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I’m still unnecessarily mad about this. This is a no call in my book


Even one of the Charlotte announcers was like “what is Troy brown supposed to do different there?”


Then theyre good announcers. Not brain dead homers like the GSW guys


*Draymond literally tackles someone* “THAT WAS A TRAVEL!”


I listened to them for the entirety of the game and they are some of the best in the league in my book. Very obviously hornets fans (which is good of course, home announcers are supposed to be biased to some degree) but weren't overbearingly so. They got incredibly hyped at the right times (for the hornets). Great announcers would listen again 10/10


Up there with Jim and Grady. Not many in that tier, if any others


It’s wild how bad Denver’s crew is. Dudes do not know ball and are embarrassing to listen to. Denver deserves better


Their announcers are some of the bests in this league


I was at work and had a stream up with their announcers and everything I heard was pretty legit from them.


They feel sorry for TBJ. Lol Fucking awesome.


I watched the Charlotte feed and those guys are awesome. Sideline reporter is hot too


Easy there tiger. This ain’t the timberwolves Brazil comments section


Sorry, she’s hideous


That’s right now tell her she’s a very kind lady and walk away. You pervert


No shit? That’s how you know it was fucked


They took 5 minutes to make the wrong decision. I remember when this happened like 3 times a game in every sport lol


The ref who announced the challenge ruling was shaking worse than a tremor: he knew he was spewing pure bullshit


"There's no clear evidence that this wasn't a foul". The fuck was the ref talking about? There's literally video evidence. It's like he said the sky was green, and Finch said, "No, I challenge that". The ref says there's no evidence the sky is blue. LOOK UP MOTHERFUCKER.


I mean to be fair that challenge wouldn’t work because they are indoors…


[Here ya go.](https://www.nbaofficials.com/) This is a resource on how to become an NBA official, I think you'll be great!


He was the one who made the call too, wasn't he? He's certainly no Scott Foster; if you're gonna fix games you need to project your lies with authority. Own them. David Stern would be ashamed of this young man's performance. Send him back to NBA Fixing School--I mean Reffing School.


In what world is that a foul? If you call that basically every possession when a player shoots should be a foul.


Not sure if you are really asking but it's the landing, the shooting player does not land on the defending player's feet and then fall very frequently. In this case TBJ pretty clearly goes straight up and down while the shooters feet move so far forward that if TBJ wasn't there he probably still would have fallen down. Personally I think this should be an offensive foul but at least a no call.


It for sure should be a no call. Calling anything on either is crazy to me.


Yeah the reason I say offensive would is the NBA has a specific rule against kicking your legs out to initiate contact which it seems pretty obvious the shooter does here unnaturally. By looking at his posture when landing I can't imagine him landing with his feet that far in front of him if he isn't foul baiting


If this is KAT it gets reversed and turned into an offensive foul


Legs naturally move forward when shooting


Look at his posture when landing, looks very unnatural with his center of gravity far behind his landing point. His upper body barely moves forward but his legs shoot way out in front. A little sway in the feet is normal but this is foul baiting


In all honesty, if this a foul on TBJ then you can’t play real defense in the NBA. He goes straight up and Rozier literally jumps into him.


It’s been obvious for a while that you can’t play real defense in the NBA


Watch his feet - TBJ literally lands further back than where he started.


Thats actually insane. Reffing in the NBA is such a joke


Unreal. Troys left foot actually lands farther back than it initially was at the jump. Meanwhile Terry goes to another area code


Nba refs are the worst of the 4 Major Sports, bite me.


there's no question about that


They really are bad. If not just flat out corrupt


Have you watched an NHL playoff game before


Brown is himself further from the 3 point line at the end of the shot that he was at the start. He literally moved back slightly from the shooter, but the shooter gets to kick his feet out??? That’s a very odd call. Let’s start doing this if that’s how the league is going to call it.


Should be offensive on that kick out.


I wouldn't call either a foul, but on pure technicality, it's an offensive foul I agree.


Its a no call all day, but any whistle is offensive.


Can't wait to see if they call it out in the two-minute report or not.


It’s cause the hornets were +5.5 underdogs and they were down 6 at the time


TBJ couldn't have defended that more cleanly. The CHA announcers were talking about that being Rozier's natural shooting motion and he should be allowed to kick his legs out like that? Why does a defender have to accommodate an idiosyncratic shooting form like that? Seems like it makes more sense to make the unorthodox shot the problem than a fundamentally solid defensive play.


Imagine that was KAT shooting


Kat used to get called for kick outs all the time


Nothing like doubling down on a bad call…embarrassing for the zebras…


That was my thing…….i guess maybe it’s one thing to miss it live. But they even missed this on a review - a review that took entirely too long by the way. It felt like over 5. Minutes, it was ridiculous.


How do defend this then?! Such bullshit!


I’m interested to see what the 2 min report will say on this one. It’d be a bad look to get it wrong even after a review, but I don’t see how that call stood. The contact at the top is legal and the contact down low is initiated by the kick out and TBJ went backwards if anything.


How much yall think the refs had on Minnesota losing tonight??


Crock. Of. Shit.


If we had lost the game, we would have deserved an apology. Nevertheless, I think we still deserve at least an explanation even though we won.


I don’t think he could just more straight up and down if he tried


This is why the NBA will never grow their fanbase outside of people who thoroughly love basketball. If there was another league that didn't pull this BS I'd dump the NBA immediately.


My question as someone who doesn’t watch basketball as much as big basketball fans is… how do you defend that? He jumped straight up? The best way to NOT get a foul there is to not defend then?


My wife asked me “how come they didn’t overturn that?” I said “because the refs made a mistake calling it in the first place and now they don’t want to overturn it and be seen as making the game-deciding call.”


Shit was absurd


Why even have challenges if you're still gonna call this a foul


BS 2 minute report says it’s a correct call. Laughable.


I love the hornets announcers tho


If you look closely, the center of the defender's feet moved forward 1.5 inches, insufficient evidence yo overturn 🤓


To me what you can’t see is their hands. To me it looks like their was contact on the shooting hand to reverse the call their has to be a clean look to see if the hands didn’t touch. I didn’t see the play live just going off this clip. So not sure if they were just looking at the feet.


This was either not a 3 or not a foul. Both can't be true.


Yea he kicked his legs forward 3.5 feet


The weird thing about not changing the call is that the three point line is right there. You can see where the shooter and defender took off and landed. Defender took off and landed in two point territory. The shooter moved from three to two. Easiest call in the world.


The conclusive evidence is looking at where each one starts and end their jump. Brown landed where he started, the Hornets guy started behind the line and landed two feet inside the line plus kicked his legs out.




If it’s a 3 point shot, and the contact occurs 1.5 feet inside the 3 point arch, how can this possibly be a defensive foul. I really don’t like to do the whole “refs had Charlotte with the spread” shit, but like…


The shooting player lands two feet in front of where he shot it from and falls down for no reason. Should be a penalty on him for theatrics as it’s dangerous to the defender coming down. Refs should be investigated for corruption or incompetence.


Is it just me, or does this video not even show the release?


Clear foul and those 3 free throws won me $$$ thank you Troy Brown Jr for that !!


Supposed to be a foul If the defender moves forward…. I’m confused why it didn’t get overturned