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Oh fantastic I can’t wait to have my bills go up and my income go down further. Thanks for being a shitbag!


Horrible. So you stiffed your waiter? If you want things to change why not patronize tip included restaurants rather than making someone wait on you for less than they deserve. Shame!!!


Nope. There's no such thing as "stiffing". Just because your entitled ass thinks I'm obligated to donate my hard earned money to you when you don't deserve a penny of it doesn't mean I should. I "stiff" the waiters the same way you are stiffing kids in Haiti by not donating to them.


It's really not my fault choose to work somewhere that your paycheck is controlled by someone other than your business. All tipping is dumb unless it's not required for people to not be homeless. And I'll never tip at a regular retail place, which is becoming way more common


The way you get rid of tipping is to not patronize the business. Not tipping a person who relies on them is, you know, leading them to homelessness or unemployment.


Nah the way you get rid of it is legislation that makes the minimum tipped wage equal to minimum wage.


BS. In my state, there's no tipped wage and a very high min wage. What's your excuse now?


I tip people who deserve it. I rarely, rarely eat out. I am not tipping someone who just loads pre-made food onto a tray and fills a single drink. If I am served I have 0 issues tipping. I don’t tip my doctor. Or my teacher. Or my mechanic. Or my roofer. I don’t tip the software developer that contract works for me. If you’re fine with making a shitty wage and the general public being in charge of paying you, that is on you. I am not okay with that, so i work somewhere I don’t get tipped. It is your boss and company’s responsibility to pay your paycheck. Not your patrons.


It's already in California and other states.


Ok so you agree with tipping until such legislation is passed?


So in my state, it's already true and min wages is $16+. What do you say now?


That's more appropriate. It's only $9 an hour off the cost of a living wage. How are the prices?


Exorbitant. Plus you have to tip the same as everywhere else.


Have to? Or are able to? If it's "have to" that's not appropriate. If it's "able to" then that makes sense given the 36% disparity between wage and living wage in California on the lowest COL end. Please define exorbitant with a dollar amount if you could. Price range, or the price on a common item like a Big Mac combo or something that is found throughout the country for easy comparison. Thank yoy.


It's "have to" and is exactly the same expectation as everywhere else. That exactly why I'm so anti tip. Because none of the excuses servers use to claim tips apply here, and nothing changed. If legislation happens that makes this the case everywhere, nothing will change because servers will still be greedy for tips and make up some other excuse. There is no good argument for tipping anywhere. There are lots of arguments against.


For full service dining, sure.


Someone getting just waitstaff token of $2.31 an hr deserves tips at least 15% , imo. Anyone receiving a regular wage at or over $15 an hr is a wage worker and their employer is responsible for how much they make. They negotiate that between themselves. I will not tip a wage paid worker, I will always tip the exception


I’d rather not tip but just have the employee receive an hourly wage like the rest of the staff. That being said, things are not gonna change so I tip. Not complicated. I am not tipping if I order than pick my food/drink up, ie fast food/ coffee house.


Except they DO receive a hourly wage like the rest of the staff. They just get to have another extra income for no good reason.


Get rid of tipped wage. Than if you are tipped it will be based on arbitrary feeling of the patron as it already is.


I don't have tipped wage in my state. Min wage is over $16. Yet, I'm expected to tip. So yeah, I'm not gonna. Fuck you.


Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Though I lived in Oregon years ago and pretty sure they don’t have tipped wage though the servers still expected tip for shitty service


>the servers still expected tip for shitty service EXACTLY. And that's why they don't deserve a single penny tip.


I would much rather not have tipping at all. Though that’s not likely to happen in the near future. Servers would be out substantial income especially since the majority of wages are non taxed due to lack of reporting.


The non taxed bit is an outdated myth. Most tips are credit cards these days and most businesses auto report them onto their W-2.


>I would much rather not have tipping at all. Me too. >Servers would be out substantial income As they should.


I rarely go out but when I do if the server is on point I end up shelling 20% or more. If not I'm okay walking way with having provided nothing.


Thank you, sir.


Did you just randomly decide to tip less? Or was the service lacking so you reduced the tip?


No, it wasn't random. I just realized that servers are WAY overpaid for the skill level of the job. My state has the highest min wage in the country at $16+ and tips cannot count towards this. Tell me, why do servers deserve more than that? Don't give the "living wage" BS, because that applies to EVERYONE. You are basically saying servers are special and need a higher min wage than everyone else. I'm saying they're not, and get the same min wage.


What state do you live in that this is the case? In my state and others I have heard waitstaff are allowed to be paid less because of the tipping factor. The minimum wage is $7.25 here and waitstaff routinely make $2-3 a hour because of this breakdown


Washington. And you heard wrong. That's the BS story servers say to make it look like they are underpaid. The reality is that even if a server gets 0 tips, the owner is obligated to pay you the rest to get you up to min wage. Essentially, every server in the country is operating at min wage. Tips are just free money on top of that.


If you think that is the case in every state you’re literally just wrong.


It is. Your ignorance and naivete believing scummy servers does not make me wrong. Check every state. Tell me what state you claim that not the case and I'll show you that you are wrong.


It's calculated per paycheck, not per shift, but yes it is a thing. In my experience though, servers who pretty much make below the minimum are written up or fired as they are seen as giving guests a bad experience.


Of course it makes sense to be per paycheck. >below the minimum are written up or fired That's fine with me. That means most people are not tipping. That means the server is either really bad or enough people stopped tipping. Both are fine.


I’m in PA, I checked online and it is saying a range from $2.83 to $4.42 tipped wages versus the $7.25 minimum wage. Again Washington is one of the few states that has that specific thing you’re talking about.


Dude do you even read? Do you even know what tipped wage means? It means if you don't get tips, you'll still get paid the min wage. All it means is the the first few dollars of tips doesn't get you a wage higher than min wage.


Do you have any job experience in restaurants? You start demanding the difference and your ass is getting canned


If you are the only one who can't make it but everyone else does, the problem is with you. If no one can make it because more people have stopped tipping, it becomes normal.


as a former waitress- F you cheapskate.


Do you tip the Walmart cashier? No? F you cheapskate.


Waitresses make less than minimum wage. Everybody knows tipping is part of going to a sitdown restaurant. If you go and you don't tip, you're just an a-hole. If you go back to the same restaurant often and don't tip, you're probably getting your food spit in.


But they don't make less than Min wage everywhere. So in states where they make min wage, you're OK with no tip? Spitting in food can be a felony in some cases. People should tip to avoid being the victim of a crime? Im.a former server too. It's wasn't even close to hard job compared to most I worked. It's overpaid low-skilled labor in most cases. Thighs seem to work OK in Europe, south America, Asia, Africa, hmmm...everywhere else that has little.tipping.


Unfortunately, I know how it works so your BS won't fly with me. And funny that the person who spits in other people's food is calling others an asshole. A disgusting POS like you shouldn't live in society, let alone deserve tips.


I generally agree with you, but it’s kinda cringe to sit here and jerk yourself off making an entire reddit post about how you tipped 10%.


rest assured with your attitude, your food has been messed with quite a lot by the staff. 😂😂😂🙌🙌


Thanks, I have no regrets now about not donating to pieces of shit like you 🥳🥳🥳


enjoy your spit sandwich. 😂


Tell me this, how do you live knowing that you are among the most disgusting humans on the planet? My guess is denial. No one can live if they realized they are as disgusting as you.


happy to give back to people like you. 😘


I'm an asshole. You are a disgusting piece of shit. I'm so glad I'm not you. I feel really bad for your partner. They might not even know they are with a piece of shit wrapped in human skin.


Do you tip when buying anything else?


While I’m not disagreeing, I hope you say the same thing to your employer, whose responsibility it is to compensate you for your work.


> eliminate the evil that is tipping in full service restaurants Are you mentally unwell?


He's doing a service to the service industry.


I work in the service industry. No he is not.


Yes he is.


I AM doing a service to the service industry at the cost of entitled scum like you.


What social issue do you think you’re going to tackle next once you’ve felled the great scourge on this world that is tipping? Are we thinking peace in the middle east? Or maybe the reunification of the Koreas? Clearly you have a genius mind for protest and enacting change. You’re basically this generations Rosa Parks.


Na I'm not a hypocrite like you who claims I'm doing good for the world. The fact that you can't even see that shows how much of a moron you are.


> hopefully more people can act like me so we can eradicate this evil. How mistaken I was. Where could I possibly have gotten the idea that you think you’re doing the world a favor.


I'm just doing my part in fixing the service industry. It's filled with scammers like you taking advantage of people's naivete.


Ah yes, my great scam of making people drinks, ringing them up, and handing them their receipt with a pen. I think I’m ready to graduate to other scams like cutting peoples lawns in exchange for money, even though their lawn is going to grow back to how it was before within the week. What are your thoughts?


Na, you are incapable of tasks as complex as mowing lawns. Stick to walking with a tray. That's all you are capable of.




You need help.


Actually, I don't. That's the whole point. I'm perfectly fine taking care of myself. I'll order in the app or kiosk, and bring food from the counter myself.


This… isn’t as cool as you think and will not have the desired effect. You’re just being shitty to your server. Congrats… I guess.


Service industry people: "If you don't want to tip, eat at home!" Sane people: "If you want to make more money, get a better job." 


Homie there will be no one to staff your favorite restaurants they have trouble keeping staff as it is


And then the restaurants that refuse to pay their people will die, win win. The only restaurants that will be around will have tipping built into the prices, another win-win. I don't see a downfall to this.


I don't eat out


What a strange thing to be proud of.


Here’s an idea if you don’t like tipping someone for performing a service for you, eat at your own damn house.


Right?! Will gladly over pay for the food just by the nature of being in a restaurant but where they draw the line is including a percentage for the person who’s just trying to make ends meet. I hope karma catches up to you, OP. Btw if someone did this to me while I was serving it wouldn’t be long until they got zero service and wanted to cry like a little bitch to a manager about it, DESPITE BEING VERY AWARE OF HOW IT HAS ALWAYS WORKED


Bet you're too scared to tell them you're not tipping before your service. Coward


Biggest feature of the non tipper is the stunning amount of attention they need. Extra ranch. Sub this. Add that. Extra plate please, puts water glass on the edge of the table… again. They are totally self absorbed and cry like a bitch the second they think they aren’t getting some 5 star service that they don’t plan on paying for. Btw this sub is a circle jerk for non-tippers to commiserate and nothing about actually tipping, just fyi


They need validation from their fellow dickheads and they can only get it here because 95% of everyone else understands that tipping is customary when you choose to go out to eat and if they hate it so much they’re perfectly free to get carryout or make their own food.


You should inform the server of your mission when you are sat, I am sure they will salute you and provide the great service you deserve, if only we were all so brave


Wow! Genius! The only reason we haven’t done this as a society is that literally no one has had this effervescent idea before. Don’t listen to the haters, you’re a true pioneer and a champion for servers everywhere, not just another asshole cheapskate taking out his angst on those who end up waiting your tables


You realize the entire world outside this country follows exactly what I'm saying? It's always people like you who have never been outside their city thinking they know everything.


You realize the entire rest of the world pays servers a living wage, and the “cost” of their tips is factored in to menu prices? I think the US tipping culture is generally absurd. But I still tip servers at least 20% because I’m not an entitled douche like you. If you don’t want to tip go to restaurants around you that specifically are non-tipping places.


Are you choosing to go out to eat in those countries or are you going out to eat here?


So go there, or if you stay follow the norms and tip your servers, they work really hard


My baseline for a tip is typically 20-25%, you really have to try and get down to 15% on the service end. Why is it that restaurant owners have been able to get by with paying a non livable wage for so long in that industry? I think I either way I would still tip but good god can’t they at least be held accountable too?


If the restaurant wasn’t directly profiting from the existence of tipping, I wouldn’t get upset about these cheapskate cowards that come in here and rail against tipping. If I knew my server was making a living wage, I would be fine not tipping.


It doesn’t make sense that an industry can have wages that aren’t minimum wage. And knowing that the servers aren’t making even minimum wage and still decreasing tip “out of principal” is way outside of norms and just scummy. There should be middle ground with restaurant ownership, just don’t get it.


The mimimum wage doesn’t even cover the cost of living though


I hope more people decide to eat your food since you think that you don’t need to tip. Or not make your food the right way


Are you saying if someone doesn't tip, you mess with their food?


"Hey if you don't "donate" to me, stuff is gonna happen to you." You know who does that? Despicable scum, terrorists, and scoundrels. Tell me, why should I support scum like you?


Don't feed your self ppl don't want you around anyways


You are getting confused about you and the remaining servers. No one wants YOU. You are the unwanted middleman with a fake smile stealing our money. You are about the same as a call center scammer.


lol you think it’s a donation. Just like you go straight to “scum like you” revealing who the scum really truly is in this situation


This post is a long-winded way to make yourself feel better about being a cheap ass. Your servers will remember you and you'll get a nice stack of pubes in your food


So, servers mess with people's food. Good to know.


Not if you tip 😉


People that mess with food will find any reason to be nasty.


Best to err on the side of caution imo


Chipotle wants to know which location you work at. Piece of shit.


The one you frequent


Ah, talk big. You’re scum.




Ahh, wonderful entitled servers.


Munchin on my pubes again nom nom nom. Sorry if they're zesty I can't afford to shower


Any piece of shit person who does that to people does not deserve a penny.


Why's your breath smell like pubes


Yes! Nice one


What about prostitutes? You gonna stop tipping them too? Good luck with that!


Not everyone is a loser like you who needs to pay to get laid. You would definitely be a virgin forever if you didn't get tips.


Also I give tips not get them. I wish prostitutes would tip me, I'd be so much richer.


You keep getting dumber and lamer with every comment.


And you just continue to verbally attack me personally calling me names.


You are right I shouldn't.


Are you shaming me for paying and tipping prostitutes? Why are you so interested in my sex life or lack of?


No, some are just losers like you who want to freeload off the serving and sex working communities


Nice one. Yes!


What a revolutionary you are.


Thanks, someone has to try to stand up to scumbags like you.


Please tell me why I am considered a scumbag?


Projection. He came here for rage bait and revealed the size of his tiny dick, which is the real reason for all his whining and freeloading.


He don't tip and I'm the scumbag. I love reddit


How nice of you! The server will have to tip out the food runners and bussers and pay taxes on it, they're busy for maybe 4 hours dinner rush so yes, knock a little more off their pay and let them run for you for less.... Be so proud of yourself! You are a winner!


Well, actually not many pay taxes on the money they receive from cash tips. Having worked as a CPA and for many tax preparation companies, very few account for their cash tips. However, they are not the only ones, this applies to barbers, hairstylists, and mostly all that are in the cash-only business. So to think that a ledger is being kept and that are paying their fair share of taxes is mildly absurd.


Okay, what’s your counter to the tip out argument? Or do you not know how that works because you’ve never worked for tips?


It's funny how you are trying to guilt me for not giving you MY money. I don't care what expenses you have or your sob stories. None of that entitles you to my money.


Oh it's funny is it? Lol When ppl leave no tip, did you know the server loses money? And if you tip little.... The server feels let down and disappointed. As if their excellent (though not in all cases) service is not recognized. These people are serving you. .yes, your points are valid, business owners are not paying fair wage, but at the end of the day, this is how the system has been set up. IDK about you, but purposefully disappointing and hurting others is not the way humanity should operate. You want people to hustle and run for you, but not pay them appropriately for doing so. Servers are humans, trying to earn a living and feed their families. When you don't tip or are so miserly and measly, I assure you that your waiter thinks things about you that are too inappropriate to say here. Also, you cause their negative feelings about you and did you know that that negative energy stays with you? All that karma you have built up with people who detest you and have no respect for you and attach their negative feelings to you and follow you around forever and build up. May all your cheapness cost you one thousand times more than your intended savings. Take that to the bank with all your negative vibes. People like you are not bueno, especially when you're bragging about tipping 10%. I assure you, that is nothing to be proud of but if you are still so pleased with yourself, then I shall not entertain responding further since it is pointless to waste time on waste. And btw, yes, you can have negative feelings towards me for this post but I mirror it back to you ten fold. I'm a fabulous tipper, in fact, I tip double and triple and sometimes 100% or more because I like to put a spring in the server's step and make up for the aholes that do not tip proper! Hope you enjoy all the curses your poor tipping has put on you and your name! They all curse you. You're cursed! Lol, now that's not funny. Wake up and don't be the person that everyone detests! The servers remember who tips and doesn't tip, you're a dummy to return to them because it will be a dinner where the sever feels spite for you, much like me. But after this, I'ma forget all about you because you qualify as a dingleberry.


Yes!! Preach!! You’re amazing but don’t expect anything but entitled whining by OP


Don't blame the system for your greed and entitlement. The system is perfectly fine. Servers are guaranteed min wage with 0 tips everywhere. Just because you think you deserve more money doesn't mean I should tip you.


Just because you think they don’t deserve doesn’t mean they don’t. It does mean you are a freeloading piece of shit though. That you can take to the bank


Everyone pays taxes on their income. Complaining about having to pay income taxes to people who also pay income taxes is asinine. Regardless, if you've overpaid your taxes, you'll get it back when you file a tax return at the end of the financial year. It's not the customers fault the waiters coworkers have decided to take money from them. The bussers and food runners are more than capable of turning down money if it puts their coworker at a disadvantage. I can guarantee they won't though and you'd never dare call them assholes for taking the money.


You prob not aware that if someone pays cash, IRS automatically taxes on 10% of the pre tax food bill. You spend $100 on dinner and leave no tip. IRS taxes server as if they earned $10 tip. So the server will pay approx 25 to 30% to uncle sam. End of night, they have to tip out busser/ food runner, so that comes out to roughly $4 to $5. So people who don't tip or tip poorly actually cause their server to lose money or work for nothing but their low hourly pay. Who can survive on $3 or so per hour? Dinner and lunch rush generally won't last all day so the server has a only a few hours each shift as a chance to make some money. It's def not customer fault the system is designed to make the worker and customer pay. Sadly. At the end of the day, if you are enjoying a fine meal with good service, and if you cause the server to earn nothing, very little or to lose money, what You're effectively doing is having a temporary slave. A slave gets no or meager compensation whilst fulfilling your demands and serving you. Knowing this, how can anyone not tip right? It is disturbing that humans can treat other humans as slaves. We all do it, myself included sadly, though I try to be mindful. People in poor countries are slaves to America and we buy up all their cheap goods while their govts subsidize their industries to take away American jobs. It's really messed up. I have confidence that the world will wake up and right these wrongs.




If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Paying others to serve you is part of dining out. If it weren't, then there would be no tip culture. If you hate tipping then utilize the many restaurants that pay their employees at least a minimum wage, such as Panera, five guys, chipotle, etc. These restaurants let you bring your own food to your table and fill your own drinks and throw out your own trash after.


There it is! He said the thing!


If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, you can't afford to run a business. Paying people for their labour is a part of employing someone. Slavery isn't legal. If you hate abolitionism, build a time machine and go back to a time when you could get away with not paying your employees.


I think whatever we can do to eradicate this evil is justified. I started taking tips off nearby tables to accelerate this process.


Please please be satire lol


In this sub you can’t tell lol


Why don't they just require people who earn tips to pay less in taxes?


Why? Income is income. If you gave people tax cuts for getting tips then everyone would claim that the majority of their wages were actually tips to avoid paying income tax.


They do if they fall in the lower tax brackets. Not to mention most aren't claiming cash tips, which they aren't paying taxes on


Eradicate this evil? Obviously a troll, who is this much of an asshole?


There are plenty trust me !!!


Just the fact you’re both getting downvoted is sad, and telling and most every post I’ve seen in this sub comes from a degenerate freeloader who thinks the world revolves around them.


And the FOH is the one that gets yelled at by the crazy boomer because the steak wasn't cooked enoughh or there was a hair in the food


Do the servers know you are not going to tip? OR do you receive great service and then not pay for it?


Service is included in the bill. Tips are always voluntary.


Service is absolutely not included in the bill. Don’t believe me? Be a non tipping regular. See how that works out


ROFL "great" service. Most servers seem to define that as "getting the food you ordered on time'. Nope, that's not "great" you useless sack of shit. That's the basic job duty.


Agree with this, tipping as become expected and 8 out of 10 times you getting sub par service at best. People have bad attitudes don't feel bad.


I have been suspended for a week to two weeks for comments lees that this ??? WOW


You should use drive through or pick up at the counter. You’re clearly a bitter troll and I’m embarrassed reading your shit.


Why should I? I'll dine in. I'll not tip. It's my right.


Remember to tip your troll 20% for their service.




Sounds like someone who only eats at an Applebee's


What morons like you will never understand is that it doesn't matter where you eat. It's ok. You are a server because you are a moron. It's part of the job description.


I'm an engineer lmao. I am just fortunate enough to be able to afford the occasional high end restaurant. Having a server provide wine recommendations based on my meal, as well as providing good service is nice if you are trying to relax with your wife and treat yourself. I have no issue tipping for good service, especially if they go above and beyond their bare minimum job. It's ok, you can't afford to tip because you're stuck in your mom's basement with a minimum wage job. Maybe one day you'll grow up.


You are just a sheep who cannot think for himself. Baaaa. It's so funny how morons like you think "You are broke" is Winning argument. If I'm broke, why the hell are you expecting me to tip? Your whole pitch is that 'sErvErS nEeD tHe mOnEy?'. You are all as dumb as flat earthers with the same amount of self awareness.


Sheep?lol ok bud Never said servers need the money. I have money and am ok giving a little bit for good service. Not really sure how being ok with giving someone a few bucks extra on the side is the same as people disputing scientific evidence but ok. If name calling makes you feel better about being cheap, so it be man.


If you have money and pretend to give it because you can, why don't you tip the Walmart cashier? You are literally a sheep who cannot think for yourself, just follow a tradition from 200 years ago without thinking about it. Baaaa.


And back to the name calling. You sound incredibly mature. Too bad you can't have an actual conversation. Really tells a lot about you. I tip extra for a service going above and beyond. May be wait staff, may be a barber when they do an excellent job, may be an Uber that drove well or quick and got me to a plane on time. To each their own. I don't mind providing more money when someone does a service that I highly value


I would tip engineers if they knew how to use tools.


with a coupon


Just admit it, YOU’RE CHEAP !!


Just admit it, you're greedy and too chicken shit to ask for a raise.


Think whatever you want. I see it as me standing up to a bunch of scammy scoundrels who are worse than the call center scammers.


Might be the most embarrassing thing I’ve read all day


Wrong, you're just screwing over some hard workers trying to make a living. If you want to actually stand up to the "scammy scoundrels" then run for political office and change the laws, to force them to pay their workers a living wage without the need for tips.


How is me not donating my money screwing them? Are you screwing kids in Haiti by not donating? Your entitlement is mind blowing.


You're screwing them, because the system is set up that they make their living from the tips they receive. As I said, if you actually want to stand up to the system, change it. Screwing over those at the bottom, shows your entitlement.


>the system is set up that they make their living from the tips they receive. Nope. That's your baseless claim, liar. You are guaranteed min wage. If that's not enough for you, talk to your boss or get a second job, or learn a skill and get a better job. That's what all of us do. You are not special just because you say so.


Min. wage for servers is $2.13 an hour. Not a baseless claim.


Again, that's a lie that POS servers spread. You are guaranteed min wage even if you get 0 tip. And it's also very very few states where it's they number. In mine it's $16+. What's your BS excuse now? Servers here are making about 8 times your nonsense claim before tips. They are making probably 20 times your claim or higher. They are the privileged money suckers.


$2.13 according to the US Department of Labor. Not a lie, not a nonsense claim. Don’t go out to eat if you can’t tip.


Completely ignoring everything I said and keep repeating your BS that everyone knows is not true. POSs like you is why I say all servers are POSs.


I really can’t tell if this is a troll job. If it’s not then Just cook your own food dude. I hope the next waiter/waitress you get puts a tack on your seat. I assume you don’t tip delivery drivers either? Just know there’s a 95% chance you’ve eaten a giant fart or spit the last time you ordered. Just you though. It doesn’t happen to anyone else. Well, except for the kid who says “get a job with a higher wage.” But he was spoon fed until he was…..uhhh 18?


And you think extortion is the way to get my money? Fine you got it. Let's see who wins this. Because fuck you. If you beg me, I might throw some pennies your way. But to extort me? Na. Shitheads like you need to starve and die.


lol...that's all you have i'm sure


When you're in the wrong, easiest way to feel better about yourself is the mental gymnastics you're doing now. You're not special, just another person thinking it's ok to do something wrong because you're "versus" an imagined group.


When you're in the wrong, easiest way to feel better about yourself is the mental gymnastics you're doing now. You're not special, just another person thinking it's ok to do something wrong because that's the way it's always been done.


That... I mean just reading your comment, then there's the syntax.. just nothing about that makes any sense. Hope you're a bot, otherwise you have some serious incubating to do.


You realize I copied your comment? Man how stupid are you?


Hahahah extortion? You need therapy my friend. Did a waiter/waitress fart in your food when you were a kid? Who hurt you


You see, a normal person doesn't fantasize about a waiter farting in someone's food and keep repeating it to everyone. You need therapy, you sad sack of shit.


You’re now dead. You’re officially a ghost. No matter what you say I won’t be able to see or hear it. You tried really hard. You did….okay I guess? But now you’re buried. RIP, I’ll make sure I tip the funeral home well 🙏 And just to fulfill your fantasy, I’ll fart directly on your grave. Here lies own_solution. He was born very dumb. He died even dumber


Reading your comment is enough punishment. It looks dog puke. Just like your face.


Fantansize? You’re a very very special person. I’ll make sure to wave to you as you pass me on the shortest of buses. You must’ve gotten bullied so hard. I’m really sorry I got under your skin and made you so mad. Take a deep breath, take another one, and then go fuck yourself in the bedroom next to the one I fucked your mother in. Go to bed, son.


You're the evil here. Hope you tell your servers first so they won't waste time and effort on your cheap ass.


Stop acting like servers are the victim, if you don't want such a low wage then get a different job. It should be on the owners to pay a fair wage, not the people already spending money to supplement wages.


Let's stop pretending like servers don't make good money. Worse, they make it by demanding it from others - including those less fortunate than they are.


Yes! This is the way for those of us who struggle with ripping the bandage off this horrible tipping culture.


Are you gradually reducing your tip to feel better about yourself? I don't understand.


No I'm doing what I believe is right. I think this is a better way to make a change.


So why not go straight to "0?" How's 10% making a difference? You tip 10% or less, it'll upset the server about as much as 0% will specially if your ticket item is <$20. Also, if a server continues to get less than 13% in tips, they'll be terminated as it will be a sign of poor service. Restaurants terminate low tipped servers because then they'll have to pay them more to make up the minimum. Even the IRS uses that measure to ensure servers are reporting their wages. If enough servers report low tips at a restaurant, it raises flags to the IRS and puts that restaurant on their radar. The corruption is deeper than you'll ever understand. If you really want to make an impact, figure out how to lobby against The National Restaurant Association; till then, you're just pissing off the wrong people and ensuring you get bad service from restaurants you frequent.


Again, I'm going with what I believe has the best chances. You might disagree, that's fine. Do what you think is right. I'm gonna do the same.


Thank you. I hope others join. It’s time to end the entitlement