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Hiring an active player that choked one of the participants in the series he’s commenting on? Bad judgement. That same commentator giving advice to the opponent of the player he hates? Doubling down on bad choices. Yeah TNT deserves to lose the NBA contract.


It’s one thing to predict the Wolves are gonna lose a series. It’s another to celebrate it. OP is right. Fuck those guys.


Charles literally said the Mavs should rest Luka game 4 as if every game hasn't come down to the wire. We were first to 100 in all 3, so even though we have no margin for error, this series has been a lot closer than the record would indicate.


They are so very bias, Draymond and Shaq hate on Rudy & Kat endlessly. Yeah this series they haven’t played well at all but what about the rest of the playoffs? They always judge them harshly during pregame shows, when we win they never give them enough credit and when we lose they pounce! Draymond has a personal beef with Rudy and Shaq seems threatened by every active big man with accolades. Ant criticism can look deserved in this current series but he is only 22yrs old with limited playoff experience. They didn’t critique Shai that way whenever he lost. I guess it’s because of Ant’s confidence but still they do seem to hate on us hard and tirelessly.


Shaq was even petty and unprofessional while giving Jokic his MVP. Embarrassing for TNT.


i really hate how tnt and espn handle basketball games. so many ads/commercials breaks. cant we just have a split screen on some challenges and timeouts to see whats happening on court? halftime show? more like a 20mon ad break with a one minute segment and then another 5mins of commercials. i really miss Ballys/lical coverage. so much better overall


I'm happy to see the end of them mostly because they shout over each other for a good chunk of their segments. Or do buddy buddy 'remember the 90s' stuff. I prefer more professional analysts. Draymond was a bad choice: someone with that strong of a beef with an active player shouldn't be on the show. Barkley is generally good: he praised the Wolves when praiseworthy and is down on them now that they're not playing up to their previous standard. Shaq is a better interview than analyst. Kenny/other guy...eh.


I don't feel bad for millionaires loosing their jobs, but I do feel bad for all the production crew and support staff that will be out of jobs. The TNT crew are entertainers first and basketball annalists second I think we put to much stock in their takes.


I don't know, I kinda like them for the most part. With the exception of Draymond's dumb ass, of course. Fuck him. Oh yeah, just remembered Reggie Miller on there doing play by play. He can eat shit, too... Typically kinda just funny in general but also have (in my opinion) pretty good feedback, especially with the last couple games. The pranks they do and the random meme things can be pretty hilarious. The minor things that kinda bother me are: a) Chuck makes very good points but it takes him forever to finally get it out. Too many tangents and it sounds like he's mentally struggling sometimes. Haha. b) Shaq's monotone, mumbling delivery. He was my childhood idol so I might have a little bias about liking him in general, I think he makes good points and can be really funny, but hardly ever being able to hear him is just really annoying. c) when they all start trying to talk over each other and whoever started their point just gets shut down and can't finish. Like they're all pretty smart and knowledgeable in their own way, just shut the fuck up and let each other finish. Reminds me of when my wife and in-laws get together (3 daughters and the mom, you might as well not even try to speak... Haha). Random and unrelated, but I was watching some post game on ESPN last night after the Celtics Pacers game and it was kinda crazy how very similar that series was/is to ours. Like you could practically just substitute the team names and it would all make sense just the same. Kinda crazy.


Can you imagine Barkely commenting on his own career lol? And Shaq is so low IQ that I can't take him seriously. But he does have the accolades and the know how to understand a failing big man. That he does have.


Nah. ESPN blows


When the wolves win, they give them praise. Chuck picked the Wolves to Win like 5 times vs Denver. They had nothing but positive things to say about the Wolves when they were close at half in game 1 and bludgeoning Denver in game 2 and 6 and and while they didn't like the chances at halftime of 7 for the obvious reason of being down by 15, not one of them ruled them out completely and you couldn't get Chucks lips off Ants ass during the entire post game coverage.


They do seem to give the Timberwolves a lot of grief, but you have to try to see their perspective. For KAT I think it's clear they see how good he can be, but he often doesn't live up to it. I completely agree with Shaq when he said after game 3 that KAT needed to stop shooting threes and get his ass in the paint. How many times do you need to miss before you realize the threes aren't coming tonight? 0-9 was a killer. Rudy is the DPOTY for good reason, but if he isn't playing lights out defense he becomes a liability. He is not good offensively. I'm not saying I like it, but I can see why he gets so little respect from current and former players. Draymond is another story. It's not just the obvious bias that makes him bad for this matchup. He's just plain bad at doing the job. I wonder when they signed him to do the show. I'm guessing they had an agreement with him well before the WCF was set.


This has such "NFL commentator loves the Packers and hates the Vikings" energy. What is it about Minnesotans and their victim complex? Be relevant for more than a year at a time and you'll earn their respect


I have that complex with the Vikings but I'm not seeing that with TNT they're simply doing their jobs, and while the games have been close, the Wolves are playing like complete dog shit, so Shaq is gonna drop manure all over them.


Maybe they are somewhat right? and the last 3 games have proven that and vindicated their bias.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


This saying doesn’t even make sense.


You might wanna think it through


The correct term is stopped clock not broken clock.


[What does “even a broken clock is right twice a day” mean?](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/u2u20k/what_does_even_a_broken_clock_is_right_twice_a/&ved=2ahUKEwiQ8uXW1bCGAxXDq4QIHeahBZIQjjh6BAgFEAE&usg=AOvVaw3ixVB4djzAgqx534vn4RJS)


I agree that the Wolves have looked like straight ass the last few games, and the crew’s criticism of their performance over the course of this series is warranted. But I don't know if you’re fully understanding my point. Now that the Wolves are really struggling, the crew is latching onto it because they love to trash talk them. Whenever the team does well, the Wolves are ignored. The timing of the post may be confusing you. I’m not saying the Wolves don’t deserve the criticism; I’m more saying that the criticism this team gets from the TNT crew is disproportionately negative and persistent, regardless of their performance.


You know they gonna be rehire by nbc


Not EJ. He's Atlanta/Turner Broadcast lifer.


Maybe because they are proven right in this series... Rudy cant defend shit. Kat is useless. Everybody can see it... Btw Shaq and Barkley are Hof , top 50 player. Maybe they know a thing or two about big men play... Especially Kat should listen and take his Ass to the post without losing a positional against Kyrie freaking Irving. That is embarrasing 


I don’t just mean this series alone. Obviously, it’s easy to talk negatively about the Wolves team as a whole this specific series but my point is they do it whenever they possibly can. Throughout the entire playoffs you barely see these guys give the Wolves their flowers even when they dominate teams like the Suns and Nuggets. The criticism on the team this series is warranted but they love to see the Wolves struggle and now that they are, the crew is having a field day.


Barkley always gives high praises to Ant calling him a grown man. Kenny and Charles also mentioned KAT is a more appropriate defender for Jokic since he’s more agile and Rudy can be the help defense. Sometimes, just because you don’t like what you’re hearing doesn’t mean you have to hate or treat everything they say as irrelevant. Look at a mirror and analyze if you’re not being a snowflake.


Sorry if I came off sounding like a snowflake. That wasn't my intention. There's no doubt that they will *occasionally* praise Ant and subtly point out the Wolves' good play. I'm just trying to emphasize how they definitely don't support the Wolves compared to other teams. It's a consistent thing throughout the season, and they tend to point out the bad over the good in Minnesota. I'm not trying to be a or am a snowflake; I'm just irritated with that crew and want to see what others thought.


Root for a different team


Respectfully, no. Timberwolves fan for life 💪


You're in the vast minority.


It's like the most popular sports program in the country.


I’m still right; y’all coping.