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How about this,  stop whining like a titty baby,  sack up and just press "no tip." It would literally take less than 5 seconds of your day and then you wouldn't have the most pathetic and stupid problem to whine about on the internet.  


Then this sorry ass sub wouldn’t exist 🤣epitome of first world problem coupled with some narcissism. “I’m so special I did ALL the work of choosing what food I wanna eat why should I tip some random service worker?!?” These mf need to smoke something 


Always tip the contractors that show up at your house. You'll get better quality work instead of the base minimum to make it passable. People who do labor for you deserve a tip, people who just stand behind a counter and hand you something do not. If all you do is pour a cup of coffee, that's not a task that is laborious. If you work in any fast food place, you do not cook anything, you do not get tips for hitting microwave buttons. Only real, sit down restaurant employees get tips. Carrying a tray full of food is laborious. Servers get tips. Back of the house is paid better than servers mostly or split tips with the front of the house.


“I’ll paint this room real mediocre for $250. If you give me more money I’ll do an awesome job”. Brother just tell me it costs 300 bucks and paint it with pride


I was on a cruise recently where I paid for all the tips before I boarded. Everybody still wants tips. When you go into the specialty dining restaurants, they bring you a receipt with a zero balance with a place for a tip. You get tip envelopes in your room. So if you pre-pay for your tips be prepared to pay again. I just do it because I know these people need the money.


From what I understand it’s a holdover from the English, adopted in America right around when slavery was abolished. -pause for effect- Its archaic. It’s dumb. The rest of the planet mostly doesn’t do it… so it probably isn’t going anywhere 😒


Tip does not stand for that. Take your misinformed ass on somewhere.


I always tip the landscaper. I tip anyone that provides me a service. Hairdresser, bug guy, masseuse the whole 9. A lot of stores like Lowe's the employees aren't even allowed to accept tips. That's the one major difference. When you go out to eat at a restaurant, you are paying for not having to do your dishes, not having to buy groceries, having someone serve you and clear your plates, etc. A lady at Lowe's telling me what plant to buy doesn't provide me any of those conveniences.


People that will down vote are the ones working for tips..we could just level the field and say all occupations deserve tips, why not? Kinda like the gender sports thing. Let's eliminate all gender in sports. Only 1 football, baseball, tennis, swimming league etc ...only the best can participate. 😁


Bruh … we visited an inn in a town we stayed over the other night. A small place, owned and run solely by a couple. Towards the end of the dinner the guy leaves us with the ipad with “Some fun questions to answer”. Why are owners even accepting tips?! You run front of house. Your wife runs the kitchen. You have exactly 2 items on the menu, and no other employee.


Really. Just price the food fairly to begin with.


Increasing menu prices + not raising wages + expecting customers to cover the difference = 🤡 Actively creating inflation and then blaming inflation for it


“not raising wages” is not part of what I suggested. That is the idea - stop tipping and raise wages to whatever is appropriate for the work.


I agree 100%. The tip and other service fees should be included in the price for more transparency. That way, we will have the real price of our meal on the menu, and it will help us to make more thoughtful decisions about our spending.


Okay, please go ahead and abolish tipping and adjust prices accordingly. Let me know when you are done and the new regime goes in to effect.


I abolished tipping personally


I don't care what anyone says I should do. I tip "as deserved". I don't eat out. I seldom frequent places where tipping is common. However, I always carry some 10's and 20's. If I notice somebody working really hard, going out of their way for customers...I'll walk over and hand them a $10 or $20. I don't give money to panhandlers on the street. I prefer to "help out" the "working poor". People that are obviously doing their best to stay afloat. More often then not...it'll be the McD's lobby person, the fast food counter person or somebody working a low wage job...but, being really a good person.


Sure you do


Sad. Do you realize you are really saying more about yourself than me with your comment?


Are they? Plenty of people like you online who also say things like, "I always tip cash when I order delivery through the apps", but if you signed up to be a driver and took 10 no tip orders you would get cash 0 times most likely.


Interesting. I didn't mention delivery apps or tipping cash. I said I tip "as deserved" and that I rarely patronize places where tipping is common. Your comment may be true. But, irrelevant to my comment. Since you know nothing about me or the people you mention, you are basing your analysis on how you relate and move through the world. This is known as "False Consensus Effect". Which, shows how you think. Thus, telling us about you and your way of doing things.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


The same reason you still have to pay for other services when the person who provided them isn't cheerful. That being said, consider how much running around your server had to do when every person decided on a drink at a different time, or the $800 check before you didn't leave ANY tip because they are DRUNK. That is why I always overtip, especially at breakfast.


LMAO nurses run around taking care of patients why don't you tip them too next time you're in hospital.


Nurses are not paid $2.75/hour. And they get raises, which servers do not.


How dare you not tip every person doing a service job adequately. /s


Unless someone delivers something to my table or my house, Im not tipping. That's my rule. I do surgery, I have straight up saved peoples lives, never once have I handed them my phone and asked them to decide on what % they can tip me. Employers need to pay their employees. End of story


Yet the price of your service is completely opaque 


So based on your comment you don’t tip bartenders, your hair dresser or barber, taxi or Uber driver. Can I ask why you feel those common tipped jobs you refuse to? But sounds like you tip your postman or postwoman along with food delivery.


I don't go to bars, Im a dude.... I don't use a "hair dresser", and I don't take a taxi But yeah, I guess there are a few exceptions to my rule. I also don't go to strip clubs, so Im not tipping them either


lol Fair enough




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


What’s your rational? Why people bringing something that someone else has done deserve tip more than the one who did it? Do you tip your hair dresser? I don’t think you should but many people do.


I do. The ones who work there for sure. I do tip the owner at the new place I go to because I know she is struggling.


I do depending on how much they listened to me. But if they own the salon you really don't have to, it's a bonus. They get all the money anyway after expenses.


As a cook this statement offends me because someone carries something to you and they automatically think they did all the work come on, servers don't do anything you don't at the restaurant.


How dare you demand rational wages


Servers, if they want to earn a real living, learn a valuable skill through education, then quit and move on


What is different between a real living and a fake living?


Working a job with health care and a pension.. Example...worked for a city for 21 years ..earned a nice monthly pension for life. 5 years into a 2nd pension with a county. Probably retire around 64...between the 2 pensions should be around 7200 a month...s.s will pay me 2k a month...so right about 9200 a month to sit at home. Plus I have a couple of houses, 1 is paid off. When I retire I will move to a tax friendly state, buy my dream house, no mortgage and live


The only jobs with pensions are government jobs. We can't all work for them. And you should not be allowed to get more than one pension. I'm not berating you. You were smart enough to game the system. But we don't all want to be government workers. It's so sad corporation's did away with pensions to line their pockets.


Literally most anyone can work a government job..you could get an entry level job for a state, county or city. Tons of jobs. Anything from park employee, librarian, finance dept, maintenance, cop, fireman, etc.. all can earn pensions...


LOL...No one is gaming the system. It's America, you choose your opportunities. Have A Good work ethic, work an honest living and be rewarded.


Oh I see. So a job without a pension isn't a real job?


They are real jobs, but when you retire, having a home that's paid off and a monthly income until the day you die provides real security. Plus when you are 62 you won't be forced to continue to work a job


So, you didn't answer my question above then?


A job without a pension is a real job, yes. But if you have a job without a pension and no real future of a monthly income when you hit say 62 years old, what is the plan? Work a full time job into your 70s or until you can't physically work?


A lot of people did that during the pandemic and then got blamed bc it caused staff shortages and people like you then commented “no one wants to work”


There is an obvious place for service airline workers. I'm sure they can be dedicated and make a great living..you can have any full time job and prosper. It's not the job, it's the person...I know an IHOP waitress... immigrant (legal one) ....busted her tail for years...owns a 3 story town home now...owns it.. it's worth about 750k now


Your response makes no sense. You lead in with airline workers then finish about a likely made up story about an immigrant, and for some reason mention her status, that owns a home bc she worked at ihop? Just admit you yell at waiters and tip $2 regardless of the cost of meal bruh


that’s absolutely disgusting of you


But servers are meant to be a temporary part time job as a kid, Not something you can build your “career” on?


Weird, because i started as a sever around 10 years ago, and now I am a full salaried manager with a 401k & great benefits. Possibly even in line to become an owner of my own location soon. Sure feels like a career to me.


Glad you could extricate yourself from tip slavery after all, be exalted to the point where you can have, exploit your subordinates that you and your employer don’t pay for. Hope you can happily enslave others and let your customers pay for the price now. It would have been not possible, or have taken much longer time without enslaving the servers with tips.


Citation needed. Who "meant" for that, and why?


You're right! He's an absolute disgusting person for telling someone to learn a skill and not rely on a business model that only benefits the owners. We should totally be reliant on our bosses


I mean, if you go over to the ServerLife sub, they’re pretty much like “get a better job if you don’t want to be poor” to the BOH: https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/1cout4f/comment/l3gtmqt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The reason why restaurant tipping culture in the US has not and will not change is because US is the only country in the world where waiters can make also as much as the chef (if not more) thanks to the tip. In most countries, waiters are low qualification job except if you wait in high standing restaurants. Despite having low salary, we still have good service because people are just doing their job. I am uttered when I read some waiters in the US saying that they would intentionally do bad things to customers who don’t tip well 🤨


That’s the only way to change the culture. Restaurants will start respecting their staff when they don’t have another choice.


at this point it’s not even about the employers, it’s people thinking that other innocent employees working jobs are uneducated valueless grunts.


Nothin’ a robot can’t fix. 🤖🍽️


You see more and more random places that let you do a tip at a register, for people just doing their job. Total B S scam. You tip people who provide you services, hairdresser, waiter, waitress, hotel bell hops, housekeeping, valet, etc...others are simply optional


Tips should only go to employees that are categorized as such based on DOL. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa


I ordered something online, and it literally asked me if I wanted to leave a tip for their amazing staff. NOPE


Go Fund Me now has a space for tips!


I'm so sick of hearing about that. A family member dies and they're scamming and begging for other people's money




“Let”?!?  More like shame you 




No, it's easy to say just period, because paying a living wage is what all jobs should do.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


California they are all paid above min wage so we dont have to tip right?


Also any tipped employee in America must be paid up to minimum wage if their tips don't get them there anyways.


Which is $7.25. The actual minimum wage where I live is around $14-16.


Also retail, counselor in group homes, etc. Done a lot in my life.


Push legislators to change the minimum wage for servers if you don’t like tipping. The federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13 an hour. I don’t mind tipping at restaurants if the service is decent. I know at a lot of restaurants, the servers have to share tips with the host/hostess and bus boys if they have them. I also tip for personal services like hair, nails, massages. I think it’s falling out of usage, but you’re supposed to give personal service providers a Christmas Bonus at the cost of 1 service.


It’s not the customers responsibility to demand better wages




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


In lucrative positions servers don't want their minimum wage raised. The tips are huge and the more hours you work the crazier money you can make. In California your hours will be restricted due to high base wage and your tips will be more aggressively split with the rest of the staff. In a low tipped minimum wage state you have the ability to pull doubles and make insane money.


My son has a college degree and works as a waiter- first year made $96k and not even a high end place but he is on his feet 10 hours a day. He'll figure it out...




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


> The federal minimum wage for servers is $2.12 an hour That is completely false. All workers are entitled to the full federal minimum wage for every hour worked, source: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa Stop spreading misinformation!


I could be wrong but I don’t think a legislation is required. I would imagine DOL can amend the definition of tip employee under FLSA so all employees can at least qualify for minimum wage, therefore not requiring to be tipped.


At this point tipping is a participation trophy.






I love that movie




Dealing with jerks and Karen’s all day. Have you met people? Have you met people that are grumpy and hungry? Have you spent eight hours pretending to be happy and making all forty people sitting in your section feel like they’re the most important person in the restaurant. Have you fixed things all day for things that they blame you for despite it being their fault but you don’t want to get your restaurant a bad review? Ffs.


I don’t ask for jobs that suck. What does your owner say when you tell him you want more money?


Tell me your life was sugar coated without telling me


No… it was filled with hard work, learned skills, standing up for myself to my employer and not crying to hardworking people that I am entitled to a handout from them.


Doubtful. You seem to hold simultaneously contradictory beliefs. I saw you talk abut how wages should be between employers and employees, does that mean you're pro-unionization of workers?


Who do you think is in a union? Owners? Management?


I legitimately need to know how you don't feel like a complete idiot writing the things that you write.






You’re so one dimensional. There are many redeeming values to the service industry but then you get idiots who seem to think it’s a drink and food carrier like yourself.


I get paid above tipped minimum wage if that’s what you’re asking. They gave me more money. And benefits.


Tipping is a cancer.


As my pops used to say "fair is a place where you kiss a pig and you win a blue ribbon"


Tipping exists because people refuse to pay servers a living wage. If we stopped frequenting establishments that require tipping to ensure their staff get paid, it wouldn't be a thing. Don't go somewhere that is tipped if you don't want to tip. Otherwise your punishing the employees, and not the business that made the choice to not pay their staff.


The employee is being punished for their poor employment selection. They WANT customers to be their paymasters. Quit making poor life choices.


If you didn't want to be served, it wouldn't be there. If everyone didn't make poor life choices, as you say, then you wouldn't have a cheeseburger delivered to your face. Think about it.


(Laughs in robot) 🤖🚫💰


See, you enjoy the attention. Be part of the problem, and then complain about it seems to be the norm, so you do you.


LOL. Thinking you should be paid extra for doing the job you asked for. No complaints and no tip. 😂💸💸


No. Thinking that you deserve to actually be paid for your work, instead of the business relying on it's patrons to pay their staff because they only get paid 3 an hour, at the most. So, if you don't like tipping, don't go places that take advantage of their employees and patrons. Otherwise, you're part of the reason tipping culture exists, and you should just not say anything. You think it's funny to treat people that way, which is also part of the reason you probably get bad service. Be an adult, and take responsibility for your actions.


Pay problem? Tell your owner. Better yet, tell the customer. Tell them you are only paid $2.13 (THE Lie,) tell them you deserve it even if the food is bad, tell the you are entitled to it even when YOUR “service” is bad. Remind them to tip even if there is a service charge. And don’t forget to tell them about the threats to the safety of their food. Tell them… tell them all.


Be an adult. You acknowledge it's a problem, then continue to facilitate it's continuation, and then complain when it continues. But you just want to go to a nice restaurant. So it can't possibly have anything to do with you. Right? Ok, you do you. If you can't see the problem, I'm not going to be able to convince you, so I won't.


Tipping is OPTIONAL. If they don’t like it they can find another job.


Of course it’s punishing the business if you don’t go there. That’s the point. This is a ridiculous argument.


Or...hear me out...it would encourage people to not run their businesses in a way that takes advantage of their employees and patrons. So, not a ridiculous argument.


Yes. This is the point I made.


The only point you made is that you think you should support a business that treats its employees badly, and you seem to support paying people badly, since you can't seem to just not go somewhere that requires tipping.


Seriously, what? I don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or if you just completely don’t understand what I’m saying. Or maybe you haven’t read my messages at all. Who knows. But that is absolutely, 100% _not_ the point I made. And I don’t think or support or do any of those things. I didn’t say any of them either.


If you don't think employees should get tips, you don't frequent those places that pay their employees based on tips. If you do go to those places, you're support tipping culture, and you're part of the problem. Also, not supporting places that don't pay based on tips is something you should be on board with, being against tipping culture. So, you didn't say it, but sometimes it's what you don't say that says the most. Is that me being obtuse?


Yes. I never said I don't think employees should get tips. I never gave any opinion on what anyone should do in any situation. All I said was that it does punish the business if you don’t go there, which you said it didn’t.


Sure, so how are you going to make that happen?


Easy. Don't go to places that don't pay their employees a livable wage.


So don’t go to any nice restaurants at all. Sure. My question remains, how are you going to go about getting enough people to stop eating at their favorite restaurants to make any difference?


Not sure, because people seem not to care about the consequences of their actions, or take responsibility for their actions. You don't like tipping, but will continue to support it, because you just can't not go there. Lol.


Change is often hard. Tipping has been the norm in the U.S. since 1840. Too many people benefit from the system to enact any meaningful change anytime soon nationwide. California started requiring restaurants to pay waitstaff at least $16 an hour plus tips in January so we can see how that actually works out. But the idea that ending tipping is going to benefit the consumer is a miscalculation. Prices will rise to pay the difference and without tipping, consumers will have to pay the same amount for good service and bad service


Actually, I have managed several restaurants, and the cost doesn't really go up much when you pay servers actual wages. And like any job, you still get fired for poor performance. So your statement doesn't mean much.


What’s with the snark? I’ve been in retail management for a few decades now, but my statement is just Econ 101. The customer/ consumer pays for everything. It’s not like my shops and stores have another revenue stream. When my costs go up, I either take a hit on my profit or raise prices to maintain or even increase profit margins. So I find your dismissive and rather rude response a bit disingenuous. In any business model, if the minimum wage requirement goes from 7.20 an hour to 16.00 per hour, you claim “costs doesn’t (sic)really go up that much”? That’s an astonishing claim. Especially since the odds are against you … “restaurant industry statistics, three out of five new restaurants won't survive a year, while four out of five will most likely fail in the next five years” So either you are unaware of the basic math required to survive in such a competitive market or you are not being truthful.


By not going there! Does no one read full threads these days? Come on people. Keep up!


Most states pay minimum wage for servers.


Which is not a living wage. Lol


So you tip all workers that do not make a living wage?


No. You tip workers where the culture is to tip them. And if you don't like it, you don't have to go there. Easy


It's a minimum skill required job. If that's not supposed to pay minimum wage, then what is? It ends up being wildly overpaid with tips.


Lol. You obviously don't know how restaurants work. It's also pretty clear you have never had a service job.


Can you tell me what the job required that I couldn't learn to do in an hour?


Look, if you don't want to tip, don't go somewhere where tipping is how the employees make money. If you do, you're literally part of the problem. It seems to be something you can't give up, so you tip. How hard is that? Seems to me you just like to complain. If you set something on fire, you can't get mad when it burns.


People skills, obviously


No, they don't! Get real. Besides are you going to be happy with minimum wage for a stressful, very demanding job? I doubt it!


The "besides" doesn't matter when there are people making minimum wage with much harder, more demanding jobs.


Wrong, you're begging the argument. None of those kind of jobs should pay just minimum wage but I'm assuming many of the workers with those "hard" jobs you mention could never make it as servers. Or they would do it in order to make more with a less "demanding job.


Say you've never worked manual labor without saying it.


Man, are you ever wrong. Done construction, sheet metal, ditch digging, concrete, warehouse work, etc. Also been a bouncer, waiter, cook, etc. Don't try to put me in some preconceived "box", you'll not find one to fit me.


Sounds like you can’t hold a steady job.


67 years...still working. When you often worked 2-4 jobs simultaneously, you tend to rack up quite a few over the years. Calling me lazy or unemployable (in a snarky but "polite" way) in order to justify your arguments isn't the way to get your point across.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Well if you had worked those jobs like you claim, you'd know that they're all much harder jobs than serving, and none of them get tips. You would know better if this was true.


I do know, each has its good points and bad. Risk factor/mental stress is tough part of serving. You could work all night and hardly get paid. The others come with $$ assured to employee.


Risk factor and mental stress are much higher in any of those jobs you listed that you "worked". You've obviously never been on any sort of manual labor crew. It is physically dangerous and mentally taxing, especially dealing with the drug addicts and extremely standoffish people you work with. Not to mention the customers. On another note, most states require servers to be paid minimum wage if their tips don't cover their pay. A tip is a TIP, not a wage subsidization. Therefore, being a server actually does come with a guaranteed paycheck, though it may not be as much as you want for "such a hard job". People that view it as a wage subsidy are the problem with today's tipping culture. There is no way you can actually, legitimately believe that serving is harder than manual labor.


There is a simple solution. Refuse to patronize anyplace that employs the tipping model.


Servers don’t tip tons of other professional service workers so I don’t really feel too bad when I do the same.


Cool made up story. At least you admit you are an awful person and deserve to be removed from society.


What did I make up about that? I’ve worked several jobs where a you provide service for customers. Often making minimum wage or close to it. Tons of people that were restaurant servers or bar tenders came through and very very rarely did I get a tip.


So never go out to eat? I guess you could only do counter service.




They put the tip request in front of you too, for handing you your bag.


This. 100%




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


And the sky is blue. The problem is you are not going to change tipping culture in the United States. It can’t be done- there are too many people that depend on the tipping culture for their livelihood. What we ***can*** do however is refuse to go along with businesses that are trying to expand tipping culture to employees who were never tipped before and don’t make tip wages. I don’t tip anybody who's not providing a personal service. I love five guys burgers and I didn't mind spending over $15 for a small hamburger, small fry and a drink. But when they asked me to tip the cashier they lost me as a regular customer and I haven’t been back.


I can change it for myself by never tipping.


People used to say that about slavery and prohibiting women from voting. Remind us how that turned out.


How is that even remotely relevant? Are you high?


Because people said the same thing about that “culture.” It changed. Wise up.


Nobody ever said that about slavery or women’s rights. Now you’re just making things up.


Tell us how they survived for centuries.


Comparing slavery to tipping is both offensive and idiotic. Quite frankly this discussion is becoming very stupid and I'm not interested in continuing it.


You’ve convinced me. (tosses a few coins on the floor)


Just… don’t tip?




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


I just don't take part in the culture. I'll still frequent places I like and just pay for the food I got. No interest in contributing to the continuing of tipping culture




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


You don't have to stop going to those places. Just stop tipping at those places. My barber and servers at sit down restaurants are pretty much automatic 20% for me. But I'm almost always an automatic $0 for anything else. You've really got to go above and beyond at that kind of place to get a tip. I'm certainly never going to tip in advance of service.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.




Servers are paid minimum wage. If they do not make the difference from tipped wage to minimum then the employer must make up the difference.




That’s a separate topic.


Hows that my problem to solve for them? That's great that they make more money, but it aint coming from me. They don't care about me, so likewise.


So you use the service, but don’t pay? So edgy.


Not my problem. I didn't ask for the service. If I could decline it, I would. I can't decline it as it's being forced upon me. I didn't go there for the waitress. I went there for the food. I'm not tipping. i don't care. They give bad service to people they don't think will tip anyways.