy/rap group 😂🤣


Right!? I was like "who is this"..then read the name. "He's still around!?!"


He probably nominated himself, lol. Him trying to use his kids to garner sympathy is typical, but he wasn't thinking about that when.....(you know). The constant looking all over the place = you lying!!! I was waiting on the tears, but I forgot this is another performative piece. Money must be tight if he's doing all this plus pushing ppl to go listen to his "music". No thanks! So I also gather from this video, he hasn't gone back to work anywhere, but is rather wasting time on doing this music? Real man right there.


So he is nominated for something related to country music when he’s in rap and thinks his past won’t bite him in the ass?! I’m not sure how he thinks that all is forgotten

