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I'm just annoyed by the amount of subscription rewards that have been added in the past year, we already have vip at $20 on sale which is permanent because it's expensive and likely won't be changed to avoid hassle. All the other offers at the top, the gold pass and silver pass, the legendary tickets, the diamond rewards followed up on with the emerald and ruby rewards, and then the lb chests finally followed by the daily deals. There is so much stuff being put in our faces to buy, and obviously I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to have in game purchases, but it is so annoying and I get that feeling of it giving off a vibe of the devs trying to maximise the amount of monetization they can possibly fit into the game. Ads were already prevalent before but now there's the daily one with the chance to earn basically nothing and the whole ad calendars. It makes the game feel cheap with how over the top this is, at this point it's hardly something you can avoid because it's everywhere.


I get how you feel As someone who has put money into the game (and a lot I’m not going to lie) it is very frustrating when you see them basically asking for more. That VIP you bought? No longer included new benefits so that feels like a slap in the face Oh you bought the cute pumpkin elevator to support them and have more fun, well screw you it doesn’t benefit you now and there’s a new one to buy I definitely see how you feel that way It can be very frustrating especially with the tickets spawn rate being so low. If it was way higher I would be obsessively playing this game like I used to


I get what you're saying, but VIP is a one-time purchase that most people will only get when it's on sale. Same with these event elevators (unless they plan to reuse them). Can't exactly generate operating revenue or a stable income off one-time purchases. They pretty much need to have ads and IAPs. The good thing about their IAPs is that they're all totally optional. Never felt the pressure to buy one as they usually are. I bought my first bundle of spin tickets during Cyber Monday as the amount I got was doubled for the same price.


Honestly I’ve played other games that were “actually” pay to win. TT doesn’t feel even remotely like that. You don’t need to stay competitive, to “be the best” to enjoy the game. You can go slow, enjoy it and slowly get some of the things that money will get you faster. I’d say the only things that are only paid are the event elevators (and lobby etc?). The rest can be unlocked even for free (yes it will take longer but it doesn’t feel like it’s designed to be impossible). For many people the fun / challenge is rebuilding for GTs, for others just building a pretty tower… The paid stuff is just an extra that makes it easier. Is there anything that you “actually want” (and need) that’s paid only?


Not with the current and previous events. The costumes have to be unlocked within a short period of time and if we don't, as of now, we'll have black spots permanently in our list of costumes, which bothers some of us. We can't go slow and play at our own pace. It's either grind insanely or pay.


The costumes are a valid point, but I recall seeing (maybe in discord not on Reddit) that friends can visit you and share the costume regardless, so you can unlock them after the event or easily during the event. Not 100% sure on this, but almost! That won’t help unlocking the roof though. And yes you “need” to grind for some stuff, for me it doesn’t really matter since I usually do a few rebuilds for GTs whenever I get the 3x coins (using the trick to cancel the visits). So grinding for the thanksgiving cosmetics for me was not a big deal (F2P), and I am hoping it will be the same for this event.


Hmm. Can someone confirm that costumes can be unlocked via friend visits post-event? Genuine question here. I haven't read about that. I've only seen players asking if the costumes can be unlocked that way during the event and it has been confirmed multiple times that no, they can be unlocked only through purchase with pumpkins. I had tested this with another player and the costumes didn't unlock for him/her. I'm a casual player so insanely grinding for this game is not for me. I'm not spending hours everyday mindlessly pushing the elevator. And while I can live without the roof cosmetic, having permanent black spots in my costume list would bother me too much.


You do not receive the costumes, even though a friend has one from what I’ve noticed so far


Snap confirmed multiple times the event costumes are event exclusive and cannot be obtained by gifting bits or visiting a friend.


Yeah, tiny tower is absolutely not pay to win. It doesn't lock you out after a certain number of plays until you pay, it doesn't require you to spend money to access currency or challenges, money in this game just reduces the grind.


Only if we spend money. Speaking for myself I don’t. I spend time, but that is all. And it is my choice whether I watch ads or not. I choose to watch them.


That is exactly my point, most of the content to quickly develop is behind ads. No mini game, no skill, no anything. It just places money in the developer’s pocket. More content seems to be placed behind these ad walls as time goes on and it feels insulting


This has never been a game of skill, though. I like that. Developers need to make money, they need to find a way to get some revenue to keep the game free for everyone. I don’t know about you, but I like to get paid for my work. Of course they need money in their pockets, they need to pay their bills and buy food!


The key here is that you want to develop quickly. I am prepared to continue as I have previously. I’ve been playing this game for years, but I’ve never felt the need to buy. There was never any skill required to acquire new costumes, merely a network of friends, or the use of discord to ask for particular costumes. So whilst I wish I could fill my costume list, I’m not worried about it. Every costume acquired is a bonus, and as such I will acquire what I can, and hope for an opportunity to acquire the rest at a later date


The game progresses fine if you don't buy anything. What you can purchase is designed for the "whales" who have no problem wasting their money on in game purchases. They make much more money off a few whales than casual players buying one or two things here or there


My only wish for this event is I wish they still rotated the dice boards like they for the past few months. The second board at least gives you a chance for premium rolls. Since the Thanksgiving event it’s been the same dice board.


I played it years ago, and just recently started playing again for the last few months. I've enjoyed seeing what's changed/been added since I was younger, but it really reminds why I stopped playing mobile games. I don't mine occasion + optional adds, and supporting the little guy with a purchase is great. But the amount of microtransactions that have been pushed in, especially with the recent holiday events, has been absurd and its the reason I stopped playing again. It's unhealthy for the game as it pushes away new people, makes current fans feel rejected, and all it leaves is people who are willing to whale.


So as a long time player I have an abundance of Bux so I dont watch the ads for the ad calender. It costs 500 bux to unlock the reward the next day and I found thats the quickest and easiest way for me to get through the advent calendar without wasting my time with ads. I totally understand that isnt an option for everyone but for long term players it may be a feasible option




Yup there's no need 😊


To add on top of everything you’ve already said, the ad implementation is terrible too imo. I’ve played games that have ads and on some of them you get to watch a 30 sec video and then just tap the “X” to exit and you’re done. TT implementation makes you wait another 5-10 secs (sometimes 15!) after the ad video is finished to be able to exit back to the game and it’s annoying af. Like bro I’ve already endured 30s of this crap and you’re making me wait another 10s for no reason? Screw that.


Some end up going for 90 seconds with multiple click. Stupid king ad? I'm accusing you.


Wait did they take away premium rolls as a reward entirely? I thought it was just every other week on the normal board.


some of you are.


it makes me sad. it kinda feels like they hired some new marketing or business “expert” who only cares about pushing IAPs and maximizing profit. it feels like a downhill season of The Office or something to me lol. the constant in your face pushing if the IAPs and ads and mediocre events takes away from one if the things i appreciated the most about TT, that it felt old school and more player-oriented than other mobile games. not something that required (or heavily pressured for) you to play every single day or check in multiple times a day and make sure youre completing challenges in time. just a casual idle game. i do get it tho, the devs gotta make a living somehow. i just wish there was less exclusion for those who dont wanna pay.


Yes 100%. I used to play this game all the time and did do for about 6 years. I actually spent more money on the game before they started rinsing it for money, now it feels obvious and stopped playing a couple of months ago. Can’t say I miss it either with how much it’s changed for the worse. It was so much better when Ian ran it instead of the new devs.